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Alexis Zeznanski

CIS 110 - 007

Lisa OConnor
19 October 2015
Social Network Interview Transcripts
My aunt Jill and mother have been two women in my life that I have looked up to the
most. I have always looked up to my aunt, because of how successful she has been in her life and
her high spirited attitude. My mother has always been there for me when I needed her the most
and I admire her caring soul.
My aunt Jill is my mothers old sister and has been a big influence on my life since I can
remember. When I was a young child, I remember joking with my mother telling her that I was
my aunts kid and that she was my real mom because we looked and acted alike.
When I interviewed my aunt, I asked her five questions that were related to being
successful and how she got there. She believes that the most important life skill that anyone
should know is the communication and the knowledge and correct usage of the English
language. She believes the being successful also means showing your knowledge through
language and using the language correctly is the only way to show how intelligent a person is.
She always told herself when she was younger that no matter what she would do, she would be
successful and she has stuck to it ever since. She did not know what she wanted to do with her
life career wise when she was younger and it changed a lot over the years, but she got a
bachelor's degree in accounting. She believes that having a high education is important because
so many employers require it and with the economy and global market changing and becoming
more competitive it is important to have an advantage of having a higher education. One of the

best pieces of advice she has ever heard was Do what you say you are going to do. My aunt
was new to the business of management and one of her co workers was bragging about his boss
because he always did what he said he was going to do. My aunt took this to heart and always set
out to do what she said she was going to do so others would rely on her and not question whether
or not it would be finished or taken care of. She believes it is the secret to success.
My mother, on the other hand, was not as blessed successfully, but rather blessed with
children. My mother became a mother at a young age and sacrificed a lot for her children. Since
she raised my older sister and I practically by herself our whole lives, I will be forever grateful
for all that she has done for us. She grew up very curious and was always doing something.
Because of these traits she calls herself a tinker, a creative worker. In her spare time she loves to
paint and garden.
She believes that independency, being on your own, is the most needed skill to learn in
life and taught her two daughters that they should never depend on other people for their own
success. She was always motivated to be a better person by the older women in her life whether
or not it was her grandmother, mother, aunts, or sister. She wishes she would have continued
school and kept up with renewing her CNA licence. She loves working with people and in the
Health Care department. When asked what the best advice she has ever heard she responded with
Make the best time with what you are given. Knowing that she did not have much to offer her
children, she always showed us how to make the most of a bad situation. She believes that
knowing how to turn a negative into a positive is the secret to a happy life.

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