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Asingan, Pangasinan
Quarter 3
Name: ____________________________________________Section: _______________________________
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: __________________________________
Module 1
Test I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
____ 1. Lines that do not lie on the same plane are called_______________.
A. skew lines B. intersecting Lines C. concurrent lines D. parallel lines
____2. What do you call the union of two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint?
A. Plane B. Segment C. Ray D. Angle
____3. What is the instrument used to determine the approximate measure of an angle?
A. Ruler B. Protractor C. Compass D. Meter stick
____4. What do you call an angle with a measure greater than 0 degree but less than 90 degrees?
A. Acute angle B. Right angle C. Obtuse angle D. Straight angle
____5. If an angle measures 135°, then what kind of angle is it?
A. Acute angle B. Right angle C. Obtuse angle D. Straight angle
Test II. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is not. Write your on answer on the space provided before
each item.
_________1. Parallel lines are coplanar that do not intersect.
_________2. The intersection of a line and a plane is a point.
_________3. A line segment has two endpoints.
_________4. When two planes intersect, their intersection is a line.
_________5. Two intersecting lines are coplanar.
_________6. A right angle is an angle that measures exactly 900.
_________7. It is possible for two planes to intersect at one point.
_________8. Three points always lie in exactly one plane.
_________9. Two lines are perpendicular if they formed a right angle.
_________10. The intersection of two lines is a point.
Module 2
A. Choose the the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. If two angles are congruent, what is the measure of ∠1 if the measure of ∠2 = 50°?
a. 30° b. 50° c. 130° d. 135°
_____2. If ∠1 = 39°, what is the measure of its supplement?
a. 51° b. 41° c. 18° d. 141°
_____3. Two lines are said to be parallel if and only if
a. They are intersecting. c. They are coplanar and do not intersect.
b. They form right angles. d. They are noncoplanar and do not intersect.
_____4. It is the sum of the measures of complementary angles.
a. 90° b. 180° c. 270° d. 360°
_____5. It is the sum of the measures of supplementary angles.
a. 90° b. 180° c. 270° d. 360°
_____6. These are angles which have a common side and a common vertex.
a. Adjacent Angles c. Corresponding Angles
b. Linear Pair d. Exterior Angles
_____7. What do you call two nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines?
a. Linear Pair b. Transversal c. Vertical Angles d. Parallel Lines
_____8. The following are relationships between angles, EXCEPT
a. Linear Pair b. Vertical Angles c. Obtuse Angle d. Supplementary Angles
_____9. Vertical angles are always
a. Parallel b. On point c. Congruent d. Not the same
_____10. If ∠1 = 45°, what is the measure of its complement?
a. 35° b. 45° c. 65° d. 75°
Module 3
A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the line before the number.
_____ 1. What pair of angles are non-adjacent, one interior and the other exterior, on the same side of the
transversal line?
a. alternate interior angles c. corresponding angles
b. alternate exterior angles d. vertical angles
_____ 2. What pair of angles are non-adjacent interior angles that lie on the opposite sides of the transversal?
a. alternate interior angles c. corresponding angles
b. alternate exterior angles d. vertical angles
_____ 3. If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal line, then each pair of corresponding angles are______.
a. Adjacent b. congruent c. complementary d. supplementary
_____ 4. What pair of angles are non-adjacent exterior angles on the opposite sides of the transversal?
a. alternate interior angles c. corresponding angles
b. alternate exterior angles d. vertical angles
_____ 5. A ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles.
a. midpoint of a segment c. bisector of an angle
b. perpendicular bisector d. segment bisector
______ 6. Which of the following statement is not true to angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal?
a. Corresponding angles are congruent c. Interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary
b. Alternate interior angles are congruent d. Alternate interior angles are supplementary
For numbers 7-10, refer to figure

_____ 8. and are alternate exterior angles.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. a,b and c
_____ 9. If = 112⁰, then measures ______.
a. 180⁰ b. 112⁰ c. 100⁰ d. 68⁰
_____ 10. If = 76⁰, then measures ______
. a. 76⁰ b. 90⁰ c. 104⁰ d. 180⁰
Asingan, Pangasinan
Quarter 3
Name: ____________________________________________Section: _______________________________
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: __________________________________
Module 4-7
1. What do you call a polygon having 3 sides? 2. What triangle best represents the picture below?
a. Triangle
b. Quadrilateral a. Right triangle
c. Pentagon b. Acute triangle
d. Hexagon c. Obtuse triangle
d. Isosceles triangle
3. What kind of parallelogram best represents the 4. Soccer is a popular sport in many countries.
picture below? Andy is a fan of soccer and collects soccer balls.
What kind of polygons can you see in a soccer ball?
a. Rectangle a. Pentagon and Hexagon
b. Rhombus b. Hexagon and Triangle
c. Square c. Pentagon and Triangle
d. Box d. Quadrilateral

