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~outbctn ~tar.

Tros Rutulusve mihi nullo discrimine agetur .............................. V IRG.

. Y, JUNE 6 1807......................................SABADO, 6 de JUNIO, de 1807.


N o. 2.

Toa Friend in Buenot Ayres.

Dear Fricnd.
I had no doubt ofbeing able to satisfy yur wishes entirely in this letter: but powerful
and unforseen obstacle: have ocured to prevent tbe execution
of my design. In the eourse of
our cor.respondence I promise to
do it and till wbich time 1 bcg you
to wait witb patiencc; for the present, I shall content myself with
1peakiDg of tbe rrincipa.l things
in which yo u distrust
Tbis is a period, my dear Lewnam, when a. mother is unhappJ
whose son is nota hero, historiau,
rolitician or statesman. The artisan abandon!! his labou'r to examine ihe principies of civil society.
He arrogantly discussef! whatever
appertains to the laws of war.
He boldly prescribes the duties of
the people ; regulates the conduct and point~ out the boundaries
. of sovereign authority. The wife
forgets ber domestic avocations
and leaving perfumes and the toiJet, her dressing room become!'>
transformed to a council chamber.
She elevates her voice to a manly
firmness and with the graces au1
blandishments of ber sex forteh
future events.
All are in their
own conceit possessed of skill sufficient to direct the world. And
in proportion to bis ignorance
every one judges of his own wisdom.
1 think witr, you that such an
anarchy of o_pinions is productive
of ill effects, but they will be momentary. By the advantages whicl1
result from them they will be infinitely counterbalanced. It matters not that the people are mad,
if the ravings of their imagination
are the crisis of reason. Slavery
and ignorance, th:e fever which
consumed it begin to disappear.
'l'he people bave discovered that
they have power to think: of
which heretofore they had never a
suspicion. This discovery will
free their ideas from the trammeh
that have preHnted the knowledge
ofibeir own diguity . Tlw power


No. 2.

A un Amigo en Buenos Ayres.

Amigo de aprecios. No

dude en esta satisfacer llenamente
tus deseos ; pero inconvenientes
poderosos, han impedido su execucion. Ell el discurso de nuestra
correspondencia, prometo hacerl?,
y basta tanto te encargo alguna
contentando me por
ahora con decir algo sobre tus
principales desconfianzas.
Es epoca esta, querido Leunam
mio, en q~e es m~~:he,
que no tlene un hiJO heroe,
historiador, poltico, estadista.
Abandona un atiesano sus tareas,
para correr al examen de los funJamcntos de la sociedad; trata
con arrogancia, quanto pertenece
al derecho de la guerra; 1 rescribe,
intrepido, los derechos del pueblo;
egla la conducta de los soberanos;
delinea sus fac~ltades. Olvi~a uua
mugerj sus pnmeras atenciOnes :
dexa el tocador, y los perfumes ;
transforma su estrado en un gavinete; y con tono de firmezaelev~hf
voz, acompaando! o de los reqmebros que son familiares
su sexo,
para predecir los acontecimientos
futros. Todos se consideran en
aptitud de dirigir el mundo, y cada
uno se cree, tanto mas suficiente
para su desem ~. eo, quanto, que
su razon se halla mas se pultada en
el cabos de la ignorancia.
Tal n.narquia de sentimientos,
creo contigo, puede producir
mucho mal; mas, este debe ser
momentaneo. Las ventajas que la
siguen seran infinitameiti.e superiores al dao. No importa que l
pueblo delire, si los desconciertos
de su imaginacion son crzii de ]a
razon. La ignorancia, y la esclavitud, fiebres que lo deboraban,
vtn desapareciendo . El pueblo
ha conocido que puede penzar,
cu_ya scspecha no havia tenido otra
vez: l desplegara sus ideas libre
de las trabas que ~e oponan al
conocimiento de su dignidad: r;e
acercara el raciocinio, que hoy
desconoce; y vendeeira la . mano
g enerosa q ue rompio sus cadenas.
E sta conseqencia es necesaria
al estado presente) si la proteccion

of reasonng wh ich before they

knew not will be given tl1em, and
they will bless t he generous hand
that burst their chains.
This res ult will necessarily folTow should th ey still continue as I
ho ; e to enj oy the protection of
our liberators; to the promotion of
wbich evcry one will devote his influence who is a true p:ttriot or
desirous of the hap pincss o [ liis
On seeing tlie proclamation you
inclosed me dated Buenos .Ay res,
27th. March, my l1eart swel led
with bitterness and 'grief. Sueh indecent invect ives, such illjm1g c>d,
senseless remarks the most audacious iguorance could scarcel y
have poured forth. The signature of the person who is supposed
to be author strikes me with surprise, and I cannot conceal m .'
astonishment that, in a country
wbere men of edncation and talents
are by no mcans wanting, a paper
sbould be tolerated which fixes a
stain on our national charactcc
I hate to dwell on a subj ect tbat
covers me with mortification and
shaii,le. Adieu till another opportunity.
Y our Friend,


