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Children of the
Issue #4
Good vs. Evil

E.M. Moon

Copyright 2016 E.M. Moon

All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 1533659923
ISBN-13: 978-1533659927

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a

thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It
cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by
demons, heaven or hell.


1. June 5th 2016: Salome Vexx 5

2. June 5th 2016: Khaine Wolfe 14
3. June 6th 2016: Adam Baudin 21
4. June 6th 2016: Violet Eve 27
5. June 7th 2016: Khaine Wolfe 39
6. Adam Baudin 44
7. Violet Eve 49
8. Khaine Wolfe 59
9. Adam Baudin 73
10. Violet Eve 83
11. Khaine Wolfe 89
12. Adam Baudin 94
13. Violet Eve 98
14. Khaine Wolfe 103
15. Adam Baudin 108
16. Violet Eve 113
17. Salome Vexx 118
18. Khaine Wolfe 125
19. Adam Baudin 129
20. Violet Eve 134
21. June 8th 2016: Khaine Wolfe 139

667: Children of the Beast

Issue #4
Good vs. Evil

June 5th 2016

Salome Vexx
It was just like any other night. I had gotten off of
work early and was packing a small overnight bag. It may
have been our birthdays, but we werent doing anything
different than we had the years before. We were going to
take a little road trip up state and spend the rest of the
week in the countryside with lots of cows and fields of
I knew that I needed the break, and I am sure
Khaine did as well. Work had been stressful and we both
just wanted to get away for a bit.
You havent packed already? The door to our
studio apartment popped open and Khaines hulking frame
took up almost the whole doorway.
I didnt have time, but Im doing it now, arent I?
I threw up a sculpted brow in his direction.
Always last minute. Khaine breezed passed me
and grabbed his already packed duffle bag and slung it
over his shoulder.
You act like this is something different than we
normally do every year on this day. I rolled my eyes as I
stuffed two pairs of black shorts in to my bag.
I know, but I want to get out of here soonthe
weather is getting bad. Khaine responded, changing out
of his polished work shoes and in to his steel toed boots.

I thought the forecast said there was a 100%

chance of nothing. I responded. Khaine seemed a bit
weird as he anxiously waited for me by the front door.
The weather changes at the drop of a hat,
Salome. He was curt in his response; he never called me
by my full name like that unless something was wrong.
Im ready; lets go. I wasnt going to argue with
him. He held the door open for me as we locked up our
tiny apartment and got our annual journey under way.

Quit fiddling with the radio. Khaine gently
slapped at my hand as I cycled through the stations.
Theres nothing good on and you know I dont
want to sit in silence. I grabbed the aux chord plugged in
to the front of the radio and attached it to my phone.
A playlist sounds like a good idea. Khaine agreed
that the best way for us both to be happy with the music
choice was for us to use one of our Approved Road Trip
I hit the shuffle button as the bass bumped through
the speakers.
Whats the ETA? I settled in to the front seat and
cuddled up to my plush cat that Khaine had given to me as
an early birthday present.

We should get there sometime after midnight, just

in time for the birthday celebrations to begin. Khaine
flexed his hands on the wheel. I had noticed that he was
sweating; it was hot out, but not that hot.
Areare you ok, Dr. Frankenstein? You look like
something is bothering you. I casually asked him. He was
just staring straight down the road, gripping the wheel so
hard I thought it would snap.
Im ok. Just really needed to get away. Khaine
responded, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.
No, youre not. Youre not ok
What wasnt he telling me? We told each other
everything, been best friends for years.
I lounged back in my seat and just stared out the
window. Darkened fields breezed past us as we drove
North of Las Vegas. By the time we turned thirty, we
would be at the ranch.
It was Khaines technically, even though it wasnt
exactly his yet. His grandfather had bequeathed it to him in
his will, but he was still alive. He was ill, laying in a
hospital bed as he waited out his final days. Khaine made
sure to see him as often as he could, and this last visit had
given him the keys to the housepermanently.
This place is finally going to be yours. I tried to
steer the conversation towards something more lightheartedbut that was a failure.
No it isnt, Sal. It isnt going to be mine. Khaine
sped the car up as our headlights pierced through the night.

I dont think I quite understand. It was already

his, even though they wouldnt sign over the deed till his
grandfather passed.
I lost it, Salome. It isnt mine anymore. Khaines
voice was sullen as he finally turned his face towards me.
You didnt. I was stunned; all I could do was
shake my head in disbelief.
I did. I had to. They were going to take away the
nightclubIm in so much debt, Sal. Khaine looked like
he was trying to keep it together as he revved the engine
and drove even faster down the long winding road.
You gambled with your money too much, making
too many investments in the wrong things I wasnt
trying to rain on his parade even more, but I had warned
Thanksthanks, Sal. That makes me feel so much
better. Khaine almost broke the steering wheel with the
grip he had on it.
I just wanted to help you, Khaine. But you wont
let anyone help you. I turned to face my window in
silence as I thought about what was just said to me: This
would be our last year at the farmhouse
I let myself lull in to a cat nap as Khaine sped on in
to the night.


