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Name: _____________________________________ Date:_____________


I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. NO ERASURES and CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY

1. What does CPCTC Stands For?

a. Corresponding Parcels of Triangle are congruent.
b. Counterparts of triangles are congruent
c. Congruent portions of triangles are corresponding
d. Corresponding parts of triangles are congruent
2. What is a line segment that bisects one of the vertex angles of a triangle?
a. Median c. Angle bisector
b. Perpendicular bisector d. Hypotenuse
3. What is an infinite collection of points arranged on a flat surface?
a. Plane c. Sphere
b. Cube d. Cylinder
4. Which of the following is a line segment that forms a 90 degree angle?
a. Parallel line c. Diagonal
b. Perpendicular bisector d. Curved line
5. What is a triangle in which all three sides are equal called?
a. Equilateral Triangle c. Scalene Triangle
b. Isosceles Triangle d. Right Triangle
6. What is an infinite set of points that are arranged one after another?
a. Circle c. Line
b. Point d. Polygon
7. What cannot be seen, has no size, shape, or color, and has no dimensions?
a. Line b. Point c. Circle d. Cube
8. A Triangle is ___________ if two of its sides are congruent
a. Scalene Triangle c. Isosceles Triangle
b. Equilateral Triangle d. Right Triangle
9. What is the side Common to two angles of a Triangle
a. Hypotenuse c. Included side
b. Opposite side d. Adjacent side

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