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Anyone remember when Ross Perot dropped out of the race because the life of his

daughter was threatened?

I've watched and followed Bernie Sanders on CSPAN since he was first elected to
congress. Here is what is clear to me, and if you want to call me a conspiracy
theorist by all means do so, because I refuse not to connect dots and use my
common sense:
Bernie basically went missing and stopped communicating with his supporters after
California. Law suits were filed against the DNC for massive electoral fraud in 11
states. And after asking for a political REVOLUTION, we gave it to him. And after
months of promising that "no matter what" there would BE a contested convention,
and decades of speaking truth to power, suddenly and "mysteriously", it all stops.
That promise has been utterly broken after weeks of silence and after this man
actually WON the primary. And not ONE PEEP about the electoral fraud?
I PROMISE you, Bernie was threatened. Seriously threatened. There IS no
explanation for this. None. We WON, and now THIS. And if you don't believe that he
was threatened, that the lives of his family were threatened, you are living in some
deep and serious denial. I understand that. No one wants to believe that these
people running our country are actually that psychopathic and criminal. To accept
that, is to accept that one will never sleep well again. To accept that premise, is to
be afraid and admit it. I have lived with the understanding of what these people (in
both parties but mostly unelected) have really been about since 9/11. But it was
that way long before 9/11. This country is a fucking SHAM. The constitution and rule
of law here mean nothing more than it does in North Korea and the only difference
is that the North Koreans can only choose one dictator, and you get to choose
between two faces. But make no mistake about this, this IS a dictatorship, and it has
been since November 22nd 1963.
The spin now will be that he won because of "all the concessions" he supposedly
won from the Democratic Party. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we won
NOTHING. It's a piece of paper issued by a demonstrably fraudulent organization,
and even were it to have meaning, none of those concessions have actually been
accepted because it has to be voted on, and you have already seen what the
"democratic" Party thinks of voting.
My instincts have told me for quite some time, that Donald Trump is probably a
plant. I will never vote for him, but neither will I be herded like a bleeting sheep into
voting for his opponent. What you decide is up to you, but I will be shocked if he
actually receives the GOP nomination, and if he is nominated, I must agree that
they will NEVER allow him to be elected.
I don't hate Bernie, angry and outraged though I am. I'll bet my last dollar, the lives
of his family were threatened, and he well knows or was made to well know, that
you seriously don't cross these people; the people that brought you the Kennedy

assassination, 9/11, 800 dead 9/11 material witnesses, the war on Afghanistan, the
war on Iraq, the war on Libya, and the much desired war on Syria. And I tell you this
as someone who was threatened with blackmail for daring to write about it under an
assumed pen-name in 2005. Well the blackmail was that my name would be made
public in connection with all I said. That is OVER because I am telling you right here,
right now, what the truth is. Enough IS enough, and I tell you today, that the one
guy you don't want to piss off, is an old guy with nothing other than himself to lose;
Bernie was threatened. In my life I've had most of my bones broken and I've gone
code blue and died, and nothing scares me more than the people running the world.
And I just don't give a fuck if someone puts a bullet in my head for what I'm saying
here. It's infinitely better than dying in a fucking hospital and I refuse to fear them. I
am telling you, do not take this.

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