5. What do you call a polygon having 6 sides? 6. These are the angles inside the polygon.
a. Hexagon a. Interior angles
b. Double Triangle b. Exterior angles
c. Pentagon c. Acute angles
d. Quadrilateral d. Obtuse angles
7. It is a polygon whose interior angles are less 8. What kind of polygon is the image below?
than1800. a. Concave Polygon
a. Convex Polygon b. Convex Polygon
b. Concave Polygon c. Regular Polygon
c. Regular Polygon d. It is not a polygon.
d. Irregular Polygon
9. If the interior angle of a convex polygon is 145° , 10. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the US
the exterior angle is _____. Department of Defense. Find the interior angle of
a. 35° the Pentagon.
b. 45° a. 120°
c. 55° b. 108°
d. 65° c. 72°
d. 60°

11. It is a line segment that connects the center of 12. It is the angle formed by two radii.
the circle to one of its point. a. Central angle
a. Radius b. Inscribed angle
b. Diameter c. Complementary angle
c. Secant d. Supplementary angle
d. Chord
13. What is the longest chord in the circle? 14. A/an angle is formed by the intersection of two
a. Diameter chords.
b. Radius a. inscribed
c. Secant b. central
d. Tangent c. interior
d. exterior

15. Rocky loves skateboarding. If a wheel of a skateboard represents a circle, what does the skateboard
a. Tangent line c. Diameter
b. Secant line d. Chord

16. What is the sum of the exterior angles of a regular 17. What polygon has an exterior angle of 60∘?
polygon? a. Hexagon
a. 360∘ b. Pentagon
b. 270∘ c. Square
c. 180∘ d. Triangle
d. 90∘
18. A polygon has an interior angle of 156° . How 19. Maki is looking for the sum of the interior angles of
many sides does this polygon have? a 50-sided polygon. Help Maki find the sum of the
a. 15 interior angles of a 50-sided polygon. What is the sum?
b. 14 a. 8640°
c. 13 b. 8460°
d. 12 c. 8400°
d. 8600°
20. Maki is looking for the sum of the interior angles of a 50-sided polygon. Help Maki find the sum of the
interior angles of a 50-sided polygon. What formula should he use?
a. (n−2) ×180° c. (n−2) ×180° n
b. (n−2) ×360° n d. 360° n
21. What is the sum of the measures of the angles of 22. If the three angles of a quadrilaterals are 20, 130
a convex undecagon? and 75, what is the measure of the fourth angle?
a. 1 800 a. 120
b. 1 980 b. 135
c. 2 700 c. 150
d. 1 620 d. 110
23. How many sides does a polygon have if the sum 24. If each exterior angle measures 12°, how many
of its interior angles is 1620°? sides does this polygon have?
a. 11 a. 12
b. 9 b. 36
c. 8 c. 30
d. 7 d. 3
25. Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular polygon that has 16 sides.
a. 2 500
b. 2 440
c. 2 520
d. 2 700

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III, Mathematics Principal II
Asingan, Pangasinan
Quarter 3
Name: ____________________________________________Section: _______________________________
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: __________________________________

