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Lost in My Life

I never thought that anything could change my life. Neither did I think that I would ever
be happy with it. But yet, the day of his arrival was my turning point. For me, his arrival
was my salvation.
This story is UN-BETA
- Might be beta in the future if I ever get to finish writing this story.


Winter finally came I realized, when I stepped out of my apartment. The trees are dead.
Everything is almost as white as purity. Funny. I thought. Death and Purity, arent they
an unlikely pair?
I continued on walking to Aqua Fall High School. It would be my last year here. Thanks
goodness. Just one more year left and I stopped my thoughts as I reach the gate. The
giggles from the cheerleaders could be heard and the usual whistling as they passed.
Immediately, with my head down, I briskly walked to my classroom for Literature class.
During the walk, I never raise my head once and tried to stay as a wallflower. I glared at
the crowd. Damn it. Why the hell does the population keep rising? I clenched my fist and
glared at the ground, hiding my face with my fringe. I must control
Though it seemed like an eternity, I finally reached my classroom. Before pushing the
door open, I took a deep breathe. You can do it, reassuring myself, I gave the door a slight
push and walked in as discreet as I could. I passed rows and rows of joyous laughter and
chattering. To laugh and chat with friends is such an easy and normal thing to do for
them yet for me
Soon I reached my desired seat at the back of the room. Unnoticed from everyone and the
students would be safe from
The bell interrupted my chain of thoughts and students scrambled for their seat. Then our
Literature teacher stepped in with a student. I did not really notice him though, my
attention was mainly on the teacher and I realized something. I had never seen that
teacher before. Is he new?

The teachers brown hair was neatly combed and his face features were fine. He had the
looks of an angel with soft black eyes.
Whispers were heard throughout the class.
Is that teacher new?
He looks
Hot. Right?
The guy beside him isnt bad either
Isnt bad? Are you blind? Hes more than that!
By this time, I shifted my glance to the guy beside the teacher. The new guy had solid
black hair and he had black eyes which seemed to drown you in them. I was stunned
The teacher coughed for the classs attention and they immediately stopped the
Good morning, I am James Carlson. Your Literature teacher for the rest of the school
year. he said in a serious and heavy tone and gave a wary look to the class. I do not
know whether it was my nerves or what, but he seriously disturbs me. However what I
know for sure is that Hes dangerous to me.
And the student beside me is Trist Garnett. One of the students from Crescent Fall High
involved in the integration program. Please introduce yourself, Mr. Garnett. I noticed
that Mr. Carlson sounded bitter when he said the new guy name.
Im Trist Garnett, please treat me kindly onward. He ended the sentence with a
dazzling smile which charmed the whole class, including me.
Alright, introductions are over. Mr. Garnett, please take the seat on the front row.
Professor Carlson ordered.
However then, the new guy glanced at the back of the class and caught my eyes. Time
seemed to have stopped when we were locked in each other eyes. I could not keep my
eyes away from hiss before he turned away and strolled gracefully to the assigned seat
next to a girl call Jane Turner. Jane was quite a nice girl though quiet and shy, she was
kind but most of the student body never saw that part of her.
After seeing that Garnett was seated, Professor Carlson turned to the class.

If there are no questions, we will begin the administrative things. Before he could
reply, numerous questions ambushed him.
How old are you, Mr. Carlson?
Are you single?
What is your favourite colour?
Whens your birthday?
What - Before the student could finish his sentence Mr. Carlson spoke.
I have no obligation to answer your questions. He glared at the class which made them
deadly silent. If glare could kill, we would have died by now.
Next, he began calling out our names to recognize our faces.
Recia Taylor.
Upon hearing my name, I raised my hand.
He nodded and continued on to the next one. It seems that no one noticed me.
After that, class was smooth-sailing. However by looking at how Mr. Carlson taught ....
He is strict. Undoubtedly, he will be called devil by the school.
The bell rang and it signaled that class was over and it was time for lunch break.
As I walked in the hallway, rumors flooded the school.
There are five exchange students for every year
Not to forget that they are all so good-looking.
Good-looking? Theyre more like angel no! Theyre even more beautiful than that!
But did you see the new teacher who moved in with them? Mr. James Carlson.
Aw He looks like the rest of them too
What type of school is Crescent Fall High? Are all the students models?
I heard that they were a private super-rich elite school
Look, here they are!

