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Riverbanks Spring Plant Sale April 17, 2010

Abelia chinensis Chinese Abelia 1 gal. $6 Begonia - mixed selection Begonia 2 qt. $5

Chinese Abelia is a deciduous shrub commonly used for beds, borders, and hedges. The small, We are delighted to offer a diverse selection of Begonias this year. Easy to grow in part sun
glossy, dark green leaves on arching stems add a touch of grace to any garden. Small, white locations outside or on a sunny windowsill inside, these plants are as well adapted as they are
flowers cover the branches from midsummer until fall. Because of the abundance of flowers, beautiful. Numerous shapes, colors, habits, and textures to choose from. Flowers range from
Chinese Abelia is a favorite of butterflies and bees. Grows to 5 feet tall and equally as wide in full white to pink. If grown outdoors, these frost tender plants should be over-wintered inside.
Bletilla striata Hardy Orchid 1 gal. $10
Abutilon megapotamicum Flowering Maple 1 gal. $6
This hardy terrestrial orchid is the perfect choice for the shade garden and is extremely easy to
This Brazilian native has found a place in our shade garden. The maple-like foliage gives way to grow! Though these are currently dormant, expect a riot of lavender purple blossoms in spring.
red and yellow flowers that dangle from the stems like miniature lanterns. This easy to grow The flowers make long-lasting cut flowers. Will colonize over time. Prefers well drained, rich soil in
perennial flowers in mid to late summer, and continues past frost. Attracts hummingbirds. Deep part shade. Grows 12” to 18” tall and 6” to 12” wide.
shade to sun. Grows 2 to 3 feet tall.
Brillantaisia subulugurica Giant Salvia 1 gal. $7
Acalypha wilkesiana ‘Macrophylla’ Copperleaf 3” $4
This hard-to-find native of tropical Africa is certain to make an big impression in your garden.
Looking for an alternative to coleus for colorful foliage this summer? Try out one of these Grown as an annual here in the Midlands, it quickly reaches 6 feet in height with a very sculptural
beauties! The bronze-green and copper tones of the large russet-red leaves are sure to add a shape and beautiful bold, serrated leaves. It is adorned throughout summer with a profusion of
splash of color all season. Copperleaf will take the place of flowers from late summer until frost large panicles of bluish-purple flowers. Full sun to light shade in rich, well drained soil.
when the bloom show is slowing down. May be brought in for the winter to grow as a houseplant.
Will reach 3 to 4 feet in height. Light shade to full sun. Buddleja davidii ‘Potter’s Purple’ Butterfly Bush 2 qt. $6

A favorite of both butterflies and hummingbirds, ‘Potter’s Purple’ features 8 inch long, lightly
Acanthus ‘Summer Beauty’ Bear’s Breeches 1 gal. $8
fragrant, purple flowers. The green leaves have a silvery underside, contrasting beautifully with
A favorite among shade gardeners, Acanthus provides fabulous dark green, glossy foliage that the rich purple blooms. Deadhead to promote flowering all summer. Cut back hard in early spring.
makes a wonderful backdrop to other flowering plants. The deeply serrated leaves can get very Fast growing to 6 to 8 feet tall and wide. Partial to full sun.
large, and provide an excellent texture to any garden. In the spring, a large flower spike (to 6 feet)
will shoot up from the middle and sport light purple to white flowers. Plant in a shady spot, or in Caesalpinia gilliesii Poinciana 1 gal. $8
filtered light.
Native to Argentina, this striking beauty is hardy for us in the Midlands. The finely cut fern-like
leaves lend a delicate texture to the garden. And from spring into summer, it profusely blooms
Achillea ‘Fireland’ Yarrow 2 qt. $6
exotic yellow flowers with 4 to 5 inch long, bright red stamens. Hummingbirds love this small tree.
The long-lasting brick red flowers of ‘Fireland’ will spice up your garden all summer long. Yarrow Fast growing to 5 to 10 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide. Drought tolerant. Not picky about soil as long
makes a very dependable groundcover of evergreen ferny foliage. The flowers are wonderful in as it is well drained. Full sun.
both fresh cut and dried arrangements, and the foliage even keeps its fragrance when dried. Very
drought tolerant once established. Best in dry, sandy to average soil. Full sun. 18 to 24 inches tall. Capsicum annuum ‘Medusa’ Ornamental Pepper 1 qt. $4

