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Being in Gratitude While Living on Miracles

By: Jen Ward

Foreword by: Mariel Hemingway

Illustrations by: McKenzie Keim

Scallions are Free: Being in Gratitude While Living on Miracles

By: Jen Ward
Foreword by: Mariel Hemingway
Illustrations by: McKenzie Keim
All contents copyright 2010 by Jen Ward. All rights reserved. No
part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of
the publisher.
Book design by: Jeff Hendrickson
Edited by: Cliff McDougall & Ted Moss
Photograph of Jen & Simha:

Scallions are Free

April 1st is my new birthday.

Its the day I escaped from a man who was devoted to starving me to death. It was from that experience that I learned true
resilience, empathy and gratitude. I also experienced the unwavering Love from an intangible source that nurtured me in spite of

I was kept in a basement and treated like an admonishment. I worked from before sunrise to after sunset. One winter day it
was an all-day rain. My feet were soaked and my clothes were light cotton. Digging in the ground dissolved my work gloves. My
hands were numb.

I wasnt allowed to quit work until after sunset. All I wanted, was to see the sun so that I could feel its warmth. I also wanted
to know where it was in the sky to get a sense of the time of day. I worked repeating a desperate plea for the sun to come out. I stood
and cried in anguish. I begged for the day to end. The sun briefly came out. It was in that moment, I knew true gratitude. It was as if
I suddenly became grateful for existing.

I was given only a small bowl of rice to eat each day. I was brain-washed into believing that God hated me. I wasnt allowed
to talk to anyone, watch tv, use a computer or even read anything. I internally struggled between my love for God and the new reality I was given.

One survival tool was imagining talking to Oprah. She would ask me in her non-offensive Oprah way, why I didnt leave
earlier when I had the chance. My response was that it was helping me to lose weight so I wanted to stay until I lost one more size. I
would hear the audience laugh in my head.

Spring came and I was so hungry I tried to eat grass. I ate a piece and it was a baby scallion. It was the sweetest thing I have
ever tasted! One particular day I had to do the ritualistic walk with the captor as he worked on breaking me down. As I looked down,
I saw tufts of baby scallions everywhere. It was as if they were planted overnight just for me. I felt that God had put them there to
show me love. I wasnt forsaken. God didnt want me destroyed. Here was my proof.

As I fantasized about escaping, I remembered a story that said that blessings are as plentiful as blades of grass, I decided that
when I was free, I would write a book and call it Scallions Are Free. The title would depict how the Blessings came literally to me
as blades of grass. I still marvel how exacting the Universal Love was in bringing me blessings in a way I could recognize them.

It is two short years later and here is my humble book - Scallions are Free. It is my demonstration in resiliency. I also wish
to squeeze the most benefit from my experience by sharing it with the you. I am hoping that everyone who reads it will embrace
their own struggles as blessings. Hopefully it will help you see your lives in the light of the true splendor that it is.

-God Bless-

About This Book

There is no way to truly know what another soul experiences along their journey to enlightenment. To some, the meaning of life, love
and God arent very important or even relevant. Yet for me, it is all Ive thought about my entire life.

As individuals, we often cant fathom why we have been handed the unique set of circumstances that is our particular cross to bear.
Some call it karma. For others, it means living a life of quiet desperation. Too many of us exist in victim mode, believing that God or the
universe has singled us out to be punished. Some are so numb from the life experiences hurling towards them that they rarely, if ever, have a
chance to reflect upon the true relevance and meaning of their existence.

Because of my involuntary seclusion, I have had every opportunity to reflect. I have been given the fortune of surviving the meteoric
storms of karmic occurrence. I am worn from battle, scarred and bruised, but hearty from the adventure. In my quest to survive and to feel
worthy, I have discovered one simple joy. It is in helping others who are searching for solace. In everyone I know, I can see a reflection of
myself in different modes of spiritual survival.

The following book is some of the insights that I have collected within myself. There is no greater joy that alleviating someones
unnecessary suffering. I use analogy and everyday experiences to break through the wall of resistance that the reader may have, penetrating the
aspect of them that recognizes truth and knows themselves as a divine atom of pure Love.

I am not a threat to anyones credentials, intelligence or station in life. I have nothing to gain or lose in sharing my experiences. I just
seek the simplest pleasure and the only joy that I know. It is helping another gain insights learned from my previous struggles that may be
relevant to their experience.

