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English 8 Disclosure Document

Mrs. Cabrales, room B108

Course Description
Reading, writing, and thinking are not simply topics to study in
school; they are foundations of life. You will get out of this class
only what you put into it. This year you can expect to participate in
collegiate discussions, write to explore and express your ideas,
and read for specific purposes as well as your own enjoyment.

Materials Needed EVERY DAY

A composition notebook (not spiral bound)
Pen or pencil
Loose leaf paper (can be in a spiral bound notebook)
An outside reading novel
A binder or folder to keep materials organized

Class Rules
1. Be kind to your peers, to the teacher, and to yourself
2. Be responsible for your own learning
3. Be prepared, on-time, and on-task
4. Do your best and work hard

1. Warning
2. In-class intervention
3. Call home/email
4. Administrative intervention

What are we WRITING in class?

Narrative writing
Argumentative writing
Informational writing
Poetry writing

What are we READING in class?

Four class novels
Current news articles on various topics
A few short stories
A variety of poetry

Late Work Policy

You are expected to finish and turn in work on time. Major assignments will receive a 10% late deduction after its
due unless a Late Form is filled out.
You are responsible for collecting any missing work that you missed while you were absent. Any assignment or
worksheet you missed during your absence will be due two class periods after your return. Try to gather work before
a planned absence and take care of things through the attendance office before you leave.
Grade Breakdown

Grades are
based on a point-system. There will be multiple assignments leading up to
the end of the term. Some of those include journal checks, book reports, Articles of
the Week, and essays.

Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities will be given throughout

not intended to replace any assigned work.

the term. These opportunities are

A 94-100%
B+ 87-89%
B- 80-83%
C 74-76%
D+ 67-69%
D- 60-63%

A- 90-93%
B 84-86%
C+ 77-79%
C- 70-73%
D 64-66%
F 0-59%

The school attendance policy will be followed, as well as all other school and district policies.
Guardian and student, please sign the disclosure document below and return to Mrs. Cabrales room (B108).
Name of Student________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________
Name of Guardian_______________________________________ Signature_________________________________________

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