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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Tanao Bantilan Tao National High School
Baliton, Glan, Sarangani Province

PRE – Test and POST – Test

Mathematics 7 – Geometric Shapes

Name:_____________________________________________ Score:________________

Grade & Section:____________________________________

Direction: Find out how much you already know. Choose the letter that you think best
answers the question. Write your answer in the space provided before each

Multiple Choice

_______1. The given group of polygons in the right are considered _______.
a. Concave c. Quadrilaterals
b. Convex d. Non-polygon

_______2. Triangle, square, and rectangle are examples of ________.

a. Concave c. Quadrilaterals
b. Polygon d. Non-polygon

_______3. How many sides are there in an Octagon?

a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9

_______4. Which of the following is TRUE about Hexagon?

a. There are 4 angles and 6 sides in a Hexagon.
b. There are 6 angles and 4 sides in a Hexagon.
c. There are 5 angles and 5 sides in a Hexagon.
d. There are 6 angles and 6 sides in a Hexagon.

_______5. A polygon is regular if all the sides and angles are equal. When a quadrilateral is
a regular polygon, what shape does it represent?
a. Kite c. Rhombus
b. Rectangle d. Square

_______6. Do all polygons with equal sides always have all angles equal also?
a. Yes, because when the sides are equal the angles also.
b. Yes, because no polygon has unequal angles.
c. No, because a Rhombus has equal sides but unequal angles.
d. No, because no polygon has equal sides and angles.

_______7. A square is a quadrilateral with all sides and angles equal. A rectangle is a
quadrilateral with 4 right angles. What can you conclude about squares and
a. Square are also rectangles.
b. Rectangles are also squares.
c. Square and Rectangles are not the same.
d. Square and Rectangles are different shapes.

_______8. The total of the angles of the triangle is 180˚. Find the measure of angle x.
a. 35˚ c. 41˚
b. 38˚ d. 52˚ x

69˚ 73˚
_______9. The total of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360˚. Find the value of x.
a. 115 c. 125
b. 120 d. 130 105˚ X+5

55˚ 80˚

_______10. The measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon with n sides is 360/n.
What is the angle measure of each exterior angle of a regular pentagon?
a. 70˚ b. 71˚ c. 72˚ d. 73˚

_______11. The interior angle of a polygon is supplementary to the adjacent exterior angle. If
the interior angle is 65˚, what must be the measure of exterior angle adjacent to
a. 115 ˚ b. 125˚ c. 135˚ d. 145 ˚

_______12. The interior angle of a polygon is supplementary to the adjacent exterior angle. If
the exterior angle is 114˚, what must be the measure of interior angle adjacent to
a. 64 ˚ b. 65˚ c. 66˚ d. 67˚
*For items 13 and 14 use the figure.


_______13. What is the measure of each interior angles of the regular polygon?
a. 120˚ b. 130˚ c. 140˚ d. 150˚

_______14. What must be the value of the exterior angle x?

a. 45˚ b. 50˚ c. 55˚ d. 60˚

_______15. What do you call to a geometric figure that has a center, radius, and diameter?
a. Circle c. Square
b. Pentagon d. Trapezoid

*For items 16 – 21 use the figure below.

_______16. What is the center of the circle?

a. N c. W
b. U d. Y

_______17. Which of the following arcs is a major arc?

a. UX c. UYW
b. XW d. XYW

_______18. A radius is a line segment with one endpoint in the center extending to the
bounding surface of the circle. Which is NOT considered a radius?
a. NX c. NW
b. NU d. UW
_______19. What is the length of NX if NU is 12 cm?
a. 6 cm c. 10 cm
b. 8 cm d. 12 cm

_______20. What is the measure of ∠ XNU when ∠ XNW is 112˚?

a. 66˚ c. 70˚
b. 68˚ d. 72˚

_______21. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

I. Line UV is a Tangent Line with U as the point of tangency.
II. Line WY is a Secant Line because it intersects the circle twice.
III. Segment UW is the Diameter of the Circle.
IV. Segment XN is a Chord.
a. I and II c. I, II, and IV
b. I, II, and III d. I, II, III, and IV

_______22. Which of the following is NOT an instrument for geometric construction?

a. Clinometer c. Pencil
b. Compass d. Ruler

_______23. Which of the following can be used to draw a straight line?

a. Compass c. Protractor
b. Clinometer d. Ruler

_______24. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about regular polygon?

a. It is equilateral but angles have different measures.
b. It is equiangular and all sides have equal lengths.
c. Its sides and angles have the same measures.
d. It is equilateral and equiangular.

_______25. In constructing an equilateral triangle, which should be drawn first?

a. Arc c. Segment
b. Circle d. Pentagon

_______26. What is the other way of constructing a regular polygon without using a
compass or straight edge?
a. Estimating the length c. Paper Folding
b. Painting d. Sketching

_______27. A constructed pentagon is regular when the measure of its interior angles is ___.
a. 100˚ c. 108˚
b. 105˚ d. 110˚

_______28. What is the last step in constructing a regular polygon?

a. Connect all the intersections of the arcs and a point on a circle

b. Make all the sides of a polygon by connecting all the points inside the circle.
c. Draw a line segment outside the circle.
d. Draw a circle and put some points.

