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istanbul Oniversitesi

Su Orunleri Dergisi
(2001 ) 12:49-60

istanbul university
Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
(2001) 12:49-60



Nerdin KUBAN<;*


By means of this study, a part of Ostracoda (Crustacea) fauna of the Dardanelles has been completed. Since all the reported genera are old records for
Turkey, their disturbition from Turkey has been given in this study too. So, the
Dardanelles has been added to the zoogeographical distribution of these reported genera, in the literature, by this study. The material for this research was obtained from fourteen areas during the months of summer, 1999 and winter, 2000,
and the evulation and classification of the materials were made. Sixteen species were determined.
Key Words: Ostracoda, Crustacea, Dardanelles.


It is obvious that Anatolia has an important location in terms of geography,

ecology .and zoogeography. It is also certain that many identified species originated from different zoogeography regions, penetrated into the seas and lakes
bordering Anatolia.
During the studies for determining the Anatolian fauna, ostracoda plays an
important role. First studies about the recent marine ostracoda (crustacea) fauna
of Turkey started with the works of Dr. COneyt Kuban9 in 1989 (Kuban9. C.,

University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology 34459, Vezneciler, IstanbulTurkey



Ostracoda with their easily fossilized valves and many of them living with no
morphological changes in the ecology and geography of the world and Anatolia.
In this study material from 14 stations taken from both coasts of Dardanelles were evaluated. Our aim is to take one more step for determining the fauna
of recent marine ostracoda and to understand which of the fauna elements this
passage between Aegean and Marmara Sea carries.


Materials from 14 stations between 23.05.1999 and 6.03.2000 were collected (Fig 1). All of the stations were located close to the coastline between 1-1.2
m. of depth. After the material was collected by the help of a plankton net of Muller fabric, they were fixed in 4% formaldehyde immidiately. Later they were left
in 1% hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours and washed under pressurized tap water
using sieves (mesh size 2.5, 2, 1, 0.25, 0.16, 0.09 mm.) in laboratory conditions .


Fig. 1: Sampling stations along the coasts of Dardanelles.


1: 500,000



Than all of the material were taken into 70% alcohol for conservation.
Material was separated using a special needle under a binocular microscope. Specimens with dry valves were stored in micropaleontological slides for
further examination. Taxonomic preparation of some specimens' extremites and
copulation organs were carried out in lactophenol. Species identification were
made under a light microscope and a binocular microscope. Identified species
Table-1 : Distribution of species to the stations.


10 11

12 13 14

Cytherelloidea sp.
Leptocythere sp.
Calistocythere lobiancoi
Cytheridea neapolitana
Cyprideis torosa
Carinocythereis antiquata
Carinocythereis quadridentata
Buntonia giesbrachtii
Aurila convexa
Urocythereis britannica
Loxoconcha sp.
Loxoconcha rhomboidea
Paracytheridea parallia
Semicytherura incongruens
Xestoleberis sp.
Propontocypris dispar

and their distribution to the stations are listed in table 1.


Ostracoda classification of Hartmann and Puri, prepared by the commmmitee in Naples Symposium in 1972 and agreed in Hamburg Symposium in
1974, was used for systematic classification (Hartman and Puri , 1974).

Cytherelloidea sp.
Material: Station 6, 05.03.2000, 2621'30" N-4007'45" E.




Material: Station 4, 29.05.1999, 2622'30" N-4010 '30" E.

Callistocythere lobiancoi (Muller, 1894)

Material: Station 3, 26.05.1999, 2629'00" N-4015'45" E; Station 6, 05.03.2000 ,
2621 '30" N-4007'45" E; Station 8, 05.03.2000, 2624'45" N-4007'15" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Badalan, 11 .1.1989 Sarayburnu, 10.1.1989; Araptepe-between Silivri and Selimpa:;;a, 15.1 .1989 (Kubang. 1989)
General distribution: Faros and Naxos islands, Greece-Aegean Sea (BarbeitoGonzales, 1971 ).