The messages that I share and the truths I know have been written a million different ways. They are what all truth seekers throughout
history have tried to convey.I imagine by sharing my insights, it may help some souls realize that their experiences are universal and meant
to enlighten and strengthen them. The universal force is love. Anything that feels unloving is only a means to help the individual strengthen
their conviction and understanding of themselves as a divine being, preparing them for the next leg of their journey. Hopefully, the knowledge
that someone else struggles with similar issues may help another who feels isolated and alone.

It is humbling to put a claim on any insights. The universal concepts of truth and love have been expressed in every way imaginable.
But if by exposing myself in total vulnerability to the reader, and it can help one soul who is struggling with self-identification on their own
journey, it will have been worth it.

We are all lifted up when one is lifted.

Special Thanks
I have to take a moment to thank three men who have made this book possible for they have given a voice to my story. In
doing so they validate me and every reader that I have connected with. If it werent for their guidance and assistance, my
talents would have been lost in the world of technology.
Like modern day Samurai, they lead me through the cyber-world and have foraged a path for me to meet many who may
benefit from my story. They are my Three Wise Men of Business. I completely trust them in their role, and in doing so, it
allows me to feel protected in sharing whatever gifts I have with the world.
Thank you Cam McDougall, Jeff Hendrickson, and Ted Moss. I am honored to be privy to your individual and collective
genius. I am grateful that our individual lifes purposes have come to this crossroad. May anyone who is blessed with your
assistance truly understand the good fortune to which they have been bestowed.
I will hold you all in a perpetual state of awe and reverence.
I am grateful!

This Book is Dedicated to my Spirit Guide Z.

I thank him for his Presence, Guidance, and Love. In his outer
form, his name is Harold Klemp. His books and discourses help me
consciously learn my spiritual lessons. The gratitude that I feel for
the constant inner connection goes beyond what words can convey.
To be able to walk through any experience with a Loving Presence
with the certainty that, All is Well, is priceless.
Thanks You Z.

My friend Jen Ward has written a totally moving and powerful book in which she shares a story...
the thing is it is not a story... it is an actual event that occurred in her life. To have the courage to
survive what she did and come out the other side with a heart full of forgiveness and understanding
of her captor is truly amazing. Jen knows what it means to face yourself in the harshest of circumstances. Her strength is beyond what any of us could imagine in ourselves.
Jen is a bright light in the world who has so much to share with joy and focus. I have never come
across anyone with intuitive skills that works from more integrity and truth. She is an inspiration
that we can all face our lives and more importantly create ourselves anew anytime from any place. I
love that Jen is part of my life and excited that she is sharing her incredible story with you. I know
that when you read her book you will see her from a totally astonished point of view.... it will also
make you realize that we all take ourselves too seriously.
Allow Jen to guide you to your inner smile as she has done with me.
Mariel Hemingway


Changing Perspective

Love uses all means to express

itself and to be realized.



When some clients come to me, they have reached a breaking point in how much they can
endure. For them, the journey from birth to the present has left them out of touch with how to
connect with their infinite source of strength and divinity. They walk a hollow path.

In a session, I sincerely love the client as if they were my dearest child, and I validate them
at a primal level. It is the one thing that can help them relax enough to be proactive in their own
self-healing. The client is pulled out of their self-defeating vantage point and lifted to a state of
awareness where they can see their life objectively. It is wondrous because they become an active
participant in the process. Before that moment, it is like working on someone who has a car with a
new paint job. They are so worried you will scratch the surface that they refuse to let you under the

I like to empower my clients and give them techniques to help them through troubling situations. In a way, I see them as spiritual warriors, using all their skills and awareness to empower
themselves against all that life throws at them. A good tool for their arsenal is visualizations. We
know that action follows thought. So anything we think will indeed somehow manifest itself in the
world. Visuals work by rewiring the brain and emotions to react differently. Also, time spent walking the mind through visuals is time away from self-defeating programmed thoughts.

Here is a sample of a technique for self-nurturing. Imagine going back to your babyhood. See
your lonely baby self in a crib just waiting to be picked up and loved. See the room light up as the
most angelic being walks into the room and picks up the baby. The light and the love of the angel
absorb into the baby. It changes to a state of happy content and satiation with love. Now imagine
being in the baby body. Feel the love building inside you. Then imagine being in the angel body.
You are both. Bring that love and awareness into you the watcher. Be the angel and know that you
are not only capable of being loved, but also capable of empowering yourself to love at the deepest level.

