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Forty years of stress research: principal remaining problems

and misconceptions

An overview of the main problems laquelle le terme est utilise, ii semble in the behavioural sciences and philo-
and misconceptions in the clinical que 10 problemes, toujours les sophy. An encyclopedia2 listing 7518
application and theoretic evaluation mames, solent a l'origine des difficultes key references is summarized in the up-
of the stress concept reveals that rencontrees dans son application: dated edition of "The Stress of Life".3
the same 10 problems appear to cause (1) Ia definition precise de stress, The compilation of these surveys, as
the greatest difficulties in Its stresseur et syndrome general well as the many personal contacts I
application, irrespective of the d'adaptation; (2) le concept de have had with experts during my lec-
specialty in which It is used: (1) the nonsp6cificit6 tel qu'utilise en biologie ture tours throughout the world, made
correct definition of stress, stressors et en medecine; (3) le conditionnement it seem opportune at this time to pre-
and the general adaptation syndrome; des r6actions de stress par divers sent the simplest possible synopsis of
(2) the concept of nonspecificity in facteurs endogenes (de nature gen6tique the main points likely to cause con-
biology and medicine; (3) the principalement) et exogenes (relatifs fusion.
conditioning of stress responses by a l'environnement); (4) Ia relation
diverse endogenous (mainly genetically entre syndrome g6n6ral et syndrome Major points of confusion
determined) and exogenous local d'adaptation; (5) Ia difference entre concerning the stress concept
(environmental) factors; (4) the relation pathogenes directs et indirects; (6) les
between the general and the local lesions morbides dans lesquelles le Irrespective of the specialty in
adaptation syndromes; (5) the difference stress joue un r6ie specialement which the stress concept is used, the
between direct and indirect pathogens; important - les "maladies d'adaptation"; same 10 problems (some partly over-
(6) the definition of the morbid lesions (7) le r6le relatif de certains facteurs lapping) confuse its application:
in whose pathogenesis stress plays (somatiques v. psychologiques) 1. The definition of stress, stressors
a particularly prominent role - the susceptibies de conduire a Ia maitrise
so-called diseases of adaptation; (7) the du stress biologique; (8) le mode and the general adaptation syndrome
role of genetics versus that of factors d'action des hormones syntoxiques et Stress is the nonspecific response of
under voluntary self-control in catatoxiques et des medicaments, the body to any demand. A stressor is
mastering biologic stress; (8) the ainsi que les le9ons qu.on peut en tirer an agent that produces stress at any
mode of action of syntoxic and catatoxic sur le plan du comportement; (9) le time. The general adaptation syndrome
hormones, drugs and behavioural "premier m6diateur", qui est a ce jour (GAS) represents the chronologic de-
attitudes; (9) the so-called first nonidentifi6, provenant de Ia r6gion velopment of the response to stressors
mediator of the stress response, which directement affect6e et portant le when their action is prolonged. It con-
carries the message that a state of signal dalarme aux centres r6gulateurs sists of three phases: the alarm reac-
stress exists from the directly affected neurohormonaux; et (10) Ia prophylaxie tion, the stage of resistance and the
area to the neurohormonal regulatory et le traitement des dommages caus6s stage of exhaustion.
centres; and (10) the prophylaxis and par le stress, a laide de techniques 2. Nonspecificity v. specificity
treatment of stress-induced damage pharmacologiques et comportementales.
by pharmacologic and behavioural These terms may be applied to both
techniques. Almost 4 decades ago certain primitive the eliciting agent and the response. By
experiments led to the publication of a nonspecific we mean effects or re-
Les principaux problemes et les letter to the editor of Nature entitled sponses that are characteristic of many
conceptions erron6es qul entourent Ia "A syndrome produced by diverse no- stimuli or agents - for example, the
notion de stress ont ete relev6s. cuous agents".1 Since then more than manifestations of the alarm reaction,
lnd6pendamment de Ia discipline dans 110000 publications have dealt with with the secretion of adrenocorticotro-
the different aspects of what is now pic hormone (ACTH), corticoids and
Reprint requests to: Dr. H. Selyc, Institut de
m6decine et de chirurgie expErimentales, known as "the stress concept" - publi- catecholamines, thymicolymphatic in-
Universit6 de Montr6al, CP 6128, Montr6al 101, cations not only in medicine but also volution, eosinopenia and peptic ulcera-
CMA JOURNAL/JULY 3, 1976/VOL. 115 53
tion. All of these are nonspecific effects that can influence the body's recepti- through its secondary systemic stressor
in that they can be elicited by innumer- vity to a stressor (or stress-induced effects.
