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Long dead KRMPs and anatomy of hate ,

with a flavour of KKK

Finally KKK has accepted that KRMPs is dead.more than
tragedy they regret they will no longer have their moment
in sun. KKK is a college of non achievers..KRMPs was an
epitome of non achievement.
In her life she was neither considered a beauty nor did she
have a model figure, shed be very likely to figure in a
magazine article as an example of what not to
non physical Sensex of achievement she was neither a
brainiac ( failed in first year, in her major and barely
scaped through in the other two with a lot ass lickin of
higher ups) nor did she have any artistic talent, none
visible anyway. In spiritual terms this was a wrong college
to be in ..they did not really pride themselves on ethics.
So a very typically KKK who in her death managed to
generate more publicity than anything else. The princi was
super ambitious she had tried various things to improve
the lot of socially downtrodden and /or educationally bunch
that landed at her doorsteps each year. She wrote books,
organised tier2 rock bands at each fest to try n generate
hype n then there were humongous trips..she increased

1copyrighted material and all rights are to

read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

campus area by a 10 th each year ( erosion in reverse:)

..atleast she made an a whole lot of girls
benefittedn had a golden days grad..just the way it
should be..lucky girls!!!
I mean look at the basics KKK was a nondescript college in
a super posh neighbourhood.not known for any
achievement or super any area..people
who went to this college gained automatic
anonymity.which further led to nondescript lives of
masters in non-ranked colleges that nobody has ever heard
of, call centre agents, housewives,insurance agents, bulk of
anything in any organisation came from here. If life was a
movie this college would provide extras or back up
dancers, it had the sameness of DDA flats or a DTC bus
common, reliable , subsidised.but hardly spectacular.
No real reason why it should be so, I mean loads of people
famous ones do really well without college.yeah I know
oft repeated tale of college dropouts that did really well in
IT but remember they got admission in to not so easy to
get in to premium then chose to drop out. KKK
was not premium..but more importantly they had a nasty.
They were fame know the kinds that gate
crashes page 3 parties.deliberately hugs socialites,
calling them there best friend just as the bulb pops ..n
this gets splashed all over all of their social media
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

This variety writes nasty reviews for restaurants when they

don t give then freebies..troll actressess blogs n twitter
feeds by writing cheap networks have
made cyber bullying so much easier. Pick a soft target ,
slime them till they don't give you what you want or just as
a time pass. Soft targets are minorities, women, senior
citizens, lower castes, economically weaker
section.various combination in various place.anyone
who cannot, or is perceived to be not in a position to revert.
KKK s modus operandi was simple identify a target ( where
you have a perceived grievance and/ or a hidden agenda)
.there was already a group in place .create a cause that
appeals to majority a perceived slight/ bias whatever and
slime away to glory or slory in this case
Anatomy of hate is different from anatomy of criticism.
Criticism is constructive, has the underlying intention of
improving someone or something.there are restaurant
critic/ movie critics/ political pundits etal.which is the way
it should is a positive thing
Anatomy of hate is the reverse.the intention is to harm,
undercut and subvert. The agenda in a sustained campaign
is hidden and the stated objective is very different from the
real or underlying one.
Tier one follower are pure economics.they directly gain
from spreading hate ..benefits in terms of popularity,
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

power, votes, money, influence.there is a recognisable

benefit to tier one supporter in gang up against the
target.It is hardly ever emotional outburst
are short lived and spontaneous. Long term and sustained
campaign are planned effort that takes time and money
and effort. Politicians great users of this gambit
Tier one by themselves are not enough .they need an
incident.and a sponsor. The sponsor has to be someone
in power.the kind that has credibility to influence public,
resources to spread a perception or a bias..n obviously
who gains from the scenario . Typically represent dominant
Tier 1 and sponsor(s) for the core..then they either create
an incident a.k.a mad cow disease or look for an incident to
blow out of all proportions. Then tier 2 happens
Tier two are followers who genuinely believe in the
espoused cause and in credibility of sponsor ( basically
siding with him) but do not have any direct benefit accruing
to them
An then there is tier 3 the tamasha and action club. The
kind doing timepass, always with the popular opinion..the
kinds that in a road accident will not help anyone but stand
around and egg all both sides in to a fight..just for the
heck of it
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

An then given the size of indian population there is always

the spectatorstoo busy saving their skin to side with
any one will not risk offending anybody but is curious about are sants and sadhusmoh maya ke
bandhan se pare
So the gang played communal anti pink haired card against
Kiah ( which is where it could not have been BC ,he was
black haired with golden streaks- the premium category )
.tried to get everyone to gang up against her. Underlying
intent was to settle score with neighbouring college for
being being a brand and super successful and for
undercutting them by being successful at literally
KRMPs was famous in KKK for having slept with BC ( all girls
were wying for it..they have a sluts hall of fame in
KKK..height of their aspirations to sleep with someone for
posh neighbourhood..the kinds that they would not
normally bump in to otherwisenot too many local people
married girls from KKK it wasn't posh enough and enough
practical accountants these days..
Anyways they had there couple of weeks in fame an them
obscuritythis vitriol that gave them fame was the one
that probably led to general lack of success in the students
Vitriol harms the vessel in which it is poured first before
harming the intended..they carried this habit but without
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

the gang n the sponsor it never succeed anywhere

else..yeh fevicol ka jor hai tootega nahidolly mindra
and pilpa hetty hatters in that famous show never won the
jackpot..the intended walked away with money or fame
or bothwhich is the way it is with lifeno shortcuts to
successneed to work hard..hating success does not
get you anywher

6copyrighted material and all rights are to
read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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