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Kern Large Type

Kerning refers to the amount of space between two letters (or other characters: numbers,
punctuation, etc.) and the process of adjusting that space to remove awkward-looking gaps
between your letters or add more room between cramped characters.
Sometimes a fonts default kerning isnt ideal for certain letter combinations, so youll want to
manually adjust it so the spacing between all the letters looks consistent.
Kerning may seem like an unnecessary or unimportant detail, but adding it as a quick extra step
at the end of your design workflow can make a big difference in helping your typography look
Plus, kerning mistakes can sometimes make words hard to read, or even spell out something
you didnt intend (when two letters get squished together, liker + n becoming an m).
Its not necessary to spend your time kerning body text. Any spacing issues between letters
wont be visible at sizes like 10 or 12 pt.
Where kerning makes the most difference is for large, highly visible text like headlines or
typographic logos.

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