Ornamental peppers are always a big hit here at Riverbanks. Ideal for mixed borders or in a
Agave ‘Kissho Kan’ Lucky Crown Century Plant 1 gal. $15
container, ‘Medusa’ explodes with as many as 40 to 50 fruits at a time in a wide range of colors
Famous for their drought tolerance, Agaves are the answer to the lazy gardener’s dreams! ‘Kissho from ivory to yellow, orange and bright red. The slender, twisted peppers are held prominently
Kan’ sports blue gray leaves bordered in creamy white. The spines emerge yellow, changing to upright over dark green foliage, giving the effect of Medusa’s fabled hair. Full sun. 12 to 15 inches
light brown and then a rich dark brown. Will form a slowly offsetting clump to 15 inches tall by 18 tall and wide.
inches wide. Winter hardiness is not certain for this selection so it is best planted in a pot that can
be brought in during our cold spells. Full sun. Carex phyllocephala ‘Sparkler’ Palm Sedge 2 qt. $6

This evergreen sedge is a great plant for the shade garden! The bright white stripes on the
Argyreia nervosa Wooly Morning Glory 1 gal. $7
whorled leaves brighten up the darkest of corners. This sedge, like most others, likes moist soil
Wooly morning glory is a hard to find annual vine that features large heart shaped leaves with a but will tolerate some drought if planted in shadier locations. Shade to part sun. Reaches about 24
tropical feel. The silvery fuzz of the stems and undersides of the leaves illuminate the plant, as do inches tall with a 1 to 2 foot spread.
the lovely lavender blooms in late summer. The seed pods that follow resemble woodrose and are
popular in dried arrangements and potpourri. Full sun. Moist, well drained soil. Carica papaya Papaya 1 gal. $10

Papaya has been one of our favorite plants to use as a tropical annual in recent years. This plant
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla Largeleaf Wild Indigo 2 qt. $7
has amazing, dissected palmate foliage that adds that element of bold texture to the garden. With
A lovely prairie native that is easy to grow and very long lived. Stunning white flower stalks full sun, plenty of water and fertilizer, expect your papaya to reach 5 to 6 feet tall by the end of
emerge from late spring into summer and are followed by ornamental seed pods. Reaching 4 to 5 summer. Don’t count on having fruit, but you just might get some!
feet tall, Baptisia makes an attractive filler in the perennial border. Cut to the ground after frost.
Very drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Full sun.
Clematis ‘Hagley Hybrid’ Clematis 1 gal. $7 Gomphostigma virgatum River Star 1 gal. $7

Beautiful lavender-mauve flowers emerge in summer and bloom through early fall. Purple anthers A wild evergreen shrub. Great fine texture and wonderful white flowers in the summer. If you like
provide interesting contrast. Flowers on last and current season’s growth. Vines reach heights of the manicured look, this is not the plant for you. A very loose habit. Native to South Africa where it
6’ to 8’ and 3’ to 6’ wide. Keep roots cool and shaded for greatest vigor. Full sun to part shade. grows along rivers but will do well in normal garden soil. Full sun. About 6 to 7 feet tall.
Moderate water. Best in fertile, well-drained soils.
Gomphrena globosa ‘Fireworks’ Globe Amaranth 1 qt. $4
Colocasia esculenta ‘Mojito’ Elephant Ear 1 gal. $8
This was one of the favorites from our summer annuals last year. The spiky hot pink blooms are
This neat new elephant ear has light green leaves with random purple flecking all over the leaf tipped in bright yellow and give the effect of a miniature fireworks show in the garden. Blooming
surface. It looks like someone went a little crazy with some splash painting techniques. Plant in from early summer until frost, the flowers are not only long lasting but are excellent in cut and
full to part sun and keep moist. Will form a nice clump and reach 3 feet tall. dried arrangements. 3 to 4 feet in height and 1 to 2 feet wide. Fertile, well drained soil. Full sun.

