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Put it into practice

Kerning is one of those design concepts that you really need

to practice yourself both to understand how it works and to
get good at it. Aside from starting to kern type in your
own projects, you can try out your kerning skills (and get
feedback) with a web game called Kerntype:

The game doesnt have any instructions, so heres how it

works: Youre given a word to kern; the first and last letters
are locked in place, and youre supposed to move the
remaining letters to create the appearance of equal spacing.

After youre done, click Compare and then make sure to

select the Both option so you can see your kerning work (in
white) compared to the recommended solution (in blue). You
get a score according to how close you came to the
recommendation. Exercises like this one can help you get
accustomed to the visual process of kerning.

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