1. Which of the following quadrilaterals are parallelograms?

a. Rhombus c. Isosceles Trapezoid
b. Rectangle d. Rhomboid
2. What is the area of a rectangle whose length is 50 cm given that ratio of the width to its length is 2:5?
a. 1000 sq. cm b. 6250 sq. cm c. 2500 sq. cm d. 500 sq. cm
3. Suppose ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB= 9x+2, CD= 12x−4, BC= x+7, determine the length of AD.
a. 9 units b. 2 units c. 11 units d. 20 units
4. Which of the following properties does a rectangle always have?
a. It has congruent diagonals. c. Its diagonals bisect opposite angles.
b. It has a total internal angle of 360°. d. Its diagonals intersect at 90°.
5. Parallelogram ABCD is a rectangle whose diagonals are ACand BD. If AC=10x−7 and BD=5x+3, what is
the value of x?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 10
6. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of _______ sides.
a. parallel b. congruent c. perpendicular d. skew
7. The legs on an isosceles trapezoid are________.
a. parallel b. congruent c. perpendicular d. skew
8. Identify the means in the proportion 4: 3 = 12: 9.
a. 3 and 12 b. 4 and 9 c. 4 and 3 d. 12 and 9
12 x
9. What should be the value of x in = to make the equation a proportion?
4 3
a. 9 b. 8 c. 10 d. 6
10. Find the value of y in the proportion 7: 8 = 63: 𝑦.
a. 65 b. 70 c. 72 d. 64
11. Which of the following properties does a rhombus always have?
a. It has congruent diagonals. c. Its diagonals bisect opposite sides.
b. It has a total internal angle of 360°. d. Its diagonals intersect at 90°.
12. Parallelogram WXYZ is a rhombus. Its diagonals WY¯ and XZ¯ meet at A. If m∠AWZ=55∘, then what is
the measure of ∠AZW?
a. 35°
b. 45°
c. 25°
d. 15°
13. Consider the parallelogram. If ∠MAN=8x+1, ∠MSN=10x−15, then find x and ∠ANS.
a. x=8; ∠ANS=115°
b. x=2; ∠ANS=70°
c. x=8; ∠ANS=70°
d. x=2; ∠ANS=115°
14. Consider the parallelogram below.
Suppose the ratio between ∠RAT, ∠EWR : ∠TRA is 1:2:3, determine the perimeter of WATE if AT=8 meters.
a. 32 m
b. 16 m
c. 64 m
d. 96 m

15. KIET is a trapezoid. Which of the following statements is true?

a. KI ∥ TE
b. KT ≅ IE
c. ∠K≅∠I
d. IE is the base.
16. ABDC is an isosceles trapezoid. Which of the following statements is true?
a. AD≅BC
b. AB≅CD
c. ∠A≅∠C
d. ∠C≅∠B
17. NESW is a kite. Find m∠W.
a. 130°
b. 110°
c. 120°
d. 140°
18. GIRL is a kite. Find y.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 2

19. Nina is constructing a quadrilateral. The length of three sides of her figure are 2 meters, 5 meters, and 4
meters. Which of the following is not a possible length of the fourth side?
a. 10 meters
b. 12 meters
c. 3 meters
d. 8 meters
20. CENT is a kite with diagonal ET. If m∠CET=35∘, what is m∠CEN?
a. 70°
b. 35°
c. 120°
d. 90°

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III, Mathematics Principal II

Asingan, Pangasinan
Quarter 4
Name: ____________________________________________Section: _______________________________
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: __________________________________
Module 1-5
______1. What is the branch of mathematics that deals with collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to
address a certain phenomenon?

a) Statistics b) Algebra c) Geometry d) Trigonometry

______2. What is the set of all data under a study?
a) Population b) Sample c) Totality d) Class
______3. Which of the following is a second-hand data?
a) Research Journals c) Data from Questionnaires
b) Interviews d) Data from Surveys
______4. Which of the following is a first-hand data?
a) Answer of an interviewee in a live talk show
b) Answer of an interviewee written in a newspaper
c) Answer of an interviewee in a research journal
d) Answer of an interview in an article
______5. Mark let his subject answer a questionnaire for his study. What kind of statistical instrument did he
use and what kind of data will he get?

a) Subject-completed, First-hand data c) Researcher-completed, First-hand data

b) Subject-completed, Second-hand data d) Researcher-completed, Second-hand data
______6. These characteristics that vary over time and depends on the subject.
a) Variable b) Variant c) Variety d) Vague
______7. It is the subject on which a variable is measured?
a) Experimental Unit c) Test Unit
b) Subject Unit d) Test Subject
______8. The statistical table that deals with the number of occurrences of the variables.
a) Frequency distribution table c) Number of occurrence table
b) Distribution table d) Occurrence table
______9. Which of the following is a qualitative data?
a) The model of a car c) Time for the car to reach top speed
b) Number of broken cars d) Number of SUV in Metro Manila

______10. Which of the following is discrete variable?

a) The number of broken machines c) The time before a machine gets broken
b) The temperature of broken machines d) The weight of a broken machine
______11. Which of the following is a continuous variable?

a) The height of a basketball player

b) The number of jersey that a basketball player have
c) The number of basketball that a basketball player posses
d) The number of shoes that a basketball player have
______12. May collected the raw data for her study below:
Birds, Birds, Mammal, Reptile, Birds, Mammal, Reptile, Amphibian, Amphibian, Mammal.
What is the percentage of birds in the data?
a) 30% b) 20% c) 40% d) 50%

