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Materials needed :
2 mangoes
300 ml water
2 tablespoons sugar
The tools are used:
How to make :
First, prepare the knives, containers for washing mangoes and mango
Next, peel the mango with a knife that had been prepared, and then wash the mango with clean water.
Next, enter the mango into a blender, then add water and sugar to taste then blender.
Castings last mango in blender into the glass had already prepared, if you want the dingan may add the ice cubes,
juices ready to drink.
Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan :
2 buah mangga
300 ml air
2 sendok gula
Alat-alat yang digunakan :
Cara membuat :
Pertama, siapkan pisau , wadah untuk mencuci mangga dan buah mangga
Selanjutnya, kupas mangga dengan menggunakan pisau yang sudah disiapkan ,
kemudian cuci mangga dengan air bersih.
Berikutnya, masukan buah mangga kedalam blender ,lalu tambahkan air dan gula
secukupnya kemudian blender.
Terakhir tuang mangga yang sudah di blender kedalam gelas yang sudah disiapkan, jika
ingin yang dingan boleh tambahkan es batu , jus sudah siap diminum.

Potato Donut Recipe

500 grams of wheat flour
200 grams of potatoes smooth
100 grams of sugar
4 egg yolks
100 ml of cold water
50 grams of milk powder
75 grams of butter
11 grams of instant yeast (1 sachet)
1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make:
Combine flour, milk powder, sugar, and yeast.
Enter the egg yolks, potatoes, and water into dough.
Take 1 tablespoon dough. Round the dough and holes in the middle. Let it for 20 minutes.
Fry donuts one by one. Fry for a few minutes then remove from the heat.
Let it until cold.
Sprinkle the donuts using sugar or chocolate.
Donat potatoes is ready to serve.

Kentang Donut Recipe

- 500 gram tepung terigu
- 200 gram kentang halus
- 100 gram gula
- 4 kuning telur
- 100 ml air dingin
- 50 gram susu bubuk
- 75 gram mentega
- 11 gram ragi instan (1 sachet)
- 1/2 sendok teh garam
Bagaimana membuat:
- Campurkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk, gula, dan ragi.
- Masukkan kuning telur, kentang, dan air ke dalam adonan.
- Ambil 1 adonan sendok makan. Bulat adonan dan lubang di tengah. Biarkan
selama 20 menit.
- Goreng donat satu per satu. Goreng selama beberapa menit kemudian angkat dari
- Biarkan sampai dingin.
- Taburi donat menggunakan gula atau coklat.
- Donat kentang siap melayani.

How to make orange juice


2 oranges peeled off

Ice cubes



First, put oranges and ice cubes into a blender.

Second, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and ice cubes dissolved.

Third, put 2 spoonful of sugar into the blender and turn on the blender 15 seconds.

Fourth, pour into a glass.

Artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Cara membuat jus jeruk

2 buah jeruk dikupas

potongan es


Langkah-langkah membuat:

Pertama, masukkan jeruk dan potongan es ke dalam blender.

Kedua, hidupkan blender. Tunggu hingga jeruk dan es bercampur.

Ketiga, masukkan 2 sendok gula ke dalam blender dan hidupkan blener lagi selama 15

Keempat, tuangkan ke dalam gelas.

Ingredients Recipe How To Make The Most Delicious Melon Juice:

300 gr of Fruit Melon
100 g granulated sugar
1 Glass water white
300 grams of ice cubes
Honey to taste

The Making Of A Recipe How To Make The Most Delicious Melon Juice:
1. cut melon into pieces and then put the blender.
2. Combine the water, sugar, honey, and ice cubes.
3. Blender until smooth.
4. pour into serving cups.
5. serve as a cold, for 2 cups/2 people.

Bahan Resep Cara Membuat Paling Lezat Melon Juice:

300 gr Buah Melon
gula pasir 100g
1 putih air Kaca
300 gram es batu
Madu untuk rasa
Pembuatan Of A Recipe Cara Membuat Paling Lezat Melon Juice:
1. potong melon potong dan kemudian dimasukkan blender.
2. Campurkan air, gula, madu, dan es batu.
3. Blender sampai halus.