MJD the dreadful calamitles in which
the too successful ambition of a lawless
conqueror has so long involvcd the
continen of Euro pe, the heartof evcry
Brti'oN must glow with peculiar satisfaction, when hecontemplates the prou d
and dignified position wbich our naval
superiority and insular &ituation enablc
us to hold among the nations. From
the past hiJitory of ths country, and
particular] y froin ihe events of thc last
1tnd prescnt war, it is im possible not
to be convinced, tlmt out naval strength
and domestic security must ever be inseparable. No military exertiom, of
which our population and resources
are capable, ought certainly to be neg lected; but while our navies ride un
controuled on the ocean, we may bid
defiancc to .the ravagers of provinces
and the conquerors of uations . Tt is
this proud and enviable circumstance
in the present aspect of Enrope, that
enableii u1, with justice and cfrect, to

de nuestros libertadores continua

como lo espew, ea cuyo interes
debe dedicar toda su atencion un
verdadero patrio.ta. que desee sw ceramente la fdicidau de su
suelo .
A vist:: de la procl ame qur> me
llclll_)Cs, fech a en Buenos A yres
el 27 de Marzo, h quedado mi
corazon lle1>0 d .: omar~ura . ln\ecti vas mas i ;~derorosas, y discursos mas dcsg reiados, I!O hlllma.
vomitado la mas desafurada ignorancia,
La subscri pcion que
a parece de quien se supone el
a utor, me admira, y la toleranc ia
de un papel, que degrada nuestro
carader, en un p,ai s donde abulldau
sug'etos de instrucciones1 y talentos
tan brillantes, me ab isma. No
quiero mortificar m a!i mi iinaginaci?n con sem~j;wte memoria. A
D1?s hasta otra proporcionen que
sera mas, tuyo.
. .

Entre las grandrs ca hm idade que
puede cansar la ambician de un cono~
quistador siu principios, en que envuelva el continerr1e de E urop:1 , ~~rde
Pl cora~on de todo Htitanico, y le sirre
de par~1~ ular cmnl?lasencia coniem pla r
la pos!cwn ventaJOSa de &lperiorJa(,l
naval y situ acion insulnr de su nacioiJ.
De l~t h istoria anti~wt de e::. te pa is, y ,
partiCularmente de lo.! SllC!'SOs de la
g uerra ultima y actual, es impnsh1~ no
(Star convencidos de que nGestro porter
na val y segnridad dumestica son insep arables . N ingun esfarrzo m !litar
recurso de quc .sea ~<~ paz .ntH'!.ro pHis ,
debemos aun as1 ormr , pero en tanto
nuestras fl otas tran citen sin estorbo el
oceano, podemos desafiar los s:>qtteadores de provincias, y conqu istadm ea
de las naciones. E s esta ci rcunstancia 1
arogantc y env id iable la c uc en el esta- . 1 ,
~o .act ual de Europa nos lu ce con jus-,.J'
hc1a y tazon declarar el continente en
estado de bloqueo, mienh:as l enemig o
o r~nlloso y enojarlo pretende v an amentt~
exigirno~ el cumplimento de el,- t:1
cerandonos dent ro de n uestros p ro p (os
puertos. Un leon gra vemente lJ eri(.Io
. que estas le causan no de-'
en l a agoma
muestra su valor, sino la descsperacion.
Sl esta superioridad es envidiable, mmca debe serlo mas que r n el estarl o presente p eligroso de Europa, De esta
pende la exl ~tenc ia de nue!t ra nacion
y si alguna t"specie de indepcndenci~
puede ser destinada par:t Europa entre
el aiJtema detestable de d omiuacion in-