By then, shrieks of excitement from the girls pierced the school.

A group of model-like students with indescribable beauty were walking through. Rather
than walking they are like floating?
I noticed that Trist Garnett was not only among the crowd but more of leading them.
As they passed the gawking students, all of them gave a beautiful expression.
Do you see Trist Garnett? Hes so god-like!
Look at the guy beside him, not bad either right?
Aiden Ashen? Hes in my Arts class.
Aiden Ashen was a guy with blond hair and a pair of captivating sapphire eyes.
Look at Chantel Gwen. I noted that that it was said by a boy.
I followed his glance to reach a beautiful girl with an amazing figure with the most
breath-taking autumn orange hair you ever seen and those pretty jade eyes.
Excuse me. Gwen had a melodic voice. It seemed that their path was blocked by the
The path was cleared as soon as she spoke and the model-like group continued walking
-------------------------I------------------------Trist, how was your lesson? Aiden asked me with a hint of interest in his voice.
Probably the same as yours. I answered blankly.
Same? You had James for Literature. Chantel snorted.
He was like any other hostile teacher. I replied, thinking back on the vampire hunters
class. Threatening.
Right. Chantel said sarcastically.
I shrugged.
Right now, we were in Aqua Fall Highs cafeteria. Though the one in Crescent Fall was
much more classy.

Almost all the students were staring at us like we are some art pieces in a museum. How
I can certainly get used to this lifestyle. Callie declared. Obviously enjoying the
Not me. Oliver frowned. He was the quiet one in our group and most of all, he hate
attention from strangers. Kind of weird for people like him.
Come on Ollie, when are you really going to come out from your mossy stone Callie
said out.
Im already out of it. Oliver grumbled at Callies use of Ollie.
Yeah Ollie, you should really look at the world for once. Aiden said jokingly, stressing
on the nickname, clearly making fun of Oliver.
I am looking.
He didnt mean it literally. Chantel offered.
Oliver was silent. Knowing well that no one was on his side.
Currently, I am staring at my food in disgust. Do I have to eat this thing everyday at
The food here sure is unappetizing. Aiden voiced my thoughts.
You can say that again. Callie was glaring at her food.
Oliver had not commented anything but by looking at him, he was in the same
Even the mosses are better. He muttered.
Out of us, including the other ten vampires, Chantel was the only one who had no trouble.
Obviously her powers are greatly in use for times like this.
We, the fifteen students from Crescent Fall High are vampire. Actually, all the students
from Crescent Fall are. Of course only who are born a vampire is admitted into Crescent
Fall. Aqua Fall and Crescent Fall are under the same principal. He is Leonard Mereau. A
vampire who seeks co-existence between human and vampire. The integration of students
from Crescent to Aqua was his first step, though it was only fifteen vampires, he is
planning to bring in more as time goes by. There are some precaution taken; James
Carlson. A note-worthy vampire hunter. Though he does not hunt us, who are naturally

born a vampire, James will not hesitate to kill us if we were presented to be dangerous in
a situation. And the only ones who know the truth are us the vampires, vampire hunters
and Mr. Mereau in this whole school.
Naturally born vampires or what we called Vampiracle are gifted with special ability.
There abilities ranged from elemental control to mind control. For example, I have the
element, Mist control. Chantels ability is Senses Manipulation. She can heighten or
lowered yours or her own sense of smell, hearing, touch, vision and taste. It is a very
convenient ability. Most of the Vampiracle have special ability. In rare times, a
Vampiromo who was bitten by a Vampiracle will also develop a special ability.
Vampiromo are humans who were turned into a vampire.
However a Vampiromo, bitten by a Vampiromo, will only be given one vampiric trait.
And it will only be their thirst for blood. Specifically, vampire hunters like James hunt
vampires like them.
Chantel, cant you nullify our sense of smell and taste for a while? Callie complained.
No can do, I dont want to abuse my powers.
Arent you abusing them now?
For my own personal use. Chantel stated.
Callie mumbled some unintelligent response under her breath.
-------------------------I------------------------Recia, my friend! I groaned. Terry Klein never does take no for an answer, does he?
It sure is a beautiful day outside, isnt it? Terry cheerfully said.
Beautiful? The sky is filled with dark clouds. If not, I would not be out here.
Terry, how many times do I have to tell you? Leave.Me.Alone. I said, stressing the last
three important words.
Terry conveniently ignored the last sentence.
Recia! You finally address me by my first name! Terry cheered.
I paid no attention to him and continued on, munching my pathetic plain, white bread.

