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Drill Bits - Foundation

Highest Quality, Micro Piling Drag Bits, Rock Bits, P.D.C Bits

Oil Field Abbreviation and Acronym

Abbreviation and Acronym A
A&G Administrative and General Expenses
A/D Assitant Driller
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A/D Assitant Driller

AADE- American Association of Drilling engineers
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AAPL American Association of Petroleum Landmen
AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards
AAR Automotive Accident Rate in Miles
ABF Aquatic Base Flow
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AC Alternating Current
ACF Annular Capacity Factor
ACHARR Advisory Committee on Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Research
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Ack Acknowledge
ACOP Approved code of practice
ACT automatic custody transfer
AD Auto Driller
ADIT Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes
ADS Altomatic Drilling System, NOV Drawworks
AF Arctic Floater
AFE Approval for expenditure
AFE Approved Fixed Expense.
AFFF Aqueous film Forming foam
Aframax tanker tanker < 80,000 dwt (average freight rate assessment
AFT After
Aft toward the stern of a ship or mobile offshore drilling rig.
AHC Active Heave Compensator
AI artificial island
AIS Automatic identification system
ALARP As low as reasonably possible (reduction of hazard status)
AMNI Associate Member of the Nautical Institute
Amp Ampere
AMVER US Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue
AOF Absolute Open Flow

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Mud School Test

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Rig Site

Shale Gas

New Drilling Rigs

Hydrogen Sulfide



April 2015
March 2015
June 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014

Chemical suppliers

AOSC Association of Oilfiels Servicing Contractors

AP- Annular pressure
APCD Air Pollution Control District
APD Application for Permit to Drill
API American Petroleum Institute
API Certified tool that complies w/ APIs standards
API Gravity density of liquid petroleum products
APL-Annular Pressure Losses
APP As Per Program
APR Annular Pressure Response
ASBA Association of Ship Brokers and Agents
ASRO Australian Shipping Registration Office
ASV Annular Safety Valve
ATFN Any Time From Now.
AV Annular Velocity
AV apparent viscosity
AWD Analysis While Drilling (part of the On Track system), Sense EDM terminology
AWO Approval for Well Operation


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Abbreviation and Acronym B

B/O Break Out
B/P bbls/day
Bbbl Billion barrels
bbl barrel of oil
Bc Bearden units of consistency, drilling fluid
BC Bridge Crane
BC BROKEN CONE drill bit
BC Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
BCD Barrels per Calendar Day
Bcf billion cubic feet, Production testing

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Bcf/D billion cubic feet per day

Bcfe Billion Cubic Feet of gas Equivalent
BDI Baltic Dry Index
BDV Blow Down Valve
BF Buoyancy Factor
BFH Balanced Flow Hydraulics bits
BFI Baltic Freight Index
BGWP Base of Group Water Protection
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly
BHCT bottomhole circulating temperature
BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
BHST bottomhole static temperature
BHT bottomhole temperature
BIMCO Baltic and International Maritime Council
Bimcosale The Bimco standard form of bill of sale
BLK Blocked
BLPD Barrels of liquid per day Production Testing
BM benchmark, Geophysics
BMPs Best Management Practices
BO Biological Opinion
BOD biochemical oxygen demand, Drilling Fluids
boe barrel of oil equivalent
boed -barrel of oil equivalent per day
BOM Bill of Materials
BOP Blow-Out Preventer
bopd -barrel of oil per day
BOPE Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent
BOPE Blow-preventer Equipment
BOPM Barrels of Oil Per Month
BOSIET Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training. includes Safety,
Fire Prevention and
BOSVA British Offshore Support Vessel Owners Association
bpd barrel per day

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BPL = Bit & Nozzle Pressure Losses

BPM- Back pressure manifold
BPM- barrels per minute
BPUTS Bring Pumps Up To Speed
BPV back pressure valve
BPV Back pressure valve 2WCV when the BPV can be manipulated
BRT Below Rotary Table
BS Bit Sub
BS&W- basic sediments and water
bt Broken teeth
BTU British thermal unit.
BU Balled bit
BWD Backward
bwd barrel of water per day
BWOB By weight of blend, drilling fluid
BWOC By weight of cement
BWOW by weight of water drilling fluid
BWPD barrels of water per day, Production Testing
BYT BIG YELLOW THING(Baker down hole motor DHM)
Fire Fighting, First Aid and Hypothermia, Helicopter Safety and Escape, and Survival
at Sea

Abbreviation and Acronym C

C cent. Centigrade
C&K Choke and Kill
c.u. capture unit
CAA Clean Air Act
CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments
CAAQS California Air Quality Standards
CAD computer assisted design
CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response
CAODC Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors

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CAP Condition Assessment Program Survey

CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
CAR- Corrective action register
CARB California Air Resources Board
CATS Central Area Transmission System
CB Core Barrel
CBHP Constant bottomhole pressure
CBHT Circulating BH Temperature
CBI computer-based information
CBI Confederation of British Industry
CBL Cement Bond Log
CBM Coalbed Methane
CBT computer-based training
CBT- Computer based training
CBU Central Business Unit
CC Circulate and Condition mud
CC Cracked cone Drill bits
cc cubic centimeter
CCA California Coastal Act
CCC California Coastal Commission
CCC Carrier container council
CCL Casing collar locator
CCMP California Coastal Management Program
CCP Controllable Pitch Propeller
CCRS China Corporation Register of Shipping
CCS Cement Control System
CCS China Classification Society
CCTV- Close circuit television
CCW Counter Clockwise
CD Cone dragged Bits
CDA Common Data Access
CDP common depth point

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CDP Comprehensive Drilling Plan

CEC California Energy Commission
CEC cation-exchange capacity, Drilling Fluid
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization
CEPA Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
of 1980, drilling fluid
CES coast earth station
CESMA Confederation of European Union Shipmasters Associations
CET- Cement evaluation tool
Cf Compare
Cf Cubic Feet
cfm cubic feet per minute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
Cfs Cubic Feet per Second
CG coast guard
CGB- Completion guide base
CGBF Concrete, Gravity Based Structure
CGT Capital Gains Tax
CH Catheads
CHP Casing Hanger Pressure
CI Cone interference Bits
CI contour interval, Geology
CIRM International radio maritime committee
CIT Chartered Institute of Transport
CITHP Closed In Tubing Hanger Pressure
CIV Chemical Injection Valve
Class Category in classification register
CLC International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
CLFP choke line friction pressure
CLTIF Combined Lost Time Incident Frequency
CLUP Coastal Land Use Plan

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CMC carboxymethylcellulose, Drilling Fluids

CMC Crown Mounted Compensator
CMC-Hi Vis See CMC
CMC-Lo Vis See CMC
CMHEC carboxymethyl, hydroxyethylcellulose
CMP common midpoint, Geophysics
CMS carboxymethyl starch, drilling fluid
cmt cement
CMW Current Mud Weight
C-NET Control Network (Profibus network)
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COA contract of affreightment
CoB Center of buoyancy
COD chemical oxygen demand, drilling fluid
COFCAW wet combustion, Production Enhancement
CoG Center of Gravity
Colreg International Convention on Collision Regulations
CoM center of Mass
COMP California Offshore Monitoring Program
COOGER California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources
COSG- Combined operations safety case
COSHH- control of substances Hazardous to Health
CoSWP Code of Safe Working Practices For Merchant Seamen
COW Crude oil washing
CP Casing Pressure
CP Communication Processor
CPD Controlled Pressure Drilling
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPMG radio frequency pulses designed by Carr, Purcell, Meiboom and Gill
CPS Cycles Per Second

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CPU Cavern Point Unit

CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Cored bit
CRI Cutting Re-Injection
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
CRT cathode ray tube
CSB Casing Stabbing Basket
CsF Caesium Formate
csg casing
CSS Code of Ship management Standards
CSS cyclic steam stimulation. or cyclic steam injection. Heavy Oil
CT Chipped teeth drill bits
CT coiled tubing, drilling
CT Compliant Tower
CT Corporation Tax
CTCO Coiled Tubing Clean Out
CTM Coil Tubing Measurement
CTU cargo transport unit
CTU Conductor Tensioning Unit, rig equipment list
CTU is a more common acronym for Coiled Tubing Unit. allows for differentiation
CUP Conditional Use Permit
CV Curriculum Vitae (resume)
CW Clockwise
CWA Clean Water Act
CWE cold water equivalent
CWM Catwalk Machine
CWOR Completion Work Over Riser
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act

Abbreviation and Acronym D

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D&C Drilling and Completions

dBA Decibles
DC Direct Current, elet
DC Drill Collar, Drilling
DCDA Drilling Control & Data Acquisition
DCP Drillers Control Panel
DCR Drillers Control Room, rig eqipment
DD Directional Driller
DD Directional Drilling
DDM AKMH terminology for a Top Drive Derrick Drilling Maching
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DE Diatomaceous Earth (filtration system for cleaning mud)
DEAL Digital Energy Atlas & Library
DFMA Drill Floor Manipulator Arm
DGD Dual gradient Drilling
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DHSR Degrees of Hydrate Suppression Required
DHSV Downhole Safety Valve
DIS Danish International Register of Shipping Danish Maritime Authority
DIS Draft international standard
DL Development Licence
DLat difference in latitude
DLL Dual LateroLog
DLong difference in longitude
DLS Dog-Leg Severity
DMDO Distillate Marine Diesel Oil
DNC Digital Nautical Chart
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DO Division Order
DOC document of compliance
DOE US Department Of Energy
DOT US Department of Transportation

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DP Drill Pipe
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPDV Dynamically-Positioned Drilling Vassal
DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
DPP Development and Production Plan
DPP Drill Pipe Pressure
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Delay Rental
DRT Drilling Riser Tensioner
DS Drillship
DSC Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers
DSM Drilling Service Module
DSPL = Drillstring Pressure Losses
DSS decision support system
DST Drill Stem Test
DSV Diving Support Vessel
DSV Drilling SuperVisor
DTH _ down the hole
DTI Department of Trade and Industry (UK)
DTL Drilling to the Limit.
DTS distributed temperature sensing
DTU Dry Tree Unit
DV Tool stage tool used for cementing
DW Drawworks
DWT Deadweight tons

