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3 Quarter: Module 4 & 5 – Summative Test #3
S.Y.: 2020-2021
Name: ________________________________ Section:____________Score:__________

Direction: Read and understand each item carefully. Encircle the letter of 17-18. _____________________ 19-20. ______________________
your answer. _____________________ _____________________

I. Write the number of sides of following polygon. 21-25. Solve for the measure of each lettered angle.
_____1. Quadrilateral _____4. Octagon ∠b =
_____2. Pentagon _____5. Decagon
_____3. Heptagon ∠c =
II. Write your answer on the line before the number. ∠d =
_____6. It is closed plane figure that consist of only segments.
A. polygon B. polyhedron C. shape D. triangle ∠a =
_____7. What do we call the polygon whose sides are equal?
A. concave B. convex C. equiangular D. equilateral
_____8. It is a type of triangle that has no congruent sides.
A. acute triangle B. equilateral C. isosceles D. scalene
_____9. What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a quadrilateral?
A. 180⁰ B. 360⁰ C. 540⁰ D. 720⁰ Performance #2
_____10. What do we call the angles inside the polygon? Draw and design scenery with the use of the different kinds of polygon.
A. exterior angle C. obtuse angle
Use clean bond paper (long or short), pencil or ball pen, coloring
B. interior angle D. right angle
_____11. What do we call the angles outside the polygon? material, ruler.
A. exterior angle C. obtuse angle
B. interior angle D. right angle
_____12. It is a polygon that has equal measures of angles and sides.
A. Concave B. convex C. regular D. irregular
III. Identify the following if CONCAVE or CONVEX polygon and NAME

Prepared by:
13-14. __________________ 15-16. _____________________ LEZLE L. FELIPE
___________________ ____________________ Subject Teacher

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