The new students from Crescent are a piece of art, right? No doubt there will be a burst
of fan clubs soon. But my friend, Jake Carlson, does not look happy about it. I wonder
why? You are almost the same as him, mind telling me your opinion? Oh yeah, you had
Literature right? Which of the exchange student did you saw? It seemed that many
students are applying for Literature, History and all those dead subjects that they hate just
to get a glimpse of those exchangers. You sure are lucky. You practically major in dead
subjects like Literature, History, Calculus, Physic, Chemistry and Accounting. And not to
mention that all the classes had exchange student in them. Some of the student in Aqua
dont even have one single class with them! But you have six! Dont tell me you had
insider information? Who did you heard it form? Mind introducing to me? I Like
this, Terry continued with his one-sided conversation.
And do you know Terry was interjected as he saw his next victim.
Oh, thats Jake! I never had a chance to introduce both of you. This is a golden
opportunity! Terry exclaimed.
Terry, its okay. I got to go now. I gulped the last of my orange juice with one mouthful
and rushed to leave.
But Recia, for two years, you always left before the introduction! This is already the last
year! I must do it this year!
Uh huh I could almost leave. Almost.
Jake! Terry cried out.
I glanced for a second, unfortunately, that was a mistake. The said Jake upon hearing
Terrys voice began to walk away; in my direction.
But we had no chance. Terry quickly caught up to the both of us in front of him.
Jake, you know I never had the chance to introduce Recia to you and vice versa. This is
the perfect chance. Shes right in front of you! But you almost missed her; she was
leaving already when I saw you. We are so lucky, arent we? By the way, where were
you? I- Terry was cut off by who he called Jake.
I went to visit my brother and Terry, how many times do I need to tell you to leave me
alone? Go harness someone else, like that Recia girl you are always talking about. Jake
was irritated.
Like always, Terry ignored the leaving me alone part and just took mind to whatever he
finds interesting.

You visited your brother? Where he is? Wait, a new professor came to Aqua. Dont tell
me James Carlson is your brother! Why didnt you told me earlier? I thought we were
best friends! You-
That is none of your business and I never said we were best friends. You assumed it.
Jake muttered.
You may wonder why I am still here. The reason is, I am madly walking at my fastest
pace but with my short legs, they never seemed fast enough. Why do I not slow down?
Seemingly, Jake is also running away. Terry is following us without breaking any sweat.
Putting that aside, this is Recia Taylor, she in her third year like us. Strangely enough,
she has the same classes as you, weird? Wouldnt we all be the best of friends? I know we
would. And-
Jake and I cried out in frustration at the same time. It was then that he noticed me.
Yes, that is strange. I need to visit my brother now, why dont you spend some time with
Recia? I would hate for her to be alone. Jake politely spoke. But I know what he is really
doing; finding an escape route from Terry. Oh no you dont, even if I have to, Im
dragging you down to hell with me.
Im sure Mr. Carlson wont mind to see you later. Its not often that we two could meet
together. Its the first time in three years. I smiled, matching his polite tone.
Im not sure. My brother hates tardiness. Jake replied with annoyance in his tone.
It is our break now. He would understand that you are busy eating and chatting with
Terry I smiled again, speaking the last word louder.
Precisely! All three of us could use this time to bond together! Terry shouted out.
Im afraid I cant. I need to head to the library to do my duties. I apologized.
Im sure you could skip out. Clearly, Jake had decided to play the same game as me.
Youre on. Im not spending any more time with Terry.
I would like to have a clean record. I looked at my watch.
Oh, look at the time! Im so late. Gottogonowseeyou. I muttered the last sentence in a
rush and dash off before anyone could say anything.
Truthfully, I dont have any library duties. I just needed an excuse to get out but who
would know?

