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16 26 May 2016

Ravnogor, Bulgaria



Cultural Crossroads

International youth exchange and basic Synergy training

What is it?
Cultural Crossroads is an international youth exchange that
will include 36 participants from 6 different countries Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Romania.
In the training we will discover and explore the topic of culture - what
it is and how it creates diversity and resistance. We are interested
in creating understanding on how culture can be inspiring and
motivating in society. We want to explore the different cultural
filters through which we perceive the world around us and the
possibilities beyond them.
We want to give you the opportunity to take a close look in your
own culture, your own cultural filters and how they influence your
way of seeing. A way of discovering the possibilities that the
different perceptions of the reality bring to you.
The goal of this youth exchange is to become aware of the attitudes
we have in our everyday life, to turn them in our use and to take a
bold step into the unknown.
The programme of the Cultural Crossroads exchange is what
we call Basic Synergy Training, the first step in the Synergy
trainings. It is an intense personal development program, designed
for those who would like to explore their personality and achieve
more in life.

For making this possible, during the

exchange you will have the opportunity to
work on:

Personal leadership skills

Cooperation skills
Communication skills
Planning and organization skills
Social mapping and Networking skills
Understanding your own personal
working style
Flexibility in working in international
Ability to identify and use your own
In order to help you to create your way to
fulfillment, we will empower you to:
Be an inspiring leader - to inspire others
to go into action by being an example.
Create results beyond your imagination.
Work out of excellence, through taking
risks, and correcting mistakes.
Work by learning by experience method
that is to reflect on ones actions and
act out of these reflections.
To put this into practice back home

Cultural Crossroads Day to day Programme

Day 1

At the beginning, the main philosophy of the
exchange will be clarified in a workable and
concrete way. Agreements on working together
will be made and roles will be clarified. Also,
practical arrangements will be made, in order
to create the necessary environment to do the
exchange. The first day of the exchange focuses
on the aspects of judgement. Each one of us has
his or her own way of judging and considering
matters. When we error again and again, this
means that our judgment is failing us. When we
are capable of identifying the mistakes, we can
correct them. This first day focuses on the ability
to identify how each one of us judges, considers
and weights various situation.

Day 2

Day 3



Each one of us, throughout our lives, have

developed specific, automatic ways of behaving
and acting, while dealing with events that are
coming up. These seemingly in escapable
patterns may consciously or unconsciously
affect our life. During the day, questions will
be raised: What conditions do I allow to affect
my life? What automatic responses do I have?
How do I side step problems? How does
this affect my choices and the way in which I
conduct my life? How can I improve this?

The third day is a day full of games and

action. Most of the times things happen to
us without us wishing for them. Our reaction
to the unexpected is usually anger, nerves,
stress and pressure. And then we realize that
the new circumstances, or even other people
in our lives, begin to control the quality of our
life, although this was not what we intended
in the first place. The third day deals with the
question of how we can achieve the quality that
we desire, by maintaining our first intentions
and by being loyal to ourselves.

Day 4

All of us experience tiring routines in our lives, which are also connected
to the self- image that we are using. Many times, this is limiting our
spontaneity. During the day, questions will come up: Do I allow myself to
be spontaneous? How does this affect my relationships? What are the
advantages? What restrictions do I impose on myself by acting in a certain
way? Could I do something new? The fourth day will exercise the ability
to enjoy life by being more daring. It is a very dynamic day, full of playing,
packed with activity and fun.

Day 5,6,7
During these days several workshops and assignments will
take part. Firstly the group leaders of the exchange will provide
input connected with main theme of the Youth Exchange. Then
participants will start fulfilling challenging assignments with media
equipment, bringing new and refreshing input also connected on
how to pursue fulfillment while using the already gained experience
of the first four days. This will give the chance for everyone to give
his/her own personal contribution to the whole group.

Cultural Crossroads Day to day Programme

Outdoor experience
Divided in international groups, we will do several activities in different parts of Bulgaria, while being mainly outside of the accommodation.
This way we will use what we learned until now. The Outdoor Experience will be closed with key processes that will allow you to reflect
upon this experience and connect it with the previous days of the program.

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9




You will have the opportunity to put into

practice all the theory and the tools of the
exchange and see how you can create
and recreate enjoyment in every moment,
independent of the circumstances. This
day focuses on confrontation. How to
cope with the events in life? Or situations
that we did not expect or plannedbut
they happened? This means how not to
freeze, but rather how to maintain our
power and way of functioning in the most
possible manner during every situation,
as well as afterwards.

You will also have the chance to

meet different people coming from
other countries who can be source of
inspiration for you. During this day we
will look into how to make the best out of
limiting situations; how to turn limitations
into opportunities; how you can create
and recreate joy in your life.

By freedom we mean the state where

you have always a choice. This day deals
with a central question: What do you
want in life? What do you really want?
On this day, you will confront yourself
in with this question, independent of
the opinion of others. It is a unique
opportunity to explore, discover and
experience how you are and what you
want to do with your life.

Day 10

Final steps

During this last day all experiences and insights gained during the training will be combined
in to one consistent whole. This last day deals with the question of self- fulfillment. On this
day you will be able to form a clear notion of the way you conduct your life and what makes
you fulfilled.
You will be also provided with tools that will enable you to apply everything you have learned
from the training and about yourself in your daily life.