The greatest act of love is simply listening; whether it be to babies,

pets, friends or God.
When you walk with love, there is no need to hang on. Just be
grateful for love as a companion.
When you need comfort, sing a lullaby to your pet and put their name
in the words of the song. The love will surprise you.
Start the day by declaring yourself a channel for divine love and
expect joyful interactions.
Bragging about being Christian seems like an oxymoron, since Christ
is synonymous with humility and reverence for all expressions of
We are loved beyond measure in infinite ways. Its only the ego
that expects to be loved on its own terms.
Whatever you are doing, whatever you are experiencing, whatever
you are perceiving, you are always simply being divine love.
Instead of trying to get people to love you, love others so much that
you experience the love as it emanates out from yourself.


Love is an applied science without a curriculum. Any act that does

not have love as its main intent is meaningless.
Anyone who has loved a dog knows that they indeed do smile!
Unconditional love is accepting the same foibles in your children that
irritate you in your spouse.
Love isnt always warm and fuzzy. Even kittens grow up.
Loving someone who is self-absorbed is being in a relationship with
yourself and using them as the backdrop.
Truth is love in demonstration. Its the universal language.
Laughter is love reaching out to be shared.
What you love and hold sacred is your sanctuary. Visit it often.
Being loving or self-serving are two different pathways to walk upon.
Its your choice as to which path to take.
Love uses all means to express itself and to be realized.


Tears are the lubricant of the soul, and love is emissions from the
May the love that we exchange today be the mainstay of our
future interactions.
We are all atoms of love collectively trying to reach our own center.
Love is the currency of the future.
Love is the new black.
When you realize that you are loved beyond measure, you will quit
trying to quantify it.
Love is only a gamble if you make a game out of it.
Love given is love realized.
You are loved beyond your capacity to comprehend it!
Love is the balm to heal any pain, fear, doubt or self-loathing.
Love lovingly loves lovers loving love.


Add your beautiful resilient current to the cosmic wave of love flowing
to buoy Haiti.
In a sea of faces, your smile is the conduit for an ocean of love.




I once had a client who was a very wise sage and healer. She is one of the most insightful
people I know. She had a recurring memory of a past life that made her feel so completely loved,
while at the same time it also left her feeling very isolated. She felt that this memory occurred on
another planet. She was convinced of this because in the memory there were two moons in the sky.
As much as she loved these memories, it made her nostalgic for her home planet.

In her session, I tuned into her memories and was able to know the tranquility of that lifetime.
But I was also able to see more than she was able to see of it. I described the scenario to her and she
agreed that I was indeed describing her memory. But then I saw something that she didnt see. There
was a huge ridge of steppes next to a village. It was so high and so steep that when the moon was
shining on bright nights, it was reflected in the side of the steppe. It actually looked like there were
two moons in the sky. It brought her such contentment to realize that the recurring memories
happened right here on Earth.

Coincidently, she was scheduled for a vacation out in the Midwest. On her vacation, she was in
a desert area and saw a set of steppes that I had described. She was at the place where she had such
loving memories many years ago. It was a desert now, where there used to be a lake nearby. She
was able to walk through all those beautifully haunting memories she once had. It awakened such a
deep level of belonging in her that it freed her up to take on even greater healing work.

I had another client who suffered from excruciating fibromyalgia. It was so debilitating that
she wasnt able to be touched. As I tuned into her, I saw that she had been raped. I shared my
discovery with her, assuming that it was from a past life. She just looked at me with a terrified
expression. It was then I realized that it wasnt her past life that I was seeing at all. It was the current
one. As soon as I realized that this was a conscious memory, I started sobbing with uncontrollable
tears. She had never told anyone of her experience. The emotional pain had made its way to the
physical body. With this revelation, she comforted me, and it was then she began comforting herself
and releasing her own pain. Her physical pain became less excruciating, and in future sessions she
was able to be touched.

Tears are just emotions rushing the gate.

The force that drives a mother to nurture her child at all cost is the
same force that nurtures us through our day.
We are all merely reflections of light in a universal prism.
See yourself as the perfect infant that you once were. All else is circumstance.
The problem with self-discovery is the vantage point.
Adversaries are a blessing to hone ones spiritual strength.
Not keeping promises is a quick way to dissipate ones effectiveness.
The meek shall inherit the earth. I choose to roam the heavens.
All of our interactions are serendipitous exchanges arranged for our
spiritual tutelage.
Words can be used as weapons. Disarm yourself, and you disarm
your adversaries.