Cytheridea neapolitana Kolmann, 1960

Material : Station 1, 25.05.1999, 2642'30" N-4026'45" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: 3835' N-2639' E, 12.4.1992; 3824' N-2618' E,
12.4.1992; 3731' N-2J005' E, 13.4.1992; Dalyan beach-Dalyan, 16.8.1993; Gokova Gulf-Gokova, 17.8.1993 (Kubang, C., 1995), izmit (GOlen, Kubang,C. and
Altmsagl1 , 1995); 2648'57" N-4038'56" E, 11.3.1998; 2628'4" N-4036'42" E,
12.3.1998; 2627'01 " N-4036'58" E, 12.3.1998; 2603'10" N-4042'23" E,
14.3.1998; 2603'30" N-4040'20" E, 4.3.1998; 2649'08" N-4034'19" E,
15.3.1998; 2646'27" N-4037'38" E, 23.10.1998 (Kubang, N., 1999).
General distribution: Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli, 1975), Merig
Delta-North Aegean Sea (Stambolidis, 1985).

Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850)

Material: Station 2, 25.05.1999, 2638'00" N-4022'00" E; Station 3, 26.05 .1999,
2629'00" N-4015'45" E ; Station 4, 29.05.1999, 2622'30" N.-40 10'30" E; Station 5, 05.03.2000, 2640'00" N-4024'15" E; Station 6, 05.03 .2000, 2621 '30"
N-4007'45" E; Station 7, 05.03.2000, 2618'30" N-4004'45" E; Station 8,
05.03.2000, 2624'45" N-4007'15" E; Station 11, 05.03.2000, 2634'00" N40016'1 0" E; Station 13, 05.03.2000, 2639'30" N-4020'00" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: izmir, (GOlen , 1985a); Zeytindag-Bergama, (Aitmsagli, 1988); Sarayburnu, 10.1.1989; Araptepe-between Silivri and Selimpa:;;a,
15.1.1989 (Kubang, C ., 1989); Ayval1k-Bergama, (Kubang, C.,Aitmsagl1, 1990);
Agva, $ile, Riva-istanbul, (K11i9, 1992); Dalyan beach-Dalyan, 16.8.1993; Koycegiz inside irrigation ditch-Dalyan, 16.8.1993 (Kubang, C., 1995); izmit
Gulf,(GOien, Kubang,C. and Altmsagli, 1995); igneada, 3.6.1995; Kerpe beach ,




2.7.1995; Where KOc;Okbogaz creek meets the sea, 3.7.1995; Rize inside breakwater, 18.8.1995, (K11i<;, 1997).
General distribution: Baltic Sea, Britain, Netherlands, France, Middle Asia, Europe, North Africa , Caspian Sea, Equatorial Africa (Kiie, 1938), Faros and Naxos
Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971 ).

Carinocythereis antiquata Muller, 1894.

Material : Station 6, 05 .03.2000, 2621 '30" N-4007'45" E; Station 12,
05 .03.2000, 2637'30" N-40 17'30" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Araptepe-between Silivri and Selimpaa,
15.1.1989 (Kubanc;, C., 1989); 3927' N-26 13' E, 9.4.1992; 3840' N-2644' E,
10.4.1992 ; 3835' N-2639' E, 12.4.1992; 3840' N-2644' E, 10.4.1992 ; 3824'
N-26 8' E, 12.4.1992; 3751 ' N-2?D08' E, 13.4.1992; Seferihisar-S1gac1k-izmir,
24.7.1992; Ekincik-Maymarina Bay-Dalyan, 16.8.1993 (Kubanc;:, C., 1995) ; izmit
Gulf, {GOlen, Kubanc;:,C. and Alt1nsac;:l1 , 1995); 2631 '21" N-4034'09" E,
21.1 0.1998 ; 2646'27" N-4037'38" E, 23.10.1998 (Kubanc;:, N., 1999).
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales ,
1971 ), Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli, 1975)

Carinocythereis quadridentata (Baird, 1850)

Material: Station 8, 05 .03.2000, 2624'45" N-4007'15" E; Station 13,
05.03.2000, 2639'30" N-4020'00" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Badalan , 11.1.1989; Araptepe- between Silivri and
Selimpa~a . 15.1 . 1989

(Kubanc;, C., 1989).

