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Cristian-Daniel Serban

Str. Cetatuia, Nr. 1. Ap. 164, 061162 Bucharest (Romania)

+40 768 138 618

020331 Bucharest
Dear Mrs./Mr.,
My name is Serban Cristian-Daniel, currently working in the eCPQ QM France team as a Configuration
and Quote Manager in Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Also I am helding the newcomer trainer position within
the same company.
With the attached letter of intent, I am willing to manifest my interest regarding the open position within
your company.
Taking in consideration my past experience in working as an individual, and my present experience
working as part of a team, makes me a strong candidate for the open position. The experience gained in a
multi-cultural environment offered me the chance to understand the values of each individual who I work
I am capable to take decisions on my own and implement them in order to receive the desired results, and
also to cooperate with the team and achieve our common working goal.
All the time I am implicating myself in any open project that can help me develop as a person and also
bring an advantage to the company's success. Those actions can be seen in the results of my current
work .
While I understand the challenges that the further position implies, I am willing to learn and provide
excellent results .
I have attached my C.V. for a close understanding of my work experience and I am looking forward to
hearing from you .
Kind regards,

Cristian-Daniel Serban

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