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As a followup: It is insanely easy in SQL 2012 Express, once you know the syntax.

Not able to post

the screenshot, but once in the SQL Object Explorer write a New Query.
Note:If a screenshot would be helpful, message me and I'll send it to you.
click New Query
use [DatabaseName]
delete POBS
Note: Often the database and/or POBS will appear in the dropdown boxes. Feel free to click on those
to minimize typing and possible mistakes. Hint, hint, hint.
click Execute.
You should receive a two line message:
(XX row(s) affected)
(XX row(s) affected)

Then "Query executed successfully."

Note: It helps if you spell POBS correctly. The procedure is so simple that is should be run as a matter
of course and given to those supplying the infected XER files. Thought you should know. Good luck.
Thanks Ian. It's easy once you know how. Funny how that works.

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