{leclarc the cm1tinent itself in a state of justa que destruye y arruina el poder
blockade ; whilc tue hanghty and ex- superior inferior de las naciones, la
aspcratrd eurmy in vain tbreateus to corta p;trte que pued<t reservarse para
return th compliment, by shutting us el coutnente la demostrarn las operaup with'n our ports.-" The galt'd ciones . que continuemos por largo
jade m ay wii?Ce" but the writhing of tiempo en esta formidable situacion, ha
lJer limos is lcss indicati \ "C of her de ser sin duda el de-seo de to.t!o buen
IStrength than of her dcc-pair. If this patriota, y el obgcto principal de los
uttituc.\e of apcriority be at any iii'I..Le poderes arruinados del continente, que
dcrable, it is rcndercd still more han sufrido el yngo del conquistador.
necessary in the pr;:sent unsettlcd and Entanto qne Eouaparte sea segundo en
precarious statc of Europe.
n this poder por la mar, no puede contarse
superiority our existence as a nation twguro en el imperio del continente .....
,Jeprnds, and if any rcmnant of inde~ Tan r;ersuadidu se halla Bonnparte de
vendence be yct ckstincd for Europe, esta verdad como el f;tmoso delenda est
amid that ~ystem of d-omin<Jtion aiHl Cartago dd Caton mayor que Fragaaggression tltat swallmn; up not only tas, colonias, y comercio le o:;upan y
thc inferior, but even tbe first-rate .Jegran su imaginaicon, pero entrando
powers on thc continent, it must be en concideracion entrevee lo insubsis
prescrved, in a measure, by its tente de sus conquistn.s continentales.
operaiion. 'l'hat we may long conti- Deve ser muy agradable conocer en
nue to exhibit this lormidable posture, estas circumstancias, el zclo y ardor
rnust not only be the dearest w~sh of con que la legishcion, y comun de
every lover of his country amongst la nacion, procura <lar el honor y ex:.nrseiws, hut mus even be an object plrm'lor qae merece el d1'oartamcnto
of dcsirc tothose humhled and degraded publico, a cuyo servicio nos hallamos
vowers, that ha 'e more kemly the comprometidos. I...os honores y emconqneror's yoke. \\'hile Bon:1parte pleos devidamcnie conferidos, no so
is only sreond ui sea, l1e can nevcr be lamente demuestr11 ser un ju&to tributo
sccure of his empire on the Continent. por pasaJes servicios, sino que form:Ul
So much is Bes APARTE himself un nu:!vo y fertil ma!I:tntial de futnros
convin::cd of tbe tmth of this remar!~:, p1eritos. E :,tos vigorit:an los vit:jos,
that'' ships 1 colonics, and commerce," J' estimulan ;\ los jovenes. El nombre
like the famous Delenda est Cortlwgo, de Nelson 5ervira de entusiasmo y
of the elder Cato, is perpPtu:tlly recur- envidia a sm contemporaneo , y 5U
'fing to hismind, a.nd prevens that fall 1 explendor ~era transmitido la poste'.m easure of exultation a:!d pride that ridad, renotcienuo C'll tiempo~ venideros,
woulc.l have otherwise arsen from llis imitadores de su glmia, y emuladores
continental conquests. lt must be in de su f:una. Aunque en cePizas conthc highest dcgrce graLful, theretore, serva su excelencia. .En todo corazou
to observe, in thcse cirfmr.stances, w p;"nrroso domina mr:s el deseo de etermuch zeal on the p:ut of the legisla- nizar su fama, que el de conservar su
'ture, and so much eut.husiasm on the vida. Se halla expuesto si.n la espc:part of the eount.ry in general, to con- ranza de remuneracion, y peli;-ra el
ter every proper honour ou tlmt depart prospt>cto de sus ideas sino lo"'ra una
ment of the public servicc to which ;ve honorable disiincion, decaycnd"'o el mas
are sa ninch indebted. Honours and nobl1~ ardor y resuelto animo sin aquella
rewards, when properly applicd, are e;,pcmnza. Mientras que Patriotisma
not on1y a gratefill tri bute tor past prescuta sus altares pararcndirlccultos,
ser vices, but pro ve the fertile sources que abra la Fama las puertas del t~nplo
of new achievement~. They invigorate para recibir el heroe que csneranzado
the old, aml stimuhte the young, The en la justa y noble cansa que o anima,
name of Nu,so:,, cherisbed with en- quiere sacrificar la vida en sus aras ~or
-thusiasm by his cotempomries, aml la salud y gloria de su patria. l or
transmitted with lustre to posterity, este laudable motivo se ocup la mente
will raise up, in future times, succes del Parl.amento en su ultima secion para
sors to his glory and emulators of bis determinar se hiciese en la Igle:;ia de
fame : Su n Pablo vuxo su Lo heda un nacional
"Even in his ashcs live his wonted fires."
M onumento en memoria del immortal
In evrry ~enerous bosom, the love of Ndson. Si esta ohm se ha principiado
fame is still more powerful tlJaJ\ that of acabado lo i~noramos; pero sabemos
life. To be exposed to danger without que un cnballero litemrio que ha sido
tbe hope of reward, to meet peril and mncho tiempo miembro del Purlamento,
toil without the prospect of sorne ho~ celebre por sus obras de ingenio, s~ le
norable distinction, nmst ihc ha convidado para hacer alguna verkeenest ardour, and pro\e a check to COll a i;:scripcion este fin. No dutlJc most resolnt3 and determined tamos
que esie cab a11.ero ser capaz de
,coumge. \Vhile patriotism presents desc-->npcliar tal encargo con el m~jor
her ~hrine for bis devution, lt>t fame nombre y satisf1 cion del publico ;
open hcr temple for the recrptiqn of the pero jusgamos que para un olwcto de
Hero, who, suffering nobly in a just tanto momento, hubiera sido n:.ucho
c:msc, fe:>.rs not to immolate his lic Jur mas adequado haber formado una comthe safety and glory of his conntry.
peieucia de ingenios y talentos, conFrom a laud:.tblc moti ve of this kinrl, \id ando los literatos de mejor lustre 1
parliamcnt, it will be reme:nhered, nombre una empresa tan digna del
during tbe last session, decreecl a na- carad~r y gloria nacion~tl. T:;l monu--tional mounmcnt to the memory of thc mento debe ser, no solo una expresion
immortal NELSON, to be erected under 1 1 1 r
. li
d l
t.he dome of St. Paul's. ~Vhether this < e pu J Leo scntm ento por a per ita
clcl heroc ; mas uitbicu una prueba.
monument be com1)lctcd, or has bccn eterna y demostrativa de &ll valor.
yct begnn, we know not; hui it is re Deve asi mismo patentizar el alto y
ported that a ceriain literary gentlem~n, elevado graclo sin paralelo de nucst ra
HOW in office, who hRs been many .rears gloria naval que comenzando en el siglo
in parEanwnt, and long distinguished diez y nueve y progresando durante el
tor his works of genins and taste, has reyna,lo de uno de los mus am:tblcs
bcen invihrl to compose sorne appro soberanos 4ue jamns ha regido una
priate verses ns an inscription .
e gram!e nacion, permanece hasta el di a
t'ntcrtain not the slig-htest donbt that su pod~r. Deve asi mismo demarcar
thi s genilcman is pedcctly qualified for rl progreso sin igual de las artes y
th e task assignP.d him, anu that he will ciencias, indicar el estado actual del
cxc-cntr ii with credit to himself, and vigor publico en una era tan celebre en
~at isfaction to tJ1e public; but on an la historia.
occm;ion of so much importance, ami
1o give the suh.iect, if possible, a still
gn'ater interebt, it might ha ve bcen
more pror-er, pcrhaps, to h<tve inst i- E:-ctracto dellltr;RcURIO P ERUAY o.
tnt~d a comndition of t:t] , nt and genius,
and to haw'invitcd all the letterfd men EXTE ... TSION y POBLA.CIO::'\r DEL
in the kingdom to exercisc tltcir tasb
. nnd hlents on a subject so closcly conm'cted with our national eharaeter ancl
El Per es mucho menor en el c!ia de lo
~uch an t>xpression ofthe pnb- que era antiguamente baxo los Incas. Se
lie sntirnent onght not only to he a separ de Quito en el ao de 1718, y sumonum<"nt oF tue courage aud V<llonr, fl'i una clisminucion aun mucho mas
but of the tasie aud geuius of the agc. grande en 1778, por la separacion del Po-


