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Upper Limb

1 something medial nerve injury affects

a all of arm flexors
2 Which is a branch of medial cord
a Medial pectoral nerve
b Lateral pectoral nerve
c Dorsal scapula
d Axillary nerve
e Lower subscapular
3 Of the Brachial plexus what is INCORRECT?
a Divisions forming behind clavicle and entering anterior triangle
b Cords embrace 2nd part axillary artery
c Cords enter axilla anterior to axillary artery.
d Branches of cords surround 3rd part of axillary artery
4 Regarding brachial plexus?
a Erbs palsy results in medially rotated arm with elbow flexion
b Ulnar nerve palsy (probably writing as C7/T1) gives interossei weakness and numbness over radial part of hand
c Injury proximal to trunks will not affect supraspinatus/infraspinatus
d Fall onto the shoulder damages C8/T1
e Pec major only muscle that can test all roots
5 Dorsal scapular nerve
a Supplies deep part of rhomboids
b Branch of cervical plexus C4
6 Serratus anterior
a Protracts scapula
b Formed by 6 slips
c Supplied by wrong nerve
7 Pectoralis major
a Only muscle that can be used to test all levels of brachial plexus
b Adducts arms
c Attaches to a tuberosity
8 Regarding pectoralis major
a Is accessory muscle of respiration
b Abducts arm
c Costal part has bone attachments
9 Pronator teres
a Pure pronator
b Attaches to maximal concavity of radius
c Ulnar nerve goes between 2 heads
10 What is supplied by PIN?
a Extensor carpi radialis longs
b Anconeus
c Extensor carpi ulnaris

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