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Hot Staff

Managing Director
Thorley Russell (00 34 91 543 3573)

Word of

Expression of thethemonth:

Expression of the month:

Editorial Director
Andy Coney (00 34 91 543 3573)

This months word is sleaze.

Financial Director
Leigh Dante (00 34 91 549 8523)
Classes Department
(00 34 91 455 0273)
Teacher Coordinator
Roco Herrero
Accounts manager
Roco Herrero
Administration Department

leaze is
often used
to describe
corruption and scandals
in a government.
Basically, anything
involving sex, drugs,
backhanders or cronyism
would be described
as sleaze if it involves
members of government
or high-ranking
politicians. It is used
widely by the tabloid
press to sensationalise
news stories or events
surrounding high profile
members of public life.
The original
sensationalised sleaze
story in the British press
was the Profumo Affair
in the 1960s. A member
of the Tory government,
John Profumo had an
affair with a showgirl
called Christine Keeler.
Events were made worse
when it was reported
that Keeler was also
sleeping with a Soviet
agent thereby breaching
national security of the

UK. Christine Keeler

became even more
famous a few weeks later
when she posed for some
semi-erotic photos. A
Hollywood film Scandal
was made about the affair
starring Joanne Whalley.
Another infamous
example of sleaze
involved another Tory
MP, Neil Hamilton.
He was involved in the
Cash for Questions
scandal. This was when
Hamilton and another
MP supposedly accepted
bribes from the owner of
Harrods, Mohammed al
Fayed, to ask questions
for him in parliament.
Hamiltons political
career was ruined but he
later became a television
personality because of it.
One of the most
infamous political
scandals involved expresident of the United
States Bill Clinton when
he had affairs with
several White House
interns. The best known

of these was a girl

called Monica Lewinsky.
Clinton was impeached
for lying about the
affair. His wife, Hillary,
punished him by making
him sleep on the sofa for
a while.

a backhander n
money given to a government in return for
a favour
cronyism n
giving jobs and preference to your friends or
people who pay you a sum of money
high-ranking adj
with a very important job
the press n
newspapers, magazines, etc
to sensationalise vb
to make something seem more important or
scandalous than it really is
high-profile adj
well known/famous/important
Tory n
a member of the British Conservative Party
(a right-wing, traditional party)
an affair n
a romantic relationship with someone who
isnt your husband/wife
a showgirl n
a dancer in an erotic club
to breach national security exp
to endanger/break the security of a country
infamous n
famous for negative reasons
an MP abbr
a Member of the British parliament
a bribe n
a sum of money given to an official in return
for a favour
Harrods n
a large department store in London
to impeach vb
to prosecute an American president in a trial
for doing something illegal

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9:00 - 2pm (by e-mail thereafter)
Office hours 10am to 6pm (Spanish time)
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Editorial Department
James Blick assistant editor
Chris Cooper designer
Patrick Howarth writer
Steve Brown writer
Christine Saunders writer
Louisa Glancy writer
Blanca San Roman translation
Magnus Coney proof reading
Marcie Lambert proof reading
Natalia T. Piekarowicz proof reading
Laurent Guiard French depart.
Peter Barton proof reading
Danielle Ott intern
Georgina Kiely intern
Rayner Taylor intern
Vanessa Simmonds writer
Petra Bates writer
Slim Pickens special intern
Nick Hargreaves writer
Audio Production
CD Production
ISSN 1577-7898
Depsito Legal M.14277.2001
January 2016
Published by Hot English Publishing, S.L.
C/Paseo del Rey, 22 - 1 planta,
oficina 1, Madrid 28008
Phone: (00 34) 91 549 8523
Fax: (00 34) 672 317 912
Skype: hotenglishgroup
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