General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales,

1971 ).

Buntonia giesbrachtii (Muller, 1894)

Material: 1.Station, 25.05.1999, 2642'30" N-4026'45" E; 4.Station, 29.05.1999 ,
2622'30" N-4010'30" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Between Av~a Cape and Kale Cape, 14.1.1989;
South of Hay1rs1z Ada-west of Mermer Adas1, 11 .1.1989; between Asmali lighthouse-Eek island, 11.1.1989; Topagac; seaport south, 13.1.1989 (Kubanc;, C.,
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales,


1971 ). Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampa and Masoli, 1975).

Aurila convexa (Baird, 1850)

Material: Station 6, 05.03.2000, 261 '30" N-4007'45" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Between Av'a Cape and Kale Cape, 14.1.1989
(Kuban9, C., 1989); Qandari1-Dikili, (Kuban9, C.,Aitmsayll, 1990); 9ile-Kilyos seaport, (K1119, 1992); igneada seaport-9ile, Kerpe (Kil19, 1997); 2638'18" N40030'36" E, 11.3.1998; 2648'57" N-4038'56" E, 11.3.1998; 2640'52" N40038'20" E, 11 .3.1998; 2636'24" N-4038'10" E, 12.3.1998; 2632'39" N40036'15" E, 12.3.1998; 2628'49" N-4036'42" E, 12.3.1998; 2603'30" N40040'20" E, 14.3.1998; 2627'33" N-4034'18" E, 20.1 0.1998 ; 2603'48" N40039'15" E, 24.10.1998; 2646'15" N-4032'50" E, 26.10.1998 (Kuban9, N.,
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales ,
1971 ), Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampa and Masoli, 1975); Meri9 Delta North
Aegean Sea (Stambolidis, 1985), France (Quaternary) (Oertli, 1985).

Urocythereis britannica Athersuch, 1977

Material: Station 6, 05.03.2000, 2621 '30" N-4007'45" E; Station 7, 05.03.2000,
2618'30" N-4004'45" E; Station 9, 05.03.2000, 2621 '45"N-4005'15" E; Station 13, 05.03.2000, 2639'30" N-4020'00" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Lake BOyOk9ekmece, 12.8.1988 (Kuban9, C.,
1989); 39 12' N-2639' E, 9.4.1992; 3840' N-2644' E, 10.4.1992; Qe'me, Altlnkum beach b-izmir, 23.7.1992; GOzelbah9e Bay-izmir, 24.7.1992; Yenifoya-izmir, 25. 7.1992; Yah'i village beach-Bod rum , 10.8.1993; Ekincik beach-Dalyan,
16.8.1993 (Kuban9, C., 1995);Ayvallk, (Kuban9, C.,Aitmsayll , 1990); 9ile-breakwater, Riva-beach (K11i9, 1992).
General distribution: Biskay Bay, S. Wales, South England, Northern Spain ,
France, Netherlands, Aegean Sea, Cyprus (Athersuch , 1977).

Loxoconcha sp.
Material: Station 9, 05.03.2000, 2621'45" N-4005'15" E; Station 11 ,
05.03.2000, 2634'00" N-4016'10" E; Station 12, 05.03.2000, 2637'30" N40017'30" E; Station 14, 05.03.2000, 2641 '30" N-4021 '10" E.




