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Sticker: Rough Draft

● I Can create a rough draft of my best thumbnail sketch(es).

● I Can evaluate my work using defined assignment criteria.

● Now that you have chosen the thumbnail of your design idea that you will be using you will
need to create a rough draft of that sketch. This is the stage where you develop your
design, solve design issues, and work on a larger layout of your design. In most cases, it
is very helpful to see your design in a full-size format. The key words here are ROUGH
DRAFT- at this point, it doesn't have to be perfect!

● Self-evaluation is a critical part of the creative process. You need to be able to

HONESTLY assess your work which will help you improve.
● You used your best thumbnail sketch as a guide for your rough draft.

● Your rough draft fills the page.

● You have uploaded the picture(s) of your work to canvas.

*These are the criteria that your grade for this assignment will be based on. Each is worth 1 (one)

● Chromebook
● Notebook
● Your best thumbnail sketch(es)
● 8.5" x 11" scratch paper
● Pencil
● For this assignment, please make sure that you carefully read and follow ALL of the
instructions below.

Before you begin working on your rough draft, spend some time thinking about two key things for
your design, your INTENT that you are communicating and the composition (layout) of your design.

● What is your intent, what are you trying to say with your design?
○ Can you simplify your design (the K.I.S.S. principle)?
○ Will your design effectively communicate your intent?
■ Are there adjustments you need to make?
○ What will some of the challenges be as you create your rough draft?
■ What will you need to do to solve these challenges?
● What principles of design will you be using in your design?
○ Make sure you pay attention to balance, unity, and variety in your composition.
Now that you have put some thought into your intent and the composition, you will need to create
your rough draft. As you begin to develop your thumbnail sketch idea into a rough draft, keep the
following in mind:

● Use your thumbnail sketch (don't just "put it away").

○ You've already done quite a bit of the initial design work.
● Your full-size sketch needs to fill the space on the paper.
● Research, find reference pictures (if needed).
● Practice drawing anything that you feel unsure about in your notebook.
● When you feel confident, move on to the full-size sketch.
● Go back and forth, if needed.
○ You may need to do additional research.
○ You may need to do additional practice.

Work until you have a solid, full-sized rough draft of your best thumbnail sketch idea. When you feel
that you have, move on to step #3.

My reference pictures for this design:
Take a GOOD picture of your best rough draft sketch and submit it below. Also, don't forget to
answer the Yes/No questions to determine how many points you earned on this assignment.

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