Participation Criteria
The training is open to people who are:

18 30 years old (except one team leader per country group for whom there is no age limit)
Interested in the topic of cultural awareness and personal development
Willing to take part in the whole programme and all the activities
Ready to be challenged
Able to work in simple English
Citizens of one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania

Partner organizations
Each partner organization will take part in the project with 6 participants between 18 and 30 years (5 + 1 team leader with no age limit)


Contact Person


Synergy Bulgaria

Boyan Yotov

Czech Republic

Brno Connected

Katka Martinkova


Synergy Flow

Anna Cheimona



Fabiano Bruno


Klubs Maja

Ruta Beinare


Asociatia Synergy

Roxana Cernescu

Participation Fee
There is a participation fee of 60 per person, which you can pay upon arrival.

Reimbursement of travel costs

When buying the tickets, be aware that there is a maximum amount of money to be reimbursed for each participant, depending on
the country of origin. If your travel costs are lower or up to the limit, you get 100% reimbursed. If your travel costs are higher than
the limit the difference is covered by you. You can find the maximum reimbursable amount below. This amount is calculated with
the distance calculator according to the Erasmus+ regulations.
Bulgaria, Greece: 80
Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Romania: 170
To be eligible for reimbursement, we ask you to keep all your tickets, boarding passes and invoices (originals). Only if you have all
the travel documents, we are able to reimburse your travel costs!
We will only reimburse your travel cost if you participate in the whole exchange.

Organizing team
The trainers will be Yassar Markos (Bulgaria) and Panagiotis Mamouzakis (Greece). They will be supported by an international experienced
team of youth workers and young professionals experienced the methodology of this Youth Exchange before. The project manager of
Cultural Crossroads is Boyan Yotov.

Yassar Markos (Bulgaria)

Yassar comes from Palestine and currently lives in Bulgaria,
where he now works as a trainer and coach. Concerning
his background, he was formed as a medical doctor and is
presently doing his masters in psychology. He has been
delivering trainings and workshops on different topics (personal
development, coaching, NLP, communication, presentation
skills, training for trainers, negotiation , productivity) in the last
8 years. In last several years he has been focusing mainly on
personal development trainings and coaching.

Panagiotis Mamouzakis (Greece)

Panagiotis is an experienced Youth Worker and Facilitator
coming from Athens. He started working as a Scout
leader for teenagers 15 years ago where he developed
his coaching style. He is involved in the fields of personal
development, coaching, new media and filmmaking.
Currently he is holding the place of the projects manager
of the Olde Vechte Foundation in the Netherlands and he
works as a free lance trainer and project manager.

Practical information
16 26 27


Arrival day
Start of the

End of the

The training is given in simple easy-to-understand English.


Departure day

The Venue is located in Ravnogor, a mountainous village
elevated in 1340m. It has double, triple and four bed rooms.
There is wi-fi internet connection available. There is also
a library next to the training room that it is working office
hours and has computers connected to internet. If you want
to access internet 24/7 we advise you to buy a prepaid sim
card with internet. There is a washing machine that you can
use. The training rooms are located in walking distance from
the accommodation building. There is no bank in the village
so we advise you to get cash before arriving in the village,
there is no public transport. The village has several mini
markets and several gorgeous hikes around the venue.

Working Method
Learning to play, playing to learn
Learning by experience, outdoor training, and simulation games are working methods which all have one thing in common: playing.
Playing allows us to access a state of freedom, creativity and exploration that is associated with the natural learning of childhood. Roleplays, structured experiments, simulation, and theatre are examples of games with experiential learning opportunities. Games can create
a play frame, which makes the act of learning a dynamic and enjoyable process, and recalls the care-free playing time of childhood.
Although this working method may seem enjoyable, it is not only a game. It allows its players to use the freedom to experiment with new
approaches and new behavior and to acquire skills and knowledge. The players are asked to look at how they behave in the play. Hence,
feedback and reflection are an essential part in this way of working. Playing games as a tool for learning is a serious play or playful
The Synergy method is based on learning by experience. We invite participants to point out where they find themselves at the moment
in their learning process, what they want to learn and how they want to develop themselves. The method is focused on an experience of
an individual disconnected to the specific needs and the level of learning of the participant at the moment. The program is a tool for the
participant, not the other way around.
The way, in which we organize and run this international youth exchange, is to make the objectives, out line and program of the training
clear to the participants. In this way we create a playing field for participants and trainers where we can play to learn and learn to play.
Within the given group, you participate in the youth exchange for yourself and with yourself as an individual. The activities will be
done either individually, in pairs, in small groups or in the big group. The facilitator will prepare the ground by giving plenary lectures.
Some activities may involve talking, other listening or visualizing certain thoughts with your eyes closed. The activities will be given in
combination with music, dance or play. Many activities contain an element of surprise, the exact nature of which is unknown in advance.
In a way questions can only be answered by the participant him/her self, namely by experiencing his own reactions.
With this training approach, there is room for experiences and wishes of the participants to influence the content of the program while the
training is taking place. We create the playing field, participants make the play.

How to apply
Fill in the online application form. Please note that only complete registration forms are taken into consideration
If you are selected to take part in the training, you will receive a Confirmation letter with more practical information regarding the
accommodation, the exact address of the venue and directions how to reach it. Do not buy any tickets until you get our confirmation.

About the organizers

Synergy Bulgaria is an NGO whose purpose is to support people in their social, personal and professional development so they become
active and empowered members of society.
We do this through international trainings and exchanges focused on personal development and soft skills growth. We employ the
methods of non-formal education, such as experiential learning and coaching, usually in an international setting.
We are part of the International Synergy Network founded in the Netherlands in 1991 by the Olde Vechte Foundation. International
Synergy Group is a network of 35 organizations from all of the Europe, working together to offer opportunities for education and
development of young people, groups and society.
+359886401 158
Moderno Predgradie bl. 8, en. B., ap.31 Sofia, Bulgaria

Picture: Visual Artifacts

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