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Battling Crime

By : Lee Chong Wei

The fact that many innocent citizens have fallen prey to crime in the recent weeks should serve as a wakeup call to the public. Crime prevention -undoubtedly- everyones responsibility- crime rates- on the rise.core issue - prevent crime effectively .
First and foremost, we should ensure the security of our residence and housing estate.The residents
should get actively involved in the neighbourhood activities. For instance, the residents are
encouraged to volunteer and join the patrol missions. The neighbourhood patrol can be carried out
alternatively by having the volunteers take turn to patrol and protect their neighbourhood.
It is advisable that extensive campaigns should be carried out to promote awareness among
the residents. Leaflets and brochures should be printed and distributed to the residents to inform them of
ways to curb crime. Also, pictures of suspicious person and vehicles should be put up at the security booth
to alert the residents.
- neighbours- ones who live closest to you - know them
-get their telephone numbers in case of emergencies.
Self defense is significant to protect ourselves from harm . Therefore, we can attend martial arts classes in
some of the martial arts centres. To name a few, we can learn Silat, Taekwando and Karate .By learning
martial arts, we can ward off the attackers with ill intention. On the other hand, females are encouraged
to bring along whistle and pepper spray for self protection . - When women are attacked by sexual
offenders/ criminals, they can use whistle to raise alarm and attract attention from the public. Women can
also spray pepper to buy time for them to escape from the predators.
- lock all doors and windows- you are not at home - switch on the lights - back alley / garage at night. install alarm - 24 hours closed circuit television serveillance system ( CCTV)- step up the security of home.
- give co-operation - police and law enforcement - . Alert the police- when you smell something fishy dangerous.
- ensure school children can stay safe on the way home - walk in pairs .- avoid taking short cuts or deserted
places. - if possible - children - fetched by their parents-. - It is recommended that - take a public bus or .....

- walk in pairs
- fetched by parents/
- go home by vehicles- bus/car

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