All defensiveness, tirades, manipulation and bragging are inferior means to protect the eternal self.
The universal force that aligns the planets is the same force that generates every aspect of our daily life.
Imagine how uncomfortable it is for the world when you carry Its
weight on your shoulders.
Life only gives us challenges to help us release our white-knuckle
grip of control.
Be grateful when the ego is shattered. It creates an opening for the
true self to shine through.
Revel every time youre freed from the cage of a preconceived notion.
If you could get an overview of the journey you have traveled to
be here, you would bask in this time and space.
If you have an adversary, see them as the five-year old they once
were. No one can stay mad at a five-year old.


The Universe will send us imperfect people in imperfect situations to

teach us to Love perfectly.
What we experience as an exhale, the butterfly experiences as a
wind tunnel.
Falling prey to deception is the universes way of telling you to pay
better attention. It doesnt mean youre a victim.
Apologetic people are aware enough to see their own foibles without
taking into account yours.
It its infinite wisdom, the universe gave us all a glimpse of itself from
different vantage points. We honor it by respecting all.
When we ask the universe to provide, it complies. When we tell
it how to provide, it lets us handle it.
Ignorance is only a bliss in the mind of the beholder.
Each being is a string of music in a cosmic symphony. It is their
purpose in life to stay in tune.
When we think we arent being heard, its because we arent


When someone tries to sell us a dream, why do we automatically

think its a nightmare?
Trying to get all your needs met through one person is like being in a
candy store with only a dollar.
Life will show you pain. Not as punishment, but as a backdrop for the
Its great to be an expert. But the highest accolade is to be a
confidant. It means that youre trusted.
Theres nothing funnier that someone who takes themselves too




Beneath all the layers of defenses and discouragement, most people know what is best
for them. Every experience that the soul has been through is known to us. This is called the
innate intelligence. The innate intelligence is an aspect of yourself that knows the overview
of all your experiences. It knows what is right for you. Its the voice in your head, the feeling
in your gut and the heaviness in your heart when you go against whats best for you.

Kinesiology works by using your innate intelligence to tell you if something is good for
you or not. Do an experiment. When you go to the supermarket, take an organic vegetable
and put it in your outstretched hand. Notice how strong your arm feels in that position. It
takes a lot of force to pull it down. In fact, if you have someone else with you, ask them to
pull it down. Gauge how difficult it is for them. Now, go to the candy aisle and do the same
technique with candy in your hand. Feel how much weaker your arm is with the candy in your
hand. This body interplay is happening all the time. When the thought of doing something
makes your body weak, try to realize why and change it. This is a way to empower yourself.

When someone comes to me for a session, they usually say that they were praying or
asking God for an answer and they thought of me. This isnt a narcissistic statement because
I believe we all work this way all the time. Maybe in their pain they realized the connection
more, but it is an interplay thats going on all the time. Our innate intelligence is striving to
uplift and empower us at all turns. We are our own best friend.

When a clients body signals have become very skewed in a session, I connect directly
with their innate intelligence to learn the real issues that are going on with them. It helps me
become aware of how to assist the client in moving past their issues. The innate intelligence
will tell me how far to go with certain issues before triggering too much fear. Sometimes, the
innate intelligence will put a song in my head. It is usually a sound frequency that the clients
emotional pain is being held at. When I sing the song, it releases the pain at the point in the
body where it is stored. It is sometimes humbling to sing during a session, but just as I
encourage others to tune into their innate intelligence, I must always listen to mine as well.

Like a mother ignores a temper tantrum, turn away from

problematic situations. Let them dry up of their own accord.
Its good to have all your ducks in a row, but you still have to lead
them somewhere.
Believe everything as a form of truth, but only accept what agrees
with you.
Theres a dynamic person in the garb of an infant. Baby talk is about
being present with them and letting them commiserate.
If you are losing your mind, let it go. Maybe the peace your seeking is
beyond it.
Pushing through resistance is as easy as Sisyphus task.
Surrender your burden and let the boulder roll by.
Everybody needs purpose, even your pets. If given a job, theyre less
likely to assign themselves their own.
If you want to fly like a kite, make sure whatever you use for balance
doesnt weigh you down.
Shed old opinions like skin. Embrace the present moment with
the enthusiasm of a fresh perspective.