able agents that make an intense de- hormone).
mand upon the adaptability of the or- Because all stressors necessarily must 5. Direct v. indirect pathogens
ganism. On the other hand, the percep- have some specific effects of their own,
tion of green light, for example, is a Direct pathogens are those that act
they cannot always elicit exactly the as such. Mechanical trauma, intense
highly specific response since it can be same response. In fact, even the same
elicited only by light of a given wave- heat and strong acids or alkalis will
stimulus will act differently in different cause tissue damage irrespective of the
length and only if this stimulus is individuals, depending upon endogen-
applied to the retina. However, as we body's response and, more particularly,
ous (e.g., genetic predisposition, age, of the defensive reactions characteristic
shall see when comparing the GAS with sex) or exogenous (e.g., treatment with
the local adaptation syndrome (LAS), of stress. That these pathogens are
hormones or drugs, exposure to envir- really direct and independent of any
even a highly specific local stimulus, onmental factors, including air pollu-
such as intense light or sound, though vital activity is best demonstrated by
tion, social influences, etc.) condition- the fact that they will affect even a
acting specifically upon the eye or ear, ing factors (Fig. 1).
respectively, can also cause a nonspeci- cadaver, in which, obviously, morbid
fic systemic (that is, general) stress It is a lack of understanding of the lesions could not develop as a conse-
reaction if it is of sufficient magnitude role of conditioning that has so often quence of its own vital reactions.
to mobilize the general adaptive system raised questions concerning two types Other direct pathogens are, for ex-
of the entire body - that is, by causing of observations: ample, endotoxins, spinal cord transec-
intense nervous arousal, with conse- A. Qualitatively different stimuli of tion, and x-irradiation. Their effects
quent stimulation of the hypothalamic- equal stressor potency (judged by their (fever, paralysis, radiation syndrome)
hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis and ability to elicit typical stress inanifesta- are not evident after death, yet they do
generalized adrenergic responses. tions - e.g., ACTH, corticoid or cate- act directly. It is true that the body's
The stereotyped nonspecific stress re- cholamine production) do not neces- defensive reactions (particularly the
sponses are highly specific in their ma- sarily cause the same stress syndrome stress response) can be elicited by them
nifestations but nonspecific in their in different individuals. in the living organism as a secondary
cause, whereas generalized tissue cata- B. Even the same degree of stress consequence of their direct effects;
bolism, for example, is a nonspecific induced by the same stimulus may pro- however, their specific actions are not,
(diffuse) manifestation that may be voke different lesions in different in- or are only slightly, influenced by the
evoked by even highly specific patho- dividuals. stress they produce.
gens. On the other hand, indirect patho-
Thus, specificity is always a relative 4. GAS v. LAS gens act only, or predominantly,
phenomenon. Whatever agent affects us I have coined the term "systemic through the excessive or inappropriate
(light, bacteria, hemorrhage, pain) will stress" to emphasize that a GAS is defensive reactions they elicit. For ex-
have its own characteristics but it will elicited only by stressors that, directly ample, emotional, immunologic and in-
also cause stress, which, by definition, or indirectly, affect the whole body. flammatory reactions depend primarily
is a nonspecific demand for adaptation. On the other hand, an LAS is the re- upon such indirect mechanisms.