Colocasia gigantea Thailand Giant Strain Giant Elephant’s Ear 1 gal. $8 Hedychium ‘Pink V’ Ginger Lily 1 gal. $7

If you want one behemoth of an elephant ear, this is the one! This selection has giant green Reaching 5 to 6 feet in height, this dependable ginger is a perfect candidate for the back of the
leaves that can reach 5 feet tall by 4 feet wide. Prefers full or partial sun. During the summer, give border. The citrus scented flowers are a creamy apricot with a salmon throat. Blooms from mid-
it plenty of organic matter and moisture and watch this plant turn from a sprout to a jolly green summer until frost. Grow in full sun to part shade and ample moisture.
giant. Great for the gardener who thrives on excess!
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Fuji-no-taki’ Fuji Waterfall Hydrangea 1 gal. $7
Dianthus X allwoodii ‘Frosty Fire’ Garden Pink 2 qt. $6
White lacecap blooms cascade over the lush dark green foliage of this deciduous shrub creating a
The bright cherry red flowers make a radiant contrast against the silvery blue foliage of this old beautiful waterfall effect. The 12 inch flower heads begin their show in summer and will repeat into
fashioned perennial. The fragrant blooms appear in profusion from spring into summer. fall. Will reach 3 to 5 feet in height and spread. Feed with general purpose fertilizer before spring
Deadheading will encourage repeat flowering. The evergreen foliage forms a tight mound 6 to 8 growth. Prune to shape after flowering. Partial sun.
inches tall and to 15 inches wide. This selection has proven to take our heat and humidity and is
drought tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Full sun in well drained soil. Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nigra’ Black Stem Hydrangea 1 gal. $7

This hydrangea resembles the common hydrangea except for its beautiful dark stems. The black
Dicentra scandens ‘Athens Yellow’ Bleeding Heart 1 gal. $8
stems lend a stark contrast to the light green foliage and lavender flowers. It will grow to 3 to 4
This rare climbing bleeding heart is destined to be a star in your garden. Canary yellow, feet in part shade and blooms all summer. To promote flowering and to shape your plant, prune
pendulous, heart-shaped flowers emerge in late April and bloom until frost. This perennial vine is only after it has finished flowering.
best suited for shady to part sun locations. Don’t let the delicate foliage fool you because this
vigorous vine can climb up to 10 feet in a single growing season. Deer resistant. Hypericum calycinum ‘Briggadoon’ Aaron’s Beard 1 gal. $6

‘Briggadoon’ is certain to brighten up the garden with its year-round golden foliage, which first
Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’ Autumn Fern 1 gal. $7
emerges with a apricot tinge. Reaching only 12 to 15 inches in height and about 24 inches in
A more brilliantly colored form of the autumn fern. This selection reaches 18 to 24 inches tall and spread, it makes a perfect groundcover in part sun to light shade. It also works well as a
wide. The young fronds are orange and turn glossy green with age. This evergreen is tolerant of companion plant in containers. Bright yellow flowers in summer. Tolerates a wide range of soils,
many growing conditions and is drought tolerant once established. Plant in part sun to light shade. but is happiest in loose, well drained soil.

Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’ Ethiopian Red Banana 3 gal. $20 Illicium ‘Woodland Ruby’ Anise Tree 1 gal. $8

This gorgeous red banana is hardy in the ground for us in the Midlands. It also works well in a The luxuriant foliage of this broadleaf evergreen shrub is reason enough to grow this beauty. Yet
container for a bold tropical look. The stem can reach a height of 8 to 10 feet in a growing season. add to that the unusual ruby red flowers that look like multi-rayed stars appearing in masses from
Plant in full sun and give plenty of water for the best growth. spring into fall and ‘Woodland Ruby’ is a sure fire hit for the shade garden! Upright, compact habit
6 to 8 feet tall. Deer resistant. Partial to full shade. Moist soil.
Erythrina crista-galli Coral Tree 1 gal. $6
Isotoma fluviatilis Blue Star Creeper 2 qt. $5
If you have full sun and don’t like to spend money on the water bill, this shrub is for you. Large,
red, pea-like flowers emerge in summer and sporadically through fall. Blooms are loved by This petite evergreen groundcover is a perfect choice for planting between paving stones as it is
hummingbirds. Needs well drained soil. Dies to ground in winter, but gallantly returns in spring. 5 quite tolerant of foot traffic. It forms a dense, low carpet of tiny leaves that will be smothered with
to 6 feet tall and wide. starry sky blue flowers from late spring into summer. It is also ideal for planting with clematis,
lilies, and bulbs, as it will shade their roots without interfering with their growth! Happiest in partial
Gloriosa superba ‘Rothschildiana’ Climbing Lily 1 gal. shade with moist soil. Reaches about 3 inches tall.
This amazing tropical African vine is hardy for us! The exotic crimson red and vivid yellow flowers Leucanthemum X superbum ‘Becky’ Shasta Daisy 1 gal. $7
put on their show all summer long. Does not care for winter wetness. Full sun is best. Plant under
plain evergreen shrubs to spice them up for the summer. These tubers have been started for you This is the best Shasta Daisy on the market! The sturdy 3 to 4 foot upright stems erupt in summer
and are ready for planting after last frost. with bouquets of white flowers with yellow centers. Cheerful and bright, the flowers are not only
great for cutting but also attract butterflies. Deadhead to encourage reblooming. Plant in full sun in
well-drained, amended soil and get ready to be happy all summer long!
Lilium lancifolium ‘Splendens’ Tiger Lily 3/bag $5 Rosa “Caldwell Pink” Found Polyantha Rose 3 gal. $15

Perennial tiger lily is an old heirloom garden favorite. Orange flowers with black spotting make “Caldwell Pink” has long been a favorite shrub rose for the landscape. Its compact growth habit
their appearance in summer. Full sun and well drained soil. 6 feet tall. This is a great addition to makes for a minimum of pruning and maintenance. The foliage has excellent disease resistance.
tropical and hot-colored plants. It prolifically blooms clusters of fully double lilac pink flowers from spring until frost. Tolerates poor
soil. 3 to 4 feet tall & wide. Full sun.
Lonicera sempervirens Trumpet Honeysuckle 1 gal. $7
Ruellia sp. Ruellia 1 gal. $7
This native trumpet honeysuckle is a must for any garden! The rich red flowers bloom in the
spring and sporadically throughout the summer. It requires some structure to grow on or can We’ve been growing this plant for over 10 years and have never know the proper name (although
cascade across the ground. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Can be pruned back in winter we strongly suspect it is Ruellia elegans). Regardless, this is a lovely low-growing perennial.
to increase flowering. A full sun location with average to low water is all it needs. These 18 inch tall plants have tubular red blooms nearly nonstop from spring until frost.
Hummingbirds love this one! Works great in containers. Full sun to light shade.
Osmunda regalis Royal Fern 1 gal. $6
Salvia ‘California Sunset’ Sage 1 gal. $6
The broad fronds of this majestic fern are different from most other ferns, yet are quite airy and
graceful. In summer, a cluster of rust-colored fronds emerge from the center of this deciduous We can never seem grow enough salvias at Riverbanks. This new one is a Salvia greggii hybrid
fern. Typically reaching 2 to 3 feet in height, it can reach 6 feet with constant moisture. Prefers (which are tough as nails for us) that is characterized by lovely peach colored blossoms. Will
rich, moist soil but adapts to various soil types and conditions. Light to full shade. bloom continuously from summer until frost. Reaches about 3 feet tall. Deer resistant. Full sun.
Tolerant of dry soils.
Pelargonium - mixed selection Scented Geranium 2 qt. $6
Salvia ‘Christine Yeo’ Sage 1 gal. $6
Scented geraniums have held a special place in herb and ornamental gardens for ages. Distinctly
odoriferous, this plant’s intriguing scent can mimic that of rose, lemon, lime, and lavender to This deep purple flowered salvia is guaranteed to be a point of interest in your garden. Not only
simply name a few. Foliage is architecturally interesting with diverse color, texture, and do you get lovely flowers from late spring to frost, the foliage will remain semi-evergreen during
arrangement. Delicate flowers range in color from white to pink. These annual plants should be winter months. Tolerates full sun and dry conditions. Expect a 2 foot by 2 foot mound after a few
over-wintered indoors. years.

