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Studying and researching in a foreign country with advanced science and

technology as Japan is big dream and important targe t of many students in the
world including me. Personally, if I have chance even though slightest to enrol in a
education program in Japan, I would not hesitate to endeavour for my knowledge
accumulation. The Summer Research Program in Medical Sciences in Tsukuba
2014 really is a great opportunity for me and other candidates to directly
ameliorate technique and knowledge about biomecical sciences in professional
laboratories, experience Japanese culture and human as well as make acquaintance
with many foreign applicants.
To begin with, of numerous other attractions that this program can induce
me, the countrys advanced technology and science, specifically, in biomedical
science with extremely professional laboratories and rigorous scientific methods
would be the most fascinating. Natually, I love all areas of biomedical research, this
motivated me to choose molecular biology as major in the university and work after
graduated in Micromolecular Laboratory, Institute of Biotechnology Vietna m.
However, studies of the our Institution's biomedical research have not really satisfy
my desire. Thereby, I always try to improve their own knowledge and find
favourable opportunities to cultivate my expertise. Fortunately, the Summer
Research Program in Medical Sciences in Tsukuba 2014 is truly a promising
potential for me to in depth study and research in my favorite specialized field. I'm
so excited to have the opportunity to study with eminent professors of
immunology, molecular cell biology,... as well as direct do experiments in
advanced laboratories of medical genetics or stem cell biology. Besides enhancing
scientific knowledge, I will also be clearer orientation towards research purpose
which I will pursue in future. After all, my biggest inclination to participate in this
program is to enhance my knowledge science in the biomedical field.
Another reason I desire to participate in the Summer Research Program that
is I can experience Japanese long-standing culture. As a matter of fact Japan is an

island nation on the volcanic ring of Pacific ocean, being frequently bitten by
earthquakes and volcanic eruption. This has required that the Japanese do have to
develop a distinguishing lifestyle concerning their shelter, clothing and traditional
art. As normally seen in movies and read in book, the Japanese are constantly
associated with distinctive wooden houses with tiled or thatched roof in which
religious services, family gathering and other diplomatic etiquett e. Also,
impressively enough, Japanese cusine was wide famous for than sophisticate and
subtle dishes, of which sushi and mocha seen to be known to every one. Another
attraction come from their traditional clothing, which is typified well-know
Kimonos of diffirent design for diffient purpose of socializing. Further more, I
really want to experience Japanese lifestyle which is known as polite mannerly
comportment. Therefore, I believe that this program will be a valuable experience
for all candidates in Japanese culture.
Last but not least, I want to seize great opportunity to make friend with local
people as well as other foreign applicants who come from many culture. I always
admire Japanese because the Japans limited natural resources is compensated with
unparellaled human resources make themselves distinguished from other peoples
in the way they led their country on developmen t. After the Second World War
Japanese again they started from scratch to rank the third World Power,
economically and politically. Recently, the Japanese have shaken the worlds
consience in the way they respond to disaster, post-Tsunami and earthquake
Fukishima nuclear crisis. We, the whole world feel ashamed when seeing their
Japanese friends patiently wait in line for relief supply. Moreover, making
acquaintance with others foreign applicants who from various countries in the
world will help me experience with many culture. This diversify of race, culture
and language will make a highly dynamic and energentic studying program. It will
be the cutural background for me if I will be in international living environment in

For all that I have mentioend, I would love to participate the Summer
Research Program in Medical Sciences in Tsukuba 2014 to directly aproach
technique and knowledge about biomecical sciences, experience Japanese culture
and human as well as make friends with many foreign applicants.

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