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Tutor Name______________________________________________ Date_________________

Critical Thinking Skills Questionnaire

CVCC Learning Assistance Center Peer Tutor Training
View the PowerPoint, Critical Thinking Skills. Print off this questionnaire and
answer the questions. Turn in completed work to Becky Franklin or Cindy Ly in
the Learning Assistance Center. You will receive one hour of tutor training
credit after your answers are reviewed by the tutor coordinator.

1. What does it take for a critical thinker to change positions of a topic?

2. What type of thinkers jump to conclusions before looking at the evidence?

3. Describe characteristics of a black and white thinker.

4. In your own words, explain critical thinking.

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5. Why do students need good critical thinking skills?

6. When has critical thinking skills been helpful to you?

7. How can good critical thinking skills help you in college?

8. List ways to improve critical thinking skills.

9. What is required for good critical thinking?

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10.What is meant by a biased statement?

11.What steps should we take to solve problems successfully?

12.Give examples of how you personally can use critical thinking skills in your
daily life, tutoring, and school life.

You will receive one hour credit for viewing the PowerPoint and answering
these questions. Please give completed questions to Becky Franklin in the LAC.

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