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Literature is essentially a creation , a creation not merely - eyes an imitation ( in Luxemburg ,
1989: 5 ) . Literature as a form and the results of a creative work , is essentially a medium
which utilizes language to reveal about human life . Therefore , a literary work , in general ,
contains about issues surrounding human life . Emerging literature was born against the
background of the encouragement of basic human existence to reveal himself . ( in Sarjidu ,
2004: 2 ) .
Literature usually divided according to geographical region or language . So , which is
included in the category Literature : Novels stories / short stories ( written / verbal ) , poem ,
rhyme , theater / drama , painting / calligraphy .
Drama / theater is one of the most popular literature until now . Even in this day and age there
has been a tremendous development in the field of theater . For example soap operas , films ,
and performances - another show depicting the life of living beings .
Additionally , drama / theater also has a tremendous business area . In this case, the organizer
or the cast as well as the financial benefit to be famous , but before getting to that a cast of the
organizer or professionalism should be a human being in order to grow steadily.
Based on the above review , the authors make this paper in order to help the readers who
want to pursue the world of drama . In addition to the definition and elements - elements of
drama , this paper also includes a note about the benefits of drama , and also comes with a
guide to how good acting .
Thus this paper is an overview of the author . Finally, we thank you .
Congratulations Reading ...!
A. understanding Drama
The word drama comes from the Greek meaning Draomai doing , in effect, act . So the drama
could mean deeds or actions .
The first meaning of the drama is the quality of communication , situation , actiom
( everything seen on stage ) that give rise to concern , greatness ( axcting ) , and strain on the
listener .
The second meaning , according to Moulton Drama is life with the motion depicted (life
presented in action ) .
According to Ferdinand Brunetierre : Drama will be giving birth to the action .
By Balthazar Vallhagen : Drama is art depicts nature and human nature with motion .
The third meaning of the drama is a story of human conflict in the form of dialogue that is
projected on the stage by using conversation and action in front of the audience ( audience )
As another term comes from the word drama Drame , a French word taken by Diderot and
Beaumarchaid to explain their play-play about middle-class life . In more rigorous terms , a
drama is a serious play that worked on the problems that have important meaning - although
it may end up with a happy or unhappy - but not aimed at glorifying tragedy . However , in
the modern universe , the term drama is often expanded to include all serious drama ,
including tragedy and the absurd drama .
Dramatic play is a form of art that tells the story through conversation and action characters .
However , a conversation or dialogue itself could also be seen as action understanding .
Though it is a form of literature , different ways of presenting drama kekusastraan other

forms . Novels , short stories and ballads each tell a story involving the characters through a
combination of the dialogue and narration , and a printed literary work . A play consists of
dialogue only ; maybe some sort of explanation , but only contains instructions for guiding
staging by the director . By experts , the dialogue and characters are called hauptext or main
text ; instructions pementasannya called nebentext or tek side .
example ;
Chaterina ( rushed in , bringing good news ) ; Raina ! ( He pronounced Raina , with emphasis
on i ) Raina ! ( He pointed to bed , expecting to find Raina there ) Why , in which the .... !
( Raina turned into the room ) .
Phases in parentheses above are the instructions for the game director and performer . It
guides the actors and directors as well as neighbor structuring stage props . George Bernard
Shaw (1856 - 1950) , pioneer of realism in the history of English drama , hinted at length on
his nebentext found in most of the script because he did not want the play - lakonnya
perverted interpretation of what she really wants .
The absence of narrative in drama can be replaced by the acting of the players , with
menghubunkan themselves with the equipment , the lighting and the music, creating the
atmosphere in and turn the stage into a very real world . In addition , an explanation of the
figures delivered through dialogue between characters who talk about another character . In
the poem , the expression and rhythm mentepati dominant position . Therefore, the poem
does not tell . If you rely on narrative ballads , because the actual ballad is a story , or stories
are sung . For example , the Mahabharata and the Ramayana in the form of song . Poem that
reads well be dramatic , as did Renda , good actor . Then "No drama no doubt sometimes be
taken from dramen word that means something to be played . " Maybe drama obtain almost
all of its effectiveness from its ability to organize and explain human experience . Therefore ,
drama , as well as literary works in general , can be considered as a scriptwriter interpretation
of life . Basic elements of drama - feeling , desire , conflict and reconciliation is a key
element of human experience .
In real life , all the emotional experience is a collection of impressions which has to do with
each other . However , in the drama , scriptwriter able to organize all of this experience into a
pattern that can be understood . Spectators look at real-life material that is presented in the
form of a solid meaning to remove things that are not important and applying pressure to the
things that are important .
Scriptwriter writing plays to be staged , he wrote the drama with action and utterance imagine
actors on the stage . So speech and action are manifested in the dialogue is the most important
part , without which the drama is not really a play . Therefore, an action drama embodies ,
emotions , thoughts , characterization , which needs to be extracted from the dialogues . Is a
must for a sutradra to analyze memanggugkan drama before the play.
B. history of Drama
Most of us think that comes from the Ancient Greek drama . However , a book entitled A
History of the theater show us that worship the Dionysus , who later changed into drama
festival in Greece , comes from Ancient Egypt . Tech Pyramid is dated 4000SM . Abydos
Passion Play script is well-known . Of course the experts still doubt whether or not the text
was drama before Gaston Maspero shows that there are clues in the text indicate the various
characters and action .
There are three kinds of theories which question the origin of drama . According to Brockett ,
drama may have developed from primitive religious ceremonies are staged to ask for aid from
the gods . This ceremony contains many seeds drama . Pastors often portray superaalami
creatures or animals , and sometimes - sometimes mimic the action of hunting, for example .
Developing stories about some rites and stay alive even after the ceremony itself was not held
again . Later myths that are the basis of much drama .

