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Bust measurement
Extra Small/Small
Extra Large
2 Extra-Large/3 Extra-Large
4 Extra-Large/5 Extra-Large



[ 71-86.5
[ 91.5-96.5
[ 101.5-106.5
[ 112-117
[ 122-137
[ 142-157.5

cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]

Finished bust
Extra Small/Small
Extra Large
2 Extra-Large/3 Extra-Large
4 Extra-Large/5 Extra-Large



[ 92.5
[ 98
[ 110.5
[ 128.5
[ 141
[ 158.5

cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]
cm ]

Bernat Satin (100 g/3.5 oz)
04007 (Silk)






Sizes 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) and 5 mm (U.S. 9) knitting needles or size needed to

obtain tension. 7 buttons.

20 sts and 24 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] with
larger needles in knot pat.
Alt = Alternate.
Beg = Beginning.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Dec = Decrease.
Knot = P3tog, leaving sts on left-hand
needle, now knit same 3 sts tog, then purl
them tog again and slip sts off needle.
P1tbl = Purl next yfwd through back loop
The instructions are written for smallest
size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes
the instructions will be written thus ( ).
With smaller needles, cast on 85 (91-101119-129-147) sts.
**1st row: (WS). Knit.
2nd row: Knit.
3rd row: K1. *K2tog. yfwd. Rep from * to
last 2 sts. K2.

4th row: K1. *yfwd. K2tog. Rep from * to

end of row.
5th and 6th rows: Purl.**
7th row: Knit, inc 6 (6-8-8-10-10) sts
evenly across last row. 91 (97-109-127139-157) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in
pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K2. *Knot. K3. Rep from * to
last 5 sts. Knot. K2.
4th to 6th rows: Beg with a purl row,
work 3 rows in stocking st.
7th row: K5. *Knot. K3. Rep from * to
last 8 sts. Knot. K5.
8th row: Purl.
Rep last 8 rows for Knot Pat.
Cont in Knot Pat until work from beg
measures 13 (13-13-13-14-14) ins
[33 (33-33-33-35.5-35.5) cm], ending
with a WS row.
Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast
off 7 (7-9-9-10-13) sts beg next 2 (2-2-44-4) rows. 77 (83-91-91-99-105) sts.
Dec 1 st each end of next and every
following alt row 5 (5-7-6-7-9) times
more. 65 (71-75-77-83-85) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
5 (6-6-7-7-8) ins [14 (15-16.5-1819-20.5) cm], ending with a WS row.

Shape back neck: Next row: Pat across

15 (18-18-19-21-22) sts (neck edge).
Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 6 rows.
9 (12-12-13-15-16) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
7 (8-8-9-9-10) ins [19 (20.5-21.523-24-25.5) cm], ending with a WS row.
Cast off.
With RS facing, join yarn to rem sts and
cast off next 35 (35-39-39-41-41) sts. Pat
to end of row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 6 rows.
9 (12-12-13-15-16) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
7 (8-8-9-9-10) ins [19 (20.5-21.523-24.5-25.5) cm], ending with a WS
row. Cast off.
***With smaller needles, cast on 41 (4549-57-63-73) sts.
Work from ** to ** as given for Back.
7th row: Knit, inc 4 (3-5-6-6-5) sts evenly
across last row. 45 (48-54-63-69-78) sts.***
Change to larger needles and proceed in
pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K2. *Knot. K3. Rep from * to
last 1 (4-4-1-1-4) st(s). (Knot) 0 (1-1-0-01) time. K1.

4th to 6th rows: Beg with a purl row, work

3 rows in stocking st.
7th row: K5. *Knot. K3. Rep from * to
last 4 (1-1-4-4-1) st(s). (Knot) 1 (0-0-1-10) time. K1.
8th row: Purl.
Rep last 8 rows for knot pat.
Cont in Knot Pat until work from beg
measures 13 (13-13-13-14-14) ins [33
(33-33-33-35.5 -35.5) cm], ending with a
WS row.
Shape armhole: Keeping cont of pat, cast
off 7 (7-9-9-10-13) sts beg next row.
Work 1 row even in pat.
Sizes XL, 2XL/3XL and 4XL/5XL only:
Rep last 2 rows once more.
All sizes: 38 (41-45-45-49-52) sts.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next and every
following alt row 5 (5-7-6-7-9) times more.
32 (35-37-38-41-42) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
3 (4-4-4-5-5) ins [9 (10-11-1112.5-14) cm], ending with a RS row.
Shape neck edge: Next row: (WS).
Cast off 12 (12-14-14-14-14) sts. Pat to
end of row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 6 rows then
on every following alt row 5 (5-5-5-6-6)
times. 9 (12-12-13-15-16) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
same length as back, ending with a WS
row. Cast off.
Work from *** to *** as given for Left Front.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat
as follows:
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K4 (1-1-4-4-1). *Knot. K3. Rep
from * to last 5 sts. Knot. K2.
4th to 6th rows: Beg with a purl row, work
3 rows in stocking st.
7th row: K1 (4-4-1-1-4). *Knot. K3. Rep
from * to last 2 sts. K2.
8th row: Purl.
Rep last 8 rows for Knot Pat.
Cont in Knot Pat until work from beg
measures 13 (13-13-13-14-14) ins [33 (3333-33-35.5-35.5) cm] ending with a RS row.