Oh, look at the time! Im so late. Gottogonowseeyou. The girl cried out before I could
get a say in it and ran off. Grr. Library duties? Its nearly the end of the lunch break now.
Jake, isnt Recia such a polite girl? Terry commented. He finally got over his energy
Yes, she is. I replied dryly. If the definition of polite is to leave someone alone when
they are in danger of being irritated to death.
Im sure you will see her later. You have accounting later, right?
Right. And I would have a word with her after class.
Soon, the bell rang and the break ended.
Thankfully, Terry and I parted ways.
As I entered, I scanned the classroom for the girl. God damn it, where the hell is she?
A flash of tan-brown hair caught my eyes. It was then that I realized it was Oliver Velek.
Ah, the hermit vampire. James told me that he was hiding under a big stone for a whole
century until Mr. Mereau paid him a visit and got him enrolled in Crescent.
Oliver was sitting at his seat, looking at the front of the classroom with a bored
expression. I wonder if he took notes of the hungry stares from his fan girls.
I looked at the back of the classroom. It was then that I noticed her after minutes of
inspecting every row of tables. She was at the back of the room. She had an empty seat
next to her. Perfect. What did Terry said her name was? Relly Tailor? No Kacia Taler?
Recia Taylor. Right.
I walked to her table and sat next to her. She did not notice me at first but not long, she
finally realized that someone was beside her. Her eyes almost bulged out. Haha.
I was about to say something when Mr. Jackson, the Accounting teacher stepped in.
Lucky her.
Throughout the whole lesson, she took no notice of my existence and paid hundred
percent attentions to the Professor. Taking notes and all those stuff, your typical model
Finally, class ended and she packed her bag as fast as she could and prepared to leave.
Not until I had a say in it.

Just as she was leaving, I followed behind her. Initially, Taylor was oblivious but when
followed us out of the back gates of the school where no one really use. It seemed that it
was finally drawn for her.
Immediately, she turned her head to me; a gesture for me. What did I want to say again?
Silence filled the air.
It was her who finally broke it.
Yes? She questioned me.
About the matter with Terry I looked at her before I continued.
She stared at me expectantly, telling me that she is listening.
I I was lost for words. It was then that I realized I was acting like a fool.
Nothing. Sorry to bother you. I apologized.
She nodded and took off. She looked angry. I probably offended her. Terry told me, her
timetable is exactly the same as mine. I wonder if its true.
-------------------------I------------------------I Jake seemed to have blanked out. I wish he could get this over with. Im losing my
Nothing. Sorry to bother you. He apologized.
Afraid that saying anything would waver my determination to conquer the thirst inside
me, I just nodded and ran off. I must not harm anyone in this school. This is what I
resolved. Just one more year I cannot waste my two years of perseverance. My vampire
side must be kept at bay at all times. Yes, I am a vampiromo. A human who turned into a
vampire. I was bitten by a vampiromo. My parents
I am running to my house at full speed, I need to get to my blood supply soon. I dont
know when I can hold this up. I should not have delay my blood drinking for so long. I
should have been sensible enough to quench my thirst before school starts. There it is;
my apartment.
I quickly took out my keys and push the door open and locked it up as soon as I was
inside. I searched madly for the fridge, falling down at some places before my hands
finally found the handle. I pull the door with all my might and fumbled for the nearest

