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Name: Ophelia Moreau [ Ophy]

Age: 25
Sex: female
Birthday: 23.X.
Likes: kids, to sing [ tough not that much], to play the piano, to cook, cats, blue,
sweets, sunsets, summer, the sea
Dislikes: guys [ more like fear, tough], extremly perverted people, any fake thing,
or people who copy others, lies, and bitter aliments.
Hobbies: piano, cooking, drawing, and writing.
Personality: sweet and kind towards kids, friendly and caring towards her friends
and family, and a bit carerful towards guys because of her fear. She is not afraid
to speak her mind when needed, but most of the time she is quiet. Tough its
mistaken by shyness. She loves her friends and close people so much, that she
would do anything for them. Also, she likes to watch people from afar, and try to
get to know them trough body language, or even background or things like this.
Backstory: She had a rough childhood. Her parents, whom were siblings, made
her, but she got a cock instead of a pussy as a mutation. Everything was okay,
until middle school, when she got accidentaly an erection and her classmates
found out. Soon after, she was made fun of and bullied because of it. In high
school, she was raped by two guys, and thats where she got her man phobia
from. The only persons who had been there for her was Rosetta, and her parents
who encouraged her all the time. She realized children are innocent creatures
and got a like for them, thus wanting to work in a kindergarten, or as a baby
sitter. She got into a psychology college, and after she finished, worked in a
kindergarten, becoming one of the best teachers soon after.

Name: Rosetta Moreau

Age: 23
Sex: female
Birthday: 22. 01
Likes: clothes, animals, to create new things or come up with different ideeas,
arts, and original stuff
Dislikes: fakes, some vegetables, or fruits, fat meat or food in general
Hobbies: to walk, to read, to think of new ideeas, to cook with her sister, to learn
new things from others.

Personality: Most of the time, she is childish and doesnt really care about
anything. She doesnt like food, and does what she wants. She is very original
and hates to copy others, and if she gets influenced by someone when it comes
to clothing style or anything, she modifies it so that it can suit her. Tough, she
can be very serios when she wants, and when she works, she takes everything
very serious. Most of the time, she is ditzy a bit as well, and cares for the ones
whom are dear to her, especially her older sister, whom she sees as a role
Backstory: Rosetta was left in an orphanage by her parents after she was born,
because they saw her as a mistake. For 9 years, she was bullied and abused both
phisically and psihically there by the kids and the workers, until Ohelias parents
came and adopted her. Thats how she met her sister and best friend, Ophelia.
They both helped each other get over their depression, tough her older sister
was going trough despair all the time. She became her role model, and always
did anything she could to suport her. After time passed, she got to work as the
personal assistant of a direcor, but still has enough time to spend with her best

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