Of course, certain agents and responses sponse to nonspecific demands made
upon only one part of the body. Such 6. The definition of the diseases of
(e.g.,. long periods of excessive mental adaptation or stress-induced maladies
and physical work, with consequent demands may be made upon a circum-
generalized fatigue) are predominantly scribed, physically or chemically trau- The diseases of adaptation depend
nonspecific; conversely, the perception matized region of skin or connective primarily upon an excessive or inap-
of a certain light or sound wave and the tissue and then the manifestations of propriate response to indirect patho-
production of Koplik's spots by the the LAS will be essentially those of gens. Included are all "psychosomatic"
measles virus are highly specific with inflammation, necrosis or cell degenera- diseases, allergies and other immuno-
respect to the evocative agents and the tion with regeneration. However, an logic responses, as well as excessive
responses. intense LAS (e.g., in a limited muscle inflammatory reactions to, in them-
group, sense organ or brain region) may selves, harmless agents. The evocative
In this transition from the ideal, to- reach such proportions as to affect the agent itself is often not the cause of
tally nonspecific, pure stress response body as a whole and produce a GAS the trouble. For example, if emotional
to greater specificity, the first subdivi- responses are prevented by suitable
sion is the distinction between "eu- counselling or psychopharmacologic
stress" and "distress" - the former AGENT
measures, or if immunologic or inflam-
being agreeable or healthy, and the lat- matory reactions are suppressed by glu-
ter, disagreeable or pathogenic. The way cocorticoids, it becomes clear that the
a certain stimulus will be received de- evocative agent is not inherently patho-
pends upon its intensity and the parti- genic. Here we are dealing with the
cular receptiveness of the affected per- curious phenomenon that an essentially
son. From these two main branches useful defensive reaction, developed in
can arise a virtually infinite num- the course of evolution for protection
ber of ramifications of the agents and (e.g., emotional arousal in preparation
the effects that are experienced during for fight, immunologic and inflamma-
eustress and distress. This diversity de- tory responses to foreign intruders), can
pends primarily upon conditioning. be the major cause of disease if the
3. Conditioning defence is inappropriate under the cir-
cumstances. It is true that, in the course
The term conditioning is used in of evolution, most of the inappropriate
stress research not only in the Pavlovian FIG. 1-Factors influencing the response defence reactions have gradually been
sense but also to designate any factor to a stressor. eliminated as only the fittest survived;
54 CMA JOURNAL/JULY 3, 1976/VOL. 115
but evolution is still in progress - we quired) determine specifically which the ability to respond to the exigencies
are not yet perfect. pathways and which receptors will be of life by disciplined, voluntary reac-
The platitude "Nature knows best" most sensitive to the common stimulus tions motivated by the pursuit of a goal
is just as false as "Mother knows best". in any one case. Only a few responses that one really can and wishes to at-
Nature may know best in terms of mil- are virtually always evident: massive tam: in essence, the limits of "free
lennia of further evolution, but mean- acute liberation of energy produces will".
while this is true only in so far as our heat; massive acute stress stimulates At present, great emphasis is placed
brains have learned to correct false, the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adreno- upon inherited personality traits in the
automatic, adaptive defences by physi- cortical axis, as well as the catechol- development of various stress-induced
cal (e.g., pharmacologic or surgical) or aminergic system, and causes catabol- psychosomatic diseases, particularly in
mental (e.g., psychotherapeutic tech- ism, and so on. the probability of having a coronary
niques or a code of behaviour) means. As Fig. 2 shows, a lamp placed di- heart attack at an early age. We used
In particular cases many physicians rectly in contact with a waterfall will to describe a person with the behaviour-
have difficulty grasping the nonspecific not produce light, and an air condi- al pattern linked with a high probability
aspect of the diseases of adaptation. tioner, if only soaked in petroleum, will as a "stress seeker" or a "race-horse
When faced with the interpretation of fail to cool or heat a room. All the type", as opposed to the easygoing
a peptic ulcer produced by a burn, effects that can be produced by the "turtle type". In their now-classic
they will quite justly emphasize that a inanimate receptors depend upon ener- studies, Friedman and Rosenman4 refer
peptic ulcer is a specific disease and a gy derived from the diverse sources to these as "type A" and "type B"
skin burn is a specific type of injury capable of furnishing it. Similarly, the persons, respectively, the former being
affecting a particular region of the diseases mentioned will not arise in particularly prone, and the latter re-
body surface. Similarly, if a patient has patients exposed to the agents enumer- sistant, to untimely coronary accidents
a cardiac accident after a violent mari- ated unless the latter do, in fact, pro- during early middle age.
tal dispute, the physician will point out duce stress. Although I am a great admirer of the
that both the result and the cause were Most of the seeming exceptions to excellent investigations that have led to
specific. So why speak of a nonspecific the mediation of the diseases of adapta- the characterization of what we now
stereotyped "stress" element? tion by stress are readily explained. know as the type A personality, which
Since this problem is so often mis- Thus, some acute transient stressors is primarily determined by genetic pre-
understood, it may be worth while to (e.g., localized burns) are unlikely to disposition, I wish to console those who
illustrate it by examples of well known cause hypertension because they do not have been born with this stigma, as I
inanimate machines in which the com- act long enough; others (e.g., starvation have: the situation is not hopeless.
mon factor necessary for their function or hemorrhage) will fail to increase the What is important is to live so that
is the generation of energy that can blood pressure because they have a one's distress is converted into eustress.
then satisfy demands at an appropria'te specific hypotensive effect. In any event, that is what has kept me
receptor. In patients this is comparable 7. Genetics v. self-control healthy and happy, and - having
to various highly specific morbid le- reached the age of 68 - even if I
sions produced by equally specific It would be impossible to answer in should have a coronary accident before
causative agents, but only if the latter quantitative terms the eternal question this paper appears in print, my death
generate a stress response (Fig. 2). of the relative importance of genetic would not be "untimely".