blood packet. I let my vampire side out and I drank the blood as my fangs punctured the
packet. It was then that I finally calmed down. My rational side came back.
Staring at the drained packet, I threw it on the floor. I sobbed uncontrollably. My tears
were mix with the blood. The animal blood which I hunted during school break. What
had I become? Im just a monster. Mom Dad Why did you save me? In the end, I
became the monster which killed you all. A vampiromo. I wish I just died during that trip.
That day.
That fateful day.
When I was ten
Recia, be dear and fetch that bucket for me, wont you? My mom asked with a kind
Okie! I replied and went off to fetch the item she asked for.
My family and I were at the mountain for a camping trip. We set up our tent near the river
and on our right; we were surrounded by the forest. The atmosphere is really serene.
Birds chirpings could be heard and the rushing sound of the river was beautiful. It was
the perfect day for a camping trip.
That was until
I came back to my senses when the clock chimed six. Gosh, its so late already? I need to
buy dinner.
Up till now, I had been living with the inheritance I got from my parents and my
grandmother. Although Im a vampire, somehow, my thirst could also be cured if I ate
human food but after a while, I would still be thirsty for blood. However, this minimizes
my blood intake. Daily, I would get take-away for dinner at the local family restaurant.
Most of the vampiromo turned into a crazed vampire in a month but because I was given
a special necklace by my grandmother who took me in, it restrained my vampire traits.
I walked to the bathroom and took a look at myself in the mirror. A monster. I shook that
thought out and realized that my clothes were all bloody.
Soon, I changed out of my bloody clothes, grabbed my keys off the floor and went out of
the apartment.

I strolled while on my way to Hanes Family Restaurant. The food there was not bad and
the price is not too high. It was affordable.
Walking down the street covered with snow, I never noticed who were in front of me with
my head down, until I crashed onto one of them.
Im sorry. I said in reflex as we both fell down.
I pushed myself up and looked up to see who I bumped into. I did not expect him to be
Jake though.
Taylor. He stated.
Carlson. I felt weird saying it. After all, his brother, my literature teacher, is also
addressed as Carlson after all.
What a surprise, Miss Taylor. I glanced at the person beside Jake and it turned to be Mr.
Carlson. Of course they are together, siblings.
Mr. Carlson. I acknowledged.
I stare at him, he stare at me, then he stare at him. How fun.
I will get going now, currently on my way to Hanes. I said and looked nervously.
What a coincidence, we are on our way there too. Mr. Carlson replied politely. Great.
Uh I muttered. Mr. Carlson is strangely polite. His personality now is completely
different from the one in Aquas.
The walk to Hanes could be describe in one word; awkward. Simply awkward. Jake was
silent throughout the whole journey.
Finally, my salvation was here. The neon sign of Hanes was my shining ray of hope.
Miss Taylor, why dont you join us for dinner? Mr. Carlson said it like a gentleman
I looked at him and was about to decline before Jake said something.
Yeah, we would love to have you for dinner. Surprisingly, Jake said that.
Erm I would love to. What? What in the world possessed me to accept the
Excellent. Mr. Carlson flashed a dazzling smile. Uh huh

We got settled on a table near the windows, a waitress came to address us.
Good evening, how may I serve you? She gave us three each a menu.
Miss Taylor, what would you like? Mr. Carlson asked.
Fish and chips. I replied.
I see. Three fish and chips please. Mr. Carlson ordered, adding a smile at the end.
OOk. The waitress barely stuttered out and left in a dazed way.
After that, our orders soon came and it was pretty uneventful. Only the sound of forks
and knife could be heard. When dinner ended, and I was about to return home, Mr.
Carlson offered Jake to escort me home.
Oh no, youre too kind. Im sure I will be fine. I declined, trying not to meet Jakes
glare. Hes not happy about this arrangement.
I insist, Miss Taylor. It is already dark now and not safe for a young lady like you. Mr.
Carlson said, determined to make his brother do it. But Im a vampire myself, what could
happen? A vampire hunter? I dont think Jake would save me if that was the case. Sigh.
If you insist. I replied.
Mr. Carlson beamed and shot his brother a look which seemed to give Jake a serious
Come on. Jake muttered and pulled me out of the restaurant.
Wait I gasped out in surprise.
What? Jake snapped back at me. Its obvious that he is unhappy about this.
You are going in the wrong direction. I pointed out and looked at the correct direction
to my house.
Right. He said and faced the right. How ironic.
Jake had already left go of my hand and just walked on the streets, glaring at whatever is
ahead of us. Neither of us tried to start a conversation and that was fine for me. I
wondered about the change in attitude for Mr. Carlson outside school.
Suddenly, Jake stopped and I glanced at what was in front of us. Huh? Nothing was up