When you catch a glimpse of greatness, dont drop the ball. Pass it
Be kind to your childrens other parent. Cursing the tree also curses
the fruit.
When someone has an opposing view, listen intently to appreciate
being relieved of the burden of being right.
If you cant think anything nice about yourself, dont think anything at
Looking past the words spoken and focusing on the intent behind
them could resolve a lot of arguments.
When sorting out your dreams, make certain they are your own
and not recycled by a well-wisher who threw them away.
Only remember your partners sweet qualities, how you met, and the
first time they professed their love.




Within the physical body are finer vibratory bodies that are similar to the physical body, but
having a different vibration. The one that is closest to the physical body is the astral or emotional
body. This is the body that we walk around in after we leave the physical realm. What happens is
we shake out of the physical body like it was a set of old clothes and then we reside in the astral
world, which is very similar to the physical body. This is the reason for the existence of ghosts.
Because the astral world is so much like the physical body, some dont even realize that they have

The next body of a finer vibratory rate is the causal body. The causal body stores all the
memories of past traumas and deaths in its makeup. When I work on a client, I perceive broken
necks, punctured lungs, many lives spent in battle and different lifetimes of martyrdom. It is here
where I perceive the cause and effect of peoples behavior. Someone who is afraid of heights may
have had the trauma in previous lifetimes of plunging to their death. Many people who have
fought as powerful warriors become victims in this lifetime. They have decided that it is too painful to hurt another being. They have made the choice to accept the brunt of physical pain instead
of ever causing another to suffer. It is a great service to bring people a better understanding of
their own cause and effect. They learn that there are many experiences in this life that dont have
such dire consequences.

Many people are ticklish on parts of their body. If you want to get a sense of where your
own causal body wounds are, pay attention to your ticklish spots. For example, the reason why
so many people are ticklish in their armpits is through lifetimes of fighting in wars, the armpit
represented a vulnerable spot in armor. If an enemy was able to slip a spear or sword around the
breastplate into the armpit, they could puncture a lungthus making it a sensitive and vulnerable
area requiring protection.

The conscious thought of these injuries across many lifetimes would be too unbearable to
the body. So as a defense mechanism, the body creates the mechanics of being ticklish. Its the way
the body can protect itself without having to remember its painful secrets. In a session, a lot of the
emotional pain behind memories is released so that the behavior it has been using to protect itself
is no longer necessary. Extreme shyness, victim consciousness, fears, depressions and even physical
pains have the possibility of lessening or disappearing.

It doesnt matter if you are a tail feather or a wing feather, you are still
responsible for flight.
This world is insanity without the divine connection to the
infinite source.
Dreams die when they arent acknowledged. And they take with them
a little bit of hope.
Unsolicited opinions are like pennies. Theyre inconvenient to carry
around and they dont amount to much.
When you talk about problems, you may as well enhance them and
glue them to youbecause thats what youre doing.
When we think we have fallen, we have actually just stooped
down to pick up an experience for our next endeavor.
We are all given the raw materials and instructions to have a
wonderful life. Problems arise from using anothers blueprint.
What a peaceful world this would be if everyone could
collectively realize that man is not in charge.
When there is no agenda, there is also no inhibition to telling the


One purpose of a spouse is to bring our issues to the surface so that

they can be gently released.
With laughter, all of your body is rejecting stress and pushing it out
with a vengeance.
Welling with emotion at the singing of the Star Spangled Banner is a
gauge that the American flag is still a viable symbol of patriotism.
Sticks and stones may break bones, but names send tiny, unnecessary barbs into the energy field.
Theres a grain of truth in every point of view.
When we overreact, its because a minor transgression became the
surrogate for a million others.
Someone who consistently reneges weakens their energy and becomes just a mirage to others.
If you dont think action follows thought, just try preparing food in
front of your dog without dropping it.
A cancer cell doesnt know limits. It bombards healthy boundaries
until it breaks them down. Isnt this what gossip does?
Once we put a value on anything, we depreciate its worth.




Many people are living lives of poverty and loneliness. For no outward reason, they seem ineffective in life. They are strangers to wealth and prosperity. A loving relationship escapes them with no
understanding of why they have been forsaken. There is seemingly no way to convince these sad souls
that they are not being punished. However, there is an explanation that can alleviate their anguish
and help them realize that their experiences are their own doing. The belief that they have been forsaken is a misunderstanding from which they can release themselves.