Conditioning factors (innate or ac- predisposition and rational conduct -
8. Syntoxic v. catatoxic agents
Syntoxic refers to agents that carry
the message of coexistence with a po-
tential pathogen. The best known ex-
amples of such chemical agents are
syntoxic hormones, such as glucocorti-
coids, which suppress many of the usu-
(sound) ally helpful, defensive, inflammatory or
immunologic reactions. Catatoxic refers
Automobile to impulses for fight and aggression.
(motion) Some natural steroid hormones (e.g.,
those of the testes) have catatoxic ef-
fects, but more effective are certain
synthetic steroid hormone derivatives,
such as pregnenolone- 1 6a-carbonitrile
(PCN), which induce the synthesis by
the liver of aggressive, drug-metabo-
lizing enzymes that can destroy a large
Peptic ulcer .. . Marital disagreement number of pathogens (e.g., barbiturates,
certain carcinogens and digitalis com-
Psychiatric . STRESS .4......Frustration by boss pounds).
Hypertension Combat fatigue 9. The "first mediator" of the
stress response
Cardiac accident Burns
We have long been puzzled by the
FIG. 2-Nonspecificity. Each result (on the left) is specific, each causative agent nature of the "first mediator", which
(on the right) is specific. Yet they are all nonspecific results in that they must go carries the message of stress from the
through a common pathway. No direct connection is possible between a result and directly affected area (e.g., a burned
a cause.
CMA JOURNAL/JULY 3, 1976/VOL. 115 $$
hand, an excited cerebral cortex or a by-product of activity or the lack of for the mastery of stress I have recent-
vascular system depleted of blood) to some important blood constituent that ly added a code of behaviour described
the centres (e.g., the hypothalamus and cells use up whenever they function. as "altruistic egoism".6 In essence,
adenohypophysis) that regulate homeo- Identification of the first mediator ap- it accepts that all living creatures are,
static reactions. We know much about pears to be one of the most fundamen- and must be, primarily selfish; the big
the latter, which regulate the output of tal tasks of future stress research. fish has to eat little fish or else i. will
the stress centres, but little 'about the perish. None of us can expect others
nature of the input. 10. Prophylaxis and treatment to look after us more than after them-
Undoubtedly nervous impulses and Recommendation of the use of vari- selves. However, we must avoid meti-
blood-borne chemical mediators carry ous drugs (tranquillizers, antiadrenergic culously the reckless selfishness of those
some of the information that a state of agents, or even psychedelic agents and who think only of themselves. Reckless
stress exists. In man, with his highly vitamins) to "eliminate stress" has egoism is even biologically unsound; it
developed central nervous system, psy- caused much confusion. Some certainly creates so many enemies and such feel-
chologic stressors, and particularly emo- diminish the distress of excessive emo- ings of uncertainty that it could never
tional arousal, are of primary import- tional lability but others are totally in- act as a satisfactory permanent guide-
ance. This is especially true of the most effective or even harmful in any kind line through life.
common stressors of daily life (frus- of stress situation. However, we can rid ourselves of
tration, anger, fear and hate). However, We must not suppress stress in all guilt feelings and inferiority complexes
contrary to the opinion of some psy- its forms, but diminish distress and faci- for our inability to be ideal altruists
chiatrists and psychologists,5 nervous litate eustress, the satisfactory feeling once we admit that some egoism is in-
arousal, especially in the form of that comes from the accomplishment dispensable for the maintenance of both
a conscious affect or emotion, can- of tasks we consider worth while. the individual and the species.