As it will demonstrate to .succeedi1p;

times theunparailcled altiiude to wbieh
our naval glory at the commenc!'mcnt
of the nineteenth ccntury, ( and in the
reign of one ofthe most belond Sovc
reigns that e,er ruled over a grcat peo
ple), hall bccn c<~rril'd, so it oug-ht also
to mark the progrrss of the arts, and
indicate the state of pnblic taste, at an
era so couspicuous in tLc history of thc
[Aurora. J

From tlte


o.f ihe




P ern is mnch less, at present, tl1an it was
l t was disjoned from
Quito in 17L8, and snstained a still g.eater
rlimination in 1778, by the separation of
Potosi, and other provinces on its southeast frontier, which werc annexcd to the
vice.roya!ty of Rio Plata. lt e<tends, at
p~esent, nearly 300 geographical leagJes
in leugth, from the river Tumbt'Z, on the
north, to the Sierra of Vilcanota, thc
honndary ""hicli separa tes it from the Ro
Plata; but along the coast it strctches
abo u t 1'.W Jeagues fnr~h<!r to the so u th, to
the desart of Atacama. Its brcaclth is extremely variable, but excecds notSOleagues
at a metlium. Its square coutents are esli:nated at 33,628} S'iuare lea"ues. It i~
divided into -19 districts, and c~ntains 13CO
The population of Peru, by thc Jas t
CE~~us, amounted to 1,076,122 persons
of all ages, sexes and condtions l.Jut thc
CF.Nsus was maae with so 1i ttl e ca re a nil
the lndians haye so many motives t} concea! their numhers, that tbc rcturns wen
consid!'r:tbly undcr thc real population .....
The highest estmate, however, does not
raise tlte population of Peruallovel, 100,000
persoas; and the more probable -opinion
is, that it does not exceed 1,300,000 ...... .
Folir-tenths or more of this population are
Indians. The remainder is macle un of
European Spaniards, Spanish crco!es, ~ncs
tizocB, negroes, mulattoes, and samboes .
The European Sp:miards are either pers?~s iu offi.ce, employed in the miiitary,
Civil, or ecclesiastical departments of thc
state, or mere adventurers, without fortune, crcdit or connections, who, in defiance of the laws, have escapcd to Ame.
rica, in the cxpectation of acquiring, tl1ere,
weaH~ and consequence. The greater paH
of th1s dcscription of emigrants perish miserabl,r, from the effects of their povcrty
and v1ces. Of the former class, a great
number ~et ura to Spain, to enjoy the fortunes wluch they have acquired; but there
are few who marry and leaye families in
P~~~~: Such are t11e etl'ccts of thc policy
wmch rxclndes neoles from oHices of trust
and honor, anrl, consequcntly, degrade;
thcm bclow uatiYe Spaniards. N o man
earcs t_o be the founder of a famil y, which
must smk toa low2r rank ancl station than
l1e has orcupicd himself.
The creolcs of Peru are said to be mild
and humane in their dispositions and kind
in their conduct. Their nah!ral 'tal ents are
good; and, whrre they haYe the advantages of ednca.iion, they shew an aptitude
for learning anl science. They are vain,
and fond of shew and pararle; but thc
geatest defL' cts of their character, nrise
from the lofty conception tlH'y ento>rtain
of their own snperiority, and the contempt
they Teel for the othcr casts. These prejudiccs used furmerly to prevent thc creole.
and Emopcans from engaging in domestic
5ervice, or following any mt>chanical pro.
fcssion; so th:!.t many u:eful occupaiions
were not excrcised at all in Lima, because
the crcoles disdLined to practise tltem, and
the o;her ca&is were una.ble to caiTY them
on. But the increasing number of white
persons, many of whom are starving for
want of employment, has tended much, of
late years, to do away such prcjudices;
and they are now su b5iding fast in Lima,
and eren in the provinces. The sefl'ice of
the ehu rch or state, commerce, and tiw
profeEsions of l11.w and physic, were form.erly the only occu pations to whieh aSpamard or creole could apply, without disgracing himself. Ma.ny of the creole families ha ve titles of nobility, and possess
large e tatrs. Some are descended from
the ancient conquerors. Otners havc riscn
from commeree, or from employments under the crown.
( To b~ continu~d.)