______13. Carmie collected the raw data for her study below:
Duck, Lizard, Dog, Lizard, Duck, Dog, Lizard, frog, frog, dog.
What is the relative frequency of frog in the data?
a) 0.2 b) 0.3 c) 0.4 d) 0.5
______14. Missy flips coins and collected the raw data below:
Heads, Tails, Heads, Heads, Tails, Tails, Tails, Tails, Heads, Heads, Heads, Tails, Tails, Tails, Heads, Tails,
Tails, Tails
What is the frequency of tails in the data?
e) 11 f) 7 g) 9 h) 10
______15. Select the graphs that uses bars to measure frequency:
a) Bar graph b) Histogram c) Ogive d) Line Chart
______16. Select the graphs that uses circles to measure frequency
a) Pie chart b) Histogram c) Ogive d) Line chart
______17. What do you call the data set if the variable is recorded over time?
a) Time series c) Time record
b) Time sequence d) Time model
______18. Which of the following is an example of time series?
a) The price of cars over the year. c) Your weight over a year
b) The height of a human over the years d) Your money
______19. Which of the following is an example of a histogram?

______20. Which of the

following is an example of ogive?

______21. Ogive graphs looks into what kind

of frequency?

a) Cumulative frequency c) Normal frequency

b) Relative cumulative frequency d) Relative frequency

_____22. Mara is recording the growth of her hair for six months. What kind of data presentation tool can she
use to best represent her hair growth?

a) Line chart b) Histogram c) Ogive d) Bar graph

______23. Carlo created a pie chart to display the percentage of household pets in their neighborhood as shown
below. What pet has the highest percentage?

a) Dogs c) Hamsters
b) Cats d) Birds

______24. Which of the following is a quantitative data?

a) The temperature of a human body c) The nationality of a person
b) The color of the skin of a human d) The food preference of a person
______25. What is the relative frequency of frog in the data?
a) 0.2 b) 0.3 c) 0.4 d) 0.5
______26. It is the most popular value of a data set.
a) Mode b) Median c) Mean d) Common
______27. It is the average value of a data set.
a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) Total
______28. What is the mode of these values? 121, 140, 144, 130, 136, 151, 156, 133, and 144
a) 144 b) 121 c) 156 d) 139.44
______29. Ten judges score Ben’s performance. What is the average of his scores if the judges’ scores are 6, 9,
7, 5, 4, 8, 9, 10, 7, and 5?
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5 d) 8
______30. It is the interval where the median lies.
a) Median Class c) Mean Class
b) Modal Class d) Middle Class
______31. Which of the following would you need to find the mean of a grouped data?
a. sum of the product of class mark and c. class midpoint
frequency d. class width
b. sum of the class intervals
______32. What is the mean of the data set that contains the numbers 30, 75, 50, 40, 85?
a. 56 b. 57 c. 59 d. 61

______33. What is the formula below used to compute for? ∑ ¿ x − x∨¿ 2 ¿

a. Mean Deviation b. Standard Deviation c. Range d. Variance
______34. What is the range of 49, 34, 41, 55, 30, 61, 58?
a. 32 b. 31 c. 30 d. 28
______35. The variance of a set of data values is 93.2. What is the standard deviation?
a. 9.65 b. 9.15 c. 9 d. 8.75
______36. The standard deviation of a set of data values is 7.4. What is the value of the variance?
a. 55.16 b. 54.76 c. 53.26 d. 52.56
______37. What is the variance of 50, 30, 40, 60, 20?
a. 200 b. 180 c. 130 d. 24
______38. What is the simplest measure of variability to calculate?
a. Variance b. Range c. Standard Deviation d. None of the above
______39. The data of 21 samples is organized in a frequency distribution table that shows the following
∑ ¿ x − x∨¿=¿ ¿98.57
Calculate the mean deviation .
a. 4.70 b. 3.70 c. 2.70 d. 1.70
______40. A certain data set has the following mode: 45 and 49. Which of the following statements is true?
This data set
is _________.
a. bimodal c. multimodal
b. unimodal d. no modal

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III, Mathematics Principal II

Asingan, Pangasinan
Quarter 4
Name: ____________________________________________Section: _______________________________
Name of Teacher: __________________________________Date: __________________________________

______1. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships of the lengths and the angles of
a) Trigonometry b) Trigometry c) Geometry d) Algebra
______2. Given that the two internal angles of a triangle are 45 ° and 60 ° , what is the measurement of the third
a) 30 ° b) 45 ° c) 60 ° d) 75 °
______3. In a right triangle below, which of the trigonometric ratios is false.

