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[MUSIC] Hi everyone, I'm Ano.

Now, let's have a little talk about

one important aspect of your writing, it's intellectual property and
the ethical guidelines. What does that even mean? Let's talk at first about
intellectual property. When you write something
in a specific paper, you agree to give full access to
all your result by the journal. You keep the basic intellectual
property of your article, but you give away the copyright to the editor. What do
es this mean in practice? It means that you have
rules you need to follow. Some that are specific to the journal and some are fun
damental that apply to
every paper you are going to submit. What you write is no longer owned by you,
but it's owned by the firm behind the journal. It is the base of publishing toda
y. It means that you can't just copy paste
part of the text from another person or just copy paste an image
from another journal. This is illegal, as is downloading music
without paying the writers' labels. As such, citation is very important. From a
scientific point of view it leads
[INAUDIBLE] reader to all of the content related to the one you are talking abou
t. But from a more basic point of view,
it is all about copyrighting. Publishing is also
different from a patent. As you will not have a legal right,
only research. Always keep that in mind. In the same idea, look if there might b
e conflict of
interest when publishing a paper. As you are probably giving access
to the results to the journal, you want to be sure there is no financial
or intellectual conflict of interest. If you don't take into
account this advice, your article can be
retracted from the journal. And more importantly,
you can be prosecuted. But don't be scared, it should be
easy to take care of this problem, as you are now fully aware
of the problem itself. Don't forget to check on the website
of the journal you want to publish in. As depending on the type of paper you wan
to submit, if it is an open access article or a subscription based article, you
have different right consenting your work. Let's have a closer look
now on the second point. The third ethical guidelines an author
has to flow when writing an article. The first thing to think
about is authorship. What is considered
an author of an article. There is no real definition of
this subject, but when looking on the guidelines, you can find that
the author is basically one person. That other role in the conception,
the design, the analysis, or the writing of the study. Every author should be pu
t in
the author names of the paper. This is really important, as researchers
only gain credit if they are on the paper. But be careful not to put everyone, e
ven people who did not take
a big part in the study. Usually the journal is going to ask
you who took part on the project. And what was the work he or she was doing. Tha
t will help you tell who is important. But in the beginning,
take advices from the people in your lab, they will help you decide. The second
thing to speak about is
misconducting the paper itself. Here are a few examples. Fraud, creating a piece
of paper
based on fake data, or altered data. Duplicate, submitting the paper to
different journals in the same time, or submitting equivalent findings
in two separated papers. Or even publishing the same
results in different journals, even if they use different languages. Citing, fai
lure to cite the work
of other related to the subject. Plagiarism, taking the work of others and

publishing it in your own name. You should know that editors have
access to tool, such as, that can detect if what you
have written is a plagiar. There is also specific ethic guidelines,
related to specific fields. If you think about biology, one ethical
guideline might be research participant must voluntarily consent to
the research participation. But here again, just look closely at the guidelines
by the journal you want to publish in. It is the best way to know
what they expect from you. This lecture was last one
of the first session. We described the basis of
scientific publishing. Why it is important. How to help you from what did others
. What is a mechanism of publishing. How is built a journal itself from
the [INAUDIBLE] to the abstract itself? And finally, the ethical guideline
that are necessary to publishing. Thank you for watching, see you next time. [MU

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