nnc!er the Incas.

tosi, y otras provincias de s11 ;"rontera, qtr:e

se tlnieron al Virrc) nato del Rio de la Plata. Al presente se extiende cerca de 300
leguas geograficas de largo, desde el rio
T:mbez ai norte, hasta la Sierra de Vilcanota term;no que lo se11ara del Rio d~
la Plata; pero &U costa a lo largo se extiende cerca de 120 leguas mas al sur del
desierto de Atacmna. &u anchura 1aria
mucho, pero no excede en el medio de SO
leguas. Su ambito quadrado se estima en
33,628-&- leguas. Esh~ se divide en 4P parndos, que contienen 1360 J:meblos.
La poblacion del Pt>r poT el ultimo
censuo', contava 1,06, 122 persojtas d~
todas edades, sexos y cond cion~'S; pero
el census se hizo con tanto desor(do t~ni
cndo los Indios tantos mot (ros para ocuit~ su numero, que las sumas eran provabLmcnte menores que su pohlacion verdadera. El computo Jru!S alt~ (le la p~bla..
cion del Per, no sn be sin embargo de
esto a. mas del 1,400,000 ..personas, y la opinion mas provable es dt' qne no excede
de 1,3()0,000. La quarta decima. parte
mas de est:1. poblacioJ"l, es de lndios; la
dcmas se compone de 1<: };aoles1:uropcos,
Americanos, mestizos, negros, mulatos,
y :ambos.
L s Espaoles Eu>opeo ~ , 6
son sngetos e!<Tpleados en lo deJartamentos militares, civiles, ccleci11stico~ me.
ros aven tureros sin havercs, crcdito, 6
con<'xlones, quienes de aando las 1 yee
se han pasado a la America, con la espera;za de adqnirir alli riquPz:ts y mC'rito.
La mayor parte de estos otmigrados muf'ren
miserablemente a efecto de la mendicidad
y \'ICIOS. De la clase p imera ~ran numrro regresan a Espaa para d~fmtar alli
las riquezas que han adrnirido, pues hay
muy pocos que se casan dPxant!o sus fami ..
lias en el Per. Tal<!s son los efectos d~
una poltica que e1:cluycndo ol los Americanos del goze de Jos emv leos de conlianza;
y provecho, conslguientem 'llte les d~grada
baxo el dominio de Espaoles Europeos.
Nadie quiere ser fundador de una f<tmilia.
que ha de descender ol un grado y clase in.
frior al de su progenitor. Se die<' que loa
'laturalcs del P0r son humanos y d:: amables genios, caritatlbos, y cariosos en su
conducta. Sus talntos natilralcs son vellos, y si tienen la ventaja de una just.- educacion, muestran entonces mas su ap.
titud para el uso de las ciencias. Son va.
nos y amantes del lujo y explcndor; pero
los dfctos mayores de su carader nacen
del alto concepto que forman de su supe.
rioridad, y de esta misma dimana el desprecio con que miran los de clase inferior.
E:stas ideas estorvaron antiguamente ;J. loa
Americanos y Europeos se mesclacen en
servicios domesticos, seguir alguna profecion mecaniea: s q Me muchas oc u paci ones utiles no se exerciiaiJan en Lima porque los naturales se desdeaban practicarlas y las demas clases segnian esto exemplo; p~ro notando el numero crecido do
blancos que moran de hambre por falta el~
ocupacion, se hau logrado en al~un
desarrygar estas ideas en aqudla parte y
otras provincias. f~l serTicio de la Iglesia,
Jel estado, comercio, y las profeciones dtt
leyes y medicina eran antiguamente 1 las
que tan solo se dedicaba los Americ:tD(..'!i
p~ws "e persuadan que estas solamente podian exercer sin deshonor.
l\Iuchas familias Americanas tienen ti.
tulos de nobleza, y caudales grandes: al~
gt.nos son i1csendicntes de los conquistaJores antiguos : otros se l1an formado vaxo
los tuspicios del comercio, favor de la
corona con sus empleos lucrativos.
(S e continuarcl.)