I awoke when I felt the car decrease in speed. The

steady 60 mph that Khaine had been going at was like a
gentle lullaby, but now it had slowed to a crawl.
Whats going on? I was groggy as I rolled away
from the window and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
Theres a heavy fog up ahead. Khaine pointed his
thick finger at the windshield. There was indeed a low
lying fog that seemed to be creeping at us down the road.
Where could it possibly be coming from? It was an
exceptionally dry night and there wasnt an open water
source for miles.
What time is it? I squinted at the dash clock; it
was just about midnight.
Happy birthday to us, huh? Khaine sounded
forlorn when he spoke. He sped up despite the thickening
fog; he knew the roads better than most.
Yeah. Happy birthday, Khaine. I unhooked my
seatbelt and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, right as
we entered the fog bank.
Khaine thought he could just drive right through it,
but it had proven to be a not so easy task.
I seriously cant see a thing. Despite being blind
in the fog, Khaine kept driving rather fast.
Maybe you should slow down. I suggested. We
had begun to weave a little, but Khaine insisted that he had
the vehicle under control.
Ive got it, Sal. Dont want us crawling at a snails
pace all the way to the house; I want us to have as much
time up there as we can. Khaine was a little emotional,
that much was clear. In our friendship, he was the one with

the feelings; I was just cold and emotionlessor so Id

been told.
Khaine turned off his high beams and rolled the
window down, sticking his head outside like a puppy,
assuming it was easier to view the road that way.
He took one gulp of the fog filled air and began to
cough violently, pulling his head back in the car. His eyes
were watering as he slipped the glasses from his face and
blindly tossed them at me. I opted for grabbing the wheel
instead, as the car jerked violently in to the oncoming lane.
Jesus, Khaine! Put your foot on the brake! I
yelped as I directed the car back into its lane.
He took a deep breath and I watched his foot lift to
hit the brake, when his whole body went rigid in the
drivers seat. Instead of the car stopping, the engine revved
even higher. Khaines clunky booted foot had stomped
down on the gas petal when his body seized up.
If I didnt get him to move it, we would both die.
KhaineKhaine! My voice screeched as I shook
Then he started to scream. A sound like nothing I
had ever heard before escaped his lips, ringing out inside
the car. I wanted to cover my ears, but I had to keep my
hands on the wheel as the car sky-rocketed to almost 100
miles per hour.
Khaines hands were tearing at his hair as he
writhed in his seat, finally pulling his foot free from the
gas petal. The car began to wobble violently as it
decelerated and I strained to keep my grip on the wheel.

Khaine was still having one of the most terrifying

seizures I had ever witnessed and I struggled with the idea
of quickly letting go of the wheel and pulling the
emergency brake.
The car was still going far faster than it should as it
came up over a hill and slid down the other side.
We were picking up speed again and Khaine had
finally stopped seizing, but the problem now was that he
was out cold.
The fog had seeped in to the car and was now
filling up the interior, blinding me from seeing which lane
we were in. I had to pull the e-brake; it was our best bet
with Khaines massive frame in the front seat.
In slow motion, I let go of the wheel and wrenched
up on the emergency brake. The car immediately began to
fishtail as I felt every bone in my body go on lockdown.
The trees were flashing as the headlights spun in circles
with the car.
I could finally move as the muscles in my body
relaxed, but then the shredding pain started. First it was in
my gut, then my chest, and then my arms and legs before it
finally settled in my head.
Screams began to echo as I raked my nails all over
my body, hoping that the pain and the spinning would stop.
I got my wish as the car came out on the other side
of the fog, careened off the road, and struck a giant tree.

June 5th 2016

Khaine Wolfe
I didnt mean to piss her off; she just wasnt
helping the situation right now. I couldnt just tell her that I
had made another bad financial decisionone that almost
cost us our life. If it hadnt been for my quick thinking
with letting them take possession of the ranch, Sal and I
could have been six feet under in the Nevada dessert.
She was sleeping peacefully, or so it seemed;
maybe it was better that way for right now. It was almost
midnight, almost the hour where Salome and I would cross
over from our twenties and down the slippery slope of
thirty-something. Thirty would be the last birthday we
would ever spend together at the ranch; it had been a
tradition since we were young.
I tried to shake my head of the fog it was in, only to
see it outwardly manifested on the road. A thick mist was
rolling in our way and no telling how far north it went; we
were either going to have to park for a bit, or burst right
through it to the other side. I knew the roads well enough
any way
I slowed the car down to assess the visibilitythe
sensation must have jarred Salome awake.
Whats going on? She asked groggily as she
rolled away from the window and rubbed sleep from her

