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Den of rattlesnakes

Out of all the things in life one needs to be of

the most virulent is a den of rattlesnakes..dont get me
wrong is not a safe child-safe street where you can
merrily trod on .. it is nice ..but these days it is also
increasingly toxic , just like the air we breathe in
You can be brought down by a lone wolf, figuratively
speaking ( news is full of such instances esp the instant
variety of 10 min main 100 khabaren variety)
But amongst the most excruciating n hence learning
experience is interacting with a den of rattlesnakes. Since I
already had an antidotal experience under by belt I thought
let me just hit the toxic folks straight on.aka my
immediate neighbours .but before that some key
characteristics of rattlesnakes
1. They are toxic , venomous individually as well
2. Operate in a group
3. Pretty fabulously composed on surface.butter wont
melt in mouth.i am your best friend.share all your
worries with me

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

4. Joined by a common cause.all mutually interested

parties combine their individual venom to sink fangs
on a pre identified prey.
5. They have a surface patsy original weakling , who
knows what is happening , but powerless to stop acts
as a camouflage to lure preys. Mostly tacit
understanding exists that patsy is immune to being
attacked .till he/she continues to lure preys
6. Typically a family or long standing association is a
prerequisite to form g a den of rattle snakesyou
dont create so much quantifiable , measurable hate
.unfortunately there is no board above that says
Enter at your own Peril
Rattlesnake den also represents a developmental challenge
in life typically hits your biggest fears .an if you
look at it as inward manifesting outwards(mosho saying)
.this is the reason why it is so scary..among other
So here we are amongst the oldest inhabitants .residency
tenure plus or minus a few of them houses
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

RSD, so irrespective of what I achieve n

fellowship loses..cause you see I grew up here.
My old depilated house that love more than all the other n
newer versionsevery brick houses a memorya
pleasant one at that.if I have an dances
here.the flow of energy criss-crosses every cell.n this
happens only here. Voices of ancestors.nope.but
their love n there memories surely reside
place in whole wide worldwhere come what may .i
always feel a sense of belonging
My rabbits my dog my birds my fishes .my people have
all lived here n( for some )died here ..for ages.this is
more me than the sum total of my entire individuality and
existence put together....the richest palaces in the
world cannot compare with this abodeatleast in my
eyes..n so it a national level this feeling
translates in to love for homeland..ask the diaspora (1 st
gen) or closer home refugees from neighbouring
land..nothing s more beautiful than the home you grew
up in..ever
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

Places like food have evoke v strong emotional

linkages.....likewise the food people enjoy the most is the
stuff they grew up permitting
As I approach RSD , I am not afraid, know the place like the
back of my handremember jumping up climbing the
rooftops, before they got built in to multi stories.a zillion
friends that I played with an outgrew..RSD s defences
should be down
But hello what is this , I hear voicesabusive directed
Nah it cant be .why would it be meunless some idiot
has got a massive self interest loop they would not dare
n even before hit me somebody would stop it .logically
But surprisingly it didnt stop..n as I drew closer the
words became more was almost a

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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

Shock!!! That word had just one connotation for me

anger..n more
Anger is my core competency..different people have
different things.some have diplomacysome are
people pleaser.i have a whole lot of competencies in
professional and personal space.mostly they over lap
.except for one
Anger is exclusively reserved for my personal space..n
that is my biggest strengthwhen I am angry everything
explodes..nothing n I mean nothing stands upI care a
hoot about status money or power ,.then it ll just happen
.fireworks all the way up to the skythe biggest
defence against rattlesnakes.n the only reason why I
survived them
So angry that I rush closer.its darkdont see anyone.i
climb right up to the highest level n the voice
s eerie n inhuman ..almost sounds ghostly/ .n
finally peace descends .obviously some mad senile
idiot had landed in the neighbourhood.maybe a half wit
woman relative of one of my neighbours..colourful bunch
that they are
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

I mean I know of just one person who can possible claim

this title..zillion crushes in school n beyond.3 bfthe
most intense being the one before finale.the last one
being kanjar. So technically only kanjars gf/wife could have
claimed to be my Sautin past
Key ingredients for saut
Atleast 1 one married female (single user
environment..multi user becomes a swamp.then
term saut does not apply)
With unknowingly her husbands properties defaulting
to share (like a wifi connection.pinging everyone
where gender=female in the vicinity..koi to connect
Conducive environment /host (family and friends)
None of the above applied now.even if I were to extend
past parameters to current(), use date()or Now()..then it
was personal<>
Sheer curiosity made me wonder whether He had moved to
greener pastures again.but given the break up current
femme population in the neighbourhood .his tastes now
swing to cradle snatching or mature love.n I found either
scenario absolutely.sincerely hilarious :)
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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

N had a good laugh imagining him with all the portly n not
so portly aunties in the neighbourhoodwhich imho was
still n improvement on his current one.touch
Now if this was a hindi movie complete with a dream
sequence ..juxtaposing it with with now()a whole line
of black haired females , mixed age group standing with
thali..awaiting kanjar..KKK should have his statue( n I
ll send my pet pigeons to do s**t on it ..esp around his
snooty nose.i never liked it I dont like the
rest of him either).maybe even a saut fan
club..thered be so many of themreal n
imagined..they might as well socialise.what
say.Kanjar na bloody fast food ho gaya.Donald ma
ki har availablewhere there is spending
But even for him coming in my neighbourhood was
stretching things a bit.after all to sab ko
haikahin mai pe chor keparsad ki
instalment dete dete hu ..aur hath
So obviously some idiot with some random unconnected
thought process making noise in the neighbourhood..well
plenty of crazies in the world..n the least of my
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

worries..who killed BC..who who who .an ulllu in the

neighbourhood seemed to be echoing my thoughts
seriously WHO.ho ho ho(it echoes)..what a bunch of
bloody owls in neighbourhood

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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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