_______29. If the total lengths of the sides of the regular triangle is 12 cm. What is the
measure of each side?
a. 3 cm b. 4 cm c. 5 cm d. 6 cm

_______30. What must be the total sides of a regular octagon if one side measures 8 cm?
a. 56 cm b. 64 cm c. 72 cm d. 80 cm
_______31. Jenny wants to know the length of the regular hexagon, she find out that the
total length of the sides is 24 inches.
a. Jenny will divide 24 by 6 to know the length of each sides.
b. Jenny will divide 24 by 2 to know the length of each sides.
c. Jenny will measure the hexagon personally.
d. Jenny will take 24 inches as the length of each sides.

_______32. The width of the rectangle is twice its length, how long is the width when the
perimeter of the rectangle is 30 cm?
a. 15 cm b. 10 cm c. 6 cm d. 5 cm

*For items 33-35, use the figure below.

x 540˚

_______33. What does the 540˚ represent?

a. It is the measure of each interior angles.
b. It is the total measure of all the interior angles.
c. It is the measure of each exterior angles.
d. It is the total measure of all the exterior angles.

_______34. What is the value of the exterior angle x?

a. 62˚ c. 82˚
b. 72˚ d. 92˚

_______35. The angle y is vertical to the interior angle of the pentagon. Which of the
following statement is TRUE?
I. Angle Y is equal to the angle measure of the interior angle.
II. Angle Y is supplementary to Angle X.
III. Angle Y is 108 ˚.
a. I only c. III only
b. II only d. I, II, and III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Tanao Bantilan Tao National High School
Baliton, Glan, Sarangani

Table of Specification of Mathematics 7



Time Spent

Topics Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating


illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; M7GE

1 4 20% 3 1,2,3 1 4 1 5 1 6     1 7 7.00 7
and (c) sides. -IIIe-2

derives inductively the relationship of exterior M7GE

2 4 20% 1 8 2 9,10 2 11, 12 1 13 1 14     7.00 7
and interior angles of a convex polygon. -IIIf-1

illustrates a circle and the terms related to it:

M7GE 15,16,
3 radius, diameter chord, center, arc, chord, 4 20% 3 1 18 2 19,20         1 21 7.00 7
-IIIg-1 17
central angle, and inscribed angle.

constructs triangles, squares, rectangles,
4 -IIIh-i- 4 20% 2 22,23 2 24,25 1 26 1 27     1 28 7.00 7
regular pentagons, and regular hexagons.

solves problems involving sides and angles of M7GE

5 4 20% 2 29,30 1 31 1 32 1 33 2 34,35     7.00 7
a polygon -IIIj-1

11 7 7 4 3 3
TOTAL 20 100%
30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 35 35

Quarter 3 – Geometric Figures

Prepared by:
Abubacar Amir C. Esmael
Math 7 Subject Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City



Name of Evaluator: _______________________________________________

Position: ________________________________________________________

Institution: ______________________________________________________

Educational Attainment: ___________________________________________

Directions: This tool asks for your evaluation of the teacher-made summative test that will be
used in gathering the data of this research to establish validity. You are requested to encircle
the appropriate number which best reflects your assessment. Please write your comments and
suggestions on how to improve the test.


5 Very Highly Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data,
allowing 0-5% error.
4 Highly Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data,
allowing 6-10% error.
3 Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data,
allowing 11-15% error.
2 Less Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data,
allowing 16-20% error.
1 Not Valid The questionnaire is valid and can provide unbiased data,
allowing 21-25% error.


1. Clarity of Directions. The directions are written in a very

clear and understandable manner.
5 4 3 2 1

2. Intelligibility of Items. The vocabulary, structure, and

concepts are appropriate to the level of the respondents.
5 4 3 2 1

3. Singularity of Interpretation. The items are simple, clear,

and free from multiple interpretations.
5 4 3 2 1

4. Suitability of Items. The items represent the coverage of

the study, thus measuring what it intends to measure.
5 4 3 2 1

5. Adequateness of Items. The number of items is an

excellent representative of the research coverage.
5 4 3 2 1

6. Organization of Items. The items are presented in an

organized and logical manner.
5 4 3 2 1

7. Objectivity. The test has the ability to gather factual data,

eliminating biases and subjectivity.
5 4 3 2 1

8. Time. The test can generate complete data within the time
frame allowed to obtain data.
5 4 3 2 1

9. Usefulness. The test is capable of generating data that will

be useful in representing the learning outcomes of the
respondents. 5 4 3 2 1

10. Attainment of Purpose. The test as a whole excellently

fulfills the purposes for which it is constructed.
5 4 3 2 1



Signature over Printed Name of Validator

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