Theres a heavy fog up ahead. I pointed my

finger at the windshield. She watched it billow closer,
probably trying to figure out where the hell it was coming
What time is it? Salome squinted at the dash
clock; it was just about midnight.
Happy birthday to us, huh? I tried to sound
chipper, but my tone fell flat. The fog in my head had
returned, and I couldnt help but let it get the best of me. I
sped up despite the thickening cloud, trying to breeze right
past my problems.
Yeah. Happy birthday, Khaine. Salome unhooked
her seatbelt and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek, right
as we entered the fog bank. She had no idea what her touch
even did to me.
I thought I could just drive right through it, but it
had proven to be a not so easy task. Slowing down should
have been an option, but I didnt want to spend any more
time on this road; I wanted to be at the ranch with Salome.
I seriously cant see a thing. Despite being blind
in the fog, I kept driving at high speed.
No time to stop.
Maybe you should slow down. Salome
suggested. We had begun to weave out of the lane a bit, but
I assured her I had the vehicle under control.
Ive got it, Sal. Dont want us crawling at a snails
pace all the way to the cabin; I want us to have as much
time up there as we can. I was a little emotional, Ill
admit. In our relationship, I was the one with the feelings

while Salome was a little out of touch with her sensitive

side, despite people saying she was just cold.
I turned off my high beams and rolled the window
down. I figured if I stuck my head outside like a dog going
for a good ride, I might be able to see better.
But I took one gulp of the fog filled air and began
coughing violently, pulling my head back inside the car.
My eyes were watering as I slipped my glasses off my face
and blindly tossed them at Salome. I let go of the wheel in
a blind panic as the car jerked violently in to the oncoming
Jesus, Khaine! Put your foot on the brake!
Salome yelped as she held on to the wheel and tried to
direct the car back into its proper lane.
I took a deep breath and lifted my foot to punch the
brake when my whole body went stiff. Instead of the car
stopping, the engine revved even higher. My foot had
stomped down on the gas petal when I seized up, but I had
no control over my body. If I couldnt get myself to move,
we would both be in a world of hurt.
KhaineKhaine! I could hear Salome screaming
as she shook me aggressively, but I couldnt respond.
Then I felt every muscle in my body soften as it
prepared itself for a blow that I hadnt anticipated. It felt
like every fiber of my being was on fire as they vibrated
inside my body. I began to scream in agony, not able to
stop the destruction that was wreaking havoc inside me.
I began blindly tearing at my hair as I writhed in
my seat, finally pulling my foot free from the gas petal.

The car began to wobble violently as it decelerated,

but it somehow stayed straight; Salome must have been
holding the wheel.
I was seizing aggressively with no control over my
body and I knew that Salome was probably freaking out,
but I couldnt hear a thing; my ears were ringing
something terrible.
The car was still going far faster than it should
have as it came up over a hill and slid down the other side.
We were going to crash, that much I knew. There
was no way that Salome could shove me from my seat in
time to stop the car and I knew she wouldnt; shed have to
open the door and push me out going almost 90 mph
I felt myself begin to slip away as the pain coursing
through my body took me over the edge.
She didnt have a chanceand I couldnt help her
if I was unconscious.


I woke up to the sound of the horn blaring. My face

was smashed against the wheel; it was me making that
awful noise. I pulled myself upright in my seat and shut
my eyes hard before opening them again. My vision was

hazy, as it always was when I was without my glasses, but

it slowly began to clear and I could see much farther than I
ever had before. I was absolutely amazed that I could
perfectly see the detail in the bark of the tree we hit.
We had wrecked the car.
My body twisted in the seat as I attempted to check
on her, but I hadnt been expecting what I saw. Salome
hadnt had her seatbelt on; she had taken it off when she
went to kiss me at midnight. Her body had gone through
the windshield and was crumpled up against the trunk of
the tree. Glass was shattered everywhere and I could see
blood dripping from the broken visor.
I screamedno, howledwhen I saw her lifeless
form slumped on the hood, her head facing away from me.
I struggled to pull myself free and go to her, but the
seatbelt had locked tight up against my chest and was
digging in to my sternum as I tried to break free.
Maybe she was alive. Maybe she was
Dont kid yourself, Khaine; she couldnt have
survived that.
I fumbled around for my boot knife and cut myself
free from the belt before trying to push out of the car. The
metal of the door had crunched up like an accordion on
impact; there was no way it was opening now.
Fuuuuuuck. I cursed with every ounce of air in
my lungs. I threw my shoulder in to the door and,
surprisingly, the whole thing came off and crashed to the

I barreled out of the opening and on to the hood of

the car, careful not to move Salome in case she was still
SalomeSal, baby. I reached out to touch her
face; it was cold.
I didnt want to look at her; I knew that it would
only haunt me for the rest of my lonely life without her.
This wasnt supposed to fucking happen. The
circumstances surrounding the house may have been shitty,
but I wasnt going to let it stop me from having a great
weekendand finally telling Salome how I really felt
about her.
We had been friends since grade school, we grew
up togetherI was supposed to protect her.
Im a rather large, scary man when I have to be, but
in that moment I just cried. Long and loud, I howled in to
the night out of despair
And then something howled back.

