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What is socialization?

The lifelong process of getting and spreading norms, customs, values, and ideologies, giving a
person with the skills and habits needed to be able to join within their own society. So,
socialization is the way for social and cultural continuity to stay.

What is personality?
Is the individual differences in how people think, feel, and act. Personality is usually made of five
parts called the Big Five, these are: openness to experience, conscientiousness (the desire to
do well), extroversion (the ability to find happiness outside of the self), agreeableness (the
desire to be kind, cooperative, and considerate), and neuroticism/emotionality.

What is personality development?

It is the product of socialization and is mostly affected by heredity and their environment.

What is heredity?

Heredity, also known as biological inheritance, means the traits children take from
their parents through birth. The child copies their parents physical traits, and
mental abilities. All these affect socialization and personality development
because they can limit what a person can do.

What is environment?

Environment means the surroundings, which can affect how things grow and
change. Both artificial and natural, environment can mean geographic, cultural
and social environments.

What is geographic environment?

This means nature and natural resources which can change how
personality is formed. A childs geographic environment can greatly
change the sort of personality they will have.

What is cultural environment?

This is the man-made environment like buildings, schools, clothes, and

other things that man has made. This also means the ways by how
people live their life, what they believe in and do, and how they act, which
are passed on to the child by social groups. Culture tells us what can be
learned from and done in ones society.

What is social environment?

This means nature and natural resources which can change how
personality is formed. A childs geographic environment can greatly
change the sort of personality they will have.

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