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Do you have what it takes to become a better version of yourself?

It is a simple question, but one that many people struggle to answer.

Most people know that they can be better people in lots of ways, but
few will actually make those tiny little changes in their lifestyle that can
make a world of difference in their lives.
The key word in self-transformation is self. It all begins with you.
You can make positive changes in your life with very little effort if only
you can get around you. Your own mindset, your conviction that you
can do it later, or it takes too much time, or it is not going to work
anyway, is the strongest barrier to self-transformation.
If your worst enemy is yourself, nothing anybody can do can make a
At the risk of sounding like the opening line for a bad joke, Confucius
said, Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
Self-transformation is a process and a habit. It is something you
incorporate into your daily life like brushing your teeth or taking out the
garbage. In most cases, it takes about that much time and effort to do
something that will make you a better person.
The question is, how bad do you want it?
If you are READY to wholeheartedly commit and dedicate time, effort,
sweat and blood in making a better version of yourself and achieve your
goals for 2016, then this challenge is for you.
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What is #projectSelf365?
#projectSelf365 is a community-supported Instagram 2016 goal setting
challenge that starts on January 4, 2016 and runs until December 31,
The goal is to encourage individuals towards self-transformation and
personal development by setting 12 goals that they want to accomplish
over the course of 365 days.
Every day from January 4 until December 31 2016, youll visually share
your goals with the community on Instagram using the hashtag
Well do monthly check-ins on the last day of each month so that we can
celebrate each others successes and help each other work through any

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Step 1: Decide
The first thing you have to do is to decide right here, right now, that you
do need to change.
You do want to be better. You do want to be happier. You do believe that
your mind, body, and spirit will be better if you do change. You do think,
know and feel that you can do it.
Are you there yet? If you are, then you are ready for the next step.
Step 2: Accept
Accept that you are your worst enemy. No one else is to blame for what
your life is like at this very moment.
You choose to be the way you are. Having said that, you can also choose
to stay where you are or move towards a better you.
The choice is yours.
Once you accept that you are in control of your life, you can go to the
next step.
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Step 3: Commit
Take control and join others who also want to make positive changes in
their lives.
You are not alone. Well help each other face the challenges of achieving
our personal goals.
This #projectSelf365 Workbook will help you reflect, outline and focus
what goals you want to achieve.
This workbook will also help you chart your progress throughout the
Well have a support group through #projectSelf365 Facebook Group so
we can check what our fellow goal-setters and challenge-takers are
doing for some extra boost of motivation.
Well also have monthly challenges to keep the journey more interesting
with pretty amazing prizes and exclusive invites to workshops for the
#projectSelf365 community. Exciting, isnt?
So what are you waiting for? Lets smash 2016, shall we?!

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How to use this workbook

This workbook will guide you in taking action to make 2016 the most
awesomely transformative year.

Answer the questions in the next section to give you a perspective on

your experiences in 2015. This will help give you a clear vision of what
you want for yourself in 2016.
It will show you exactly where you are coming from so that you can
make goals and take action to get to where you want to be.

When you have completely answered the questions about 2015, you will
see that the road to self-transformation is not only simple; it is an
exciting journey!

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As a first step, print out this workbook and hold it in your hands. Now go
to a quiet place where you can concentrate, take a pen, and let it all
Every great journey begins with the first step.
You have just taken that first step into your self-transformation. Your
journey begins.
Now keep going!

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The best project

youll ever work on is YOU.
- Anonymous

STEP 1: Think about what made 2015

memorable (and horrible) for you.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Soren Kierkegaard

Take an objective look at what you have said and done in the past 12
months that makes you feel just a wee bit smug. Now think about things
you have said and done that makes you cringe.
Both your accomplishments and gaffes contributed to the person you
are today, so they are equally important. Answer each question below to
help you through it.
1. What is your proudest moment? Why does it make you proud?
2. What do you regret the most? How did it happen?

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3. What event or issue, good or bad, stands out the most for you? What
was your role?
4. If you could do over one thing in the past year, what would it be?

5. Who had the most influence in your life in last 12 months? Why?
6. Do you have any unresolved issues you want to address before the
New Year? If yes, what are they and what do you intend to do about it?

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7. What goal that you set for yourself have you accomplished for 2015?
How did you do it?
8. What stopped you from reaching your goals for 2015? Explain.
9. Have you started anything this year that you would like to pursue in
2016? If yes, to what end?

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STEP TWO: Identify the core aspects of your

life you want to address
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Ryun

List the six core areas of your life you want to focus on. It is perfectly
fine if you want to list more than six.
The core aspects can be your career, relationships, lifestyle, social
conscience, health, education, and so on.
You can be as specific as you want to be. The aim is to narrow your focus
to precisely target the areas that matter most to you.
The important thing is to choose what you want to address, and not
what others think you should. If you own it, you will do it.