The second theory suggests that the hymns of praise sung together in front of the tomb of a
hero . Speaker broke away from the chorus and demonstrate actions in the life of the
deceased hero . Section exhibited increasingly complex and choir is not used anymore . One
critic suggests that while the choir makinlama increasingly less important , other speakers
appear . Dialogue began when there are two speakers on the stage .
The third theory suggests that the human drama grew out of a love for storytelling . Stories stories told around the camp fire re-create the story - the story of the hunt or war , or an act of
dashing heroes . Teaori third was a forerunner of the drama . Although no one was sure which
one is best , it should be remembered that all three talk about action . That said , the action is
the essence of performing arts .
C. Element - the element of Drama
The elements in the drama include :
1 ) Theme : idea / ideas / basic story .
2 ) Plot : stage continuous story . Exposure includes , infighting , penggawatan , climax ,
denouement . Views of how to craft : plot forward / straight , flow backward , flashback
groove , groove joint .
3 ) People : Cast / people who play a role in the story .
Figures seen from the character : protagonist , antagonist , and tritagonis
Figures seen from the development of character : round characters and flat characters .
Figures seen from the position in the story : the main character ( the central ) and subordinate
figure ( sideline ) .
4 ) Background : part of the story that explains the time and place of occurrence of events
experienced ketikatokoh
Scenery is divided into :
- Social background : the form background , time , mood , time , language .
- Physical background : background objects that form around such figures , house , living
room , kitchen , fields , woods , clothing / clothes .
5 ) Mandate : the message or author inserts advice delivered through characters and conflict
in a story .
The basic thing that distinguishes between literary works of poetry , prose , and drama is in
the dialogue . Dialogue is communication between characters that can be seen ( if in a play )
and be heard directly by the audience , when in the form of drama performances .
D. Dramatic structure
An Aristotle , the Greek philosopher who lived around 300 BC has written Poetics . To
recognize the plot , character , thought , diction , music and spectacle of tragedy .
Identification was later regarded as a basic philosophy of structuralism by TS Eliot called the
Formalistick Approach .
Strukturdramatik :
Exposition : It's the main problem or conflict of exposure -related major diametric positions
between the protagonist and antagonist . The end result: Antagonist managed to collect a
more dominant force .
Raising Action : The content describes the conflict of interests between characters . The end
result: The protagonist does not succeed in weakening the antagonist . Protagonist antagonist
threatening position . Crisis begins .
Complication : The contents perumitan disagreement with the presence of secondary conflicts
. Tapered opposition and widespread , involving both forces warring allies . The end result:
antagonists and allies win the conflict . Kubu protagonists cornered .
Climax : The content of casualties stronghold Protagonist , Antagonist also victims of the
camp . The end result: The tragic events and have a big impact the balance of powers

between the camps .