There have been many lifetimes that were spent in monasteries or similar institutions. In these
previous lifetimes, we may have practiced austerities in our quest for enlightenment, making many
vows to our sect, our faith and God. When we made these vows, in our passion and conviction, we
made them forever. Some of us are subconsciously adhering to vows that we may have made in past
lifetimes (for example, a devout monk making a vow of poverty or celibacy).

Old vows can be recanted so that the invisible pull they have on the individual can be undone.
During a session, I assist clients in recanting old vows. There is a technique you can use to release yourself from old vows. You can perform a cranial tap, which is tapping the top of your head while simply
stating that you recant the particular vow. One example around poverty and scarcity would be, I
recant the vow of poverty in all lifetimes. Repeat this three times while tapping on the top of your
head. Then, repeat it one more time while tapping on the center of your chest bone.

If you are sensitive, you may feel an instant relief from recanting an old vow. You may feel a
mental alertness and a deep sense of relief.

Dream with the sages, dance naked amongst the stars, freefall into
the wind, and unabashedly love.
If you want to be loved unconditionally, dont put conditions on
Believing you dont have abundance is like thinking the sun shines
for everyone but you.
Abundance is a continuous flow of just enough.
You only judge yourself when you dont know yourself. Once enlightenment is gained, all questions fall away.
Dreams are your eternal self, reminding you of the possibilities.
The greatest gift you can give another being is to be their conduit for
greater understanding.
When you greet someone, look into their eyes and see the familiar
light of your true home.
Make no apologies for who you are, but celebrate your ability to overcome circumstance.
Move through your day with such loving purity of intent that even the
angels part as you pass.


The situation that was endured yesterday is the very same that gave
empathy to today.
Today is a day of celebration! What day isnt?
Its impossible to complain and smile at the same time, although
some may try.
If the moon tried to be closer to the sun, it would lose its orbit and fall
out of the sky.
The ego that protects you from being vulnerable also prevents your
inner light from shining as brightly.
When I stand in a place of gratitude, I am empowered by everything
and victimized by nothing.
The way to teach your children to follow their dreams is by never giving up on yours.
I am grateful for the depth of my breath, vibrancy of vision, clarity in
thought and capacity to love.


I Am grateful for the depth of my breath,

vibrancy of vision, clarity in thought & Capacity
to Love.
The Art of Graceful Living is as fluid as water.
Be grateful and youll tap into the flow.



The hard shell of the ego often makes it nearly impossible to elicit change in a person. The ego is
an expert in deflecting all external attempts to change it. Regardless of how well intentioned the source
of change is, the walls to the inner sanctum of vulnerability are very thick. Think of the times when you
have felt judged. The wall that automatically goes up is indicative of the human condition. It takes a lot
of discipline to not put up those well-earned defenses whenever a perceived threat or danger

Also, there have been many experiences written in our genetic code that represented certain
death for standing out. In our former lives, we were not merely criticized, but literally killed and tortured
for being our unique self. Many forms of persecution throughout history make their mark in our daily
defenses. I have seen inner experiences from the ancient past in many clients who were pulled out of the
crowd and killed for speaking out or being unique. Some of the shyest people carry the burden of these

There is no way to penetrate such ingrained fears unless you approach the client from a place beyond the fear and memories. In a session, I attempt to pull the client out of the vantage point of a suffering human and lift them to the awareness of an empowered soul who is looking at the experience as if
they are classroom lessons. For essentially, this is what they truly are.

From the vantage point of an empowered soul, the client is agreeable to see the overview of its
life lessons. It is a similar vantage point that we view from after we permanently leave our physical body.
It is a rare opportunity, and maybe a gift, to get this objective view. Once the client is able to see from a
broader perspective, changes can be made from within.

I also like to give the client as many techniques as they can retain in a session. My goal is always to
empower them so they can become spiritually self-sufficient.