Abbreviation and Acronym E

E&I Electrical and Instrument
E&P Exploration and production
EA Environmental Assessment
EBT Elevated Backup Tong
EC European Commission

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EC European Community
ECD Equivalent circulating density
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECGD Exports Credits Guarantee Department
ECITB Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
ECP Engineered Cutter Placement, Bits
ECS Electronic chart system
EEEGR East of England Energy Group
EEZ Exclusive economic zone
EHV Extra High Voltage
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EL Exploration Licence
Elev Elevators
EMF Electro Magnetic Fields
EMP External muster point
EN European Standard
ENC electronic navigation chart
EOB End of Build
EOBM Ester oil based mud
EOFL End of Field Life
EOR Enhanced oil recovery
EOS equation of state
EP additive Extreme pressure additive used in lubricants
EPA Environmental Protection Act
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
EPIRB emergency position indicating radio beacon
EPS IMO performance standard for ECDIS
ERD Extended Reach Drilling
ERNS Emergency Response Notification System
Esc Escape

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ESD Emergency Shut Down

ESDV Emergency shut down valve
ESP Electric submersible pump
ESP Estimated Stuck Point
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETAP Eastern Trough Area Project
ETD estimated time of departure
ETLP Extended Tension Leg Platform
ETO Electro-Technical Officer
ETSF Electronic Trading Standard Format
ETSI European Telecommunications
EU European Union

Abbreviation and Acronym F

F&G Fire and gas
F/C flow-check
FAR Fatal accident rate
FAT Factory Acceptance Testing
FB Finger Board
FC Filter cake
FC Flat crested wear Drill Bit
FC Float Collar
FCC fully cellular containership
FCD Fuel control valve
FCO financed, constructed and operated
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FCP Final Circulating Pressure
FD Fluid Density
FDP Final Development Plan
FDS Functional Design Specification
FEED Front end engineering design
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

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FFM Full Field Model

FG Full Gauge
FIT Formation Integrity Test
FIV Formation Isolation Valve
FIXED Fixed Leg Platform
FL Flow Line
FMA Finnish Maritime Administration, Finish Register of Ships
FNI Fellow of The Nautical Institute
FO fuel oil
FOIP Freedom Of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
FONSI Findings Of No Significant Impact
FOSV Full Opening Safety Valve
FP Formation Pressure
FPF Floating Production Facility
FPS feet per second
FPS Floating production, storage
FPSO Floating Production Storage and operation
FR Full Requirements
FRC- Fast rescue craft
FrP Friction Pressure
FRSB Fast Response Spill Boat
FSA formal safety assessment
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FSU- Floating storage unit
FT Flow Transmitter
Ft Foot (feet)
FTC US Federal Trade Commission
FTP Flowing Tubing Plug
FV Float Valve
FV Funnel Viscosity
FVF formation volume factor
FWD Forwards
FWHP- Flowing wellhead pressure

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FWKO free water knock-out

FWV Flow Wing Valve

Abbreviation and Acronym G

GA Guide Arm
Gal Gallon
GAPP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GBS Gravity Based Structure
GBT Gravity Base Tank
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GIIP Gas Initially In Place
GIS Geographic Information System
GL Germanischer Lloyd
G/L Gas/Liqui
GL Gas Lift
GLM Gas Lift Mandrel
Glonass Global navigation satellite system
GLR Gas Liquid Ratio
GLT Guide Line Tensioner
GLV Gas Lift Valve
GMDSS Global maritime distress and safety system
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNOME General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment
GOC Gas Oil Contact
GOC General operators certificate with regard to GMDSS
GOM Gulf of Mexico
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
GOSP Gas-Oil Separation Plant
GPG Grains per gallon = ppm/17.1
GPM Gallons Per Minute

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GPS Global positioning system

GRN gamma-ray-neutron (log)
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
GRV Gross Rock Volume
GT gross tonnage
GT&C General Terms and Conditions
GTL Gas To Liquid
GTW Gas To Wire
GUI Graphical user interface
GW Gigawatt
Gwh Gigawatt-Hour
GWI Gross Working Interest
GC gas chromatography

Abbreviation and Acronym H

H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
HAZID Hazard identification
Hazob Hazard observation
HAZOP Hazrd and operability study
HC Heat checking drill bit condition
HDD horizontal directional drilling
HGS HighGravity Solids
HHP Hydraulic Horse Power
HL Hook Load
HLO Helicopter Landing Officer
HLV Heavy lift vessel
HMI Human Machine Interface
HP High Pressure
HP Hydrostatic Pressure
HPHT High-Pressure, High-Temperature
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit
HPV hydrocarbon pore volume