Resolution : It's the presence of the savior figure , could emerge from the stronghold of the
protagonist or a new character who serves as a unifying force strength of the conflict , so that
the situation can be created again kosmotik . At this stage , the moral message delivered ,
which is usually a moral solution to the theme or the conflict that has been carried.
Here's an example of using the structure of drama in the Drama Romeo Juliet .
At the beginning of our existing plot exposition . It gives the audience the necessary
information about previous events , current situations or characters . In most of the play , the
author has been since the beginning of applying pressure to a question or konplik important .
At the beginning of the story of Romeo and Juliet , Shakespeare has presented a quarrel
between Sampson , Gregory opponent Baltazar and Abraham , an explanation which gives '
Leitmotive ' to the theme , konplik and reconciliation .
Gregory : You fight , huh?
Abraham : Fighting ? Ah , ngak , nope !
Sampson : But if so , I side with you , my best to serve you
Abraham : ah , there would be better .
Sampson : Well
Gregory : ( aside to Sampson , see Tybalt out stage )
Say better . It's one of the master came .
Sampson : Yes , it's better .
Abraham : Liar!
Sampson : Unplug your sword , if you're a man . Gregory , remember hantamanmu .
( They fight ) .
Dialogue on creating an atmosphere round it and a brief but complete portrayal tenatang
konplik between Montague versus Capulet family that will lead to disaster .
Sometimes there is also an exposition about the characters . A movie called Jango versus
Santana can serve as an example . The movie begins with a scene . Plot of barren land with
cactus trees growing here and there. While the focus of the camera is moving towards the
right , a man with dirty clothes and bedraggled looks kneeling in front of a tomb . He was
standing and the camera takes a picture in the medium technique . Enface position gives a
clear picture tokot it . He did not experience adversity , but he was tough to deal with . Brief
but nearly complete depiction of the figures give a clear starting point to begin the film .
In the exposition , konpliknya static elements . Through an incident which stimulates the
action starts moving . Here the great dramatic conflict began clearly unites events - events in
the play . The incident, which stimulates the Romeo and Juliet appear when Tybalt recognizes
Romeo and wanted a fight . President of stimulation that occurs when the host tells Juliet that
Romeo is a Montague family members . Static elements in the exposition starts moving and
daily conflict between Abraham Sampson versus increasingly become more and more serious
. ( Act I ) a series of conflicts arise when Romeo divulge his secret to his friends , climb the
garden wall of the Capulet family , Juliet appears and wait dijendelanya time she appears ,
revealing the two are in love and decided to elope ( Act II ) . The longer the play was
increasingly tense until the pastor to pastor Laurence hoped , after the wedding ceremony
menyeleggarakan , disputes between the families will end and Romeo believes so . A simple
love story between young men and women are now evolving into idealism which involves
two major problems faced by the old man . There is no doubt that the konflikasi toward a
crisis , a turning point when previously undisclosed information and the partially revealed
little dramatic problems that can be answered .
Although she was already married to Romeo , he does not come clean on his father .
Therefore , the Capulet continue with his plan to marry Juliet to Paris . Because the wedding
will take place on Thursday , pastor Laurence on Wednesday suggested that she should

swallow potion that will make a dead faint , while Laurence will send a message to Romeo to
rescue Juliet from the Capulet family tomb , because he felt sure that she would be buried
there . Capulet , as opposed by his daughter , decided to apply for the wedding day . The plan
must be made Juliet drank poison earlier . So that the plan is not blocked , he told host blurted
out and immediately drank poison earlier . The next host found lifeless Juliet . Laurence and
Paris arrive ; but the ceremony had to be converted into a funeral ( Act IV ) .
The last part of the play , often called the resolution , evolved from a crisis until the curtain
closed for the last time . This sometimes collect various groove action and bring the situation
to a new equilibrium , thus the results can be satisfying , but it may also disappoint
expectations of the audience .
Because they do not know that Jliet just looks dead , Balthazar arrived in Mantua before the
priest arrived and gave announcing the death of Juliet . Hearing that Romeo buy poison to kill
himself buried Juliet . After killing Paris , Romeo drank the poison . When awake , Juliet
found Romeo dead and committed suicide . Dispute the two families ended up on top of two
lovers who are dead ( Act V )
E. completeness Drama
Manuscript drama : a script that used the player before the gig guide .
Screenwriter : people who wrote the screenplay and dialogue in the form of a play so
Director: people who lead or manage a group of drama .
Players : people who play acting out the story
Lighting : light regulator in staging
Tata fashion / make up : part drama served completeness memakaian properties makeup and
Sound system : voice control to bring up a specific effect in staging
The stage : completeness drama that set the background of each scene
Stage : a place for players to act out the story
F. Type - type of Drama
Drama according to its time can be divided into two types: new drama and long drama .
1 . New Drama / Drama Modern
New drama is a drama that has the objective to provide education to the general mesyarakat
themed day-to- day human life .
2 . Lama Drama / Drama Classic
Long drama is a fantasy drama that generally tells about the supernatural , or royal istanan
life , the life of gods , extraordinary events , and so forth .
Various Kinds of Drama Based Content Content Story :
1 . Comedy drama
Drama skits are funny and full of joy tickles .
2 . drama tragedy
Tragedy is a sad story full of drama misfortune .
3 . Comedy Tragedy Drama
Tragedy - comedy drama is drama that is sad and no punchline.
4 . opera
Opera is a drama that contains music and singing .
5 . Farce / slapstick
The joke is that lakonnya always acted drama playful patterns stimulate audience laughter .
6 . Operetta / Operette
Opera operetta is a shorter story .
7 . pantomime
Pantomime is a drama that is displayed in the form of gestures or sign language without
discussion .