not always be the common pathway. Stress is the salt of life; few people It is biologically impossible to accept
For example, typical activation of would like to live an existence of no the command "Love thy neighbour as
the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adreno- runs, no hits, no errors. Yet it is bene- thyself" literally. You cannot love on
cortical axis and the adrenergic system ficial for the human machine to rest command. It is up to your neighbour to
can be accomplished by decortication, periodically; hence the development of make himself lovable. Hence the code
surgical intervention under deep anes- various religious and psychologic tech- of behaviour based on altruistic egoism
thesia, or anesthesia itself. niques designed to diminish temporarily tries to satisfy the natural egoistic tend-
Furthermore, stress occurs in lower all forms of biologic stress, close to the ency to hoard capital for security, just
animals and plants, which have no cen- minimum compatible with survival. To- as many animals hoard food or building
tral nervous system, and even in iso- tal elimination of stress - that is, ces- materials to assure their homeostasis at
lated cell colonies growing in tissue sation of demands made upon any part future times of need. However, in the
culture. In addition, the entire hypo- of the body, including the cardiovascu- case of man this capital should be
physiotropic area can be surgically lar, respiratory and nervous systems - stocked in the form of personal satis-
isolated from the rest of the brain by would be equivalent to death. faction, love and goodwill, as he learns
a tubular knife (generally known as Conversely, for the mobilization of to be useful to others.
the knife) pushed down from useful adaptive reactions and an in- "Love thy neighbour as thyself" can
the cortex to the base of the skull. This crease in general resistance, the use of be translated into a language acceptable
permits complete "deafferentation" of strong stressors (e.g., physical exercise, to the scientifically oriented thinking of
the hypophysiotropic area, which re- hydrotherapy, electroshock, insulin our time. For this we only have to
mains in contact with the hypophysis shock, Metrazol [pentylenetetrazol] slightly rephrase the motto as "Earn
only through the stalk vessels. This shock, nonspecific fever therapy) is thy neighbour's love".6
operation causes no reduction in basal beneficial in certain situations. We do
secretion of ACTH (which, in fact, is not know through what mechanism This attitude will best assure homeo-
usually above normal) and the adeno- such stressors improve fitness and help stasis and resistance to stressors
hypophysis continues to respond to the body's efforts to overcome diseases throughout life and give a satisfactory
various stressors (e.g., ether, restraint, of adaptation, or why one may be more purpose to one's activities. We have to
tourniquet shock or formaldehyde) with helpful than another, but their efficacy recognize that man must work and must
an increase in plasma ACTH and corti- has received ample empirical proof. be selfish and hoard capital to assure
coid concentrations. In animals with Presumably the conditioning factors as- his security. None will blame him
such a completely isolated hypophysio- sociated with diverse prophylactic and whose egoistic and capitalistic tend-
tropic area the compensatory hyper- therapeutic procedures, as well as those encies express themselves in the insa-
trophy of the remaining adrenal gland that accompany the harmful stressors tiable desire to accumulate the good-
is demonstrable after ablation of the that cause distress, so modify the stereo- will, esteem and love of others by
contralateral gland. On the other hand, typed response that a certain degree helping them - even if he is motivated
all these stress responses are abolished of specificity becomes evident. For ex- by altruistic egoism.
if the median eminence of the hypo- ample, the various types of shock ther-
physiotropic area is destroyed. apy are most useful in the treatment of References
Hence, it may be taken as well estab- certain psychoses. On the other hand, 1. SELYE H: A syndrome produced by diverse
lished that blood-borne stimuli can ini- exercise, saunas, cold showers and the nocuous agents. Nature 138: 32, 1936
tiate the stress response, even if emo- various psychologic relaxation tech- 2. Idem: Stress in Health and Disease, Reading,
niques are more efficient in mastering MA, Butterworths, 1976
tional arousal (or any other cortical 3. Idem: The Stress of Life, 2nd ed, New York,
stimulus) is prevented from reaching the stress situations of everyday life; Toronto, London, McGraw, 1976
the centres producing corticotropin- they help to turn the distress of fatigue 4. FRIEDMAN M, ROSENMAN RH: Association of
releasing factor, the substance that in- and failure into the eustress of success specific overt behavior pattern with blood
and cardiovascular findings. JAMA 169:
duces the pituitary to produce ACTH. and fulfilment. 1286, 1959
As yet, nothing is known about the 5. SELYE H: Confusion and controversy in the
Stress of living: a personal view stress field. J Hum Stress 1 (2): 37, 1975
chemical nature of the first mediator; 6. Idem: Stress Without Distress, Philadelphia.
so far as we know, it may be a chemical To these time-honoured procedures New York, Lippincott, 1974, p 171

56 CMA JOURNAL/JULY 3, 1976/VOL. 115

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