Pennisetum glaucum ‘Jester’ Ornamental Millet 1 gal. $6 Salvia elegans ‘Golden Delicious’ Pineapple Sage 2 qt. $6

‘Jester’ brings season long interest with its changing foliage and interesting seedheads. The Be sure to plant this one where you can enjoy the rich pineapple fragrance of the foliage! From
leaves emerge a bright chartreuse, turning red and bronze before maturing a rich burgundy late summer into fall, the intensely red flowers make a shocking contrast against the bright yellow
purple. In early summer the 9 to 12 inch spiky plumes appear and are delightful in fresh and dried leaves and attracts birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Talk about a lot of bang for your buck!
arrangements. Annual. 3 to 4 feet tall. Full sun to part shade. Perfect for in a container or in the ground. Full sun to light shade. 2 to 3 feet tall & wide.

Pyrrosia lingua Tongue Fern 2 qt. $6 Salvia X jamensis ‘Raspberry Royale’ Raspberry Royale Sage 1 gal. $5

Unlike anyone’s notion of a fern, Pyrrosia has proven to be a tough-as-nails fern for us! Aptly Raspberry Royale is known as one of the best cultivars of this interspecific hybrid between Salvia
named, tongue fern has thick, rigid leaves with a soft, felty underside and grows straight up along greggii and Salvia microphylla. The vivid magenta flowers begin their show stopping display in
creeping rhizomes to form a evergreen mass. Drought tolerant. Part sun to full shade in well spring and continue well into fall. Thrives in summer heat and tolerates dry soils. To 3’ in height
drained soil. 12 inches tall. and width. Full sun.

Ratibida pinnata Prairie Coneflower 1 gal. $7 Sisyrinchium angustifolium ‘Lucerne’ Blue-Eyed Grass 2 qt. $5

