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Critical reflections on your experience in completing Task A and Task B

that discuss assessment concepts/issues (e.g. validity, etc.) in the context

of Task A and B, including raising relevant questions as applied to your
own particular situation.
When discussing on the issue of validity of the assessment assigned to students,
task A and task B sure give me a lot of things to reflect on especially on the
justification part. It took me a while to give justifications on my assessment plan.
Questions like why I ask 100 questions, why I give students only 1 minute and 30
seconds to answer each question, why I give my students MCQ item questions and
why students have to write a report help to me to stay on the right track. Although
my assessment plan might not be wrong, I realized the importance the justification
to increase the validity of the assessment. This is also to make sure that as the
course instructor, I did not burden my students with unnecessary assessments that
are aligned with the learning outcome.
As I examined my assessment practice, though it might not be wrong but surely
improvements are needed in many aspects. Besides the assessment plan, I also
would like to reflect on the assessment to measure students communication skills
through writing and conversation. In order for me to assess this, I assigned students
to write a report and present it as a group. Though I assess their writing skills based
on the report, however for the presentation, more marks were allocated to the
content when it should be measuring the students ability to converse. Content and
thinking processes can be covered in other assessments like having multiple choice
item questions or producing a report instead of trying to measure all learning
outcome in one assessment. This is definitely one of the thing that I will look into
when I assess students in future, to measure the right thing and to make sure the
assessment is aligned in the learning outcome.

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