Loxoconcha rhomboidea (Fischer, 1855)

Material: Station 6, 05.03.2000, 2621'30" N-4007'45" E; Station 7, 05.03.2000,

2618'30" N-4004'45" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Badalan, 11 .1.1989; Sarayburnu; 10.1.1989; Karga Burnu, (Kubanc;:. C., 1989); 3912' N-2639' E, 9.4.1992; 3923' N-26 30' E,
9.4.1992; 3824' N-2618' E, 12.4.1992; 3]031 ' N-2705' E, 13.4.1992; Ceme,
Altrnkum beach a-izmir, 23.7.1992; <;eme, Altrnkum beach b-izmir, 23.7.1992 ;
Seferihisar, Stgactk-izmir, 24.7.1992; Bay of GOzelbahc;:e -izmir, 24. 7.1992; BOyOk Liman, <;eme-izmir,26.7.1992; Yahi village beach-Bodrum, 10.8.1993;
Dalyan beach-Dalyan , 16.8.1993 ; Gokova Gulf-Gokova, 17.8.1993; AkbOk Seaport-AkbOk, 18.8.1993 (Kubanc;:, C., 1995) ; izmit Gulf, (GOlen, Kubanc;:,C. and
Altrnsac;:ll, 1995); $ile inside breakwater, 17.6.1995 ; Kerpe beach , 2.7.1995; Akc;:akoca pier, 3.7.1995; Yakaoren beach, 15.7.1995 ; Giresun Seaport, 7.8.1995;
between Gorele and Eynesil <;avu~lu village, 8.8.1995; BeikdOzO beach,
10.8.1995; Akc;:aabat, 15.8.1995 ; Arsin inside breakwater, 15.8.1995; Araklt inside breakwater, 16.8. 1995; Rize inside breakwater, 18.8.1995 ; Rize in front of teachers' hostel , 18.8.1995 (Ktltc;:, 1997) ; 15.1.1989; 2638'18" N-4030'36" E,
11.3.1998; 2648'57" N-4038'56" E, 11.3.1998; 2636'24" N-4038'10" E,
12.3.1998; 2632'39" N-4036'15" E, 12.3.1998; 2628'49" N-4036'42" E,
12.3.1998; 2627'01" N-4036'58" E, 12.3.1998; 2616'17" N-4035'31 " E,
13.3.1998; 2603'00" N-4042'50" E, 14.3.1998; 2603'1 0" N-4042'23" E,
14.3. 1998; 2603'30" N-4040'20" E, 14.3.1998; 2627'33" N-4034'18" E,
20.1 0.1998; 2631 '21" N-4034'09" E, 21 .10.1998; 2643'05" N-4036'50" E,
23.10.1998; 2646'27" N-4037'38" E, 23.10.1998; 2603'48" N-4039'15" E,
24 .1 0.1998; 2611 '08" N-4035'18" E, 25.10.1998; 2646'15" N-4032'50" E,
26.10.1998; 2634'51 " N-4029'33" E, 26.10 .1998; 2641'12" N-4030'41" E,
26.10.1998; 2650'24" N-4036'02" E, 27.10.1998 (Kubanc;:, N., 1999).
General .distribution: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic coasts of Britain, France, Norway,
North America (Sars, 1928); Fares and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (BarbeitoGonzales, 1971 ); Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli, 1975), Meric;:
Delta, North Aegean Sea (Stambolidis, 1985), France (Quaternary) (Oertli,
Paracytheridea parallia Gonzales -Barbeito, J.P.,1971

Material: Station 9, 05.03 .2000, 2621 '45" N-4005'15" E.



Previous reports from Turkey: Lake BOyOk9ekmece, 12.8.1988 (Kuban9, C.,

1989) ; 3835' N-2639' E, 12.4.1992 ; 3824' N-2618' E, 12.4.1992; Yeni Fo9aizmir, 25. 7.1992; Yah~i village beach-Bod rum, 10.8.1993; Ekincik caves-Dalyan,
16.8.1993; Gokova Gulf-Gokova, 17.8.1993 (Kuban9, C. , 1995); izmit Korfezi
(GOlen, Kuban9,C. and Altmsa9l1, 1995); 2636'24" N-4038'10" E. 12.3.1998 ;
2632'39" N-4036'15" E, 12.3.1998; 2649'08" N-4034'19" E, 15.3.1998 (Kuban9, N., 1999).
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands- Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales,
1971 ). Meri9 Delta, North Aegean Sea (Stambolidis, 1985)

Semicytherura incongruens (Muller, 1894)

Material: Station 4, 29.05.1999, 2622'30" N-4010'30" E; Station 6, 05.03.2000,
2621 '30" N-4007'45" E; Station 9, 05.03.2000, 2621'45" N-400515 E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Badalan, 11.1.1989; Lake BOyOk<;:ekmece,
12.8.1988; Araptepe- between Silivri and Selimpa~a. 15.1.1989 (Kuban<;:, C.,
1989); izmit Gulf, (GOlen, Kuban9,C. and Altmsa9l1, 1995).
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales,
1971); Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampa and Masoli, 1975).