Lets go. He said and continued. What the hell was that?
Then, a shriek of pain echoed through the street.
I turned my face towards Jake for confirmation but his expression showed no recognition.
What ?
The shriek sounded again. It sounded like a
Did you hear that? I asked.
Who wouldnt? Probably some gangster fights or something. He said in a bored tone.
No That was no gangsters cries. It was the cries of a vampire. A vampire hunter is in
this town.
I paled in shock and fright. Why? Grandma said Clearly she was wrong.
Whats wrong? Jake noticed my whiteness and asked.
Nothing. I shook my head. I must be wrong. It was probably my imagination.
Jake and I reached my apartment after a while.
Byes. He said and left as soon as we arrived.
I nodded my head, and entered my apartment.
It was my imagination. I assured myself and went to bed.
-------------------------I------------------------James, the girls safe. I said as I saw my brother, James Carlson.
Good. James spoke without any emotions.
This town, Liles, had always been safe. Why did a vampire appeared? I asked, aware
of the answer.
Those dirty Vampiracle. Saying the last word in disgust, he began walking and I
followed him home.
Vampire hunters, thats what we are. Our job is to kill all those things.

Cia, RUN! My mother shouted at me desperately with sweats trailing down her head.
Tears were swelling up around her pretty black eyes.
I stood rooted to the forest floor, staring at my mother in pure shock. What was
happening? My child-like question was answered when he appeared; a man in his
twenties with long platinum blond hair tied in a low pony tail behind.
In less than a second, he turned his head swiftly to me, staring at me with his deep golden
eyes. I tried to flinch, to turn, to move around but most of all, I wanted to run away.
Instinctively, I wanted to escape, even as a child, I knew that he was dangerous. His
whole presence screamed danger. However, even with all my heart and soul, no matter
how hard I tried to force my body to force, my body just would not obey.
I just stoned there, helpless. The man proceeds to me slowly with a smirk on his face.
Move! Move! I told my body but somehow, my body just froze. I no longer had any
control of my body.
In no time at all, he reached for my neck with the pointed teeth and puncture my neck
with it. I screamed in pain and agony as he contained to suck my blood out. My tears
flowed out and I felt like I was being dried out, losing my energy as time pass and my
body became weaker and weaker, causing my mind to blank out. I thought that it was the
end of me before my mother jumped out.
Leave her alone! My mother screamed and sent her and the man along down to the
bottom of the cliff.
I woke up in my bed, wet with perspiration from the nightmare of the recount of the day I
was turned into a vampire. I shut my eyes and a tear dripped from my cheek. How much
longer must I suffer?
I looked around and glanced at my clock. Colors drained from my face as I read 7.55 a.m.
Lessons start at 8. I am late.
The fact registered into my mind and I quickly rushed to change into a new set of clothes.
I left the apartment as I grabbed my keys and bag.
I ran as fast as I could to the school, never noticing the pair of eyes watching me from
the shadows.

Fortunately, when I arrived in class around 8.05 am for History, the teacher was late. I
hastily took my seat at the back of the room, without knowing that someone was beside
me until I realized stares from girls were heading in my direction.
I followed their direction to the guy beside me and I knew why. Obviously he was from
Crescent Fall. One look and I know from his gorgeous face.
I began reading a book, hoping I could stay as invisible as possible but it proved to be
futile as I felt glares from the fan girls. Oh the joy.
Just as I was about to give up and look for another seat, the History teacher, Mr. Pullman
came in and the thought I had vanished. Soon, Mr. Pullman began his lesson.
Contrary to what others believes, he was a man of ... I zone out the lesson and my
thoughts wandered. Last night I dont think I heard it wrong but the idea of vampire
hunters in this town is simply absurd but last night was no joke. It was clearly the cries of
a vampire. A vampiromo no less. I was thinking about last nights lesson, and all I could
conclude was vampire hunters are back in town. Butwhy now of all times?
That question haunted my mind throughout the whole day, resulting in not knowing the
slightest thing on what the professors taught. When lunch break came, I was moving like
a lifeless zombie in a hallway, heading outside to the yard.
As always, during my journey, hushed whispers broke out among the students when the
Crescents students appeared. Almost each and every one of the living art pieces were
smiling as they passed through.
I shook my head and continue on to the debate in my mind. Things just got stranger since
yesterday. Wait. Yesterday? The Crescent Falls students came in yesterday. Are they the
vampire hunters? Is it a coincidence? Probably right? However, I could not shake off
the suspicions from my brain. Without knowing it, my body subconsciously walked to the
cafeteria, following the people in question.
---------------------I---------------------I got settled on a seat which has a clear view of the Crescent students and began to
observe them.
Trist, Aiden and Chantel were sitting together with two other girl and guy. The unknown
guy was the person Im sitting with in History. He was sleeping the whole time during the
lesson. Not that the teacher cares but seriously, why did he bother to come to school? I
must admit that he is quite the dreamy type. The other girl had puffy light pink hair and
those playful azure blue eyes, glittering with energy. It was plain obvious that she was the
active and cute type. Shes good. Not many people can pull off the pink look.