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HR HydraRacker
HRN AKMH Terminology for Iron Roughneck Hydraulic Rough(N)eck
Hrs Hours
HSE Health & Safety Executive
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HSSE health, safety, security, and environment
HT Hydratong
HTHP High-Temperature/High-Pressure
HVAC Heat, ventilation, air conditioning
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
HWDP Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe

Abbreviation and Acronym I

IADC International Association of Driling Contractors
IBC Intermediate Bulk Container
IBOP inside BOP
ICoTA Intervention and Coiled Tubing Assosiation
ICP Independant competent person
ICP Initial circulating pressure
ICSS Integrated Control & Safety System
ICV Interval Control Valve
ID inner diameter
IDO Technical Document
IDU Integrated Drilling Unit, Sense EDM terminology
IEC International Electrical Council
IFT interfacial tension
IMP Internal muster point
I-NET Information Network (Ethernet network)
IOC independent oil company
IP Injector to Producer Ratio

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IPC Installed Production Capacity

IPR Inflow Performance Relationship
IRN Iron Roughneck, Sense EDM terminology
ISICP Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure
ITS Influx To Surface
IWCF International Well Control Federation

Abbreviation and Acronym J

JAFO Just Another Friendly Observer
J/B Junk Basket
JD Junk damage
JU Jack-Up
JS Junk Sub
Js Joystick
JB Junction Box

Abbreviation and Acronym K

KB = kelly bushing
kHz Thousand Hertz (cycles per second)
KLF = Kill Line Friction
KMW Kill mud weight
KM Kill mud
KOP Kick-Off Point
KR (or KRS) Korean Register of Shipping
KRP kill rate pressure
KT = kick tolerance
KV Kilovolt
KVA Kilovolt-Ampere
KVNR Dutch Register of Shipping
Kw Kilowatt
KWH Kilowatt-Hour
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Abbreviation and Acronym L

L/C Landing Collar.
LACT lease automatic custody transfer
LAN Local Area Network
LAS Liquid Additive System
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
Lat =latitude
LBOP Lower BOP (TDS or Kelly)
LBP Length between perpendiculars
LBS lifeboat stations
LC Loss Circulation
LCB longitudinal centre of buoyancy
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCF longitudinal centre of flotation
LCM Lost Circulation Material
LDT light displacement tonnage, lost during trans-shipment
LED Light emitting diode
LEL Lower explosive limit
LEM lower explosive mixture
LEO low earth orbit (satellite configuration)
LER Local equipment room
LGR Liquid Gas Ratio
LGS LowGravity Solids
LIFT Licence Information for Trading
LIR Local Instrument Room
LKO Lowest Known Oil
LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package
LMT local mean time
LMV Lower Master Valve
LN Land
LN Lost nozzle

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LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

LO lubricating oil
LOA Length over all
LOC Letter of credit, letter of compliance (USCG)
LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor
LOE lease operating expense
LOGIC Leading Oil and Gas Industry Competitiveness
LOL limitation of owners liability
LOLE Loss Of Load Expectation
LOLER Lifting operation, lifting equipment regulations
LOP Line of position
LOR Letter of readiness
LOS Law of the Sea
LOS Line of sight
LOT Leak-Off Test
LP liquid petroleum
LP low pressure
LPC London Processing Centre
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LR Lloyds Register
LRDP Long Range Development Plan
Ls Limestone
LSA Low specific activity (Radiation level)
LSFO Loss-Sulfur Fuel Oil
LSH Level Safety High
LSL Level Safety Low
LST local standard time
LT Lost teeth drill bit
LTOBM Low toxicity oil based mud
LVI Low Viscosity Index
LW low water
LWD Logging Whilst Drilling
LWL length on water line

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LWSA Lightweight Solid Additives

Abbreviation and Acronym M

M Meter
M/U Make up (refers to screwing pipe together)
M/V Mobile Vessel
M1 methyl orange alkalinity (of filtrate)
MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Shut-in pressure!
MAC Manual alarm callpoint
MAINTOPS Maintenance Operations
Marisat Maritime satellite system
MARPOL 73/78 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MARSEC Maritime Security
MASP Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure
MAWP Maximum Actual Working Pressure
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MB Mud Bucket
Mbbls Thousand Barrels
Mbbls/d Thousand Barrels per Day
mbd thousand barrels per day
mbod thousand barrels of oil per day
Mboe Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent
Mboe/d Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day
mbr Member. distinctly identifiable sections within a given geological horizon, ie: the
Suhindol mbr of the Etropol formation.
MCA Marine Coastguard Agency
MCC Master Control Center
MCC Motor Control Center
MCE Maximum Credible Earthquakes
Mcf Thousand Cubic Feet (of gas)
MCFD Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
MCFPD One Thousand Cubic Feet of Gas Per Day
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MD Measured Depth
mD millidarcy
MDL Methane Drainage Licence
MDO Marine Diesel Oil
MDRT measured depth from rotary table
MDSS Measured Depth Sub-Sea
MDT Modular formation Dynamic Tester
MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol
MEO medium earth orbit (for satellite configuration)
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
MERSAR Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
MFE Multi-flow-evaluator, form of DST
Mgd million gallons per day
MGN Marine Guidance Note
MGO Marine Gas Oil
MGS Mud Gas Separator
Mgy million gallons per year
MH Mouse Hole
MI Machinery Interface (part of the On Track system), Sense EDM terminology
MI Mineral Interest
MIRU Move in Rig up
MIS Management information system
MISICP Maximum Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure
MIYP Maximum Internal Yield Pressure
mKB Meters below Kelly Bushing
ML Mud line
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MLS Mud Logging System
MM Million
MM Mitigation Measure
MMbbl(s) Million Barrels
mmbd million barrels per day
mmbod million barrels of oil per day