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If theres more than six core areas you want to focus on, continue listing
them here:
7. _______________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________
11. ______________________________________________________
12. ______________________________________________________

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STEP THREE: Identify the habits you want to

develop to address core aspects
Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to
be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than
yourself. William Faulkner

Do you remember step two where you identified the core aspects of
your life you wanted to address? You can now pick 12 habits that you
believe will help you address these core aspects constructively. Let us
discuss this a little more fully so that you can fully understand the
purpose of this step.
We talk of habits rather than goals because there is an endpoint to a
goal. Once you accomplish it, you are done. Habits, on the other hand,
continually develop, and there is no telling how far you can go when you
resolve to develop good ones. Why limit yourself to a mere goal?
Another way to think about it is a goal is an act, while a habit is a
process. As such, when you identify the habits that you want to develop,
it is better to make it somewhat general in character. You should dream
The purpose of this is to give yourself full reign to explore it to wherever
it takes you, instead putting a too rigid structure on yourself.
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For example, instead of putting down go to bed at 9 oclock, you might

put it down as get enough sleep. That way, if circumstances prevent
you from going to bed at 9 oclock, you will not feel that you failed.
Keep it fluid and you will find that it fits more easily around your daily
life. The less effort it takes to do something, the more likely it will
become a habit.
This is a crucial step in your self-transformation, so give yourself time to
think about the habits before putting them down. Remember that this is
a challenge to commit to a course of action.

Have you given yourself enough time to think it through? Are you ready
to commit? If you have and you are, then go for it!













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STEP FOUR: Develop a set of goals for

developing good habits in your life.
A year from now you may wish you had started today. Karen Lamb

Now that you have carefully chosen the habits you want to develop, you
can start assigning goals.
You can have as many as three goals for each habit, but keep in mind
that goals should be realistic.
If you make it too hard to attain, you will not accomplish anything. You
are likely to give up pretty quickly, and feel bad about it to boot.
Baby steps. Thats the idea.
List down specific goals for each habit.
The purpose of this is to give yourself full reign to explore it to wherever
it takes you, instead putting a too rigid structure on yourself.

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STEP FIVE: Write down the specific objective

behind each goal
Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and
make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with
their eyes closed. Paulo Coelho

Oftentimes you find yourself wondering why you were working so hard
to attain a goal in the first place. This often happens when the going gets
tough, and you take any excuse you can to get out of your commitment.
If you put down your reasons for each goal in black and white, it reminds
you about how you are feeling at this very moment, and what motivated
you to choose that goal in the first place. Call it an A-ha! moment, or
perhaps more of an Oh, right. Now I remember. Whichever it is, it can
help keep you on track.
For each goal, you should have specific objectives so it is easier to
accomplish a goal.
For example, if your target habit is to get enough sleep, one goal could
be is to ready the clothes you will wear the next day before going to
bed. The specific objective is so you can sleep an extra 15 minutes in the
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List your WHY for each goal.


Specific Objective













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STEP SEVEN: Involve the home team to help you

accomplish the challenge
"Ask for help, not because you're weak, but because you want to remain strong."
Les Brown

It is a well-known fact that a burden shared is a burden halved. If you have a

hard time keeping a commitment to yourself, ask for help.
Choose three or more people close to you with whom to let in on your selftransformation journey. Explain what you are doing, and why it is important
for them to give you a kick in the pants when you stray from the plan.
While the challenge provides a support system for all participants, it is always
good to have a home team to keep you going.
Accountability Partners:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________



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If you are comfortable with giving them a copy of your plan, (once it is
complete) that would be perfect.
Schedule a personal meeting or a weekly call to check-in with them and
update them about your progress, your weekly goals and achievements
so they can better help and support you in your journey.

Accountability Partner

Assigned intervention
(weekly calls, pants kicking, and so on)

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STEP EIGHT: Check your progress at the

end of each month
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement,
achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

You need to find out if you are accomplishing your goals at the end of
each month to keep yourself motivated.
It is easy enough with the monthly plan you have drawn out. Simply run
down your checklist of goals for the month and see what you have
accomplished, and what you still need to work on, by the last day of that
Write yourself notes in the chart below so that you do not forget.
If you find you are routinely failing to meet your monthly goals, try doing
it weekly, instead.
That way, you still have time to get your bearings and correct your
course so that you get to where you need to be by the time the month

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Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 4:

Week 4:




Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 4:

Week 4:




Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 4:

Week 4:




Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 4:

Week 4:

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To take it another step further, write down what you want to achieve on
the 3rd, 6th and on the 12th month of the year for each of your goals.

















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WHEW! Youve done it!

You have successfully completed the #projectSelf365, but we never
doubted it for a second. The fact that you followed through with your
commitment tells us something very important, though.
You are no longer your worst enemy.
You are on the brink of endless possibilities, and you did it all on your
own. Sure, you had a little help from your fellow challenge-takers and
the home team, but ultimately, YOU had to make the commitment.
You had to do the work. YOU.
Are you perfect? Probably not. However, perfection is like searching for
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It doesnt exist, but the
experience is no less beautiful.
Heres to a glorious self-transformative 2016.
See you inside the community,

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