June 6th 2016

Adam Baudin
What is going on in here? Josiah burst through
the dining room door with everyone else in tow. They must
have heard the Diviner shatter.
We werewe were Henri stuttered, scratching
the back of his head as he fumbled for a really good
We were using the Diviner and I broke it. Violet
replied, saving Henri the trouble.
You used it without our supervision? Josiah
spoke directly to Henri and ignored Violet all together.
Its his invention! Violet roared. She was not
taking Josiahs ill directed anger very well.
Yesinvention! That is all it is! That glorified
paperweight basically told us nothing. Josiah turned his
rage on to Violet.
I wanted to sock him in the face. Sock him so hard
that his nose audibly snapped.
It hasnt? Assumptions like that make an arse out
of peopleyou havent asked me what I saw yet. Violets
feet almost hovered over the ground as she floated closer
to Josiah.
She was about five seconds away from going
totally crazy on him.

Josiah looked sheepish, but tried to hold his

arrogant air as he spoke, Then what did you see?
A lot. More than I ever expected. I think that I
may have found a common denominator between Adam
and myself, as well as who my attacker was. Violet settled
in front of Josiah.
We all waited for her reply on bated breath. Henri
and I knew about theangel but she hadnt mentioned
anything else.
That man, Leather Trousers, Violet sniggered at
herself, He was an Angel of Death. Violet spoke and
waited for the information to sink in.
Excuse me? Did you say an Angel of Death? Like
the one that took the first born in Egypt? Medusa threw
her eyebrow up in question.
I guess so. I saw itI watched him transform
from a beautiful man with feathered wings to a cloaked
skeleton. I could just feel it in my bones. Violet closed all
three of her eyes as she clenched the fist that was still
stained with blood.
We were right then; angels and demons. Leo
scrutinized Violet before turning his attention on me.
Lets not jump to conclusions, Leonard. Dont go
assuming dat these kids are demons. Jackie defended us
I dont know what we are, but I think that we were
created by someone. Apparently Im a test tube baby.
Violets words were bitter as they seeped from her teeth.
She had been an IVF baby after all. How had she
not known?

But Adam isnt. Henri pointed at me.

The cat was out of the bag nowI would have to
tell him what I knew.
I actually am too. I started off slow, facing the
small group of people that was now listening intently.
Ive been doing some digging in to my past and found out
that my mother was part of a fertility research group that
resulted in her pregnancy with me. They were originally
just supposed to be harvesting eggs, but a second round of
paperwork that she didnt read thoroughly before signing
allowed them to essentially impregnate her. Part of the
contract was her relinquishing custody of me to the fertility
clinic. I was uncomfortable relaying this information to
such a large group.
Howhow is that even legal? Cassandra looked
disgusted at the thought of someone taking another
womans child.
Because she signed the paperwork; she gave up
her rights to the clinic and they legally took custody of me
before sending me in to foster care. I dont know all the
details I shrugged. I didnt want to talk about it
And what about you, Violet? Josiah turned back
to the three-eyed wonder in front of me.
My mother had always told me that my father had
left before I was bornclearly, that was not the case. From
what I saw, she was a willing participant for the
implantation. Violet turned her one seeing eye towards
me as she spoke.

What are the odds, though? You were born in

Belfast, Adam in New Orleans; there was an ocean
between you. Henri didnt want to accept that there was
an association. I had no idea why.
Maybe it was the same medical organization. I
suggested. That was a pretty good possibility.
The same organizationpossibly. What was the
name of the clinic? Josiah wanted to finally finish this
I dont know; the clinic is closed now. All the
information I got was second hand and through localsI
found her death certificate before anything. That made
two moms dead for me.
Josiah didnt even have to ask Violet, My mother
worked for a medical facility, the name of which she was
not permitted to tell anyone. I have a feeling that the
medical facility and fertility clinic are one in the same.
Violet seemed very sure of herself.
Alright then. Lets just get some rest for the night,
shall we? We plan on going to the cemetery tomorrow.
Josiah clasped his hands as he prepared to exit.
The one where we I started to ask, but he
didnt let me finish.
Transformed; yes. We are hoping to figure out
what that fog actually was. Rooms are ready for you
upstairs: Violet on the left of the hall and the two of you on
the right. Josiah pointed at the brothers before exiting the
dining room without another word.

