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Of cherubs , coincidences and business of

Not only did mum not make ghiya she also quit making
tinda n tori for a while..heaven. So if a cherub could do
this he is not all bad. This was the beginning of
Each time I saw the BC I used to get these breaks ..n
interview call, the dress I was looking for , long lost friends
calling up.endless
Why should it be so I dont know.n I am unable to explain
.maybe its like that theory of chaos where a blink of an
eye can set off a tornadoexcept the mini tornados in my
life were all positive
Now the trio did not come in to the park because of me
they came for exercise, to socialise and gossip with each
other and just chill. But for the unintended impact on my
life they could be created n brought here at this moment
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

just so that I could get the breaks.n then there was this
The thing about getting older is that you have probably
experienced similar before.the last time I was planning to
go abroad for studies post school I used to keep bumping in
to this guy at all unexpected places ( my friends
crush..she still hates me for it.mirror mirror on the
wallthis one is for you)anyways the long n short of it is
he landed in US I didnt so maybe if I had interacted with
him I would probably have found a way to get there
Cause I had admission in 3 colleges.did not go God knows
why(the reason why I never interacted with him was I
hated his guts.n was much more likely to kick him than
speak with him..n we are still not friends on
Facebook..surprising since he was the most handsome
guy in school blond hair , green eyes the works)
So this time with the immigration an all and bumping in to
these folks causing tele interviews to happen.i did not
want to risk letting go any thing that ll get me there.
Maybe something here had an answer to my chaos
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

An the car ..i fell in love with it the first time I saw it.a
renovated redesigned awesomeness.i could go on an on
.n I wanted it.
Plus I kept bumping in to the car everywhere. I am
spontaneous person.n I love Delhi.lifetime here so my
fav past time is to travel across ncr.just pick the car n go
off peak ofcourse
An my one big goal in Life is to buy Audi RS8 Spyder.or a
flying car.someday
An travels started..Uk my fav hubsecond home with the
amount of travel to n fro I have done there..i have lived
there , studied there, worked there.from london to
Scotland..different time diff experiences.i love it
The thing about UK is that it sort of grows on you.plenty
of asians indian restaurants everywhere.I mean I
remember this island in Scotland.Oban reach there
we had to travel 9 hrs one way on taxi train ship bus in that
orderbeautiful scenery on the way .nothing much for
tourist except whiskey (scotch ofcourse) distilleries .a
pub annnnnd n indian restaurant!
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

So no matter where you go you will find indian restaurant

most streets have three.south hall has desi culture as
well complete with jalebi n sari shops not not mention most
people wearing indian clothesnot to mention loud punjabi
music in carssame as del..rates atleast one visit each
time I go there
When I marry again , its gonna be in UK..i would love my
kids to be brought up there.. ( condition) With the right guy
.cause I love this placeEU an UK have some of the most
scenic places on planet earthI have travelled to most of on my to do list
Which brings me to my second great love travelling..I
Love to travel.which is where my fav movies are travel
thonsDDLJ( I travelled the entire route covered by that
movie.incl travelling on eurorail), sound of music..saw
the Mirabel gardens and the palace in salzburg..n endless
windmills of Netherlands in hum Tum..US of Anjana
Anjaani esp vegas.
Earlier I travelled for work to run away from kanjar or
general time itll be with my rogue
.whoever that may be..preferably a CEO variety there
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

are so many cute ones around .n its fun dating .but on

to that right after I find out who killed BC!
Talking about relationships was it Kiah who got BC killed
..out of jealousy..Kiah the dear sweet girl.with butter
wont melt in your mouth?
The paradigm of relationships is you like some n some like
you.when this overlaps at the right time n with the right
status it leads to a relationship n if all goes well a status
update.however the major issue lies with a single no
subset. If one is not willing n other is sometimes it leads to
negatives like stalking , harassment, jealousy which is
unwarranted..real life is not Bollywood no typically means
I have been wooed by flowers , midnight calls , cuddly toys,
books,chocolates etall .some I have accepted some
havent n vice versa
The issue with guys is they have to play the field initially to
get a mate ( sheer probability n law averages) the problem
is they do this simultaneous which in some cases tends to
border on cruelty.BC being BC made passes at everyone
incl moi to the extent I asked him twice to spell it out n he
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

said know..n once even pointed out to kiahsitting on

resplendent in a yellow sleeveless a coffee shop.
She was there with a friend..thats it I have overlooked
the kiah angle.also since I had the knife the person
knows me as welln wants me framed.obviously does
not belong to my fan club.a prayer for all my exes I did
what was right mostly.if I was rude it was because once a
guy gets in to his headit is not easy to dissuade him
without being folks my beliefs are defined by
.. .. .relationships are
otherworldly n as defined by Almighty

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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

7copyrighted material and all rights are to
read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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