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After thoughts and thanks you

When I sat down to write this book for Satluj all I wanted to
do was save a river , address the concern of farmers and
how they could potentially be good deed of
the day.or so I thought.what actually happened was
that different pieces of my own life fell in to place while I
was writing this book
So while I was trying to save the rivers, farmers
environment, peacocks, majorly woman s rights, anything else that I could think of and
build as a theme in the story.using humour as a tool..i
found answers in my life
I am not a story teller or a honestly I did nt
even know where I was headed-with this ..or whether I
would succeed in my mission..but I tried..what I didnt
realise at that time was that I d also end up helping
myselfhit the goalpost
Reach out to people n causes in need with all all your heart
and just might be helped on your way
while you are helping others.maybe it was you who
needed to be helped/ get clarity about things along the
way not the others! .who know.some roads are well
travelled n sometimes times you just have to create one
along the this endless journey called lifewhat is
inward is also outward what is outward is also inward
.. .. So either you search
for things inside out or outwards in..imho life is a mirror
a reflectionso whats outside is a reflection of your inner
thoughts.your mental blocks get projected as challenging
events in your lifethat you probably need to over come
A million thank-you to my family (mom dad bro sis in law n
2 lovely nephews) who have solidly stood by me through all
my journeys .as I have stood through a
zillion thankyous to others those who didnt .share my
passion for causes..actively opposed me in every way
both set of people helped ..

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