Shape armhole: Keeping cont of pat,

cast off 7 (7-9-9-10-13) sts beg next row.
Sizes XL, 2XL/3XL and 4XL/5XL
only: Work 1 row even in pat.
Cast off (9-10-13) sts beg next row.
All sizes: 38 (41-45-45-49-52) sts.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge on next and
every following alt row 5 (5-7-6-7-9) times
more. 32 (35-37-38-41-42) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
3 (4-4-4-5-5) ins [9 (10-11-1112.5-14) cm], ending with a WS row.
Shape neck edge: Next row: (RS).
Cast off 12 (12-14-14-14-14) sts. Pat to
end of row.
Work 1 row even in pat.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 6 rows then
on every following alt row 5 (5-5-5-6-6)
times. 9 (12-12-13-15-16) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures
same length as back, ending with a WS
row. Cast off.
Edging: ****With larger needles cast on 6 sts.
1st row: (RS). K1. K2tog. yfwd. K2.
(yfwd) twice to make 2 sts. K1.
2nd row: K2. K1tbl. K2tog. yfwd. K3.
3rd row: K1. K2tog. yfwd. K5.
4th row: Cast off 2 sts (1 st remains on
right-hand needle). K2tog. yfwd. K3.
Rep last 4 rows for Edging Pat.****
Cont in Edging Pat until work from beg
(when slightly stretched) measures approx
10 (10-11-11-12-12) ins [25.5 (25.5-2828-30.5-30.5) cm], ending on 3rd row of
pat. Cast off all sts.
With RS facing and larger needles, pick up
and K49 (49-55-55-61-61) sts evenly
across straight edge of edging.
Work in Knot Pat as given for Back for
8 rows.
Keeping cont of pat, inc 1 st each end of
next and every following 8th (6th-6th-4th4th-2nd) row to 65 (71-69-73-87-67) sts,
taking inc sts into pat.
Sizes L, XL, 2XL/3XL and 4XL/5XL
only: Inc 1 st each end of every following
(8th-6th-6th-4th) row to (75-83-91-95) sts.

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3

home style life style your style.

All sizes: Cont even in pat until sleeve

measures 15 ins [38 cm] from lower edge of
edging, ending with a WS row.
Shape top: Keeping cont of pat, cast off
4 (4-5-5-5-7) sts beg next 2 rows. Dec 1 st
each end of next and every following alt row
until there are 33 (41-41-51-59-55) sts,
then on every row until there are 11 (1111-13-13-13) sts. Cast off.
Sew shoulder seams.
Right Front edging: Work from **** to
**** as given for Sleeve edging.
Cont in Edging Pat until work from beg
(when slightly stretched) measures length
to fit along front edge, sewing straight edge
in place as you knit and ending on 3rd row
of pat. Cast off.
Left Front edging: Work as given for
Right Front Edging.
Collar: With larger needles, cast on 12 sts.
1st row: (RS). Sl1K. (K2. yfwd. K2tog)
twice. (yfwd) twice to make 2 sts. K2tog. K1.
2nd row: K3. P1tbl. (K2. yfwd. K2tog)
twice. K1.
3rd row: Sl1K. (K2. yfwd. K2tog) twice.
K1. (yfwd) twice to make 2 sts. K2tog. K1.
4th row: K3. P1tbl. K3. yfwd. K2tog. K2.
yfwd. K2tog. K1.
5th row: Sl1K. (K2. yfwd. K2tog) twice.
K2. (yfwd) twice to make 2 sts. K2tog. K1.
6th row: K3. P1tbl. K4. yfwd. K2tog. K2.
yfwd. K2tog. K1.
7th row: Sl1K. (K2. yfwd. K2tog) twice. K6.
8th row: Cast off 3 sts (1 st rem on
right-hand needle). K4. yfwd. K2tog. K2.
yfwd. K2tog. K1.
Rep last 8 rows for Pat until Collar (when
slightly stretched) measures length to fit
along neck edge, beg and ending at center
of top edge of front edgings. Sew straight
edge of Collar in position as you knit and
end on an 8th row of Pat. Cast off.
Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.
Mark positions for 7 buttons along left
front edging having top button inch
[1 cm] down from neck edge, bottom
button inch [1 cm] above cast on edge
and rem 5 buttons evenly spaced. Sew on
buttons to correspond to markers. Use
eyelet holes in right front edging for

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