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Name: ______________________________

Chapter 11, Section 1: Space Figures and Cross Sections
Spanish Dictionary
1. Cone

/ Espanol
/ cono

2. Cross section

3. Cylinder

/ seccion de corte

/ cilindro

Name: ______________________________
4. Face

/ cara


5. Polyhedron / poliedro

6. Prism

/ prisma

Name: ______________________________
7. Pyramid

/ piramide

Name: ______________________________
8. Similar solids

/ cuerpos geometricos semejantes

9. Sphere

/ esfera

10.Surface area / area total

Name: ______________________________

/ volume

For geometrical definitions, visual representations make the most sense in

teaching words. Research has also shown that visual dictionaries are effective
for special needs students, especially ESL students. Using your new
vocabulary to make inferences and applying your knowledge is an effective
way to solidify your understanding and expand your comprehension.
Vocabulary Activity Play Doh Tactile Learning Activity
Supplies: 1 play doh container, 1 white sheet of paper, 1 butter knife
1. Create a cone out of play-doh.

Stand the cone up so the vertex is pointed at the ceiling.

Cut a flat plane from the vertex of the cone through the center of the
base. You have created a cross section!

Press the cross section onto a piece of paper and observe the shape
created. What is the shape?

2. Create a cylinder from the play doh.

Set it on the table so a flat side is facing the ceiling.

Cut a line straight down.

Press the cross section onto the paper. What shape is it? What shape are
the faces on the ends?

3. Split the play doh into two pieces of unequal size (volume).

Create similar pyramids out of the two piles of play-doh.

Name: ______________________________

Which has a greater volume? How can you tell?

4. Create two cubes of equal volume.

5. Cut one of the cubes in half and turn both halves into cubes.
6. Press each side of the two cubes onto the paper.
7. Press each side of the bigger cube onto the paper somewhere else.
8. Compare the area of the two halves of play doh. Does the big cube or the
small cubes have greater surface area?

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