There was something strange about them though. All of them except Gwen are eating
with a sour expression, I wonder why. Probably of the difference in taste, I guess? There
is nothing suspicious about them. It must be my imagination. I was about to take my eyes
away from them before the guy in my history class caught it.
I opened my mouth in shock and quickly gathered my things and make my way to the
little garden in school, known as the yard. Careful not to make any eye contact, I swiftly
left the cafeteria.
---------------------I---------------------Someone is looking at us. I whispered softly but loud enough for them to hear.
Ollie, everyone is looking at us. Callie said, using Ollie. Damn, I hate that nick she
gave me.
I glared at her intensely and stopped speaking. I know everyone is looking or for a better
term, staring at us, but that girl was different. Her look was different. Rather than
looking, she was observing our movements. I know I saw her somewhere but I cant
remember. If only she left the table later. Another reason that shes fishy.
Loosen up, Ollie. Aiden joked. I dont appreciate it at all.
I ignored him and continued to chew my pathetic existence of food. Why did I come to
school in the first place? Now, if I stayed under that rock But my thought ended when
Trist spoke. He was like our leader, the one who united us and kept us in check.
Vampiromo are here in this town. Trist stated gravely, and we all stopped eating.
Tonight? Chantel asked.
Tonight. Trist confirmed. Oh my. Hunting the vampiromo attracted to our smell in this
town. The joy.
---------------------I---------------------I slipped a small smile when I reached the yard. It was my own little piece of heaven,
surrounded with roses or all colours. I did not like roses previously but since I have been
here, this garden got me to appreciate the beauty of roses, especially the purple ones. In
flower language, purple rose stands for enchantment. Isnt it amazing? This was truly one
of the most beautiful places for me. Not only that, to be in this garden in winter, the
beauty was amplified.
Strolling slowly and softly to my favourite spot under the tree, I curled myself up with
my arms holding my legs. I just stayed there, closing my eyes, taking in the fresh air and
the fragrance smell of roses. However, unwanted images surfaced in my brain.

Mummy! I shrieked as I crawled painfully to the edge, crying all the way as I watch
my mother fell lower and lower with a smile on her face, knowing that she had protected
her daughter from death. I could not help seeing the man, and I realized it was not over
yet as I saw that his face showed an irritated expression.
Hes going to come for me again. And next time, I wont have my parents with me.
I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the bell. Time for lessons. When I started to walk, I
felt like someone was watching me. I darted my eyes to the left but I did not see anyone
there. Im just being paranoid. I assured myself.
-----------------------------------------------------I----------------------------------------------------James, we received news of Madam Clarice. The informant said, hiding in the
And? I asked. Finally, Ill be able to see Professor again.
She has passed away.
My face paled. She was dead? Why ... How?
However, she had been caring for her granddaughter and coincidentally, her
granddaughter is in Lilies.
I snapped my head back to him, waiting fervently for her name.
Her name is Recia Taylor.
-----------------------------------------------------I----------------------------------------------------A/N wow, this is the first time my chapter has ever reached 6k but alas, its just the
content. Though it seemed to be getting shorter as the chapter progress Im planning
for this story to be around 5 chapters. Lets hope Ill be able to finish it ne? Updates will
be slow but I will try to write as fast as I can.

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