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MMboe Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent

MMboepd (or mmboepd) Millions of barrels of oil equivalent per day
mmBtu Million British Thermal Units
MMcf Million Cubic Feet
MMcf/d Million Cubic Feet per Day
MMcfd Million cubic feet day
MMCRP Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Reporting Program
MMP Mitigation Monitoring Program
MMPA Marine Mammals Protection Act
MMS Minerals management service Agency of US DoI
MMscfd million standard cubic feet per day
mmstb million stock barrels
MMstb million stock barrels
MNI Member of the Nautical Institute
MO Mobile
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOL Main oil line
MOP Margin of Over Pull
MOP mobile offshore production
MOPU Mobile Producing Unit
MOTEMS Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MP Mud Pump
MPD Managed Pressure Drilling
Mpd thousand barrels per day
MPN Most Probable Number
MRCC maritime rescue coordination centre
MSC Marine Safety Committee
MSDS Materials Safety Data Sheet
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTLP Mini Tension Leg Platform
MU has several meanings:
MuSol Mutual Solvent

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MUX Make Up Crossover [Crossover X]

MVA Megavolt-Amperes
MW Megawatts
MW Mud Weight,
MW1 Mud Weight, Old mud weight
MW2 Mud Weight, New mud weight
MWD Measure While Drilling

Abbreviation and Acronym N

N02 Nitrogen dioxide
N0X Nitrogen oxides
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NACE national Association of Corrosion Engineers
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NAPF Non Aqueous Phase Fluid
NAS National Aerospace Standard
NASA Non Active Side Arm
NAVTEX navigational and meteorological warning broadcast service
NBstb Near Bit Stbeliser
NCOB no cargo on board
NDT non-destructive testing
NE Northeast
NEB =National Energy Board
NFI No Further Investment
NFPA National Fire Prevention Association
NFTZ non free trade zone
NG Natural Gas
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
NGO Non-Governmental organisation
NHPV Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
NI The Nautical Institute
NIHQ Nautical Institute Headquarters, London
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NITC Normal Incremental Transfer Capability

NK or NKK (or ClassNK) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japans ship classification society)
NM Nautical mile
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Services (NOAA Fisheries)
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NNR national nature reserve
NO nitric oxide
NOAA National Marine and Atmospheric Administration
NOC national oil company
NOD Notice of Determination
NOGEPA Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association
NOI Notice Of Inquiry
NOI Notice Of Intent
NOP Notice of Preparation
NOR Notice of Readiness
NOV National Oilwell Varco
NP Neutral Point
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPREP National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
NPT Non Productive Time
NPV Net Present Value
NPV Net Present Value
NRC National Response Center
NRI Net Revenue Interest
NRV Non Return Valve
NSA Norwegian Shipowners Association
NSDG North Sea Decommissioning Group
NT net tonnage
NTHF Non-Toxic High Flash
NTO National Training Organization

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NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

NUMAST National Union of Marine, Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers
NWI Net Working Interest
NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange

Abbreviation and Acronym O

O/B on board
O/R Override
OBM Oil-Based Mud
OBO ore/bulk/oil carrier
OC Off centre wear Drill bit
OCA Offshore Contractors Association
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCR optical character recognition
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods
OD Outer Diameter
ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity
ODT Oil Down To
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OES Office of Emergency Services
OFE Owner Furnished (delivered) Equipment
OFS Owner Furnished Services
OG Oil and Gas Directorate
OGITF Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
OGML Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease
OIAC Oil Industry Advisory Committee
OIIP oil originally in-place
OIM Offshore Installation Manager

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OIP oil in-place

OiW oil-in-water emulsion
OLF Norwegian Oil Industry Association
OLM Optical Link Module
OMBO One Man Bridge Operation
OMW Original Mud Weight
OOC Oil on Cuttings
OOD Officer of the deck
OOE Offshore Operation Engineer
OOIP oil originally in place
OOW Officer of the watch
OPA 90 US Oil Pollution Act of 1990
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEX Operating Expenditure
OPITO Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
OPITO The Oil & Gas Academy
OPPR oil pollution preparedness and response
OPR Office of Planning and Research
OPRC International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation
OPS US Office of Pipeline Safety
ORRI Overriding Royalty Interest
OS operating system
OSC Operations safety case
OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan
OSDD Oilfield Services Data Dictionary
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSPAR Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of
North East Atlantic
OSPR Oil Spill Prevention and Response
OSRA Oil Spill Risk Analysis
OSRP Oil Spill Response Plan
OSRV Oil Spill Response Vessel