Xestoleberis sp.
Material: Station 4, 29.05.1999, 2622'30" N-4010'30" E; Station 9, 05.03.2000,
2621 '45" N-4005'15" E.

Propontocypris dispar Muller, 1894

Material: Station 4, 29.05.1999, 2622'30" N-4010'30" E.
Previous reports from Turkey: Yenifo9a-izmir, 25.7.1992 (Kuban<;:. C., 1995) ;
2631 '21 " N-4034'09" E, 21 .10.1998; 2646'27" N-4037'38" E, 23.10.1998
(Kuban9, N., 1999).
General distribution: Faros and Naxos Islands-Aegean Sea (Stambolidis, 1985)


With this study a part of the ostracoda fauna of the Dardanelles was determined. The study is based on systematic identification of encountered species.
Our aim was to indicate the ostracoda fauna of the Dardanelles located as a




passage between Marmara and Aegean Sea. Although specimens were collected only from 1-2.5 m. depth in coastal areas due to financial problems, we believe that we have acquired a part of our objective. As a result, collection of specimens from deeper regions of this strait was left for future studies. All species
identified in this study were encountered in studies related with either Marmara
or Aegean Sea. We observed depending on later studies that most of the species present in Marmara Sea were originated from the Aegean Sea. It is possible
that salinity is an important factor for distribution of these species.

Cyterelloidea sp. was encountered from only one station and species level
identification couldn't be carried out. However species from this genus are
known to be present from islands of Britain , Atlantic ocean and Mediterrenean.
Finding a member of this genus in this study allows us to extend its general distribution as far as Dardanelles.

Leptocythere sp. was encountered from only one station and species level
identification couldn 't be carried out. Some species of this genus are known to
be present at Mediterranean, Adriatic sea and North Aegean sea. It is seen to be
suitable to add this genus to our study as this can be an evidence for further studies.
Only one species from genus Calistocythere was encountered . Calistocyt-

here lobiancoi was both encountered from Marmara (Kuban9, C., 1989) and Aegean sea (Stambolidis, 1985), so presence of this species was observed to be
natural as the Dardanelles is a passage between these seas.
Cytheridea neopolitana was the only species encountered from genus
Cytheridea. It was encountered from Aegean sea (Kuban9, C., 1995) , lzmit gulf
(Gulen, Kuban9,C. and Altmsa9l1 , 1995) and Saros gulf (Kuban9, N., 1999). Its
presence in lzmit gulf states that it is probably spread through Marmara Sea. As
this species shows a wide distribution in Aegean Sea. Consequently its presence in Dardanelles is normal.
Only species encountered from genus Cyprideis was Cyprideis torosa.
This species is cosmopolitan and has old records for Turkey. As a euryhaline
species it has a widespread distribution. Originating from Paratethys it shows an
evident zoogeographic distribution. Its known distribution area contains Lake
Aral and Caspian Sea which were isolated from Paratethys in Myocene. Th.erefore it is proven that this species is a Paratethys relict. Reported from Adriatic
Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli , 1975), Aegean Sea (Kuban9, C. , 1995),


Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989) and Saros Gulf (Kuban9, N., 1999), this species presence in Dardanelles is normal. Contrary to other species, it is probable
that this species used Dardanelles to spread to Aegean Sea.
Two species from genus Carinocytheris were encountered . Carinocytheris
antiquata and Carinocyteris quadridentata were both reported from Marmara
Sea (Kuban9, C ., 1989) and Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971, Kuban9, C.,
1995, Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli, 1975). Their presence in Dardanelles is
considered to be normal. As a hypothesis both species are spreading through
northwards. It is also interesting to encounter this species at these depths as
they are known to be living in deeper waters.
Only one species from genus Buntonia was encountered. Buntonia giesbrachtii was reported from Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989), Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971) and Mediterranean (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli ,
1975) before. Reporting this species from Dardanelles in this study we believe
that a missing part of its distribution is completed. However a research on Black
Sea is required to state that this species is spreading northwards.
One species from genus Aurila was encountered . Aurila convexa was reported from Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989), Black Sea (K11i9, 1992, 1997), Saros Gulf (Kuban9, N., 1999), France (Oertli, 1985), Aegean Sea (Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971 ), Adriatic Sea (Bonaduce, Ciampo and Masoli , 1975) and Meri9 Delta (Stambolidis, 1985) before. Reported from Dardanelles with this study this
species distribution is supplemented.
A species from genus Urocythereis was encountered . Urocythereis britannica has a wide zoogeographic distribution . This species was reported from Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989), Aegean Sea (Kuban9, C.,Aitmsayli , 1990) and
Black Sea (K11i9, 1992) before. Fossilized remains of this species' from Holocene in Netherlands and Cyprus have also been found. Although Aegean Sea is
known to be inside the distribution range of this species (Athersuch , 1977), it is
interesting that this species wasn't encountered in studies of Kuban9 C. (Kubany, C., 1995) and Gonzales (Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971 ) . However this species
is already considered to be a Tethys relict. As Tethys was isolated from the Indian Ocean in Myocene, only endemic forms and some fauna elements from Indian Ocean was present at that time, but after the glacial period in Pliocene most
of the tropical ocean forms were extinct and with the forming of glacials from Arc-




tic, Paratethys was isolated from Tethys. Also the Aegean plate emerged (Demirsoy, 1979) and as a result many fossilized remains of this species in Dardanelles and Marmara Sea, proves that this species is spreading through northwards.
Two species from genus Loxoconcha was encountered while one of them
could be identified as Loxoconcha rhomboidea. This species was reported from
Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989), Aegean Sea (Kuban9, C., 1995), izmit Gulf
(GOlen, Kuban9,C. and Altmsa91i, 1995), Black Sea (Kil19, 1997) and Saros Gulf
(Kuban9, N., 1999) before . This species distribution contains Atlantic and with
Stambolidis' studies North Aegean Sea and Meri9 Delta were added to its distribution. However we can conclude that this species was distributed to seas all
around Turkey as a cosmopolitan species. With this study, also Dardanelles was
added to its range of distribution.
A species from genus Semicytherura was encountered. Semicytherura incongruens was reported from Marmara Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989), Aegean Sea
(Barbeito-Gonzales, 1971 ), izmit Gulf (GOlen, Kuban9,C. and Altmsa9ll, 1995)
and Adriatic sea (Bonaduce , Ciampa and Masoli, 1975). This species appearance in Dardanelles is considered to be normal.
One species from genus Xestoleberis was encountered but couldn't be
identified. As some members of this genus were both reported from Marmara
Sea (Kuban9, C., 1989) and Aegean Sea (Kuban9. C. , 1995), reporting this species in this study is seen to be suitable.
A species from genus Propontocypris was encountered. Propontocypris
dispar was reported from Aegean Sea (Kuban9, C., 1995, Stambolidis, 1985)
and Saros Gulf (Kuban9, N., 1999) before. This species shows a wide distribution from Aegean Sea to Saros Gulf. Therefore its presence in Dardanelles states that this species is spreading towards Marmara Sea.
All of the species determined in this study are the ones we were expecting
to find .. The interesting fact is the appearence of some deep water species in
such shallow areas. However an extensive research on Dardanelles is required
to shed light on this event, as this study was carried out with our limited opportunities.



We are grateful to the University of istanbul Research Fund for supporting
our research with project number OR-56/ 19029. Our thanks are due to HOseyin
Akmc1 for assistance in the English translation of the text.

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