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Press Release

11th March
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT,
says Digital Economy Bill must not be rushed

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, today called for further time and consideration to be taken over
the Digital Economy Bill currently passing through Parliament. The Institute believes that the issues
raised by proposals require a more measured approach and a wider public debate than current
timetables allow, recognising the important progress stimulated through this Bill.

“This Bill could have huge consequences for online activity that are currently poorly understood”
said Elizabeth Sparrow, President of the Institute. “The Institute is highlighting the importance of the
Internet to citizenship, and the opportunities for everyone to participate. Those opportunities could
be curtailed and even diminished if some of the proposals being discussed make it into law.”

The Institute fully supports proportionate action against online copyright infringement, as well as
supporting many areas of fruitful and beneficial online activity that are increasingly vital. For
example, on March 11, the Institute is examining how the online environment is affecting politics, as
part of its ‘Savvy Citizen’ campaign aimed at encouraging and equipping citizens to participate
online to their benefit.

“There is great potential for the Internet to positively engage people in political debate.” said
Elizabeth Sparrow: “This is one of many ways in which access and capability online can enrich
individuals, widening and deepening inclusion and participation in UK society. Our approach to
legislation in the digital arena must take into account what is at stake now and in the future.”

Recent argument, comment and amendments to and around the Bill have included proposals that
could radically affect the Internet in ways that are difficult to predict. The Institute is concerned that
hasty decisions could increase digital exclusion and harm those most in need of and most positively
affected by Internet access and capability. The potential onerous burdens placed on many small
companies, schools and libraries may reduce access and availability to many of the vulnerable
members of society who may well derive the greatest benefit. Recent comments from Peers have
also highlighted the intense lobbying by interest groups around this issue. The Institute is concerned

The British Computer Society (Registered Charity no. 292786)

that these interest groups may be focussed on a narrow front, so wider societal issues may not be
properly accounted for.

The Institute is therefore calling for wider public debate and time for this Bill, and would have grave
reservations about any inclusion of this Bill in a Parliamentary ‘wash up’.

Despite this position, the passage of the Bill has been valuable in raising some of these
fundamental issues. Copyright and the creative industries are important and must be supported, but
not to the net detriment of society. In this case the Institute believes that better legislation later, is
preferable to hurried legislation now.

The Institute is not looking to comment at this point in great detail, but examples of proposals that
may have dangerous consequences include:

• Unspecified powers to modify copyright legislation without full parliamentary scrutiny

• Powers to block or take down websites based on allegations of copyright infringement
• Classifications of ‘service providers’ and obligations placed upon them

All of these points have potential impact on access, availability and use of the Internet that may be
unintended and highly detrimental. If policymakers accept that access, availability and use of the
Internet is an important national issue, they should ensure that impacts of the Bill are fully
understood before it is enacted.


For further information

Lucia Barbato
Senior Associate
Glasshouse Partnership
DL: 0207 079 9215
Mobile: 07817062649

Lynda Feeley MCIPR

Head of Press & PR
BCS The Chartered Institute for IT
First Floor, Block D, North Star House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1FA
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 417 417 | Direct Dial: +44 (0) 1793 417 711 | |

Our mission as BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is to enable the information society. We promote wider social and economic
progress through the advancement of information technology science and practice. We bring together industry, academics,
practitioners and government to share knowledge, promote new thinking, inform the design of new curricula, shape public
policy and inform the public.

Our vision is to be a world-class organisation for IT. Our 70,000 strong membership includes practitioners, businesses,
academics and students in the UK and internationally. We deliver a range of professional development tools for practitioners
and employees. A leading IT qualification body, we offer a range of widely recognised professional and end-user qualifications.

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