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OSV Offshore Support Vessel

OTL Operations Team Leader
OTO Oil Taxation Office (of the Inland Revenue)
OWC Oil Water Contact

Abbreviation and Acronym P

p Push
P&A Plugged and Abandoned
P&I (or P and I) Protection and Indemnity club
P&ID Process and Instrumentation drawing
p.u. porosity unit
p+c Push and Confirm
P2 Double Push
PA public address
PAC Pacific OCS Region
PAH poly-aromatic hydrocarbons
Panamax Ships able to transit, and allowed transit, of the Panama Canal
PAPA Prepare to Abandon Platform Alarm
PB Pinched bit
PBL Sub Paul Bryant Lee
PBR Polished Bore Receptacle
PBTD Plug Back Total Depth
PBU Pressure Build Up
PCV Pressure control valve
PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Composite
PDC log perforating depth control (log)
PDG Permanent Downhole Gauge
PE Petroleum Engineer
PEDL Petroleum Exploration & Development Licence
Pf phenolphthalein alkalinity
PF Platform
PFD position fixing device, personal floatation device

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PFEER Prevention of Fire and Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations

PG Pressure Gradient
PGB Permanent Guide Base
PGOR Produced Gas Oil Ratio
PGOR Produced Gas Oil Ratio
Ph indicator of alkalinity & acidity
PH Pipe Handler
ph Push and Hold
PHC Pipehandling Crane, Sense EDM terminology
PHR Pipe Handler Control Room
PHS Tubular Handling System, Sense EDM terminology
PI productivity index
PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
PIMS Pipeline Integrity Management System
PINC Potential Incident of Non-Compliance
PLB personal locator beacon
PLC Process Logic Controller
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLEM pipeline end manifold
PLT Pod Line Tensioner
PLT Production Logging Tool
PLT Production Logging Tool
PM particulate matter
Pm phenolphthalein alkalinity
PM10 particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter
PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter
PMCD Pressurized mud-cap Drilling
PMR Planned Maintenance Routine
PMS planned maintenance system
PN Plugged nozzle Drill bit
POB persons on board
POB pilot on board

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POBM Pseudo-Oil-Based Mud

PON Petroleum Operations Notice
POOH Pull Out Of Hole
POOI Pacific Operators Offshore Incorporated
POSVCM Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Computer Model
POV Pressure Operated Valves
PP Pore Pressure
ppa pounds of proppant added
PPB parts per billion
ppcf Pounds Per Cubic Foot
PPE Personnel Protection Equipment
PPG Pounds per gallon
ppg Pounds per Gallon (density)
ppm Parts per million
pptf Pounds Per Thousand Feet
PRS Polish Register of Shipping
PRS- Pipe Racking System
PRT Petroleum Revenue Tax
PRT Production Riser Tensioner
PS Power Swivel
PSA pressure setting assembly
PSAC Petroleum Services Association of Canada
PSC port state control
PSC Production Sharing Contract
PSD Planned Shut-Down
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PSD Process Shut Down
PSE Pressure Safety Element
PSH Pressure Safety High
PSHL Pressure Safety High/Low
psi pounds per square inch
psi/ft pressure gradient
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Atmospheri

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PSIG Points per square inch, gauge

psig pounds per square inch gauge
PSL Pressure Safety Low
PSL Product Specification Level
PSU Power supply unit
PSV Pressure safety valve
PTO Permit to Operate
PTW Permit to Work
PUE Pick Up Elevator
PUR Plant Upset Report
PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
PV Plastic Viscosity
PV pore volume
PV pressure/vacuum
PVT Pit Volume Totalizer (Mud System)
PVT pressure-volume-temperature
PW Potable water
PW Produced Water
PWD Pressure(monitoring) While Drilling
PWRI Produced Water Re-Injection
PWV Production Wing Valve

Abbreviation and Acronym Q

QA quality assurance
QC quality control
QF Qualifying Facility
QRA Quantitative risk analysis
Abbreviation and Acronym R
R&D Research and Development
R/U Rig up
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RA Radio activity
Rabbit Piston that pushes core out of core tube. pumped out with water.
RAD radioactive densiometer
RB Rotary Busing
RCC Rescue coordination centre
RCCD Reverse Circulation Centre Discharge
RCDS Raster Chart Display Systems
RCJB Reverce circulating junk basket.
RCM Recirculating Mixer
RD Rig Down
RDF Radio direction finder
RDRL Redrill
RE Reservoir Engineer
Re reynolds number hydraulics
RENC Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre
REV Reverse
RF radio frequency
RF range finder
RFMA Rig Floor Mechanical Arm
RFT Repeat Formation Tester
RG Rounded gauge Drill Bit
RH Relative Humidity
RH Right Hand
RI Royalty Interest
Rig All drilling systems required to drill, complete, or workover production or
injection wells
RIH Run In Hole
RINA Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Register of Shipping)
RIRs Risk Identification Reports
RIT Riser Tensioner
RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing
RMA Rock mechanics algorithm
RMLC Request for Mineral Land Clearanc