3 3
a) tan( A )=¿ ¿ c) csc( A)=¿ ¿
4 5
5 4
b) sec (A )=¿ ¿ d) cos (A )=¿ ¿
4 5

______4. Given the triangle below, find tan ( P)

14 14
a) c)
15 38


______5. It is the angle between the horizontal axis of the observer and the straight line of sight when an
observer looks upwards.
a) Angle of Elevation c) Angle of Elevator
b) Internal Angle d) Evaluation Angle
______6. Suppose that the hypotenuse is constant and the angle of elevation X ° remains under 90 ° . If the
of elevation increases, which of the following trigonometric ratios also increases.
a) cos X ° b) sec X ° c) sin X ° d) tan X °
______7. From a point 30 m. away from a tree, the angle of the elevation to the top of the tree is 32 ° . How
is the tree in the nearest hundredth?
a) 18.75 m. b) 0.02 m. c) 48.01 m. d) 0.05 m.
______8. Patrick is standing 50 m. away from the façade of a building. From this point, what is the angle of
elevation if the building is 150 m.? Round your answer to the nearest degree.
a) 18 ° b) 36 ° c) 54 ° d) 72 °
______9. It is the angle between the horizontal axis of the observer and the straight line of sight when an
observer looks downwards.
a) Angle of depression c) Angular depreciation
b) Depressed angle d) Priced angle
______10. Suppose a 15-m high street lamp post is mounted near a certain building. The lamp illuminates the
entrance of the building that is 100 meters away from the base of the post. What is the angle of
depression of the lamp post? Write your answer to the nearest degree.
a) 7 ° b) 8 ° c) 9 ° d) 10 °
______11. Given ∆ ABC witℎ BC =600 cm ,C=42° ,∧b56 ° . Wℎicℎ istℎe equation ¿ solve for AB ?
600 AB
a) =
sin ⁡(56 °) sin ( 42° ) AB 600
c) =
sin ⁡(56 °) sin ( 42° )
AB 600
b) =
sin ⁡( 42°) sin ( 82 ° )
AB 600
sin ⁡(56 °) sin ( 82 ° )
______12. Given ∆ ABC , if A = 36° , a = 8, b = 5, determine its perimeter.
a) 12.9 b) 17.4 c) 24.3 d) 26.2
______13. Given ∆ PQR , if P = 47° , Q = 59° , q = 17, find r.
a) 15 b) 19 c) 21 d) 25
______14. Given ∆ ABC , if a = 25, b = 42, C = 75° , find c.
a) 38 b) 43 c) 48 d) 51
______15. The isdes of ∆ XYZ are 16, 24 and 36 respectivey. Find Y.
a) 32° b) 36° c) 38° d) 40°
______16. From the top of the house 8 meters high, you see a dog on the ground. The angle of depression of the
dog is 60°. How far is the dog from the house?
a) 4 meters b) 5 meters c) 4.62 meters d) 5. 26 meters
______17. An airplane is at 90 meters high above the ground and is ready to land to the airport. Its distance
from its position to the airport is 700 meters. What is the angle of depression?
a) 7.9° b) 7.39° c) 8° d) 8.68°
______18. A ladder of length 10m rests against a wall with its foot 5m away from the wall. What is the measure
of the angle formed between the ladder and the ground?
a) 30° b) 45° c) 60° d) 90°
______19. A 30ft flagpole casts a shadow of 18 ft. What is the angle that the sun hits the flagpole?
a)31° b) 36° c) 53° d) 59°
______20. The classification of oblique triangle whose angles are all less than 900?
a) acute triangle b) obtuse triangle c) right triangle d) scalene triangle
______21. What Law is applied in solving oblique triangle when three sides of a triangle are known?
a) Law of sines b) Law of cosine c) Law of Exponents d) Newton’s Law
______22. Which of the following measures could NOT be found in an angle of any oblique triangle?
a) 30° b) 60° c) 90° d) 120°
______23. What is the exact value of cot 45°?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
_______24. Complete the equation, sin 30° - ____= 0.
a) cos 60° b) cot 60° c) tan 60° d) sec 60°
____ 8. Determine the values of θ when csc θ = √ 2
a) 30° b) 45° c) 60° d) 90°

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher III, Mathematics Principal II

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