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1 What Furosemide tablets are and what they are used for
Furosemide tablets is one of a group of medicines called diuretics (water tablets).
Your doctor has prescribed Furosemide tablets to treat a condition called oedema where there is
too much water in your body. This could be due to problems with your heart, lungs, kidneys,
liver, blood vessels or high blood pressure. Furosemide helps your kidneys to get rid of the extra
water that is not needed in your body.
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2 Before you take

Do not take Furosemide tablets if you:

are allergic (hypersensitive) to furosemide, other sulphonamide related drugs or any of

the other ingredients in Furosemide tablets (see section 6)

have low blood pressure

have severe kidney failure

have liver cirrhosis (tiredness, weakness, water retention, feeling or being sick, loss of
weight or appetite, yellowing skin or eyes, itch )

have any disorder of body chemicals (this may make you feel weak, apathetic or have
muscle spasms)

are not producing any urine

have digitalis poisoning (feeling or being sick, high levels of potassium in the blood,
slow, fast or irregular heart beats).

Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking Furosemide tablets if you

or have had gout (severe joint pain)

prostate trouble or difficulty passing urine

low blood volume (hypovolaemia)

or may have diabetes. If you are taking insulin, your doctor may need to adjust your
insulin dosage.
NOOTROPIL is a nootrope that is to say it is a psychotropic agent which acts directly on the brain to improve the
efficacy of the telencephalon in both normal subjects and those suffering from some functional deficit. This area of the
brain is involved in cognition and also has a role to play in teaming and memory, in alertness and in consciousness.
NOOTROPIL does not produce either sedation or stimulation. NOOTROPIL can act on the Central Nervous System
in a variety of ways. It will modify neurotransmission within the brain, and can help to improve the metabolic environment essential for good neuronal function. It is also a ha emorrheo logical agent and can improve microcirculation
without producing vasodilation. When given as acute or long term treatment for patients suffering from a tunctional
CNS deficit, or after cerebral trauma such as hypoxia or intoxication, and after electroshock therapy, it will heighten
alertness and increase cognitive function. These changes are seen as a significant increase in the alpha and beta
activity, with a reduction in delta activity on an EEG trace.
NOOTROPIL will reduce the duration of vestibular nystagmus. NOOTROPIL will improve regional oxygen and
glucose uptake in the brain in patients suffering from dementia subsequent to multiple infarcts. NOOTROPIL will
inhibit the increased aggregation of activated platelets and, in conditions where there is abnormal rigidity of the red
blood cell, it can restore deformability and the ability to pass through the microvasculature.

The side effects reported in connection with NOOTROPIL include nervousness, agitation, irritability, anxiety and
sleep disturbances. The incidence of these during clinical trials was 5% or less and they were more often noted in
the older patients taking more than 2.4 g daily. In the majority of cases a dose reduction sufficed to make these
symptoms disappeared. Some patients may complain of fatigue or drowsiness. Gastro-intestinal problems such as
nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomachache have also been reported, but their Incidence during clinical trials
was 2% or less. Other symptoms, such as vertigo, headaches, trembling and sexual stimulation have occasionally
been reported.
Due to the effect of NOOTROPIL on platelet aggregation, caution is recommended in patients with underlying
disorders of haemostasis, major surgery or severe haemorrhage. As NOOTROPIL is almost exclusively eliminated
by the kidney, precautions should be taken when treating patients suffering from renal insufficiency, and in whom it
is wise to check the renal function. The half-life time is increased in direct proportion to the loss of renal function
and the creatinine clearance; this is equally true in elderly patients, in whom the excretion of creatinine is
dependant on age. For this reason, the dosage will be changed according to the table below:

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