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RMS Ratcheting Mule Shoe

RMT National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers
RN Roughneck
RNC Raster Navigational Chart
RNR Romanian Maritime Register of Shipping
ROA Return of Assets
ROB remain on board (cargo, bunkers)
ROC Reactive Organic Compounds
ROE Return of Equity
ROFR Right Of First Refusal
ROG Reactive Organic Gases
ROI Return On Investment
ROP rate of penetration
Ro-Ro roll on/roll off
ROS residual oil saturation
ROSF Rincon Onshore Separation Facility
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROW Right of way
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPM Rounds Per Minute
RR Rig Released
RS Rig Service
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
RST Rotary Support Table
RT rotary table
RT (or R/T) radio telegraph
RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services
RTTS Retrievable Test-Treat-Squeeze
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
RWPs remedial work plans
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board

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Abbreviation and Acronym S

SAC Special area of conservation
SAFE Safety Award for Excellence
SAGE =Scottish Area Gas Evacuation
SALM Single Anchor Loading Mooring
SAR Search and Rescue
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SART search and rescue radar transponder
SAS safety at sea
SB Stand Building
SBF Synthetic Base Fluid
SBHT static bottomhole temperature
SBM Synthetic Base Mud
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCBA Self contained breathing apparatus
SCF Standard Cubic Foot of natural gas
SCO Standard Cost Obligation
SCOPIC Special Compensation P&I Clause
SCR Silicon Control Rectifier
SCR Slow Circulating Rate
SCR Special Casualty Representative (P&I)
SCR Spot check report
SCR Steel Caternary Riser
SCSS Surface Controlled Sub-Surf Valve (hyd operated from surf)
SCSSSV Surface Controlled Sub Surface valve
SCSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety
SD Dynamic positioning semisubmersible
SD Shirttail damage Drill Bit
Sd = sand
SDFN Shut down for night
SDFWE Shut down for weekend
SDT Step Draw-down Test
SDV Shutdown Valve
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SDW Summer dead weight

SE Sense EDM, Sense EDM terminology
SEAL Shearwater-Elgin Area Line
sec seconds
SEC US Securities and Exchange Commission
SEIR Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
SEMI Semisubmersible
SENC System Electronic Navigational Chart
SES Satellite earth station
SES Seafarers Education Service
SF Heat affected seal Worn seal (denoted as SF)
SF safety factor
SFEIS Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement
SFV Straight Fixed Variable
SG Specific Gravity
SG Static Gradient
SGA Setback Guide Arm, Sense EDM terminology
Sh shale
SHARP Sustainable Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Programme
SI Shut In
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SICP Shut-In Casing Pressure
SIDPP Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure
SIFN (Shut In For the NIght) as when doing productive maintenance jobs
SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations
SIRE Ships inspection report: a database system of the OCIMF
SIT Site Integration Testing
SITHP Shut In Tubing Hanger Pressure
SITP Shut-in Tubing Pressure
Sjofartsverket Swedish Register of Shipping, Swedish Maritime Administration
SLM Steel Line Measurement
SM Sense MUD
SMarT Support for Maritime Training scheme

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SMB Santa Maria Basin

SMC Safety management certificate
SMEs Small and medium sized enterprises
SMS Safety management system
SNG Synthetic Natural Gas
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SO3 Oxides of sulfur
SOBM Synthetic Oil Based Mud
SOC Statement of Overriding Consideration
SOLAS International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
SOO Suspension of Operation
SOP Standard operating procedure
SOP Suspension of Production
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SOSREP Secretary of States Representative for Marine salvage and Intervention
SP self potential, spontaneous potential
SP Surface Pressure
SPA Special protection area
SPAR Floating production system
SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure
SPCCP Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
SPCP Spill Prevention and Cleanup Plan
spf shots per foot
SPI Ship-port interface
SPM Safety Practices manual [depends in the context it is written]
SPM Single point mooring
SPM Standpipe manifold [depends in the context it is written]
SPM- Strokes per Miniute- pump rate
SPM Valve Side Pocket Mandrel Valve
SPML Side Pocket Mandrel
SPP Stand Pipe Pressure
SPR Slow Pump Rate
SRO Surface Read-Out

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SS sandstone
SS Semisubmersible
SS Stainless Steel
SSANC Fixed anchors or mooring piles
SSL Setback Stand Loader
SSMNF Subsea manifold
SSO Ship security officer
SSRRC System Safety and Reliability Review Committee
SSSL Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence
SSSV Sub-Surface Safety Valve
SSTMP Subsea templates
SSV Surface Safety Valve
stab Stabiliser
STB Stock Tank Barrel
STCW International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STOP safety training observation program
SU Submersible
SUBC self-unloading bulk carrier
SW Southwest
SWDW Salt Water Disposal Well
SWE Senior Well Engineer
SWL Safe working load
sx = sack(s)