Violet didnt budge as everyone filed out of the

room. She still had her hand clutched at her side,
completely motionless.
Lets get some sleep, Vi. I placed my hand on the
small of her back and she jerked away from me.
That sounds like a good idea. She mumbled,
following me and Henri to the second floor.

Do you need anything? I asked Violet as we
stood in front of her bedroom for the night. Henri had gone
on to his own room; he didnt have any strength left in him
after the twenty-four hours we had.
Just sleep. Violet brushed a lock of virgin white
hair out of her third eye.
If you need me, Ill be in the other room. I
pointed at the door across the hall.
Thanks, Adam. Ill be ok. Violet shuffled her feet
closer to the door. She was subtly telling me she wanted to
be alone.
Ok. Goodnight, Violet. I had this sudden urge to
hug her, but I knew she would not be very fond of that. So,
I settled with just a nod and a hasty retreat to my bedroom.
Maybe Violet needed the space right now; I know
that I needed to do some thinking myself.

June 6th 2016

Violet Eve
I know that he was just trying to be nice, but I
didnt want any reassurance right now. I was already going
over what tomorrow was going to be like. I wasnt sure if I
was ready to go back to ground zero, but I knew that I
needed to. It would be different in the daylight too; would I
be able to handle the sight of everything?
I just pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind
and piled my frosted hair high atop my head before
securing it with a bone comb I found on the dresser. The
mirror on the vanity held a reflection that I wasnt entirely
used to. The dusty lilac of my flesh, the visage of eyes
blinded by my own body, the third one that stared back at
me with violet intensity. I was literally staring at a
character from one of my own books.
Not one that was published, however. The
reflection was almost identical to a character I had been
working on for a story that hadnt even been written yet. It
was just a face I had seen, a body that showed up in a
dream one night

It seemed that they had been telling me something

all along
Then a thought struck me: the dream I had had on
the plane. I let myself fall deep in to the memory as I
crawled atop the four poster bed and clicked of the bedside
Had it been a dream? Maybe I just slept through
the whole flight like the man had said
Or maybe it had been something else entirely.
Maybe it had really happened and that businessman was
trying tomake me go down with the ship.
As I drifted off to sleep, my mind had made its way
to my first night in New Orleans, the night I was attacked
on my way back to Missys. Was that man wrapped up in
this too?
I never got to answer my own questions because
sleep overtook me and I drifted off in to another one of
those questionable dreams.

I had no idea who these people were; two faces
that were unrecognizable to me. Just one man, a very large
man, and one woman; driving on a dark road that I also
had never seen before.

They looked like they were arguing and then the

woman fell asleep. For some reason I couldnt hear
anything; it all played out in front of me like a silent film.
It felt like hours before the woman finally woke up
from her nap, he gestured at the clock, and she unhooked
her seatbelt before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
But then my vision narrowed on the road; a thick
fog was rolling at them through the high beams. The man
pointed this out to her and they stared on for a bit before
he rolled down the window and stuck his head out.
Everything after this point seemed to speed up: he
began coughing, stomping on the gas as he flung his
glasses over in to her seat. She reached out and grabbed
the wheel to steady the vehicle when he went rigid, his foot
now permanently mashed on the gas.
The woman was clearly freaking out as my dream
changed positions and I was looking in from the front of
the car. The fog was speeding past us as the woman
deliberated with herself on whether or not to pull the ebrake as they came up and over a hill. The man was now
seizing violently in the front seat, ripping at the hair on his
head before finally passing out.
She made her choice and yanked up on the
emergency brake, but no sooner had she flexed her arm,
when the same affliction as the man came over her.
The car careened off the road and struck a tree,
flinging my perspective out behind the vehicle and ejecting
the woman in to the tree on impact. Screeching metal and
shattering glass broke the silence of the movie and almost

jolted me awake. A honk sounded in to the night; someone

was laying on the horn.
If there hadnt been any noise, I would have
thought I had paused everything, but the horn ceased its
incessant blaring and I could see the mans shadow in
horror as he discovered his companion dead on the hood
of the car.
The drivers door blasted from its hinges and the
hulking man lumbered out, his sobs ringing out through
the deserted field beyond the wreck.
He came over to the hood and climbed on top. I
couldnt see what he was doing, just that his howls had
gotten louder.
And something returned those howling sobs.
Or it sounded like wolves
As if those animalistic cries were a cue, a dark
SUV pulled up behind my line of sight; its headlights
blinding me from seeing the wreckage.
Dogs were barking, wolves were howling, men I
couldnt see piled out of the other vehicle and began
surrounding the accident.
Put your hands up and come with us. Step away
from the woman and put your hands up! Someone was
yelling at the man that now seemed like he had nothing to
live for. Dark figures, four legged figures, began
appearing from the field. I couldnt gauge perspective in
my dream, but something was telling me that these were
far too large to be wolves.

