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UN Resident Coordinator’s Support Office

Weekly Report, 8-15 May 2010


- Abyei Referendum Commission not in office yet ( Pg. 1)
- UNDP support to police in Abyei area to ensure save migration passage (pg.1)
Blue Nile State:
- Ambaroro Pastoralist demand more land in BNS (pg. 1):
Southern Kordofan:
- Monthly Coordination meeting scheduled for the 24 -27 may in Kadugli
- Agreement on Water issues in Muglad (pg.)
Kassal and Red Sea:
- DSRSG/RC/HC/RR Familiarization Mission to Eastern Sudan(pg.)
Aforestation in Western Darfur(pg:3)
Increase in Food Prices in WD and Food Deficit in SD ( pg:3)

Abyei Referendum Commission not in office yet: There are delays in the constitution of the commission as
envisaged by the referendum bill due to disagreements over the chair.
UNDP support to police in Abyei area: UNDP supported the insulation of five solar power units in the 5 police posts
that were constructed along migration corridors (Marial Achak; Noong, Tejalei, Rumamer and Maker Abior). UNPOL is
currently installing the panels.
Transhumance: At the start of the first rains May/June Misseriya are expected to move North. The Abyei Area
Administration engages the communities to maintain dialogue and monitoring.
Returns and Food Distribution: Starting October WFP is going to phase out general food distribution and introduce
Food for Recovery activities in an effort to reduce food aid dependency. WFP remains committed to supporting
returnees with three months-rations. Further support might need to be considered in the light of desolate livelihoods.


Peace-Building: On May 13 the DDR Social Re-integration Team introduced two areas identified in Gassain and
Rosaries localities for pilot activities.
Education: The Return Reintegration Task Force (RRTF) discussed the government request to increase the support to
the school feeding programme, and to include secondary school within the programme. WFP advised the government
to seek other sources of funding, possibly including the issue in the agenda of the planned donor’s conference.
Ambaroro Pastoralist in BNS: On May 12, WFP verified 107 HH (707 persons, 379 Female, 327 male) of Ambaroro
IDPs in Amara village. The Ambaroro have moved to Damazine from Juba in 2008 after they lost their cattle due to
tribal conflict. WFP is going to provide food assistance while HAC/SRRC will take up the issue of land for the returnees
with the concerned government ministries.
Numerous activities with regards to Public Consultation Law for Blue Nile State are expected for next week.

Water shortages in Muglad: Muglad Locality commissioner and Misserya community leaders agreed on a list for
water intervention projects. RCSO/HERR met WHO, UNICEF, WFP, Medair and SC Sweden and discussed water
interventions in Muglad including the Bilharzia campaign, and food for work for constructing huts of IDPs in Rihaid
Himadan. Due to security reason in Muglud area, Muglud, Fula and Babanousa are currently not accessible.
May 18-19: Muglad Working Group meeting
May 24-27: Monthly Coordination Meeting in Kadugli (Capacity building, Health & Nutrition, Peace building (on 24 May),
Education, Water & Sanitation, Food Security & Livelihood (on 25 May), Protection, Return Reintegration (on 26 May)
and an interagency meeting (on 27 May)).


DSRSG/RC/HC/RR familiarization visit to Eastern Sudan: On May, the DSRSG RC/HC Georg Charpentier went on
a familiarization visit to Kassala and Red Sea State. He and his delegation, which included the head of UNHCR, met
with the Secretary General, the HAC Commissioner, the Sudanese Commissioner and other State authorities. The
delegation visited several project sides and was briefed by the UNSTs and partners. Key topics were the working
environment of international organizations, the situation of refugees and IDPs and the rural-urban development divide
in Eastern Sudan.

