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Sixth-Grade Science
Mr. Sullivan --Room 28

You are expected to treat yourself, your classmates, and your teacher with respect at all times.
We will flesh out these principles by creating a set of reasonable rules for you and for me as a class.

Materials - For this class you will need
• Team Supplies: Loose-leaf paper, pencils, and blue or black pens (list distributed in summer)
• Class Supplies: Binder, set of dividers, spiral notebook, and colored pens (for correcting).
Bring your binder, INB (spiral), agenda, pen, pencil and free reading book to class DAILY.
Check the sign by the door each day to see which textbook you will need, and if you
will need any additional materials.
Beginning of Class - When you enter the room, you are to write the posted homework
assignment in your agenda! You should then check the overhead/chalkboard for instructions,
and begin following them immediately.
Extra Help – You are welcome to come early, stay late, or schedule a visit during homeroom or
lunch if you need me.

You will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• Practice / Homework – 10%: Assignments covering previously learned material
• "Try it" homework (checked for completion only)
• Class Participation* 20%:
• Contributing preparation, ideas, and labor to class and group activities
• Minor Assessment- 30%: Check-up’s, Quizzes, and Growth Grade(student reflection of effort
and performance.
• Major Assessment Assessments - 40%: End of each unit and Student Led Conferences
*Note: If Participation Assignments are not completed, you will not be allowed to participate in the group activity for
the day; you’ll complete the assignment instead. Poor participation may also result in a phone call home as well
as a report card comment. Occasionally, Participation Assignments will count toward team points, which will
accrue each 9-weeks; non-academic rewards will be given to the team with the most points at the quarter’s end.

4. LATE WORK: You are encouraged to turn-in every assignment on time. This gives you a chance to
practice the material you have learned in class, and gives both you and the teacher a chance to
check for understanding.
• If you do not turn in a "participation" or "try it" assignment on time, (assignments which we will
check together in class), it will be logged as a “Missing Assignment”; missing assignments will
have a negative impact on your participation grade!
• If you fail to turn in a graded assignment on time, you are encouraged to complete the
assignment and turn it in late. Penalties will apply and will be discussed on a case-by case
basis. Missing/late work may result in a phone call home and/or a report card comment.

*****You must turn in a "Assignment Excuse" form [see p.3] for each missing assignment!*****
5. ABSENCES: YOU are responsible for keeping track of your make-up work.
Upon returning from an absence, you should complete the following steps:
1. Turn-in any work you were assigned before your absence.
2. Check the "Make-up Calendar" for assignments missed; fill-out and turn-in a
“Assignment Excuse” form for any assignment(s) you missed (This form will
help us keep track of the work you need to make up!).
3. Check the "Make-up Basket" for handouts missed.
4. Check with a classmate for notes missed, and with Miss Doubet
for any additional "updates”.
5. Turn-in your completed make-up work in your period's basket.

6. NOTEBOOK: To build organizational skills and to earn participation points, you will keep
both a 3-Ring binder and a spiral notebook which should be used for English class only.
*The binder will contain the following sections:
Packet’s – Material for the current unit which will include space for warm up’s.
Warm up's -- Type 1's, journal entries, and other beginning-of-class activities
Handouts -- Guideline sheets, study sheets, readings
Returned Papers -- Graded homework, tests, and quizzes

*All class notes and their application-assignments will be kept in a physical folder and a digital
copy in Google Drive called the "Interactive Notebook," or "INB." We will also keep a folder in
the room to collect your best work. This will be your portfolio; which students will conference
each nine weeks in a student led conference with parents at home.

We will follow the county-wide grading scale for core classes:
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 69 - 60
E = Below 60
In addition, the following "point" system will be used for participation points as
well as some homework grades:
+ = 100
√ = 80
– = 60
(A combination may also be used, such as √/+ = 90 or √/- = 70)

Following these guidelines will help you to succeed in Sixth-Grade Science. It will also help to
"streamline" our class period so that we will have more time for the challenging, creative, and fun
activities I have planned for us. Please remember that YOU are ultimately responsible for your own
success. I will do everything I can to help you achieve this! Please come to me with any of your
questions or concerns. I am looking forward to a GREAT year together; I hope you are too!

Teacher’s Signature: ________________________________________

Student’s Signature: _________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________

Assignment Excuse Form
Mr. Sullivan - Science – 6th Grade

Name: __________________________________________________________

Period: _________________________________________________________


Name of Missing Assignment and Due Date:

Explain why assignment was not completed:

Explain how you will go about making up this assignment and when you expect to
turn it in:

What can you do differently so that you do not miss another assignment?

Student Signature: _____________________________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: ____________________________

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