Call an ambulance. The man called out, holding

his giant forearm up to shield his eyes from the blinding
light. He hadnt heard a word they said.
Come on now, Khaine. Shes clearly dead. A
different voice responded and a man came in to my view.
Merrick. I could hear a rumbling coming from
the hood of the wreck like someone had kindled the engine.
Hands up now, Khaine. Youre coming with us.
There were some issues with the deed you signed over to
me; that house isnt even yours yet. We were going to just
kidnap your girl, but you fucked all that up. Now we will
just take you instead. Merrick pointed a large caliber
handgun at Khaine.
Everything shifted. Khaine vaulted over the back of
the car as a shot rang out and the shadows that had been
prowling the perimeter howled before leaping in to fight.
Men were screaming, bullets were bouncing
everywhere, yelps and furious growls snarled in the
The headlights blew as something was slung in to
the front of the SUV. The battle ceased immediately, as
everyone was left blinded by the total darkness of the
I wasnt sure I could handle anymore; I was ready
to wake up, but the glowing green figure now hovering
above the hood of the car drew my attention back in.
Salome. I heard Khaine whisper as the figure
floated out above the war zone. But her light was
extinguished shortly after.

Another shot rang out, and Salome fell to the

ground. Khaine cried out again and went to protect her
when another fire from the gun took him down too.
Men were now scrambling about and I could
barely make out Merrick scooping up the woman named
Salome and dumping her in the back of their vehicle. They
somehow got the headlights working again, started the
engine, and sped off down the dirt highway.
Khaine was left alone, bleeding in the desert sand,
not able to help the woman he so desperately tried to

I woke up in the middle of a field of browning
grass. It was dark and nothing but the waxing moon shone
over my head.
What the fuck? I cursed, sitting up as I looked
wildly about me in the darkness.
I was in the field; the desert from my dream.
Strings of curse words and slang phrases began
spewing from my mouth as I stomped over to a tree I now
recognized. There was still broken glass and shards of
plastic that littered the dirt, but the car wasnt there
anymore. The plush cat that I saw the woman clutching
had been left behind, however. I picked it and held it close
as I walked towards the curb of a road.

Where was I? What fucking state was I in? I was

still in nothing but that white dress and no shoesin the
middle of nowhere USA.
I needed a payphone, but those didnt exist here in
the states anymoreexcept for the one that was right next
to me. It was a red box of course, because that was the
only thing I knew.
There was now a phone to call for help, but I still
hadnt the foggiest idea of where I was. The light had
started to come up on the horizon, so wherever I was, it
would be morning just about everywhere.
I stepped in to the booth and picked up the receiver
and then stood there like a dummy because I didnt
know anyones phone number. But that third eye had a
better memory than I did and my finger flew to the buttons
as I punched in someones number.
After three rings a man answered, ONeils. Its
way too early. How can I help you?
Nate? I hissed in to the receiver. Not quite sure
why I was whispering.
Violet? Nate seemed surprised to hear my voice
on the other end.
I need Adams phone number. I bit at my lower
lip, hoping that he wouldnt ask me why.
I thought you were with Adam. Nate wasnt
going to let me go that easily.
I amI was. Nate, just pleasegive me his
phone number. Its incredibly important. I was going to
need a pen and paper, but I noticed a pad and ink pen
dangling from the phone.

Um, yeah. Its 555-555-0002. Everything alright?

Nate reluctantly gave in, but was rather concerned about
my well-being.
Im fine. Talk to you later. And I hung up the
phone before he could say anything else. I waited
impatiently for a second to make sure the call had ended
before picking the phone up again, trying not to fumble as
I punched in the new number.
It rang and rang, but no one answered on the other
end. I hung up and tried againand again. Finally on the
fourth call someone picked up, I swear to God, if you
dont stop calling my phone Im going to strangle the li
Adam. I interrupted him before he finished
threatening to kill me.
Who is this? Adam still sounded rather angry; I
must have woken him up.
Its Violet. I breathed before going on to say
more, but it was Adams turn to interrupt.
Why are you calling me? Couldnt you knock on
the door? I could hear Adam shuffling about as he got
I would if I was there. I just wanted to explain to
him what was going on.
Waityoure not here? Josiah is not going to like
that. I could practically hear Adam shaking his head.
I dont give a damn what Josiah is going to like,
just listen to me! I was getting frustrated, I just woke up
in a field somewhere. I have no idea where I am and I need
you to come get me.

You whawait. Rewind. You woke up in a field?