8 . Tablau
Tablau is similar pantomime drama accompanied by movements of the limbs and facial
expressions culprit .
9 . Passie
Passie is a drama that contains elements of religion / religious .
10 . puppet
Puppet drama is drama that players are puppets . And so forth .
G. Good acting
Acting not only in the form of dialogue , but also in the form of motion . Good dialogue is the
dialogue :
1 . sound ( both volumes )
2 . clear ( good articulation )
3 . understood ( correct pronunciation )
4 . live ( in accordance with the demands / soul role specified in the text )
5 . Balk motion is the motion that :
6 . looks ( good blocking )
7 . clear ( do not hesitate , convincing )
8 . understood ( in accordance with the laws of motion in life )
9 . live ( in accordance with the demands / soul role specified in the text )
explanation :
1 . The volume of the sound is good sound that can be heard from far away .
2 . Good articulation is clear pronunciation . Every syllable spoken with a clear and bright
despite the pronounced quickly. Do not occur word spoken words into overlapping .
3 . Correct pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation in accordance with the laws of the
language used . Eg bold , which means " do not fear " should be pronounced dare not air ani .
4 . Live or animating mean pressure or greeting song should give the impression that
according to the demands of the role in the script .
5 . Blocking is the placement of players on the stage , arranged between players with each
other does not cover each other so that the audience can not see a player who is covered .
6 . Players better seen most of the front of the body than most of the rear body looks . It can
be set with the following benchmark
a. If standing facing to the right , then the right foot should be in front .
b . If standing facing to the left , then the left foot should be in front .
c . Must be set also balance the players on stage . Do not let all the players clumped in one
place . In the event that set the balance , composition :
The right side is heavier than the left
The front is heavier than the rear
A high heavier than the low
The width of the narrow heavier than
The light is heavier than the dark
Overlooking heavier than the backs
Composition is set not only aims to unsightly but also suitable for coloring a scene that takes
place ; Obviously , do not hesitate , to convince , to have that sense of motion even do half
half should not be excessive . If doubtful that seem stiff while excessive impressed over
acting . Understandably , mean what we realized in the form of motion does not deviate from
the laws of motion in life . For example, when the heavy lifting with the right hand , then
your body will be tilted to the left , and so on . Living the mean motion of the body
movement and facial motion should match the demands of the role in the script , including

the shape and age .

Development of drama in Indonesia is not as old as the development sesemarak and poetry
and prose . If poetry and prose poems old and porsa know the old , not so with drama .
Literary genre of drama in Indonesian completely new , along with the development of
education in Indonesia , appeared in the 1900s .
Drama in Indonesian literature written in the early 19th century , precisely in 1901 , by a
Dutch descent named F. Wiggers , in the form of a one-act drama entitled Lelakon Raden Beij
Soerio Retno . For further rise of the texts in Malay Low drama written by the author or
Chinese and Dutch descent .
Furthermore , Indonesian children themselves who began to write drama . Here you will be
treated to some of the playwright Indonesia began Rustam Effendi ( born 1903) up to Hamdy
Salad ( born 1961) .
Birth Year Author Title Author
1961 Rustam Effendi
Sanusi Pane
Abu Hanifah
trisno Sumarjo
D. Jayakusuma
Tatang Utuy Sontani
Usmar Ismail
Asrul Sani
Mohammad Diponegoro
Misbach Yusa Biran
D. Sularto
Rahman Age

Motinggo Busye
Ajip Rosidi
Saini KM
Arifin C. Noer
Vredi Kasram Marta
Aspar Paturusi
Putu Wijaya
Hadi Wisran
N. Riantiarno
Yono Daryono
Arthur S. Nalan
Hamdy Salad
Typhoon in Upper Asia
Rama Bargawa
Eating flowers
fused Artists
Big Fella
Sheep Revolution
haters Sun
Hell Night
In the Shadow of God , neither Interrogation
Sheikh Siti jenar
Noah's ark II
Cindua Mato
Jake Tarub
Sampek Engtay
Ronggeng - ronggeng
Cob Fish lyrics
Woman in Train


