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01. (FMU) The little _________ are in that __________.

a) foxes boxes
b) fox box
c) foxen box
d) foxes box
e) foxen boxen

02. (PUCC) Five ________ packages were sent to South

a) thousand
b) thousand of
c) thousands
d) thousands of
e) all are correct

03. (PUCC) O plural de sister in law, child e armchair :

a) sister in law, children, armchairs
b) sister in law, children, armschair
c) sisters in law, childs, armchairs
d) sister in law, children, armchairs
e) sisters in law, children, armchairs

04. (FMU) Their ___________ are against their attitudes.

a) believe
b) belief
c) believes
d) beliefs
e) believ

05. (MACK HUM) The plural of louse and mouse is:

a) louses mouses
b) lice mice
c) lice mouses
d) louses mice
e) a and b are corrects

06. (PUCC) O plural de buzz, country e shelf :

a) buzz, countres, shelfs
b) buzzes, countries, shelves
c) buzzes, countres, shelves
d) buzzes, countrys, shelves
e) buzz, countres, shelves

07. (ABC) The plural of brother in law is:

a) brothers in law
b) brother in laws
c) brothers in laws
d) brethren in laws
e) it has no plural

08. (FMU) ___________ are generally big and black


a) Ox
b) Oxes
c) Oxen
d) Foxen
e) Fox
09. (ITA) The United States ____________ a big country.
a) is
b) are
c) have
d) a e b so corretas
e) todas so corretas
10. (OSEC) ___________ names were published in this list.
a) Hundreds
b) Hundreds of
c) Hundred
d) Hundred of
e) Five hundreds of

Exerccios: Plural of Nouns (Plural dos Substantivos)

1. They decided to build twoin the city. (church)

a. Churches
b. Church
c. Churchs
2. The man who tried to rob Jake had
three..when the police arrived.(knife)
a. Knifes
b. Knives
c. Knife

3. They suspected theirwere following them after

a. Wifes
b. Wife
c. Wives
4. Do you think the.will like this Santa Claus? Are
you sure? (child)
a. Childrens
b. Childs
c. Children
5. What do you hope theare going to do about
a. Managers
b. Manageres
c. Manager
6. I asked her to wash theright away.(dish)
a. Dishs
b. Dishes
c. Dish
7. She said: I hate! (mosquito)
a. Mosquitos
b. Mosquitoes
c. Mosquitous
8. I dont like the noise.make. (cell phone)
a. Cell phones
b. Cell phone
c. Cells phone
9. Why dont you drop by the supermarket and buy
some..? (apple)
a. Apples

b. Apple
c. Applees
10. There are a lot ofin So Paulo.(disco)
a. Discoes
b. Discos
c. Disco
Assinale a alternativa que contm o plural correto dos
seguintes substantivos:
monkey - appendix - story - shrimp - tomato - proof
a) monkeys - appendixes - stories - shrimps - tomatos prooves
b) monkies - appendices - storys - shrimp - tomatoes proofes
c) monkeys - appendixies - stories - shrimps - tomatoes proofs
d) monkeys - appendices - stories - shrimp - tomatoes proofs
e) monkies - appendixes - storys - shrimps - tomatos prooves
There are my _____ toys.
a) children
b) children's
c) child's
d) of children
e) B e C so corretas.
1) ( FATEC ) Assinale a alternativa em que o adjetivo
composto por dois substantivos, como na palavra "weightloss".

a) low-cholesterol meals.
b) high-fat intake.
c) western-style boots.
d) well-known people.
e) ice-cream flavors.
2) ( UFSM ) As palavras "independence" e "independent"
so, respectivamente, um substantivo e um adjetivo. O
mesmo ocorre, respectivamente, em
a) reconciles - reconciliation.
b) united - unity.
c) suggestion - suggested.
d) freedom free.
e) practical - practically.
3) ( UERJ ) Nouns In English can be preceded by words of
various grammatical classes. The construction which does
Not contain a typical instance of adjectival modification is:
a) ... Comeback Album ...
b) ... German Director ...
c) ... Successful Attempt ...
d) ... Charming Documentary ...
4) ( ITA ) Os sufixos usados nas palavras nervousness,
actually e surprising so formadores, respectivamente, de:
a) substantivos, advrbios, adjetivos
b) substantivos, adjetivos, advrbios

c) adjetivos, advrbios, substantivos

d) adjetivos, substantivos, advrbios
e) advrbios, adjetivos, substantivos
5) ( EFOMM ) ___________ events are important for
a) Culture, educate
b) Cultural, education
c) Culture, educational
d) Cultural, educated
e) Cultures, education
6) ( EFOMM ) The ________ in the supply of oil at a time
of increasing consumption resulted in a severe energy
a) reduction
b) reducible
c) reductive
d) reductively
e) reduce
7) ( PUC PR ) The baseball game was so _______ that
the spectators were shouting and jumping out of their seats.
a) excited
b) excitable
c) excitement
d) exciting

e) excite
8) ( UEL ) Um antnimo para a palavra careful :
a) carefully
b) careless
c) carelessly
d) prompt
e) cherish
9) ( EFOMM ) When the police investigated the Bank
robbery they discovered the $ 10,000 had been stolen. After
the __________ the Bank employees were very upset.
a) discovered
b) discover
c) discovery
d) discoverable
e) to discover
10) ( EFOMM ) You can trust Henry to take care of your
health, for he is a very good__________.
a) professor
b) sailor
c) servant
d) musician
e) physician
Preencham os espaos em branco com a forma mais
adequada doplural dos substantivos em ingls que esto

entre parnteses.
1. They decided to build the city. (church)
a. Churches
b. Church
c. Churchs
2. The man who tried to rob Jake had three.................when
the police arrived.(knife)
a. Knifes
b. Knives
c. Knife
3. They suspected their...............were following them after
a. Wifes
b. Wife
c. Wives
4. Do you think the.............will like this Santa Claus? Are
you sure? (child)
a. Childrens
b. Childs
c. Children
5. What do you hope the...............are going to do about it?
a. Managers
b. Manageres
c. Manager
6. I asked her to wash the...............right away.(dish)
a. Dishs

b. Dishes
c. Dish
7. She said: "I hate...............!" (mosquito)
a. Mosquitos
b. Mosquitoes
c. Mosquitous
8. I don't like the noise................make. (cell phone)
a. Cell phones
b. Cell phone
c. Cells phone
9. Why don't you drop by the supermarket and buy
some....................? (apple)
a. Apples
b. Apple
c. Applees
10. There are a lot So Paulo.(disco)
a. Discoes
b. Discos
c. Disco
Considerando a flexo em nmero das classes
gramaticais das palavras em Ingls, como ficariam,
respectivamente, os vocbulos country,influx e many na
forma plural?
countries influxes many
countries influxes - manies

countryes influxes manies
countryes influx - manies
countries influx many

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