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Second Summative Test in Mathematics 5

Quarter 4 week 3 and 4



MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item careful. Encircle the letter of the correct
Test I -
answer. 2 points each.

1. Are closed plane figures with three or more sides.

a. Line b. Line segments c. Polygons d. Angles

2. Is a kinds of polygon with 3 angles and 3 sides.

a. Triangle b. Pentagon c. Nonagon d. Quadrilateral

3. Is a polygon that has 4 angles and 4 sides.

a. Pentagon b. Quadrilateral c. Decagon d. Triangle

4. What kinds of polygon that has 6 angles and 6 sides.

a. Hexagon b. Nonagon c. Heptagon d. Pentagon

5. Is a kinds polygon with 5 angles and 5 sides.

a. Octagon b. Pentagon c. Triangle d. Heptagon

6. Is a polygon with 7 angles and 7 sides.

a. Heptagon b. Octagon c. Decagon d. Nonagon

7. Is a polygon with 9 angles and 9 sides.

a. Decagon b. Nonagon c. Pentagon d. Heptagon

8. What kinds polygon that has 8 angles and 8 sides.

a. Hexagon b. Triangle c. Octagon d. Quadrilateral

9. It is also a kinds of polygon that has 10 angles and 10 sides.
a. Pentagon b. Octagon c. Nonagon d. Decagon

10. Is a endless and infinite.

a. Polygon b. Angles c. Line d. Segments

Test II - Draw the Different kinds of polygons and label their names and sides each. 2
points each.
Test III - Identify the picture and count the number of angles.

4._______. 5._______

2.________ 3.________ 6._________ 7._______

Name:__________________________ Name:__________________________


9._______ 11._______

10._______ 12._______


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