Many things we can achieve in dramatic play, both physically and psychologically . This talk
will not separate in detail between drama and theater , as both are a unified whole . Below is
described the benefits of playing drama or theater .
a. increase understanding
Improve our understanding of the phenomenon and the events that we see and we often face
in our daily lives . We realize that understanding others is the hardest work and takes time .
For that drama / theater is one way to solve it . By playing drama or berteater we always get
together with people who are totally different from us . In terms of individual differences that

we are required to understand others . Our understanding to others not only by the person, but
the whole person . Include the nature , character , manner of speaking , a way to act
( behavior ) , how to respond to a problem , a situation which must be understood from the
b . Sharpen the emotional sensitivity
Drama trains us to hold flavor, taste sensitivity training , foster sensitivity , and sharpens our
emotions . Sense sometimes does not need to be felt , because it is in us . Keep in mind that
the taste , as typically , need to be cultivated in order to more sharply . What is before us need
a sense . If not , then everything that we think there will be natural. But they are not . We
become more sensitive to things which course through exercise more . Beautiful flavors ,
balanced , does not fit , no fun , no intimate a part of the emotion . Therefore , needs to be
improved to achieve a feeling of inner satisfaction .
Presents all the drama . Sensitive stage , error sensitive , delicate beauty , sensitive to sound
or music , insensitive imposition that is not tasty and delicious , all the flavor comes from .
The more we are the more subtle flavorings also our response to something that we face .
c . said development
The play as a literary genre , is almost entirely composed of conversation . Conversation
appropriately , intonation , then said we are getting a clear and easily understood by the other
person . Clarity can help listeners to digest the meaning of existing . There should be a word
that is emphasized in order to facilitate interpretation . Where we give a comma ( , ) and dot
( . ) . almost all conjunctions to watch us practice reading immersion in dramatic play . The
sound is not clear and can affect the listener all the more meaning the listener or audience .
Here the need for vocal strength and vocal colors are different in every situation . Not all
situations require the same vowel . Not all sentences should be suppressed but there is
definitely overlooked . Drama gives all these possibilities . As one literary work must be
staged and imposition , and the words contain .
d . Dramatic appreciation .
Dramatic appreciation of the drama is said to be understanding . This understanding is the
realization of good and bad statements . We can give the statement if we never know drama .
The more we watch the more knowledgeable theater in our understanding of drama or theater
. Therefore, we are required to further increase our love for drama . This is done in order to
obtain a better insight into the dramatic .
e . Formation Posture
Posture is closely related to the drama playing exercises , this exercise is divided into two
major categories, namely basic and advanced . Which includes basic exercises are exercises
and vocal exercises of the body . Posture is associated with body work . Body flexibility is
needed in the play drama , because drama requires playing gestures . Gestures that later on
can shape our posture in such a manner .
f . Groups ( Socialize )
Dramatic play may not be implemented alone , except monoplay . Dramatic play , in general ,
be done in groups or group . How difficult it is to set the group we already understand, how
we can live in a group is dependent on ourselves.
Each person in the drama group has the duty and responsibility of the same . There is nothing
more and nothing less , all the same high and low alike , are equally important . To that end ,
the drama always emphasize on understanding attitudes to others and the environment .
Drama group must constitute a unified whole . All elements in the drama there is nothing
important , but all are important . Sense of togetherness , have , and maintain group harmony
is the responsibility and duty of all members of the group . Not only the duties and
responsibilities of the group leader . The merits of the play will not be judged by one member

of the group but everyone involved in staging . Therefore , the need for togetherness ,
togetherness , and unity and wholeness .
g . hobby
Role-play can also be regarded as a hobby dealer . Hobby related literature in general and
drama in particular . In the play there are elements of literature . Drama as a mixture of art
( literature , dance , architecture ) .
A. conclusion
- Drama is an art form of drama that tells the story through conversation and action characters
. However , a conversation or dialogue itself could also be seen as action understanding .
- A book entitled A History of the theater show us that the cult of Dionysus , which was later
converted into a drama festival in Greece , comes from Ancient Egypt . Tech Pyramid is
dated 4000SM . Abydos Passion Play script is well-known .
- Element - the element of Drama
- theme
- Flow
- People
- Background
- Mandate
- Benefits of drama / theater :
Distributed hobby
Flocking ( Socialize )
Establishment Posture
Appreciation dramatic .
Development said
Sharpen emotional sensitivity
Increase understanding
B. suggestion
- Should the school adds extra curricular activities in the field of performing arts , so that
students get guidance and more able to express his talent .
- Should the school held a show / drama , so that students are more mature in his play to
develop artistic talent .
1 .
2 .
3 .
5 .
6 .
Urungkan pengeditan
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