This US native is great for gardeners who forget to water and have poor soil. While tolerant of The large purplish blue flowers and bright golden eyes of ‘Lucerne’ will delight you from late
adverse conditions, this yellow daisy-like beauty will thrive under premium care as well. Grows spring into early summer. The narrow iris-like foliage is semi-evergreen and is attractive in itself.
best in full sun and can reach up to 4 feet tall! Will bloom from summer up until the first frost. Reaching only 8 inches tall makes it perfect for edging, the front of the border, or in a container.
Prefers moist, well drained soil in full sun to light shade.
Rehmannia elata Chinese Foxglove 1 gal. $6
Solanum quitoense Naranjilla 1 gal. $6
This easy to grow perennial spreads to form a mat of semi-evergreen rosettes of glossy scalloped
leaves. The pinkish-purple flowers with yellow throats resemble their namesake, foxglove. This plant has gained popularity for the 15 inch spineless, fuzzy leaves and 2 inch hairy, orange
Blooming heaviest in late spring, they continue to flower sporadically through the summer. 2 feet fruits. Grows best in full sun with some afternoon shade. This is an annual, so collect seed for
in height. Rich, moist soil. Sun to partial shade. next year’s planting. The fruits can be used to make a delicious juice that is considered a delicacy
in South America. 3 feet tall with similar spread.
Rosa “Bermuda’s Kathleen” Shrub Rose 3 gal. $15
Solenostemon ‘Dipt in Wine’ Coleus 2 qt. $3
A lovely old fashioned shrub rose, “Bermuda’s Kathleen” has an upright growth habit reaching 5
feet or more in height. It also grows well against a wall or trellis where it may achieve 7 to 8 feet. Coleus are the ideal filler plant for containers and in the ground from spring until frost. Their
The medium green, delicate foliage is very healthy. The single blooms, usually appearing in delightful colors add drama to where ever you use them. Dipt in Wine is a terrific companion plant
sprays, open a apple-blossom pink and darken with age. It will form light orange hips after with its crimson red leaves edged with lime green. 2 to 3 feet tall. Full sun to light shade.
flowering. Continual blooms from late spring until frost. Full sun.
Solenostemon “Lazy Alligator” Coleus 2 qt. $3

It is hard for us to enjoy spring plantings without a coleus to be found somewhere. This coleus Cash, checks and major credit cards accepted.
was a selection from our own breeding program. “Lazy Alligator” has a very tight growth habit and
small, scalloped, reptilian-like leaves. Take home a piece of history with this Riverbanks original. 2 Thank you for supporting Riverbanks Botanical Garden.
to 3 feet tall. Full sun to light shade. If you have any questions regarding your plant purchase,
Stachys byzantina Lamb’s Ear 4.5” $4 contact us at
Lamb’s Ear is a low growing, mat forming perennial grown for its velvety silvery white leaves,
rather than its small purple-pink flowers. The color and texture of this evergreen groundcover Exciting upcoming events at Riverbanks Botanical Garden:
combine beautifully with annuals and other perennials. Grow in full sun in well drained soil for best
results. Be sure to plant close enough to be able to stop and touch its fuzzy leaves!
Riverbanks Garden Farmers Market
Stauntonia hexaphylla Stauntonia Vine 1 gal. $7
Support your community by buying from local vendors!
A different evergreen vine. Keep your neighbors in the dark with this white flowering beauty. Egg-
shaped fruits appear in late summer. This slow climber will eventually top out at ten feet and you Beginning May 12
won’t have to prune it to keep it in shape. Full sun. Provide support. Wednesdays from 2:00 PM to dark
Tamarix ramosissima ‘Rosea’ Salt Cedar 1 gal. $9 in the Botanical Garden parking lot
The feathery green foliage of salt cedar makes a superb textural accent in the garden. In summer
this shrub is covered with airy plumes of rose-pink flowers. Though deciduous, temperature Rhythm & Blooms
changes from fall into winter create an interesting change of color to the foliage. It is extremely
tolerant of drought and needs well drained soil. Fast growing to 12 feet in height and to 9 feet in Music & Art in the Garden
width, Tamarix can be pruned back to the ground in late winter to keep plant compact. Full sun. Every Thursday in May
Dry to average soil.
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Tricyrtis formosana ‘Samurai’ Variegated Toad Lily 2 qt. $7

When summer is beginning to fade, this toad lily hops onto center stage with its unusual purple
orchid-like flowers. Best planted where the beauty of the 1 inch blooms can be appreciated close
up. ‘Samurai’ is popular for its creamy edged leaves and compact form. Will spread slowly to form
a small clump. 12 to 18 inches tall. Prefers rich, moist soil in partial to full sun.

Xanthosoma violaceum Blue Taro 1 gal. $7

Grown all over the tropics as a food plant, we grow this taro for its bold tropical effect. Large,
elegant leaves are held up on purple stems reaching 5 feet in height. This dependable perennial
has proven quite winter hardy for us. Full sun, but can also take some shade. Moist soil.

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