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10/24/23, 8:42 PM Multiple Choice

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Multiple Choice
Learning Objectives 1. The essence of the scientific process is
Web Resources a. carefully controlled observations that
Practice Quizzes eliminate investigator bias.
Multiple Choice b. the construction of deductively valid
Matching Key Terms theories.
Key Term Flash Cards c. the continuous interplay between theory
Chapter 3 and data.
Chapter 4 d. the particular methods and techniques that
each science uses.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 2. As a scientific enterprise, social research involves theory,
Chapter 7 verifiable data, logical reasoning, and
Chapter 8 a. precise predictions about the social world.
Chapter 9 b. systematic observation and analysis.
Chapter 10 c. collaborative research.
Chapter 11
d. well established methods of data collection.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 3. In contrast to deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning
Chapter 14 a. involves conclusions that are more or less
b. is less descriptive of human thought
c. moves from general principles to particular
Contact Your Sales Rep d. should be avoided in science whenever
Higher Education Comment possible.
4. Suppose you reason as follows: If I spend 15 hours per
week studying research methods, I will earn an A in the
course. I will study research methods at least 15 hours
per week. Therefore, I will earn an A in the course. What
type(s) of reasoning is this?
a. inductive reasoning
b. deductive reasoning
c. neither inductive nor deductive reasoning
d. both inductive and deductive reasoning

5. Which of the following sequences best describes the

deductive logic of inquiry?
a. theory → data → hypothesis
b. data → theory → hypothesis
c. data → empirical pattern → theory
d. theory → hypothesis → data
e. empirical pattern → hypothesis → theory

6. A researcher observes that more acts of vandalism are

committed by same-sex gangs than by mixed-sex gangs.
She theorizes that competition for recognition among
equal-status peers increases the tendency to commit
publicly deviant acts. What type(s) of reasoning is this? 1/2
10/24/23, 8:42 PM Multiple Choice

a. inductive reasoning
b. deductive reasoning
c. neither inductive nor deductive reasoning
d. both inductive and deductive reasoning

7. Contrary to their hypothesis, Dixon and Rosenbaum

found that the social setting in which whites interacted
with blacks
a. had no effect on their racial stereotypes.
b. increased anti-black stereotyping when
whites had black relatives.
c. increased anti-black stereotyping when
whites knew blacks from school.
d. reduced anti-black stereotyping when
whites knew blacks in the workplace.

8. In her study of class differences in child rearing, Lareau

a. used the deductive logic of inquiry to test
her theory of child rearing.
b. relied on data from a large-scale survey
that asked about child rearing practices.
c. focused on families with pre-school age
d. inferred patterns from her data, which led
to the development of a theory.

9. Which of the following principles follows from text's

discussion of science and its limitations?
a. Scientific theory is a product of the times.
b. Scientific theories can be proven beyond a
c. Scientific data are free from bias and error.
d. Scientific inquiry eliminates the possibility
of serendipity.

10. The discovery of the misclassification of network data in

the 2004 General Social Survey
a. produced new findings more consistent with
existing theories of social isolation.
b. shows how small errors in data generally
have little effect on research findings.
c. illustrates how science has the capacity to
correct errors and increase accuracy over time.
d. created a consensus among social scientists
regarding the social isolation of Americans.

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