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Level of binding

---------------global/application ( sap.ui.getCore().setModel(oModel, "hdrdata");

View level (this.getView().setModel(oModel, "hdrdata")
Control level ( oControl.setModel(oModel) )

Different types of binding

--------------------------1) Model binding
a) When there is only one model
b) When there are multiple models

2) Entity Binding

3) Property Binding

For entity binding

------------------1) When we want to give entity name to the array
var aData = [{lastName: "Dente", name: "Al", checked: true, linkText:
"", href: "", src: "images/person1.gif",
gender: "male", rating: 4},
{lastName: "Friese", name: "Andy", checked: true,
linkText: "", href: "", src:
"images/person2.gif", gender: "male", rating: 2}]
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
oModel.setData({modelData: aData}); set data to the model and give an
entity name to that ,here "modelData" is an entity name given to aData ,
where aData is array of objects

to bind rows oTable.bindRows("/ModelData");

Entity Binding along with named Model
to bind rows oTable.bindRows("ModelName>/ModelData"); In this case , for
property binding we have to use model name ( ex :

2) If thers is an object which contains some entities and if we want

to bind one of those entity

var data = {SalesData:[{SalesOrder:"5000001", ItemNo:"00010",

Delete:false, Material:"1000001", Description:"Test Description",
{SalesOrder:"5000001", ItemNo:"00020",
Delete:true, Material:"1000002", Description:"Test Description1",
{SalesOrder:"5000001", ItemNo:"00030",
Delete:false, Material:"1000003", Description:"Test Description2",
{SalesOrder:"5000001", ItemNo:"00040",
Delete:true, Material:"1000004", Description:"Test Description3",
POData:[[{PONumber:"45000001", ItemNo:"00010",
Delete:false, Material:"1000001", Description:"Test Description",
ItemNo:"00020", Delete:true, Material:"1000002", Description:"Test
Description1", Quantity:"3.00"},
ItemNo:"00030", Delete:false, Material:"1000003", Description:"Test
Description2", Quantity:"3.00"},
ItemNo:"00040", Delete:true, Material:"1000004", Description:"Test

Description3", Quantity:"3.00"}

var oSalesModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();


Set data to the model

oTable.setModel(oSalesModel); Set model to the view/control/global

oTable.bindRows("/SalesData"); Bind rows with entity SalesData

For Model Binding

-----------------------var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
oModel.setData(aData); set data to the model, here aData is an array of

Set model to the view/control/Global

oTable.setModel(oModel, "oModelData"); where oModelData is a model name
to bind rows to the table
Steps to create table control(sap.m.Table)
------------------------------------------1) Create UI elements
2) Create row
3) add UI elements to the row
4) Create columns
5) Create table
6) Add columns to the table

7) set model to the table/view/global

8) bind items/rows

Steps to create table control(sap.ui.table.Table)

------------------------------------------------1) Create columns
a) Bind lable
b) Bind template

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