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Jupiter in 8th aspects the 2nd house giving good speech habits and vaak siddhi,

such people if say something turns out to be true.

Aspect on 4th and 12th gives good peace of mind, happiness and controlled expend
iture. Such a jupiter also gives peaceful death if well placed in 8th.

Saturn in 8th
Saturn being the karaka of the 8th house and longevity can be very good for long
life but it is one of the worse positions to have for saturn in the horoscope.
It will aspect the 10th, 2nd and the 5th house from 8th delaying child-birth, gi
ving defective speech habits or bad communication skills and sufferings in caree
r. Its aspect on 10th means one needs to put extra efforts in their work area. S
ome people might be karma oriented than spirituality oriented with saturn in 8th
, Duty comes first to such people and life can be monotonous for them sometimes.
This saturn is good for longevity however.
-----theme is fear ---> recite maha mritunjaya mantra --> fear will go and a lot of
courage --> when you dant have fear you will be unstoppable
- also reciting 'govinda' is great --> 'go' means emotions, 'vinda' means releas
release overwhelming emotions (my tip - mindfulness, satipatthana)

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