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Name:_____________________________________ Grade:______ Date:____________ Score: _______

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

____1. Which of these is a point?

a. b. c. d.

____2. Which of these is a ray?

a. b. c. d. None of these

____3. Which of these is an angle?

a. b. c. d. None of these

____4. Which of these is a line segment?

a. b. c. Both a and b d. None of these

____5. What does represent?

a. angle b. point c. line segment d. line

____6. How do you write this line segment in symbol?

a. AB b. AB c. AB d. AB

____7. How do you write this angle in symbol?

a. ∠ABC b. ∠CBA c. ∠BAC d. None of these

____8. Based on this figure , which one is a line?

a. LM b. MN c. LMN d. LM

____9. How do you write the ray in symbol?

a. XY b. XY c. XY d. None of these

____10. Which term describes this figure ?

a. line b. line segment c. ray d. None of these

____11. Which statement about the two yellow stripes in the Swedish flag is correct?

a. The two yellow stripes are parallel to each other.

b. The two yellow stripes are perpendicular to each other.

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp


c. The two yellow stripes are neither parallel nor perpendicular to each other.
d. The two yellow stripes are intersecting but do not form a right angle.

____12. Which of these figures show parallel lines?

a. b. c. d. None of these

____13. Which statement about the 2 white stripes in the flag of Trinidad and Tobago is true?

a. The white stripes are parallel to each other.

b. The white stripes are perpendicular to each other.
c. The white stripes are neither parallel nor perpendicular to each other.
d. The white stripes are not straight.

____14. Which of these figures show intersecting lines that do not form a right angle?

a. b. c. d. None of these

____15. Perpendicular lines form what type of angle?

a. acute angle b. obtuse angle c. straight angle d. right angle

Directions: Match Column A with Column B by writing the correct letter in the space provided.


_____ 1. It has no pair of parallel sides a. trapezoid

_____ 2. It has 4 congruent sides b. rhombus

_____ 3. It has 4 right angles and 4 equal c. parallelogram

d. rectangle
_____ 4. It has 2 pairs of parallel sides
e. trapezium
_____ 5. It has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4
right angles.

Directions: Draw the following triangles.

6. isosceles triangle 7. scalene triangle 8. equilateral triangle

8. obtuse triangle 9. right triangle 10. acute triangle

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp


Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which refers to a closed-figure formed by line segments?

a. ray b. segment c. line d. polygon

2. What polygon has 4 equal sides?

a. angle b. rectangle c. square d. triangle

3. Which is a 3-sided polygon with two sides equal?

a. isosceles triangle b. equilateral triangle c. rectangle d. obtuse triangle

4. Which of the following does not have any congruent sides?

a. parallelogram b. rhombus c. trapezoid d. trapezium

5. A polygon with 4 sides is called _____.

a. heptagon b. hexagon c. pentagon d. quadrilateral

6. A polygon which has 8 sides?

a. pentagon b. hexagon c. heptagon d. octagon

7. How many sides are there in a nonagon?

a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10

8. If there are 6 sides in a polygon, what do you call it?

a. pentagon b. hexagon c. heptagon d. nonagon

9. The following statement would lead to the naming of the polygon EXCEPT

a. by counting the number of sides

b. by counting the number of angles

c. by counting the number of points

d. by counting the number of vertices

10. Which quadrilateral have 2 pairs of parallel sides but does not form right angles?

a. trapezoid b. rectangle c. square d. rhombus

Directions: What are the different kinds of quadrilaterals? List and draw them down.

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp


Direction: Match Column A with Column B.


1. undecagon a. 9 sides

2. triangle b. 4 sides

3. decagon c. 7 sides

4. heptagon d. 10 sides

5. quadrilateral e. 12 sides

6. dodecagon f. 6 sides

7. hexagon g. 11 sides

8. nonagon h. 5 sides

9. pentagon i. 8 sides

10. octagon j. 3 sides

Direction: Name the following solid figures below.

a. _________ b. ___________ c. _________ d. _________ e. ____________________ f. __________

Directions: Which among the solid figures above is being described? Write the letter in the blank

_____1. A solid figure with 6 congruent faces.

_____2. It has 2 circular bases.

_____3. Resembles a globe

_____4. A solid figure which is round with no edges.

_____5. It has a polygon for its base and triangle for its faces

_____6. It has a circular base and one vertex.

_____7. It has parallel circular bases.

_____8. Resembles a ball

_____9. Resembles a dice.

_____10. Resembles a tin can.

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp


Directions: Write the description of each solid (spatial) figure by writing the number of edges,
faces and vertices.

Solid Figure No. of edges No. of faces No. of vertices

1. cone
2. sphere
3. cylinder
4. cube
5. pyramid
6. rectangular prism

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided,

____1. Which of the following shows a line of symmetry?

a. b. c.

____2. Which shape have line of symmetry?

a. b. c.

____3. Patterns only involve numbers.

a. true b. false c. maybe

____4. The following pattern can be described by the rule “subtract by 3”. 43, 46, 49, 52

a. true b. false c. maybe

____5. I see this pattern.

blue blue green blue blue blue green blue blue
blue blue green blue blue blue blue

What will come next in the pattern?

a. blue b. green c. red d. purple

____6. Which number should come next in this series? 25, 24, 22, 19, 15, _____

a. 14 b. 10 c. 9 d. 7

____7. What number is missing in the pattern? 12, 16, 20, ____, 28

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp


a. 32 b. 26 c. 21 d. 24

____8. What is the rule to this pattern? 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

a. add 2 b. subtract 2 c. multiply by 2 d. divide by 2

____9. Which numerical pattern follows the rule “subtract by two, then multiply by three” when
starting with 5?

a. 5, 7, 21, 69 b. 5, 2, 4, 1, 2 c. 5, 15, 13, 39, 37 d. 5, 3, 9, 7, 21, 19, 57

____10. What is the rule for the number pattern? 29, 24, 19, 14, 9

a. add 4 b. subtract by 5 c. multiply by 2 d. add 5

____11. Which of the following rules describes how to complete the pattern below?

a. times 4, plus 1 b. plus 1, times 2 c. plus 4, times 1 d. minus 1, times 4

____12. Find the next term in the following list. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, _____

a. 17 b. 14 c. 21 d. 24

____13. Michael saw this pattern of numbers on a stack of note cards:

1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36

Which set of numbers appears to follow the same rule?

a. 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42 c. 7, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57

b. 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40 d. 8, 16, 28, 36, 38, 46

____14, A number pattern is shown below

100, 95, 110, 105, 120, …

If this pattern continues, what will be the next number?

a. 100 b. 115 c. 120 d. 130

____15. Tara set up a lemonade stand at the football game. She sold 8 cups on the first day, 11
cups on the second day, 17 cups on the third day, 20 cups on the fourth day, and 26 cups on
the fifth day. If this trend continues, how many cups can she expect to sell on the eight day?

a. 29 b. 53 c. 35 d. 38

Prepared by: Teacher Wendell of IStepUp

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