Assessment to WD: A join inter-agency assessment composed by FAO, WFP, and UNHCR is ongoing in WD (first
phase completed) targeting Nomadic Groups. It aims at verifying supports being provided to them as well as assessing
their needs. The assessment is intended to cover various accessible Damrats (Nomadic settings) throughout WD state.
Food Security and Livelihood Cluster in WD: RCSO updated the Humanitarian forum in WD on the planned Early
Recovery (ER) network meeting and the progress made in the other Darfur states. The participants agreed to dedicate
a special ER meeting on 17th of May 2010. The network ToR has been circulated for review and endorsement. The
FSL was briefed on the “Adapting to Climate Change” visioning retreat, that was held in March. FAO circulated the
visioning document to both the FSL members and government officials.
Capacity building for the government institutions and NNGOs received considerable discussion during the FSL cluster
meeting of WD-El-Geneina. There was a consensus and an emphasis on identifying it as one of the top priorities areas
of the cluster.
Sector Updates
West Darfur
Food Security and Livelihoods
The FSL cluster in WD had completed a Mapping of El-Geneina FSL Cluster Members’ activities. The exercise in
addition to the mapping of the principal activities and interventions that are being implemented classified by locations
and number of beneficiaries, has also touched elements relates to cross-cutting ones in which ER has revealed. A map
will be drawn after analyzing the obtained information. The task basically aimed at identifying gaps and needs.
Aforestation: National Forestry Corporation requested environment entities to submit their 2010 work plans. FNC
reported to a survey conducted 1.5 million trees are being cut every a year in Darfur. Thus The FNC in its 2010 Forestry
work plan is targeting a production of 1,000,000 (one million) seedling, where only 264,336 seedlings has so far been
Increase in Food Prices: The Agricultural Planning Administration (APA) of the state Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation in WD-El-Geneina based upon its market monitoring system pointed out to increasing in food crop prices
(Millet, sorghum, and groundnuts) in Zalingie locality. The rise in prices is attributed to the population influx from the
conflicts around the area and poor production of last year. The food security situation also is stabilized due to the
production of vegetables.
South Darfur
Food Deficit in SD: Deyal in the release of Post Harvest Assessment due to internal matters in the Ministry of
Agriculture. However, according the harvest season of 2009 results 8 localities (Sharia, Nyala, Elwehda , East Jabal
Mara , Tulus , Rehaid Elberdi , and Buram ) are identified as areas of deficit of cereal crops, while only 3 localities ( Ed
Elfursan , Alslam , and Belil) are showing surplus in grains. The other four localities (Aldein, Asalya, Bahar Alarab, and
Adila) were excluded from the results due to technical aspects in the date collection process.
On May 9, SD Ministry of Agriculture MOA reported to the Crop Production Working Forum in Nyala that, they

organized joint meeting to discuss the preparation for the agricultural season for year 2010. The meeting attended by
representative from Zakat Office , HAC , Agricultural Banks , Farmer’s Association , Agricultural Research Station ARS
FAO , and NGOs implementing agricultural programmes.
The MOA is providing seeds and tools to the farmers in all localities, and also appreciated the efforts of UN and NGOs
in supporting the farmers and contributed to the food security in all localities and encouraged more collaborate and
coordinate in all activities.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
On May15, SD WASH partners reported that while the water supply and other hygiene activities in their areas of
operation is progressing well serious concerns were expressed regarding f the fuel shortages in Nyala and other areas,
WES requested all WASH partner to reduce the pumping hours for the motorized schemes by 25% in order to avoid
consuming the available fuel and revert to the normal status as soon as the fuel issues is sorted by the local authorities.
Contingency plan: On May15, SD UNCEF and WES requested WASH partners to prepare a contingency plan for
Acute Water Diarrhoea (AWD) for the upcoming rainy season. Prepare detailed list to include the stock of the chlorines
as a major requirement and other hygiene promotion activities with especially focus in the IDP camps.
West Darfur
Interventions and campaigns as response to the outbreak of measles and meningitis cases in WD have taken place in
El-Geneina town. According to the Health cluster lead (WHO in El-Geneina), 380 cases of meningitis have been
reported and 21 resulted in deaths in the whole of WD. On the other hand, a number of 317 have been reported as
measles cases part of which 281 cases have been confirmed.
To Reduce Maternal Mortality: UNFPA and WHO supported the ministry of health with two ambulances it was agreed
to allocate one to Morni area, the other to be determined later. The support is aiming at reducing the maternal mortality
rates throughout the targeted areas.
South Darfur
Child Protection: Last week, SD State Council for Child Welfare reported a comprehensive launch of Salema
campaign against FGM in Kubum, Ed Elfursan, Rehaid Alberdi, and areas Kass. The campaign will cover 35
communities in the state covering all localities; 15 partners from NGO, Line Ministries, CBOs and CFCI are identified to
implement the campaign. The opening ceremony will take place at the Nyala midwifery school.
For further HUMANITARIAN DEVELOPMENTS in Darfur please refer to OCHA bulletins:


On May10-11, the Integrated Office participated in the Training of Trainers for Protection of Civilians for the Military
component of UNMIS, presented its approach on Stabilization, and discussed possible joining-up of certain activities
on Security Sector Reform or conflict management.


Returnees: On 12 May, the Integrated Team has participated in a UNHCR planning meeting focusing on conflict and
secondary displacement mitigation for returnees. Livelihood, protection and infrastructure will be areas of specific focus
in this regard, while existing returnee way-stations should be turned into community centres.
WASH: From 4 to 7 May, the Integrated Team has coordinated a joint water and sanitation Government- NCA
assessment in Magwi County. Sanitation was identified as a major concern in Nimule Payam.
Health: On 13 May, the Southern Sudan department of Health and State HIV/AIDS Commission have conducted an
HIV/AIDS planning meeting in Torit. It was agreed that coordination mechanisms would be strengthened at County
Food Distribution: WFP general food distribution has resumed in all Counties of EES.


Displacement: Due to the current insecurity in Pigi County, 189 families of IDPs have been reported in Ayod County.
An interagency verification mission should be dispatched to the area next week, should the security situation allow.
The Integrated Office has followed up on the establishment of a Steering Committee for the Jonglei Youth Initiative
together with the SSRRC and the office of the Governor.
UNDP has approved funding for the construction of police stations in Pochalla, Lith and Makuach, respectively in
Pochalla, Twic East and Bor Counties.