Sabado, 6 de Junio, de 1807.

Despues ele la uHima gazeta no l1rmoa _

reciTido ninguna noticia particular de Eu-

La esquadra del Almirante Munn.AY,
que conduce el Tefaerzo en que viene el
Gen. CR \WFOJ!D, con 6,000 no:mnn:s da
tropa, ha arrivado a Maldonado desde el
Domingo pasado, donde subsisto por no
permitirle los Yicntos contrarios que lum
reinado internarse en el ro. Suponemos
que en esta fecha habr.i. tambien llegado
alli la ftvta que sali6 de Inglaterra.



Thc fol!owm:; epi~ode of " Gvnus review_ing

the SEuoxs" ts extracted frow a poet1cal
wor:k of considerable rnngnitude, and will
be :fir~t pnblished in London, on t.he rcturn
uf the authorcss to lhuope.

" F IRST 'VHnER spreads lter


arms, and sho'n

Her fragrant waters and her vlrg'io snows ;
Her pendant cat'racts, a.nd hertt"ees emboss'd
With chrystal dcws, and fring'd .wlth sil ver
Rocks, bilis, and dales, emit tbeir dazling
And scattcr'd diamomh in profusion lJlaze:
Then o'er her plains the howling eastward
Dim sl1adows b.-ood, the livid miatl ari!e;
Rouad the low sun the iey vapours crowd ,
Cool bis Yast heat, md veil with crimson
The lucid lakcs with glassy burthens groan,
Anil"ocean freezes O!l his pol:lr throne..P!e:ts'd with the sight, thc enamour'd boy
C!asps the cold nymph and warms her with
his tires."
Ncxt Srni~G advanccs, rob'd in vernal pride,
The graceful beauty, and the blushing
From her soft eyes thc ,-i.-id lustres gleam,
'\"hile cunning cupids steal tbe iiparkliog



Use oif the En!!lislt Armll,


Uso del Exercito Ingles,

Dip in thc Jambcnt llame their gol den da.rts,

With cruel jo y to pierce opposing hearts !
'er ha fair bosom day'~ rich glory play~,
Burns with bright fires, ,nd darts prolific
The Bprightly 11yeaph with timid pleasure
.l llustrious Genius throngh her pansied
Her serret bow'rs, 1'!"hose cloac knit my-rtles twine
Their 'ferdant cano pies for Lov:& di vine;
Her ahady groves that bloom with fragrant
fltnv' rs
"\Vhere faithf\lt' Iovers pass tbe stolen homs;
ller verdant lnvns with man_r a dais y picd,
IIcr willow ' d banks throngh which &oft
streamlets 8lide;
Jier e u !tu r'd hill!, whose ~lopng si des
The pre;;naut tre~s with embryon fruits of
1Ie1 valleys (air, whose paler herbage
'Vith rich nutrition {rom its tender roots:
Through n'ry path, 'll'hore irtue charma Monte Video,
Junesd. 1807.
the scene,
Anu dies luxuriantstud the glossy grecn,
The nymph d,:lighted leads her uew-bou
The list of officers of the 1st
REGIME_ T of SouTH-A.Admiring each, caressing a.nd caress'd."
:\IERICAN J\lhLITIA, is unavoidab}y
From a light cloud of ether next postponed, for want of room.



'~r }ter fine b::auteous forro, a tissuey Yeil

Uf spottcd silYer, fio.ted on the gale,
A wreath of crim-son. rosescircled round
Uer high auh'd b1ows, with auburn tresses
crown'd ;
'V oYe by the. !ingers of cnehantiog fltste,
A myrtle e~Stus bound her pregnant waist;
'Vhile in her train the cooling zephyrs
And guard hcr bcautics from the bla;te or





Auction of ships.



Woollen and Worstcd Goods,

To readets and cor'respondents.