Emotion and thoughts are a choice. We are empowered more

than we think we are.
Expect nothing from others, not even gratitude. All blessings are from
the universe. We are just a means to distribute them.
When you can see beauty beyond outer circumstances, you
unleash the beauty in yourself.
Putting someone else on a pedestal diminishes your own significance.
Thoughts create your reality, so if you think your back is killing you, it
probably is.
Our job isnt to change the universe, our job is to change ourselves
and then we will be changing the universe.
Like the stars in the heavens, we may become oblivious to the brilliant light that we emanate.
When someone asks you to explain yourself, its OK to say, I got a
nudge (meaning a prompting from the eternal self) and leave it at


Assume everyones an artist, healer, friend, teacher and humanitarian. They are to someone, in some way, all of these things.
When you cease to resist problems, they blow through you like
the wind through a picket fence.
You can ride a wave or drown in it. Either way, youll get to the
If you can balance yourself in the middle of a seesaw, you wont have
to experience the ups and the downs.
Shed old opinions like skin. Embrace the present moment with the
enthusiasm of a fresh perspective.
Imagine biting a lemon and your mouth waters. Your body reacts
when you ingest trauma and violence on TV as well.
Believing youre not special is the same as thinking that every piece
of a jigsaw puzzle is interchangeable with the next.
The cross you bear can be as heavy as lead or light as feathers. It
depends on your level of acceptance.
If youre at the end of your rope, maybe its time to let go and realize
youre buoyed by a force greater than yourself.


Life will take you to the very edge of your emotions before relief
comes. Relax and ride the wave.
Dont worry about keeping in rhythm with everyone else. Find your
own rhythm and dance!
Perform every task with loving intent and you will never work a day of
your life.
While working out, imagine the fat cells freefalling to their death to
feed the muscle cells.
Some people pride themselves on being a humanitarian. I like to
think of myself as a dog-itarian and a cat-itarian.
The simple joy of giving service is to stand on the precipice of enlightenment.
If you have had hard times and youre waiting for the other shoe to
fall, relax. It already has.
When defining your goals, state them in the present instead of keeping them in the future.


Humility is: actively listening with encouragement, although

your views are far superior.
The Simple joy of giving service is standing on the precipice of



During a session, a clients spirit guides will often become present in the room. There are many spirit
guides that I have had the privilege to communicate with during a session. Jesus comes through for Western-based clients. I have communicated with the humble and gracious Buddha, and also a Native American
spirit guide that presents himself in the sacred costume of eagles wings and tail feathers. Advanced souls
at that level of awareness have no ego. They are representation of divine love in a form that the person
identifies with. They all are based in love.

One day I was performing an informal session with a woman of the Catholic faith. She is very devout in her beliefs. I was honored to convey to her that Jesus was standing next to us and giving her love
and encouragement to overcome her fear of death. She was not able to grasp that He was really there for
her and missed a great opportunity. Her infant child who was with her only knew five words. The child
pointed next to me and said very clearly, Jesus. The child repeated himself. The child was able to perceive and accept what the adult wasnt able to.

My own spirit guide has been tested by me as the truest friend and most purest personification of
divine love that I and many others have experienced. He is the means to achieving the results that I do in
a session. My spirit guides name is Z. He comes through to assist with some of the most miraculous experiences that happen in a session. If a client doesnt have a spirit guide, they are invited to call upon Z
for assistance. Many people are having experiences outside of their realm of understanding. A true spirit
guide is there to protect and teach on a level that others are not able to. And a true spirit guide will never
interfere in your personal space unless invited.

Z is an expert in soul travel, and his only purpose (and the purpose of any true teacher) is to lead
the seeker home to the heart of God. Many have the misconception that any presence on the other side
is a spirit guide. Although a deceased relative may be able to assist with little pokes of awareness, they
are not able to lead anyone out of the depths of the physical and psychic levels into pure realms of divine
love. If you are looking for a spirit guide, I invite you to call upon Z. He, like any true guide, will never
interfere in your life unless invited. That is one way to gauge if your spirit guide is sent from the highest
source or just a lower influence tricking you into submission.

I have had many invisible presences come through during sessions with some clients. Sometime they
were unethical spirits or confused souls on the other side. Z has helped me dissipate them from the lives
of the clients. Sometimes, lower level guides come through and start asking Z questions that they want
answered. The law of the universe is that there is always one more step. There is always another level of
awareness. There is no static state where there is no unfolding. Even the great sages of history are still
unfolding into expressions of more divine love.

A hug is a form of energy healing.