Abbreviation and Acronym T

TA temporary abandonment
TAC Toxic Air Contaminants
TAR True Amplitude Recovery
TB Tank Battery
TBA To Be Advised
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tbg Tubing
TBOSIET Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
Tcf Trillion Cubic Feet
TCF-Temp correlation factor, gas lift
TCP- Tri Crecyl Phosphate defoamer
TCP- Tubing Conveyaed Perforating gun
TCR Transition Cost Recovery
TCT- True Crystallization temp
TD Target Depth
TD Total Depth
TDPH Top Drive Pipe Handler
TDS Top Drive System
TDS total dissolved solids
TDU Transmission Dependent Utility
TEU Twenty feet equivalent unit
TF Tropical fresh load line
TFCB Trip for Changing Bit
TFL through-flowline (equipment)
TFM AKMH Terminology for Pipe Skate Tubular Feeding Machine
TGB Temporary Guide Base
TGOR Total Gas Oil Ratio
TGOR Total Gas Oil Ratio
THF Tubing Hanger Flange
THP Tubing Hanger Pressure
THS Tubing Head Spool
TIH Trip In Hole
TIMS Technical Information Management System
TJ tool joint
TLL timber load line
TLP Tension Leg Platform
TM ton miles
TOC Top Of Cement
TOF Top Of Fish

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TOL Top Of Liner

TOOH Trip Out Of Hole
TOU Time-Of-Use
TP Touch Pad
TPI Tones per inch immersion
TPIC Terminal Person in Charge
TQM Total quality management
TR Temporary Refuge
TR Tracking Drill bit
TRIF Total Recordable Incident Frequency
TRSCSSSV Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve
TRSV- Tubing Retrievable Standing Valve
TSE Temperature Safety Element
TSH Temperature Safety High
TSSs Traffic Separation Schemes
TT Trip Tank
TTC Total Transfer Capability
TTRD Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
TVD True Vertical Depth
TVDSS True Vertical Depth Sub Sea

Abbreviation and Acronym U

UBD under balanced drilling

UBOP Upper BOP (TDS or Kelly)
UBS Universal bulk ship
UEL Upper explosive limit
UFC Uniform Fire Code
UFL Upper flammable limit
UHF Ultra High Frequency (radio system)
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UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf

UKLPG Industry association formed from the LP Gas Association (LPGA) and the
Association for Liquid Gas & Equipment Distributors (ALGED)
UKOOA United Kingdom Offshore Operator assosiation
UKPIA United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Limited
ULBC ultra large bulk carrier
ULCC ultra large crude carrier
UMS Universal Measurement System
UMV Upper Master Valve
UN United Nations
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
UR underream
USC United States Code
UG Under Gauge
USCG United States Coast Guard
USDA US Department of Agriculture
USDOI US Department of Interior
USDOT US Department of Transportation
USEPA US Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS US Geological Survey
UTA Umbilical Termination Assembly
UTC Universal time (coordinated)
UV ultra-violet
Abbreviation and Acronym V

VBR Variable Bore Rams

VDL Variable Deck Load
VDU Visual Display Unit
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
V-G meter = viscosity get meter
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VHF Very High Frequency (radio system)

VIR Value Investment Ratio
VRR Voidage Replacement Ratio
VSC variable speed controller

Abbreviation and Acronym W

W/C Well Centre

WACOG Weighted Average Cost Of Gas
WAG Water-Alternating Gas
WBM Water-Based Mud
WC Watercut
WC = Water cushion
WCD Worst-case discharge
WDP Waste Discharge Permit
WDRs Waste discharge requirements
WE Well Engineer
WEG Wireline Entry Guide
WEND World Electronic Navigation Database
WHM Wellhead maintenance
WHO World Health Organisation
WHP Wellhead Pressure
WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit
WI Water Injection
WI Working Interests
WIS Wave Information Study
WITS Well site Information Transfer Standard
WITSML Well site Information Transfer Standard, Markup Language
WL water line

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WL Water Loss, drilling fluid

WL = wireline
WLEG- Wireline Entry Guide aka RE-Guide
WLL WireLine Logging
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WMU World Maritime University
WO Weld wash out Drill Bit Damage
WOB Weight on Bit
WOC Wait on Cement
WOC water/oil contact
WOE Well Operations Engineer
WOG = wait on geologist
WOG = Water-oil-gas
WOO = waiting on orders
WOR water/oil ratio
WOW = waiting on weather
WP Well Protector
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WQC Water Quality Certificate
WRSCSSV Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
WRSV- Wireline Retrievable Safety Valve
WSCA Well Services Contractors Association
WSS Well Services Supervisor
WT watertight
wT Worn teeth drill bit damage
WTI West Texas Intermediate
WTP Willingness to Pay
WWS- Water well source completion aka WSW Water Source Well Completion
WY Water Year

Abbreviation and Acronym X

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Xb X-Bushing
X-COM Multi Purpose Control Module, Sense EDM terminology
XMT XMas Tree
XO Cross-Over

Abbreviation and Acronym Y

YP yield point
YS Yield strength
YV yield value

Abbreviation and Acronym Z

Z- acoustic impediance. production logging
ZnCl2 zinc chloride.
ZMS Zone Management Systems

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