4. tuangkan ke dalam melayani gelas.

5. berfungsi sebagai dingin, untuk 2 cangkir / 2 orang.


Once upon a time, there lived a kind young prince Named jonathan. He was
loved, and adored by his people.His two close friends were peter piper, the
servant of the palace and franklin greedy, the son of an Aristocrat.
One day, the prince, peter piper and franklin greedy were walking through
the forest.Sunddely a griup of bandits attacked the three boys near an old
house.They entered the old house and blockaded the gate and doors.The
three boys were trapped inside the house.
Franklin was very terrified and asked the prince to surrender immediately.
But peter was not afraid.He urgend and supported the prince not to give
up.The prince decided not to surrender because he realized that ho would
become a hostage for the bandits to ask for ransom to his father, but franklin
was scared and wanted to make a deal, it made peter suspicious about
franklins behavior.So he quietly made up a plan for him and the prince to
Early at dawn, franklin opened the front gate and unlocked the doors.The
bandits entered the house in search of the prince.When they came to the
room where the prince was supposed to be sleeping, no one was
there.suddenly they heard a horse running, outside the house and saw over
the window that peter piper and the prince were riding away on one of the
bandits horses.
It turns out, peter piper sneaked out of the house and waited in the
yard.while the prince was hiding behind the house.The bandits were very
angry at franklin and took him them while the prince and peter went safely
going back to the capital.


Sekali waktu, hiduplah seorang pangeran muda semacam Dinamakan

jonathan. Dia dicintai, dan dipuja oleh rakyatnya.dua teman dekatnya peter
piper, hamba istana dan franklin serakah, anak seorang Aristocrat.
Suatu hari, sang pangeran, peter piper dan franklin serakah berjalan melalui
hutan.mendadak sekelompok bandit menyerang tiga anak laki-laki di dekat
sebuah rumah.mereka memasuki rumah tua dan memblokade pintu gerbang
dan pintu. tiga anak laki-laki terjebak di dalam rumah.
Franklin sangat ketakutan dan meminta pangeran untuk menyerah segera.
Tapi peter tidak takut.He dan didukung pangeran tidak menyerah.The
pangeran memutuskan untuk tidak

How to Make Watermelon Juice

Ingredients To Make The Fresh Watermelon Juice and Favors
Watermelon 1 piece
water (Mature) to taste
Granulated sugar / molasses taste (when calculated Need)
Sweetened condensed milk to taste (brown or white)
Pieces of ice cubes to taste
How To Make The Fresh Watermelon Juice and Favors
The first step Wash and clean the seeds of the watermelon first, then cut into small pieces so
that watermelon can be entered into the blander.
Lankah second insert pieces of watermelon, sweetened condensed milk, enough water, sugar
water / sugar (if necessary), on water use sugar to make quick sugar dissolves (to make sugar
water quite easily, heat the sugar with a mix of clean water stirring until sugar melted and fused),
and the shaved ice into a blender.
The next step was blenderlah all ingredients until everything menyatuh be one and the
watermelon juice is so.
Cara Membuat Jus Semangka
-Bahan Untuk Membuat Jus Semangka Yang Segar dan Nikmat
Semangka 1 buah
air putih (Matang) secukupnya
Gula pasir/gula cair secukupnya (bila dikira Perlu)
Susu kental manis secukupnya (coklat atau putih)

Potongan es batu secukupnya

Cara Membuat Jus Semangka Yang Segar dan Nikmat

Langkah pertama Cuci dan bersihkan biji buah semangka terlebih dahulu kemudian
potong menjadi kecil-kecil agar semangka bisa masuk kedalam blander.

Lankah kedua masukkan potongan-potongan semangka, susu kental manis, air

secukupnya, Air gula/gula pasir (bila perlu), rekomendasi menggunakan air gula agar
gula cepat larut (membuat air gula cukup mudah, panaskan gula dengan di campur air
bersih aduk hingga gula mencair dan menyatu), serta es serut kedalam blender.

Langkah selanjutnya blenderlah semua bahan tadi hingga semuanya menyatuh menjadi
satu dan jus semangka sudah jadi.

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