The columns of the Southern Star are
again adorned with the elegant effusions of
l\L"-RIA TuERESA. To tho'e who are capable of eceiving delight from the sweet
strains of genuine poetry, any cncomium
on our part would be needless.
'V e ha'l"'e t.1.ken the adviee of Pr:TER
I OLER, and burnt bis letter. 'Ve are worshippers of '\\riT, in every form; but we
can neyer consent to our pages with
ribaldry, vulgarily, or abuse.
YEIUTAS shall ppcar in our next.

A nuestros lec/ores.

El Lunes que viene . Ta' ll dd di:t.

Hirminghain and Slteffield do. auarted. SE VENDERA V POR

Cut and plain glass~

ln cratea and tcrt'c~.
Ho~e 'ats, mkegs,
S!oYed salt (loose)
~nglilh lrou, in han.
Sail-cloth and seaming twine,







En la O:tcina de las Presas, los buque pre

sas que ~i:;uen, caso de q~e antes no se vcndlm.
Nos. 8, 9, 23, 45, 54 .
Todos los quales se &urtiran COi\ un jne.,.o de
velas que se pueden ver solicitando ai'Te~iente
Milne de la flota real.
'l'11.mbien, se rematara una partid~ de sal blllnc~
gruesa que s~ halla abordo del 'o. 11.

0( the best quality

Hatl, fine and course, Eng sheeting, in boxe!
Writing desks,
Damask table-clothi
Calle de Sn. Luis~
IRlSll LI:-<E~s, brown and white,
In bales and boxes.
Scarlct and Blue Cloth of different
Do. LoNG LAWNs, in trunkii.
Cotton counterp:1nes Vamish
Linseed oil, in kegg
Londou po1ter bottled, in tierces,
Exce!lent ' Teneriife, Madeira in pipes half'
Sherry winc .. do ....... do ... .
pipes and quarter casks, warrantcd ti ve years
.Port ... ,do . do ........ do ... .
old. Coniac brandy in pipe and horsheadt
Jamaica Rums,
Sweedish iron in bars and squares of nl sizea
Of auperior strength and flavour, in quantities a quantity of Non~ay dcal .boards.
not less than one puncheon.
Al so a few chests of ver.;' OId Madeira of
superfioe Qnality aud flavour.
Apply at No 56. Calle San Ronan.
J AYME RmToN y Comp 3

Las paginas de la Estrella. del Sur se ven

de nuevo adornadas, por la elegante efusion de MARI,). THEREH, Todo lo que
sea digno de su elogio, apetecemos con
anda. se le tribute; aunque suponemos por
dlma.s, segun su merito, esta insinuacion.
Hemos tomlJdo el dictamen d PEnno
InLER quemando su ~arta. N un ca con-

Almoneda de Buques.

Of eYcry dcscription,

Ship chaadlery and store1J,

Su>nmn, lovely as the full-blown

'Vth shp majestic, gracefully along,

~be gnide~ the willing youth throug11 ~cenc5
of zong;
wild roma.ntic Jwights, whose summih
Bright with eterna! snow in azure skies ;
White in the nles beue~th iutensely beat
The. ,. aun:.s perpendent ra.ys, aud scorch
1\"ith h~t;
Thcu o'eT -steep r()cks, whose gushing
founts suppJ.y,
'Yith life tlte f&mi;;h'd carlh, no-w parch'd
au.d dry;