Ignorance is a form of blindness and deafness.
Loneliness is being engulfed in the stillness of the moment without
recognizing who you really are.
Insecurities are an inkling of humility before the true self is realized.
Integrity is sanctifying purpose with action.
Grief from loss is a form of gratitude in hindsight.
Life is a banquet; love is the entre; joy, laughter and gratitude are
the spices.
Conviction is a compilation of faith, experience and inner prompting.
Life is a balance of male and female energy, even within our own
Curse words are weapons that destroy the serenity of the moment.
Perception is like a funhouse mirror. You can see many different
distortions in it.


Special moments are pearls that we string together to embellish conscious living.
Prayer/meditation/contemplation is the GPS to your higher self.
Enemies are your friends waiting to be realized. And they can wait
forever if they have to!
Life is a wonderfully adventurous rollercoaster joyride with no brake
leverif you choose to look at it that way.
Grace is listening beyond your patience, enduring beyond your
means, and loving beyond your capacity.
Feeling gratitude is an outer grasp of the inner splendor.
Truth is in the fickle interpretation of the beholder.
Change is continuous. It just happens in different degrees and is all
Recognition of a stranger is a form of greeting yourself.
Expectation is believing the universe will always bring gifts in the
same way.
Blaming others is the quickest way to hand over your power.


Integrity is aligning your true nature with your communications and

courage to follow through with demonstration.
Envy is appreciation once removed.
Pain is the hammer that breaks through the chrysalis of the ego
to liberate the true self.
Overzealousness is the determination of a humble soul to contribute.
Comparisons are our irrational means of defining ourselves.
Jealousy is a self-induced filter that diminishes all experiences to one
Courage is stepping outside of your comfort zone to seize the opportunities that life has offered you.
Eliciting sympathy is a passive way of gaining support in lieu of
finding strength from within.
Insecurities are like hungry children. They always need to be fed.
Procrastination is a form of paralysis.


Perfection isnt a physical trait; its a state of being.

Inspiration is dipping into an infinite well. Creativity is the desire to
share it. Art is the cup.
Fear is a conjecture of the mind.
Truth is love in demonstration. Its the universal language.


About the Author

Jen Ward, LMT, is a Reiki Master and has been a student of Eckankar for the past 30 years. She is
an intuitive and gifted healer, and an innovator of healing practices. She is at the leading edge of energy
work, providing a loving segue for her techniques to clients, enabling them to cross the bridge of selfdiscovery with her. Her passion is to empower the individual in their own healing journey so that they
can remain in their center every step of the way.

While attending the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage, she was first introduced to energy
work. It soon became second nature for her to help identify and remove energy blocks from clients. She
is highly proficient at tuning into an individuals specific needs to release their issues, allowing their own
body to make the energetic changes necessary to return to a greater sense of ease.Her ability to pick up
many different modalities as second nature is another aspect of her profound gifts.

Jen is considered a sangoma, a traditional African Shaman who channels their ancestors, emoting
sounds and vocalizations in their ceremonies. An interesting prerequisite to being a sangoma is to have
survived the brink of death. When Jen was first approached with the knowledge of being a sangoma,
she had not yet fulfilled this prerequisite. However, in April 2008, when she came back to society on the
brink of starvation as a result of traumatic involuntary imprisonment, the qualification had been met. She
returned to the world of humanity a devout soul inspired to serve.

Her special abilities have also allowed her to innovate a revolutionary technique for finding lost
pets by performing an emotional release on the animal. Using this method, she has successfully reunited
many lost pets with their owners.

Jen currently works as a long-distance emotional release facilitator, public speaker and consultant.
Her special modality encompasses a holistic overview of her clients from all vantage points, including
their physical, emotional, causal and mental areas, ultimately benefiting their work, home, family and
especially spiritual lives.

Jen and Simha

McKenzie Keim is a 7 year old that resides with her family in Upstate New York.
She has a passion for drawing, writing stories, playing Barbies, dressing up like a
princess and building forts with her brother Zander.

I want to thank every single reader for being present with me

between these pages. We are at the end of the book, but not at the
end of our relationship. I treasure each and every one of you.
I respect your perpetual quest to express your own divinity in the
giving and receiving of divine love. It is my hope that this humble
book encourages you on your journey.
May you inspire others to be the healer, teacher, parent, student, and
lover that they are striving to become. In seeing the perfection in the
eyes of another, even as they struggle, you are helping to uplift
Thank you for every time you have made the choice of love. No act
of kindness goes unnoticed. The intangible acts of love and sacrifice
are especially celebrated on the inner realms.
God Bless.

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