While Nyandit IDPs in Akobo are reportedly back in their area of origin, it was agreed to go ahead with the planned 24-
Protection: 28 May interagency assessment in the area to follow-up on Protection and humanitarian needs. This
should include UNHCR, WFP, UNMIS Protection, SSRRC Akobo, Save the children, IMC and Nile Hope.
Food Distribution: ADRA, implementing Partner for FAO has initiated distribution of seeds and tools for 3000
households in Bor County, and should include demobilized soldiers back from Mangala DDR centre.
WASH: On 13 May, SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) conducted a two day workshop on WASH capacity
development in Bor Town, together with State Ministries, NGOs and UN agencies. A Jonglei State WASH steering
committee was then formed.


Banning alcohol: The Caretaker Governor of Lakes State has banned consumption of alcohol within Rumbek Town
during working hours and organized a week long ‘Keep Rumbek Clean’ campaign.
Assessment: From 13 to 16 May, the Integrated Office participated to an interagency assessment mission to Yirol East
County together with SSRRC, WFP, OXFAM-GB and State Ministries.
Livelihood and Food Security: OXFAM is about to hand-over livelihood activities funded under the Sudan Recovery
Fund to the Sudan Development Relief Association and Women for Women International. Overall, 120 community
animal health workers [CAHW] had been trained on animal health extension activities; 300 ox-ploughs had been
distributed to 900 farmers, and another 390 ox-ploughs are currently being assembled for distribution to 1,170 farmers,
and a total of 40 active groups consisting of between 5 to 10 persons are involved in income generation activities,
where the clients identify their own income generation project.


Health: UNICEF, together with the State Ministry of Health and WHO, have conducted a two day expanded program on
immunisation training for 40 participants in Bentiu, targeting about 1,050 infants and pregnant women in Rubkona
Training: UNDP has conducted training on Access to Justice and basic Human Rights for 40 CBO and CSO members.
Livelihood and Food Security: CARE International is planning to distribute seeds and tools to 8,333 households in
Abiemnom, Rubkona and Ruweng Counties; while Save the Children has trained and providing fishing equipment to
100 beneficiaries in Koch, Leer and Rubkona Counties.


Assessment: Subsequent to the 4 May Nuer attack from Unity State, the Integrated Team led an interagency
assessment team from 11 to 14 May in Marialou and Akop Payams of Tonj North County and Romic of Tonj East
County. As a result, an estimated 5915 people have been displaced and an estimated 8,250 people lost their only
source of livelihood. Local authorities have deployed additional security forces along the border as a result, while AAA,
and CCM clinics in the area are treating the wounded, and reporting increased child malnutrition resulting from the
repeated attacks in the area. Numerous boreholes drilling failed in the area this year, while UNICEF has funded Islamic
Relief to conduct a 14 day workshop for pump mechanics of Greater Tonj to be completed on 19 May.


Assessment: The Integrated Team has been so far unable to join the assessment to Timsah, Raja County,
subsequent to the Rizeigat- SPLA clashes of early May, during which displacement of civilian population is reported.
Food Distribution: While WFP registration of vulnerable beneficiaries is on-going in Jur River County, 495 metric tons
of overall food assistance should enable WFP to assist 6,354 persons in the 3 Counties of WBeG State.


Assessment: An interagency assessment is planned on 20-27 May in Counties of Ibba, Maridi, Mundri East and West
to assess the food and displacement situation resulting from recent conflict in Mvolo County. To this aim, WFP has
conducted training on food assessment to partners.
Coordination issues: While Ministries’ activities have been hampered during the elections period, the arrival of the

Governor elect on 21 May should enable to resume proper coordination mechanisms with the local Government.
Food Distribution: Emergency food assistance to about 4,000 LRA affected refugees and IDPs has continued in
Makpandu and Ezo refugee camps as well as villages in Yambio County, while MSF plans to distribute non-food items
to 384 IDP households in Nakiri, Yambio County.

The RCSO Weekly Report is a consolidation of weekly field reports produced by RCSO field offices, based on information
from state level United Nations, NGO and government partners. For further information or state contact details, please
contact (HERR/RCSO Khartoum) or Sandra Kugonsa Isingoma: (RCSO Juba). For
previous reports, please refer to: .


AWD: Acute Water Diarrhoea SMOA: State Ministry of Agriculture
CSAC: Community Security and Arms Control Programme SMOH: State Ministry of Health
CHF: Common Humanitarian Fund SRRC: Sudan Recovery and Relief Commission
DG: Director-General WAD: World AIDS Day
EC: European Commission WG: Working Group
GBV: Gender Based Violence WES: Water , Environment and Sanitation
HAC: Humanitarian Aid Commission UNST: UN State Team
JIT: Joint Integrated Team (formerly RCSO & RRR) USG: Undersecretary General
RRR: Return, Reintegration and Recovery

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