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Miracles #3 Feeding 5,000 (John 6:1-35)

21st August 2016

Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church
He Himself knew what He would do God arranged the whole situation
for the good that would come from it.
I. The circumstances of the miracle (v. 1-15).
A. One reason for the miracle the crowd.
1. Physical they were away from the city: no shops.
2. Spiritual they were as sheep not having a shepherd (Mk
B. Another reason for the miracle the disciples.
1. Jesus specifically tested one disciple (v. 5-6).
2. Another disciple went looking to see what was available.
3. Jesus knew what He would do (v. 6). This was planned.
- The point of this testing was to have these disciples
recognise their lack of resources.
- He was the God of the impossible (Gen 18:14; Jer
C. The results of the miracle (v. 14-15).
1. The people were ready to make Him King!
2. Jesus escaped their hands because this was wrong!
a. It was the wrong time: He came to die on the cross.
b. It was the wrong motivation: selfish.
II. The sign of the miracle (v. 25-35).
A. The miracle was similar to Moses.
The bread would not sustain them if they didnt listen and do
what God said (Deut 8:3).
B. The miracle-worker was greater than Moses. Jesus said, I am the
Bread of Life.
The effect of this bread is to give life to the world.
1. He imparts spiritual life to us at the time of salvation.
2. He also imparts spiritual sustenance to believers.
The point is not: Look at what He did.
Rather it is: Look at who He is and what He can do for you today.

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