Were you sleep walking or something? Adams breath
was broken as he paced around.
No. I was focused on the road now; a car was
coming over the hill, Hold that thought. I dropped the
phone and ran out of the booth, waving my arms at the
little yellow sedan.
The car slowed when it got to me and a woman in
her early fifties gasped.
Sweetheart, I dont know where youve been, but
you look like youve had a rough night. You need a ride?
She smiled at me, despite the purple everything. She had to
be on some sort of psychedelic to not be afraid of me.
No, maam. I was just wondering where I was; I
Im new around here. I tried to keep my third eye from
wandering about.
Youre in Eureka. The woman continued to smile
at me.
And that would be in which state? I didnt know
the geography of the US all that well.
Nevada, sweetheart. The woman winked at me
before I waved her off, and shot back in to the phone booth
to finish my call.
Adam? I picked the receiver back up and held it
to my ear.
Where the hell did you go? He sounded
aggravated now.
I had to ask somebody where I was. AdamIm
in Nevada. I waited for the inevitable What the Fuck?
to follow.

What theViolet! Youre on the other side of the

country. What in the ever loving fuck are you doing all the
way out there?
I dont know, but I think I may have brought
myself here somehow. I had a really weird dream last night
and whatever I sawmust have taken me to Nevada.
That was the best way I could explain it.
Then bring yourself home. Adam now sounded
I dont know how. I have no idea how to fix this
how am I going to get back to you? The words just
slipped out of my mouth. I meant to say home, but that
wasnt right. I should have said New Orleansbut Adam
was the one thing I sort of cared about right now.
We will figure it out. Whose phone are you calling
me from? I could tell that Adam was now bounding down
the stairs.
Its a payphonethat I made. I think. I squished
myself up inside the booth and pushed my foot against the
Stay where you are. Ill call you back in ten
Ok. Hurry. I urged as the line clicked.
It wasnt like I was going anywhere any time soon.

June 7th 2016

Khaine Wolfe

The bullet went clean through my thigh; it was

painful, but I managed to walk the two miles to the cabin.
There had been no time for me to stop them; even though I
was alive, the bullet wound was extremely painful none
the less.
They had Salome. Merrick had Salome and she was
aliveor maybe we all imagined what happened. All I
know is that when I came to after my second unconscious
episode, all bodies were gone.
When I got to the cabin, I let myself in and just
collapsed on the master bed as I started to cry again; I had
never cried so much in my life.
I fell in to a very shallow sleep for the rest of the
day, our birthday, before getting up well after dark. There
was still plenty of canned food in the cellar and I was able
to eat a little something before dragging myself to the
bathroom for a shower.
It was then that I saw what I really looked like after
the worst night of my entire life.
I broke the mirror; one punch shattered the whole
thing. Saying that I scared myself would have been an

understatement. I thought I was just delirious until I

realized it was my own reflection.
My eyes were the first thing I noticed. They were
usually a deep brown, almost black, but now they were
red. The whole eyeball was blood red. The teeth in my
mouth were insanely large; I dont know how I didnt feel
them before now. Everything else seemed normal, save for
the talons I had for fingers.
This all had to be a bad dream. There was no way
that any of this could have been real.
I washed my face a few times, hoping that it would
correct what I saw, but there was still a monster looking
back at me in the mirror.
What in the fuck had happened to me? To Salome
for that mattershe had floated over me as a glowing
green spectre. Oh, after she came back from the dead.
Now my monstrous good looks werent the most
incredible thing that happened. But Merrick had her, just
like he had wanted in the first place.
I had hoped that he wouldnt have questioned the
authenticity of the paperwork I had given him for the
ranch. I had photocopied the original deed, whited out
some pertinent parts, re-penned it, and copied the whole
thing again. Apparently Merrick had taken the time to look
in to it, thus knowing that I had lied to him about
ownership of the property.
So, he took Salome from me.
I hoped that if she was half as scary as I was that
she would put them in the dirt and get away, but she had

been shot also. I was lucky with the placement of my

wound, though she may not have been.
A cigarette sounded really good right about now
but I didnt have any. I left everything back at the wreck
save for my wallet in my back pocket and the keys I had
managed to pull from the ignition.
I was miles away from any convenience store and
walking wasnt an option. Now was not the time to go
without one of the two things that could help me get it
But I did have my wallet and I did have the car
keys: the keys to my now wrecked KIA and the keys to my
grandfathers old work truck.
The sun was just now coming over the horizon as I
flipped the tarp off the rusty blue truck and climbed in the
drivers seat. I was worried that the engine wouldnt turn,
but a miracle made it happen.
I could be at a convenience store in half an hour,
get myself some smokes, a drink, and chain smoke half the
pack before buying a whole carton.
The ride was going to be longer than I liked, but it
would at least afford me the time to stop and look at the
wreckagemaybe it would give me some answers.