Or, wl1et the queen o( llood!, illustrious decenderemos en publicar asuntos que
manchen nuestras paginas, con espintus
Pours her rich streams through Egypt's fa- de obscenidad, vulg~ridad, a.lmso.
At No. 14, in the square,
V:&RJTAS se de:xa.ra ver en nuestra gazeta
vour'd aoil ;
Or through long files of oaks whose siguiente.
Brandy in pipes .
branches forro
Boots and sboes
Black silk handkerchf1.
For lesser plants, a ~helter from the storm;
Earthenware, in crates Shawls
Callico sbirling
Lines of green popla.r!, gracefully inclin'd.
Deputy Commissary General's Office, Glass, in tiercesasrortedGinghamr
To shade the sultry noon, and cool the
Monte-Video, June 3, 1807.
lron pots
Cambric hosiery
Paint and paint oil
Umbrellas a.1d p1.ra101f
Then through gay purple vines, nectarean
Ha t.
Sarsnets and tattina
Velvereh arul
\Vhich gives to lassitude energic force;
Fills the fine veins with life, by heat opIrsh liuen
Cotlon thread
Saddles and bridles
Refined sugar
While loYe's bright fire11 expand the glow.
Gold and silverwalcbes'fin ware
iug breast;
Blue, black, andcarletPitch and
Through walks of roses, pinks, carnation,
Thc sum of 50,000 Spanish dol- Ke~=:~ere
~~~dare, &e &c.
Through swcet-briar archcs, anu through
jasmine bow'rs,
For bilis of e.rrlwnge on his Eritannc
At the Stores of the Suscribers.
She leads in wild sur~1rizc the gazing boy
ltfajestj's Pamasters' General; in
No. 119, Calle de San Miguel.
His eyes quicli. sparkling with the jems of
EL~GANT London made Fumiture of the
AU ~:>h

{ h
latest fashion and best quality, viz.
su e persons as are 1\'1. hrtg t ttri11s
Card Tables of varioua kinds; 1\f:r.bugany
" Last AUTl'M:N' matron or thc fading
of drawers, sidc-board~ and P'embroke
Settees, l'ancy chairs~' in the "'reatest
'er summer's beaulies urops the ev'ning
ders, specifying the lowcst rate of ex. variety, conaietingof Japau, Green, a~d Ycltear;
change, at which they are willing to lo_w orna~en~ed, and Chinese Bamboo; Ir~sli
Sllt'ds, as tl.e setting sun by heat oppress'd
said bilis, any time beforc 12 o'clock, on ~men~, Furmture Cot~ons, Counterpanes,_ Stlk
lOW with vermilion in the fervid west,
Tuesday next and the lowcst tender or toc:k~s,, Bridles, &c. &~. &c. Wlth a
Her chilling dews, while hoary frosts suc-
' .
qamnttty ot other artklet tG be dtsposed of on
.enders (1f approvcd of) Wlll be accepted. rea~onable terms; by
Blanching the tender grass and stu.bborn
Officina de la Commissari General,
Monte-Video, Junio 3, 1807.
At Ge(). Perkin's Sto re, l!i, Calle San Luis.
And as the tyrant Tnn: by stealth suneys
London particular Madeira wine in Pipes,
Thcl grauual decreas of the passing days,
Hogshea.ds, quarter casks of superior old
Some rising storm, perhaps o'cr nature
C!aret, Hock, Champaigne, Lisbon and
PAR .l
Van de-Grave,
Terrific wildncss, ch:lsing all repose ;
Lo-ndon Porter, Beer, Ale, and Cyder~
"'hile from the crimson clouds the lightef the best qualities,
Good old Rum,
ning shoots,
Rives the tall oak and bla!ts its sinewy 50,000 Pesos Fuertes, de cuya
ditto Branrly, .
Ca.sea ~>f best Holland,,
Arrest.o; the lofty apire ancl swift descends,
Fine Florerrce Oil in Flaslis,.
Se dara leltas de cambio sobre l nglnLiqueuri, &c. &c-.
In vivid angles to attrarting ends ! tena, pagadera pDr el Ha-cilitado
Now Autumn nextillustrious GENIUS took
de las lro'Pas.
To wa.trh the freezing of a neigh'bring
On Monday next will be disuo3ed ofa par
Q ualqme! sugeto qu~ qmera proporcwnar cel of Scarlet cloaths in smalt qnantities ao
e~ t~do, () part_e de d1cha suma puede ocur- 85 to suit the new Regimeut. J,ikewise a
And as the morn appoar'd, an. icy-ccat
Check'd the soft utU:rmtu of its bubbling rJr a esta Oficma, para demostrar los ter-1 very handsome Hat and S11'ord, with tbe Heminos en que ofrece dicho cambio, antes gimentals complete of a. volunteerOilicer gone
las doce el Martes de la semana que t_n_to_t_h_e_L-:i_n_e._-:-;-----:::--:--::----.:.Till the warm rays of light reltm.ting gave
viene r las propuestas que searr mas rcguBacl;. the (air cltrystal to its' sister wav8.
Through lofty oaks where mossy branches laNs si acomodan se aceptaran.
On Monday next, at 11 o'clock, at the Prizedropt
Their rus5ct leaves; and where the lambWILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION,
No. 19, calle S. Vicente,
The followinr prize vstels, in case they are
kins cropt
not sooner disposed of by prvate sale, Yiz.
The with'riag herbageon the healthy moor;
NoS'. 8, 9, 23, 45; 54.
And o'er the clifis and near the sandy
Britsh Afamifactured Goods, All of which shall be furnished witb an en:""shore,
set of sails, :which may be scen hy applyinO'0 t~
Where O cE.\~ with gigantic form appears, MuslM,
Lieutenant Milne, e-f the royal'J.
The reY'rend mouarch of uunumber'd Nankeens,
Printed Cottons.
coarse 7.t:lritc S.ALT~
And Pollicat haooltrfs.
The ma.tron led th' euraptur'd boy, "hile Fustians,
On board No. H .
Delight and wonder on his lisping tongue! Quiltings,


Todos suertes de Generos Ingie!leJ,

B:t yetas
Majon obscuro
Listas &c.
ino do ldanda y Sombreros &c. &c. &c.
Escritorio, No. 19, calle St. Vieente.

'Vhoever wishes a capable pcrson to
assist in a. sore: can be informed of his
character and couduct by enquiry at this

Qnien quisiere un sugeto abpil ara un
Almazen, al;le en esta oficina., que se le
inform:1r de su procedimien:o, y conducta.



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