I saw the hill only a few yards away; that meant I

was close. I slowed the truck down and prepared myself to
pull over when I almost nailed a British phone booth that
was propped up behind some unruly shrubbery. The brakes
screeched as I put my foot to the floor and yanked the
wheel back, stopping just in front of the door to the booth.
Someone screamed.
There was someone inside the phone booth.
I backed my truck up and attempted to keep it
closer to the curb, before throwing it into park and hopping
out to see who I had possibly hurt.
The door to the phone booth opened and a woman
stepped out.
A purple woman, dressed in a nightgown and
holding the cat I had given Salome.
Blind rage suddenly filled my field of vision with
red. I had this distinct feeling that whoever this bitch was,
she was working for Merrickand came back to see what
had been left behind and if they could salvage itjust like
he always did when he robbed anyone.
I didnt give her any time to speak before I lunged
with a snarl, straight at her tiny throat.

June 7th 2016

Adam Baudin
We have a big problem. I burst in to the kitchen
where Cassandra and Jackie were making lunch. I knew it
would be better if I talked to her over Josiah.
Good afternoon, sunshine. We thought you and
Violet were going to sleep all day. Cassandra smiled,
handing me a plate with a sandwich and some chips.
Violets not here. I just got right to it.
Say what now? Jackie cocked an eyebrow at me
and leaned against the counter.
Something happened. She just called me from a
pay phone in Nevada. I didnt have a lot of time to
explain; I had to call her back in ten minutes.
Cassandra dropped the plate of sandwiches that she
had been holding and just turned to Jackie for some sort of
How da fuck did she get to Nevada? Did she hop a
plane out of here in da middle of da night? Jackie laughed
at me.

Your guess is as good as mine, but she said

Nevada and I think I heard someone in the background
mention Eureka. I assured Jackie that this was no joke.
Thats like a six hour flight. Where in Eureka is
she? Jackie was finally taking me seriously.
I dont even know. I told her Id call her back in
ten with some sort of idea on how to get her back here. I
was getting antsy; I needed to make that phone call.
Ill call and arrange tickets for Las Vegas. Take
Henri with you and dont mention this to anyone else.
Jackie narrowed his eyes at me while Cassandra stood by
silently. Ill talk to Henri while you go call the girl back;
Cassandra and I will run defense for you.
Jackie slid a sleek cell phone from his pocket and
scrolled through his contacts for a number where he could
book a flight.
Be careful, Adam. Keep us updated along the way
and make sure you get Violet back safely. Things out there
wont be forgiving with the way you two look. Cassandra
warned me. She was right tooI looked like a dragon on
two legs with a beard.
Ill put on my secret disguise and no one will be
any the wiser. I winked and let myself out of the kitchen.
I flew up the stairs to my bedroom and hit redial on
the number Violet had called me from.
Hello? Her voice sounded muffled on the other
You ok? I had to check on her before I told her
the plan.

Just dandy. Thirsty, hungry, wanting a smoke. Ive

closed myself in the booth, but I am quickly regretting that
as it is blasted hot in this state. I just let Violet unload.
You are out westin the desert. But at least
youre safe. Jackie is buying two plane tickets to fly us out
to you. I let her know that we were coming to get her
How are you going to find me though? I dont
even know where in Eureka I am! I could hear Violet
tapping her nails on the metal frame of the booth.
You need to go I paused as I scrolled through a
map of Nevada on my phone, South. Just keep going
south and find someone who can point you in the right
direction. Id tell you to be careful, but I think you can
handle yourself. I directed her.
Its not whether or not I can handle myself, but if
people can handle me. Violet didnt seem like she
approved of this plan.
Its either this, or you figure out a way to teleport
your ass back here. She had to know it was either one or
the other.
Fine. Ill justis that a car? Violets voice was
muffled as she pulled the phone away from her mouth.
Fuck. Her last word was almost inaudible.
The phone was dropped just before a loud
screeching sound cut through the call. Violet screamed and
I could hear the phone slapping the walls of the booth as it
swung around like a lasso.

AdamAdam! You still there? Violet sounded

pained when she finally picked the phone up, Somebody
almost ran their truck in to the phone booth.
Are you ok? I was thoroughly panicked at this
point. She was so far away and there was nothing I could
do for her. She had just been rammed by a truck too;
hopefully the other person was kind enough to help her.
Im fine. A little banged up, but ok. Hes backing
the truck up now; let me call you back. Violet sounded a
little shaky.
Hopefully we will be out of here sooner than later;
its a six hour flight. Please, be safe. I wanted to say
more, but I knew she needed to talk to whoever it was that
almost ran her over.
Of course. Bye, Adam. Violet hung up the phone.
I had given Jackie enough time to talk to Henri; I
was ready to go. I had been packing my bag the whole
conversation with Violet and all I needed now was a ticket
in my hand.
We couldnt get to Violet soon enough.

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